Preggie Friends Since 2003

i tot jan's PAP one.. was wondering how come got porridge.. Law going change her sch next yr??
me myself been in a catholic pri sch for 6 six yrs but it din change my views on buddhism etc

got 1 gd news to share, just heard that one of my relatives gave birth to a 4.45kg gal thru normal delivery.. wonder how she did it

Hi Mummies
Thanks for wishes for the gals.
Quite tiring for me, half the time I don't recall what happened...I only got to eat the food later cos chara only allowed me, maid or mil to carry her..

jesse went to school today.. phew! he was ok, initially wanted me to sit with him but after he warmed up, he went ahead to play with his friends and hb/I left.
The main teacher said he is a confident boy.. but scully he went to kick someone's bricks and kena made to sit in corner.. hahaha..

Seems her fine motor skills are delayed eg she is una to pincer pick so far, so we hv to bring her for various therapy session..the occupational therapy session is this week. For speech too, altho I really don't know what they expect her to talk about... but did learn sth valuable ie to spend 1 to 1 playtime with her.. cos if all three play together, she may lose out... altho lately she can hold on to a toy if julien attempts to snatch it.
Yeah everyone says julien looks like me altho I dun find it so..

Yes the green striped one is the older stock. I think they hv less than 10 designs in the shop.

Bysi has new stuff?

Pumpkin Patch stuff ex or not?

U take care... once we fall sick, really sian.. and u cannot take mc somemore.

joel started his school?

My hb also wants to be pre-school bus driver!! Hahaha!!!

I find the new Robinsons not v nice to shop, I don't like the new wing, macham no exit like that.. nothing much for kids' stuff either.

That weight is quite scary leh....

Who are these two boys???

Poor jan, stuck in bus for so long, beta do sth about it.. cos v tiring leh. jesse KO at 9pm liao..

Yes the term is 'say grace'... tell him just see how things go, since jan is ok there, then leave it for now.

Wah U wanna be preschool teacher??

jesse also likes to take bus but 1.5 hrs is a tad too long leh...hehe

Hv some questions:
1. For this year, our tods are still going to so-called playgroup.. does it mean that next year, it wl be Nursery? What is the difference? Is Nursery for 2 years?

2. How many hours does ur tod attend now? I was surprised that when my mum went to ask Appletree, they only conduct 1.5 hours. jesse's one is 2.5 hours.

3. For Nursery, is it also 2.5 hours, or more?

4. C/c - do they hv half day ??

Sorry, I'm quite blur about this....
Floral - yeah, hb says he wanna try the smaller arrangements for his next one.. in small glass bottles.. let's see what he'll buy at Far East Flora..haha
Morning mummies,
Nursery/playgroup.. depends on which centre/sch ur kid is attending. Ryan was in playgroup last year. This year he is in Nursery 1. He is in full day CC so he goes to sch anytime after 7am and must be fetched before 7pm. They do have 1/2 day CC which ends at 12pm ( they may not bathe the kid and just change his clothes if he is there 1/2 day). Cost wise 1/2 day CC may only be $100-$150 cheaper than full day CC.
The structure is
1st -Playgroup
2nd - Nursery 1
3rd- Nursery 2
4th yr - K1
5th yr - K2
Ur HB's 2nd floral arrangement is nicer than his 1st. Does he go for classes?
Morning Stylobb,

Jus a quick post to answer your qns.

Yes, for this yr, your tods are in playgroups a.k.a N1. When they turn 4, they will go to N2, 5yr old go K1, 6yr old - K2.

Sch hours differs from school to school. CY's playgrp was 2hrs, now his N2 class is 3hrs long.

CC does hv a half day curriculum. Bbgal used to send Ray to half day CC, not sure if it's still e case now.
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Stylobb,
Yup, do have the ambition to be a cc/preschool teacher last time but dun think I have the patience lah...hahaha

Answers to your questions: -

- Raine is in N1 this year, think Jesse shd be too. CY, Josh, Ryan and Joey shd be in N2 this year as they are born in 2003.

- Raine attend full day cc but if she will to tsf to the church school, it will be 3hrs nursery.

- Yes, there is half day am or pm cc services available.

Hi Hong,
Raine had the same BB Bop cake for the family celebration but coz the cc cake is 1.5kg, she had all the 2 characters.
Ok, so is there a fixed age when they are supposed to be in Nursery?? Like 4 years old??? I mean kids are supposed to be 6 yrs old when they attend Primary right?

Yes, he thinks so too.. improving each time haha... He borrowed books to look and read up...
good morning mummies!

trying to chalk up more posts issit? 3 separate posts. hehe
bysi always have new stuff when i go, tink their new stock comes weekly
pumpkin patch, tink quite reasonable $20-$30 for tops, $30-$40 for pants. now dbs woman's card having 10%. tangs was having 20% over the weekend. not sure still on or not.
i can answer a few of your qns, mummies pls correct me if i am wrong.
1) tink its n1 then n2, followed by k1, k2 then primary sch.
2) ash is at apple tree now. yes its only 1.5 hrs. tink it varies from sch to sch. ash playgp last yr is for 2 hrs and its $20 cheaper per mth.
3)this one i not sure. mayb trans can tell u since cy in nursery now.
4) yes cc have half days but usually its very ex as compared to full day. abt 3/4 of full day cost so its more 'hua suan' for full day.

sekali you got same top as me bcoz the 3 recent tops i got all got black and white versions. hehe... the last 2 i got is 3/4 puffy sleeves one.
wow, stylo got qns so many responses in the am. stylo, u must ask more qns next time to make the mummies appear

so is playgroup=n1 or not? i am confused bcoz ash is still in playgp this yr.

I tink its jus how the sch term it lah. For 3yrs old, some sch call it playgrp, some call it N1, some call it pre-nursery. These days very fanciful one. Not like last time we oni got K1, K2.

BTW, yday evening my mom very hao lian, told me CY din cry in sch, but got 2 other kids cry until very cham. Duno so HL for wat, kns...
Thanks for clarification. Now I know liao.. ok, noted down the year/classes. I'm confused mum...hehe..

Raine wlbe back to ur parents if she attends half day?

I see 8.29am still no one is around...
I wl be early frm today onwards..

I find 1.5 hours too short for playgroup.

3/4 puff sleeves are in right? I saw a nice one at GG5, but cost like $70+... ex hor, for a top.... I like the cutting though.

$30-40 for kids pants is not cheap...

How is CY at school? Ok now?
Now that jesse goes for his school, it's easier for my mum as she does not need to fetch him.

Btw we went to watch "Death Note 2" yesterday, see how pathetic the movies are such that we hv nothing else to watch.. fort. we had a 1 for 1 ticket... -- Waiting for Spiderman 3 now...

CY is ok wz sch now but now i got another prob. Cos he wakes up earlier now b4 I leave 4 work, every morning he would cry for me to stay at hm. This morning better, yday he was hugging my legs at the door and my mom practically had to tear him away. Now then I know he is so attached to me man...

Death Note 2 not nice leh, I nearly dozed off at one pt. Tonite gg to watch Confession of Pain.

BTW, I wanna order gu ni hoon from dignus leh. U got a code or sthg dat I can use rite?
it depends on school like trans say it is either called playgroup or pre nusery. shdn't be N1 coz the standard is higher then playgroup.
Good morning mommies!!

Hi StyloBB,

Here're my views to your questions:-

<u>Answers to Q1</u>
N1 - for kids who will turn 3 in 2007
N2 - for kids who will turn 4 in 2007
K1 - for kids who will turn 5 in 2007
K2 - for kids who will turn 6 in 2007
Pri 1 - for kids who will turn 7 in 2007

<u>Answers to Q2</u>

For Joey, her classes starts at 9 and ends at 3. In between, they sleep for 1.5hrs.

This is the same for all grades i.e from pre-n to K2

<u>Answers to Q3</u>

CC has full day and half day, half day will end at 12.30pm. Fees for full day/half day is the same.

Abt your Ken.. i think he's truly a SNAG

Hi Hong,

Though i'm not a christian, i really dun see the point why "saying grace" should be a deciding factor on the choice of school. What matters most is whether she's enjoying the structure of lessons and the company of her friends and teachers.
aiyoh.. my posting came too late..haha

Hi StyloBB,

The other day, KB went shopping with me and when i showed him the prices of children stuff, he exclaimed that they are so expensive! In my mind, i'm saying "Now then you know!".. He says he'll prefer to get clothing for joey from the Al Cheapo factory outlet shop at Amara Hotel.

Hi Trans,

Hahaa.. so chiong yao.. hanging on to your legs.. haha... now you know how much he loves you liao...
so playgp or prenursery =/not n1. according to trans its = right?
last yr when i try to enrol ash in apple tree playgp they say she is underaged and they only accept students of 3 yrs old &amp; above. but some playgps they do accept so i have to let ash repeat playgp (but in diff schs) again this yr.

a lot of pple tell me death note 2 not nice. my gf currently super siao dn. her hp all dn stuff. now telling me she want buy a xi wang ri ji...

so now you have no doubts abt cy feelings rite? hehe...
your mum hapi cy din cry and other kids cried mah.. haha macham a competition, see who cry the longest....

ya tink puff sleeves are in. bysi one not so ex. $39 only.

I dun yan jiu all these so Ruffy could be rite. I am not so bothered abt e standard cos my purpose of sending CY to sch is more for him to interact wz others and learn softer skills, like how to share, take turns, etc.

I tink I am one lazy mommy lah. I'm more concerned dat CY enjoys e schooling experience then if he has learnt his ABCs or 123. Then again, of cos the sch's standard cannot be too low lor.
its ok... bcoz i scared i am doing the wrong thing for ash bcoz i am like you, din even do much homework for the schs. just go apple tree since its so near and sch is reputable enuf. next yr i shd be sending ash to church kindy liao. wanted to send this yr but ash is underaged again, they only have classes from 4yrs &amp; above.
Must ask more questions ah????
<font color="0000ff">Have u all bot clothes for urself and ur tods for CNY??? Hahaha...</font>

BYSI has dresses?? .... so far those I saw elsewhere are not nice leh..

Btw my office email is up and down again... sigh.. do u think if I ever look for a job, can I tell the interviewer I wanna quit cos email system is no good ah??? Sian.....

Ur gf zong du? Why wanna buy a death notebook? Siao liao...

I find Appletree quite strange, they dun accept 18 mths tods and the sessions are short.
I also didn't do much research, one criteria is cannot be too far cos I don't want the kid to travel long distance.

Maybe ur mum feels relieved too.. cos if they cry, v faan....

So funny, when hb and I walked into the playgrp/nursery class, we stayed for a while and this boy walked in and he held on to hb's hand... hahaha..

Fanciful names - yah yah, confuse all the parents ...

CY - aiyoh, so heartpain rite.But even if he cries, u feel a little nicer cos u feel 'needed'.. hehe.. Maybe u psycho him the nite before???

Hb says the movie is so boring..haha...
Tell me about Confession of Pain tomorrow...

Hv smsed u the code.. actually I think it's supposed to help me get rebates or sth altho so far I hvn't tried.. thanks.
I find the AM supermkt is selling Gain cheaper than them.. so far I just go to AM to buy.... the Grow version at AM is 2.1kg and is cheaper too. Btw I saw AM has the Friso pack, 2 normal and 1 small tin, about $33+.

Wah, ur answers to Q1 is so cheem leh.. hehehe..

Becos he arranges flowers...? Haha.. that day asked me to rembr the colour code/types for the flowers, I say, aiyoh, just snap the pics with digital camera and bring to the orchard lah...

Did u see any new stuff at the Moo Moo Cow shop???

Thanx for the info on the train. Wl definitely tell hb about it and see if we can make a trip there... I'm sure jesse wl enjoy ..

I missed e part u say ur gf wanna buy e deathnote. Jus make sure she doesnt write ur name down in the note book when she's got it hor. Hahaa.


Thanks, got ur sms. I hvnt log into the website yet.

I tink e diff between AM &amp; dignus is less than 50c for Friso, so I tot I'll jus order from dignus, saves me the trouble of carrying the tins home.

re CY, I psycho him almost every nite. He siao siao one lah. These days bo dai bo ji tells me he luvs me. Tink he is 'toying with my feelings', blows hot &amp; cold... Hahaha.
Hi mummies,
I was late for work. I think i need to talk to my boss regarding my working hr if i need to bring janelle to school. Her class starts at 8:30am, althot i put her there at 8:15 but by the time i reach office is already 9:30am.

School - Janelle is in Pre-nursery or N1, 3hrs programme. She cried for 10s and stop, i asked her to help her teacher with other stuffs, bid goodbye and left.

Church kinder - I think Law is "Tao hong". U all know he is also aganist me sending Janelle to church kinder. I told her no change, I said i dun like PAP. He got a gd reason that the PAP is at MIL blk and easier for her to fetch Janelle but i refused. I told him that meant Janelle was going to stay with MIL overnite again. He replied we could bring her back but i refused. I need to do something to ensure we MUST bring Janelle back.

I didnt do much research abt the school this time. I just asked my neighbour and she told me gd so i just enrolled her. Last rd i did so much research on CC and i end up disappointed. My collick told me dun give too much expectation and i wun feel so bad. True, i like the church kinder. They have a great set of outdoor playground set that always make the kids so excited.

Milk - Dr Sim said if Janelle complained abt tummyache, it may be that her body started to reject lactose. He wanted me to switch to Pedisure.

Moo Moo cow - there is another branch at the Arcade, level 1.

1kg is enough for the family. Only 13 of us and the kids share the cake with the parents and i still have 2 pieces left in my fridge.

The smaller boy is Jovan, the Botak boy is Law's gd friend son - JunTao. He so poor thing, there was once he got water retention and was dignose that the kidney cannot disolve protein. He was put on steriod medication now. Luckily he was young if older, the kidney may have failed.
The iside effect of the medication is hyper-active.
clothes - myself, i trying to keep the 3 new bysi tops for cny but dun know can i endure the temptation of wearing new clothes. hehe.. anyway my jpn trip is cfm liao (got 20 pax liao) so i wun need many new clothes anyway.
ash, mostly her new clothes for jpn (long sleeves and pants). still trying to keep some previously purchased new polo tops for her too. hehe..
bysi have dresses, mostly retro or floral kind, dun know if its your type hehe...
southaven have nice dresses too, but more ex abt $89 but i tink will suit u more. can oso go the outlet shop at hong leong gardens to see look. dresses is $30-$50 there.
yes playgp distance wise is concern bcoz ash previous sch need to walk abt 10mins but comes rainy or very sunny days its quite troublesome.

deathnote = tink she really siao abt it. btw she is reading the comics too.
dun tink my name will be on the dn yet bcoz she is still for her bday treat in mar. hehe
haha cy is macham your bf...
CNY clothes - I got enough for Janelle and Julian. I intended to order online cos very hard to get my size here.
So young CY can toy with feelings ah.. tsk...tsk..tsk... u know jesse always tells me he loves me.. that day I asked why, he said 'becos u are so fat.' ...aiyoh, wat kind of reason is that??? !!! But yesterday he said 'becos u are fat fat, thin thin..' hahaha....

Friso - yes, don't bother to lug it back to ur flat cos wlbe heavy..

Rembr I told u about the car sets/train sets? Left one at my mom's place, silly me, I shud hv done that earlier. But we kept the train set liao, too complicated and too many small and sharp parts...

Working hours - contrary to u, I think I wl be early, good too, that means i can leave early.... hehe...
I'm sure if ur supervisor/boss is ok, u can work out some arrangement.
So jan only takes the bus one way? Hv u resolved the transport issue?

Does jan come home every evening now? She is growing up liao, good to spend time with her. I told hb since jesse sleeps earlier, gotta spend more time before he KO.

How he knows that the church says grace? He was there?

I keep forgetting u are going to jpn during cny...

Talking about clothes, I need to get some more bottoms for jesse as his playgroup does not hv uniform. Wl source for them at the cheap shop near my office.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>
I have more questions:
Is it time for us to wean off milk bottles from our tods?
Is it true that once they drink from cups, they wl drink less??
Ryan also..when he comes back from school will go around and say " I love you...mummy" and give you a big hug and kiss. Then 2nd part.. Mummy/daddy carry me pls -see got condition attached ..

I also think it is time to start weaning ryan off bottle as he can drink from cup by himself without spilling but when he is at home.. he insist on drinking milk in the bottle.. I think will take a bit longer coz he sees Roy drinking from the bottle so he wants to do the same. Have tried giving him in cup.. he took one sip ..then ask me to transfer it to bottle.. dun want to drink from cup.
the msg for stylo har. hahah..

I am not urgent to wean Janelle off the bottle yet.

Grace - cos he was there when they having tea-break. After that he told me wanna change her to PAP. I told him NO.

Infact buddist also say grace before eating.

Janelle comes back every evening but she still sleep very late. May be not very use of the arrangment yet. She was climbing up and down the bed till i have to warn her that if she continue i will get angry and wun allow her to come up to our bed again.
Yeah, Joel started school last Wed, his is a 3-hr session. Jesse is very sociable. Joel is still drinking water from milk bottle.

Are you very touched and soft-hearted by CY reaction? At that moment, any impluse to become SAHM????

Me too. Dun see any urgency in weaning CY off the bottle. I personally feel dat CY won't drink as much if I make him drink from cups. I rbr drinking my milo from bottle even when I was 5yr old, so no hurry lah. Hehe...


No leh, no impulse to be SAHM. Dun wanna lose my sanity yet. Me not e domestic type lah. If take a few days leave to stay hm is ok, but not long term for me.

actually what's abt saying grace b4 eating? thot it can be a gd way to tell the kids to appeciate food... Nowadays Good school is hard to find... tell Law to be more positive. If next time Janelle want to believe in Christ, he also got no choice right?


Weaning of milk bottle - guess is up to u. We will try to make milk in the cup for Matt and he can finish, but when comes to sleeping, we still use milk bottle, maybe slowly will wean him totally off.

Movies - envy u to be able to catch so many shows, it has been ages since we last had a proper show.

Ken is so loving, making floral arrangment himself, and he has done it well! does he intend to open a shop?


Me too!!! thinking of becoming a preschool teacher, can't imagine myself still doing accounts when i am old, wan to play w kids to keep myself young.


Is there a church kindy near our place? do u mean the one next to St Joesph?
yalor, 4.45kg is scary wt

better enjoy wat CY say to u.. ely nv told me she loves me.. mine is cold all the time.. she went popo's hse.. i called her up.. she told me she very happy over there dun need to fetch her back.......
i still remember i drinkin milk from bottle even i pri 1 leh.... oops
i not urgent in weaning ash off milk bottles too although i have tried it for her last feed a few nites b4. from cup she is faster but i feel tend to leave some balance.

i got 2 cousins who kids are gg MCI (spelling?). not sure where is it but they are taking the school bus everyday.

I don know where is the school too, but thot MCI sound familar... i always c some kids wait at the void deck near my blk for school bus and the bus usually comes around 8am.


Sorry, no such experience, maybe u can check w ur gynae?
U can imagine Law saying he wun let that happen. He probably disown her. hahaha..
I told him then too bad lor. She still has a mummy who support her. He ke siao one. Very old fashion mindset. Must have being poison by his mother.
How come jan has so much energy at nite? She naps a lot in the afternoon??

Sorry, hehe, I just have this vision of Law telling Jan: I am the FATHER, u are my DAUGHTER, u beta listen to me!!! (joking... joking...)

jesse is not v sociable, he needs time to warm up....he wl talk to u if u talk to him...

Talking abt sahm, there is this sahm at my block, she seems to be v naggy, cos every time I see her, she is yakking away at her kids or she wud come and yak at us....

Make floral arrangement = loving? I think he suddenly has the interest lately lah. But he did jokingly say I cannot see the books...
Open flower shop.. hey, this is sth I don't mind.... hehe

We also find it difficult to have time out with each other. Now that my brother says he can take jesse once a while on sats, I shud capitalise on the offer.... hehe...

Wah, both of u hv good memory, I can't recall if I drank from bottle or not...

Aiyoh, ely boh hiew u ah...

U mean ash drinks from cup for her last feed?
Do u still wake up once to bring her to pee?
good morning mummies

the sch is at teck whye. not sure actually where is it. nic is currently at playgp too? ash at bbp apple tree now. very convenient for nanny now.

it depends on how hardworking i am... hehe.. if i lazy i will just use milk bottle. bcoz if last feed is cup i hv to sit there and make sure she finish it...
no i din wake up sometime back liao. i realised she can hold her pee/she has no pee until she wakes up. sometimes after she wakes up i have to hurry her to go and pee otherwise she can play until forget or bu gan yuan go...
Hi Mummies

How come jan has so much energy at nite? She naps a lot in the afternoon??

Sorry, hehe, I just have this vision of Law telling Jan: I am the FATHER, u are my DAUGHTER, u beta listen to me!!! (joking... joking...)

jesse is not v sociable, he needs time to warm up....he wl talk to u if u talk to him...

Talking abt sahm, there is this sahm at my block, she seems to be v naggy, cos every time I see her, she is yakking away at her kids....

Make floral arrangement = loving? I think he suddenly has the interest lately lah. But he did jokingly say I cannot see the books...
Open flower shop.. hey, this is sth I don't mind.... hehe

We also find it difficult to have time out with each other. Now that my brother says he can take jesse once a while on sats, I shud capitalise on the offer.... hehe...

Wah, both of u hv good memory, I can't recall if I drank from bottle or not...

Aiyoh, ely boh hiew u ah...

Hb still needs to bring jesse once for his pee at around midnite.
I don't know what happened..cos u mentioned the pee thing, so I deleted loh, maybe I hit the wrong button. Check ur email, I sent u sth...
Good morning mummies!


Hahahaha... he is quite old fashion thinking... me sometime will also but not in religion area, shd never try to stop one's belief... :p


Oh is in Teck Whye, so u intend to let Ash join them? Nic is still too young to go to school, later c how....

Appletree not cheap hor, and hrs so short, din find it worth. Does Ash likes the lesson there???

Recently Matt started to refuse school, don know y... haiz...


At least he make the effort to make floral arrangement and send u flowers, not many HB still doing that, at least not mine.

i remember one of my ex-coll's hb will send her flower occasionally and really makes her proud and happy for few days...

Gd that ur bro can take Jesse out on Sat, can spend some couple time together. I need my own time to relax, so hard ever since i started work and i onli started working for few days!!! miss my SAHM time... *sob,sob*


How are u and Josh? better now?
sorry i meant matt. haha... matt in which sch now? what happened to him?
apple tree is quite ex... mayb bcoz its 'branded' hehe.. ash 2nd day already tell me she prefers apple tree compared to previous sch... zhen mei liang xin... so fast forget abt her previous teachers and friends... hehe
ya will let ash join next yr, since she got 2 cousins there.
That's a funny vision. Will being a SAHM become naggy??? Must ask bbgal then... I am naggy already even being a FTWM, can't imagine if I am SAHM, will be much more naggy...
I think so long as we are ftwm and have 2 or more kids, it's tough. Plus u have to study..
I find one kid is easy peasy esp if hv help frm grandparents or maid. But if handle alone, also not easy.

Yah my hb still sends me flowers, he sent me flowers on my first day of work with my co...

Appletree is considered ex ah.. The one that my mum asked is only $125 but for 1.5 hours.

Then she wl come and talk to us when she sees us..... haha... at first, I thot she was quite friendly but later on discovered she can really yak... wow, now that u mention bbgal, she is the only sahm here leh...
ya its quite ex considering the hours is shorter than the other schs. i am paying $170 for 1.5hrs. diff sch diff charge. tink depending on the location. mine is in shopping mall so rental higher=sch fees higher?
Morning mummies,

How is Josh now? Hope he is back to his cheery self soon

We will be having Roy's 1st mth celebration this sat. will post pics in the boy's webby. This year instead of cakes/ cake cards we are giving out personalised party favors- popcorn
