Preggie Friends Since 2003

Happy Bday to Jesse, Chara and Julien.

Happy Bday to Charlene.

got the chinese name for Clarence?

Happy new year mummies!

Joey really enjoyed her many lovely pictures taken..
I'm now co-ordinating Roy's 1st mth party on the 13th..

The red shoes look really nice. The bouquet of flowers are also very lovely. So you will be getting an orginal flower arrangement for V'day this year?

The sentosa train should be running on the 4th..if I am not mistaken.. HB said that should be up this week or so.. last two week they were busy going on "train rides" to test the system. So fast the twins are 1yrs old

some of the pre-preggie bottoms can be worn.. not all..some are still too tight around the waist.. must lose some more weight then can wear those. I'm sure in a few mths time you should be able to wear your old clothes..don't worry. I only lost about 8kg so far..still have lots more kg to shed to get back to "ideal" weight.
Hi Mummies

Saw sth that wl make joey HAPPY... at Funan Centre, there is this outlet called Hannspree.. hv tv sets/monitors in customised designs.. haha.. maybe u can get KB to spend more $$?

Pink ones? None leh, this design is only in black or red.. unless ur pink ones are in full leather .. The red pair is in suede/leather..

Did u bring Jan and Ju out these few days? We did bring all three, so tired out.. HB has lost like 3 kg over the past few months. I'm usu flat out by 2pm...
Today let my maid have off till 2pm since it's NY's day... hb says I'm so nice to her, I say, nvm lah, after all it's NY and everyone shud hv a break.

Shoes are $44.10 after discount, have the adult's version....probably costs more.

We went Labrador Park again before lunch... see the bike that jesse is on.. no pedal, it's to help him learn how to balance.. so far he's quite good.



Wl show jesse's cake to u...
Suddenly Prima Deli so popular here..

Yes I like apple green roses/white roses with lotsa greens/noosa..

Happy 3rd Birthday to charlene too.. hehehe..
Must share photos too.

Flowers - no lah.. still gotta deliver right... hahaha...

Ok, thanx for the update re the train.. we look fwd to it.

I can't get rid of my loose tummy.. so sian...

Ur hairclips are on my gals' hair... today let them wear.. haha... quite cute but julien was tugging at hers.
They look a bit grouchy cos it was quite hot...

Aiyoh, still waiting for all 4 to wake up ..oh..... julien just got up...
u know what jesse is up to these days, time for nap, he'll say "I'm not tired, I don't want to sleep..." I can see his 'dark circles' coming up and he still tells me he is not sleepy.. just now also like that, hv to smack him, then ignore him and he then fell asleep...
Hi StyloBB, Cherly

Happy birthday to Jesse boy, Charlene, Chara, Julien! Wishing them Kuai Gao Zhang Da, Shen Ti Jian Kang.

Hi Stylobb,

What kind of shop is Hannspree? Sounds so high class leh... We just came back from Funan, bought Joey a tempur bear.. so huggable! haha..

oh.. here's a pic of joey's puma
shoes...hahaa.. I think they might have phased this out already. Bought them abt 6mths ago.


Hi Chris,

Debenham closed liao? Hmm... actually not surprising.. coz the stuff there were so expensive. Thot they were way overpriced.
What is tempur bear?? Another exp purchase???

Oh..nice.. prob. was a summer colour. Urs is full leather rite? If hb had seen it, I'm sure he would hv bot for the gals...

Hannspree.. they sell tv screens which double up as pc monitors... hv smaller screens and the cover is eg. that of an animal.
ya din buy much, din even get any clothes for myself. that pair (its a wedge btw) and the colourful one are my fav.
nope, it din rain at all in kl, very sunny instead.
the dress looks very well kept! julien looks very demure in it!

ya did a bit of sightseeing, went kl tower and petronas lor. pf wanted to go batu caves but too lazy to go so went shopping instead. hehe... 4 days just nice in kl, take our time to shop then go back for the kids to nap then out for dinner and then shopping again.

so coincidence today talking abt toddles sport shoes, my mum just bot ash a pair of nike from MS today. ash chose this pair, guess the reason why


i saw the puma pink one at queensway some time back. the red one shd be the newer stock. my cousin told me she got the cheong one from hk in blue last week. looks like this design is quite popular. personally i still prefer adidas.

msia having year end sale now but dun know why vincci no sale. pdi, seed and all other dept stores all having sale.
aiya, nearly forgot, happy birthday to charlene, jesse, chara and julien! (shd be belated to charlene and jesse since over 12am liao, hehe)
Good morning mummies.

How's everyone new year day?


My mum and sisters told me will be difficult to get rid of loose tummy after 2nd birth, both my sisters still got abit flabby tummy. For me, my tummy is quite flabby as compare to previous pregancy.
Cakes, charlene like the choco cake and we got her a small cake from prima deli as well. Only family celebration for her.


Clarence chinese name is You Xian. You in Bao You de You and Xian is Xie Xian de Xian.


Their birthday just started after 12am and you so fast wishing them belated birthday?
Morning Mummies

Maybe chris thot their birthdays are 1 jan... hehe...chris, is it??

Loose tummy - really?? Sigh... like that sounds like no hope liao... for a while, mine was ok, but after my last KL trip cos I ate a lot, it was flabby again....
U also got frm Prima Deli????!! Hahha.. so nearly all Prima Deli this year...hehehe.... they gonna deliver the cake b4 12pm...

The nike shoes are nice! esp with the velcro type of straps, easy to wear... but hb does not like the design...

Yeah 4 days is just nice for KL... ash ate anything? Now they are bigger, it's much easier hor....

RL dress, the material is still v good...

I'm trying to look for The Devil Wears Prada DVD, but so far is out of stock, only hv the VCD...
Morning Mommies!!


Wishing Jesse and Charlene "Happy 3rd Birthday"!!


I saw the DVD at Carrefour. Not sure still have stock or not loh...

I went to watch Borat yesterday. Damn funny but crude!! I cringed when I saw the bedroom scene w the 2 guys.... Piangz.
Forgot: Thanks for all the b/day wishes...

Went to Prata Cafe but ended up at MacRitchie playground instead... jesse kicked ball with hb...aiyoh, got his shoes so dirty!!! Mine too!!!
I was with the gals but they started fussing cos were feeling sleepy...
After a while, we decided to leave cos it was quite hot.

The movie's quite crass.. not really what I liked.
He really looked so different from his other character Ali G... apparently some ppl wanted to sue him after this movie..

DVD, have ah? Ok, wl go Carrefour to take a look when I hv the time... the long break's about to be over... haiz.

Was trying to make jesse take his nap and after nearly one hour of unsuccessful attempt, I asked him why he doesn't sleep, he told me, "I cannot close my eyes."
Good Evening Mummies!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Jesses & Charlene!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Ryan. We celebrated his birthday by bring him to swimming pool everyday in Bintan! He had a great time but kept saying he want to go home. Once home, he said he want to go ka ka (shopping) Hazi...

Celebrated his birthday on the 29th with his classmates.

I got his cake from Prima Deli too hahahaha last time all from Creative this year all from Prima. Next year?? This is his 2kg cake but I didn't get to taste it... the teachers kept it for tea as we celebrate it too near to lunch.

opps, Ryan wake up... I see if I can log in again later...
Prima Deli cake is so standard. No creative at all. I wanna add something and they said cannot.

Stylo, i have a lousy xmas and New year. Janelle was sick and Law fell sick too. I was kind of piss n feeling frustrated staying at home during this festival season. Call me an unreasonable wife and mother. I just dun wanna stay at home.

When we decided to go out for a breather and meet up with MIL, i ended my shopping so much more earlier. I shldnt have agreed with Law to meet his mother at Parkway. Janelle was throwing her tantrum with MIL ard and MIL kept nagging to go back home when Julian fussed a while during the stay. She always did that when we go out.

How did u get that bike for Jesse that come without pedal?

Seriously i like the red pump, i need one myself. It will be nice if i have a same pair with Janelle. hee hee..

Chara and Julien look lovely with the hair clip.

There is a Chateu de Sable branch at Parkway. I spotted a dress that i like very much. Still consider shld i get one for Janelle for CNY. Ang Ang somemore..

Nice name. Janelle only like chocolate. She told me must get her chocolate cake.

Did u get anything from Seed and PDI this time?
HK have the same pump? I wonder if Macau will have cos Law will be going there for his coy insentive trip.
Prima Deli cake - ok, taste is 'normal' only...


Wl see how Cake Avenue fares next week.

O dear.. can understand how u feel about being stuck at home over the festive period.. so sian rite...
Daytime I also rather that we go out with the kids. Today the gals slept from 2pm till about 4pm.. other days they only nap 1 hour!

Shoes - oh, they may not hv Jan's size though. They hv the adult's one. Check out Royal Sporting House.

Bike - from Toys R Us.. it's used to help tods to learn how to balance..

Dress - is white on top and red below right???

Yah looks like we hv come a long way from ecake to prima.. haha... I won't bother every year to buy special cakes lah.
Btw, I think our kids nowadays are so fortunate... they get cakes, toys, parties, aps, etc... jesse has 1 train set, 1 airport set, 1 car set.. I'm sure some of ur tods hv more .. I told hb we dun need to buy him any pressies...
sorry, i was dreaming. hehe i tot its 3 jan past yday midnight. now still in time to wish charlene and jesse happy birthday! hehe...

ya i purposely got vecro bcoz easier to wear. ash last adidas was laces and very difficult for wear bcoz of her bak kar and oso the laces easily get dirty or untied.
ya ash ate everything we ate at kl. we just dun dare to give her roadside stuff for main meals. we only ate them for supper and just give her a bit to try. now she very into chopsticks. very funny we eat pasta she oso wanna use chopsticks and every meal she will want noodles stuff so she can use her chopsticks. we got her special barney ones from kl.

i din get anything from pdi or seed this time. pf say ash has too much clothes liao and he doesnt like those msian brands. usually if i buy, i buy really cheap ones for her home wear but this time round din get any other than a tee from sesame st.

talking abt bdays, i havent decide how to celebrate ash bday. hmmm...

really cannot take it. I told Law either we all went out or he stayed at home to look after Julian. He chosen the latter, so i brot Janelle to Parkway again cos wanna get some little snack for the goodies bag. She was so well behave when she went out with me, totally different in the afternoon.

Jesse cake look ok. I added truffle filling for one of the cake that was meant for celebration at home.

Out of sudden, Janelle asked me if i had ordered her cake. I asked if Baby Bop ok for her. She replied me "heh, shld be Elmo cake right!" I told her we changed a design this yr.

I showed Janelle the bike that Jesse. She asked if we could get her one cos there isnt any bike at home. Infact, we had be toying the idea to get her a bigger bike.

Gd that the gers sleep longer. U can have a better rest. Cant imagine the kid only nap for an hr.

I went to RSH to check the pump, i only get to see a black pump, somemore not leather. I think i try Queenway. So near to my workplace and i didnt get to go there.

The dress at chateu, yes yes the white top and red bottom, with two ribbons. Very nice. I like more catchy colors.

I think the boy outfit is pretty ex. A combination can easily cost $70++

Is PDI msian brand? How abt Seed? I like their design, very much like Fox. My MIL is so crazy over Poney and i think she nearly get back all the dresses that are on discount. Some doesnt look nice at all. Talk abt fashion sense.... she dare to comment the shoes i get is so ah soh infront of me. Even Preggie said it wasnt...

I fed Janelle with the roadside stuff leh. Restaurant food not that nice leh. Msian like to use alot of MSG.

We also get a speacial chopstick that help the kids to learn but Janelle didnt get to use it. She know how to use the chopstick to pick up food but need enhancement.
good morning mummies
back to work today after so many days break, very sian man...

pdi/seed/poney all msian brands. of all the brands i like seed the most.
restaurants ok leh, we went a mixture of places like nandos, a&w, t.g.i.fridays which u cant find in spore. dunkin donuts is another thing we miss in spore. there is a good hk cafe at time sq. ash grandparents told me so many times not to feed her roadside food so i beta listen in case really something happen and i kena said 'i told you so'... we did try the or mee, or jian, wan tan mee for supper... very nice!
ash chopstick is normal kind just a smaller version. she oso ok with picking up food but noodles wise she is digging the noodles from the bowl to her mouth rather than picking it up with her chopsticks. hehe

oh ya, i saw baby gap in isetan in kl.
Good morning all mommies,

It's the start of another brand new working year. I still feel so sleepy and tired.... like no energy to work. Maybe coz i party too much over the last 4 days liao

Sent joey to school today only to realise that school week for EH only begins on 5 Jan! I hope there will be some classmates there today.. otherwise she'll be so bored!

Hi Chris,

Your KL trip sounds really relaxing
Hahaha.. ash really like all things purple!

Hi StyloBB,

haha.. seems like i'm the only one who still order cakes from ecreative. Got close up of your cake? Are those toys construction vehicles?

Oh.. the tempur bear? It's a teddy bear made from tempur memory foam. Not ex la.. coz i collected enough guardian pharmacy stickers to exchange for 1 at 70% discount. End up only cost me $59. It's very cuddly.. we named it doh-doh, coz i made up a story that the bear ate up bottles of playdoh, that's why his tummy is so big and soft.
Morning Mummies

Is everyone beta today? At least go out can walk walk and while the hours away... if stay at home, the hours seem to drag. But the problem is we hv run out of places to go. At least we managed to go to parks instead of shopping centres.

Hog's Breath is gonna open at Vivo. There is also No Signboard Restaurant there.

Wl u mummies let ur tods play at the water pool at Vivo? I find the place quite dirty.....

The gals usu nap 1 hour on weekdays.... I suppose their energy is not depleted hence they don't sleep so long whereas when we bring them out, they look see, move here and there and get tired. Can see my maid was quite happy/relieved they slept for 2hours+ cos she can do some housework.

I also find the Chateau boys stuff expensive... I hv enuf bermudas for jesse for now.

I think I can safely cfm the shoes do not come in full leather, only suede/leather unless u can find preggie's ones in Queensway.. come to think of it, we shud go Queensway to check out shoes once more..

Ur Mil went M'sia?? How many dresses did she buy?
Hb was telling me he might need to go KL or further for some biz trips this year, hopefully I can go along with him, let's see how it goes.

Me also feeling sian and our email is down again...!!!

Yah lah, scully kena blamed if ash got stomache or anything... worst when the little one falls sick when overseas...

Yummy...nandos'.... BKK has the same restaurant called peri-peri....

I think it's good if they wanna try to use chopsticks but me always hate it when they get their tops dirty leh... esp the light coloured tees...

Yah I also felt so 'down' last nite cos hv to go back to work today.

Saw joey's castle cake, it's v nice.. did u manage to finish it???
I can also see joey with all her presents from your blog...!!
Close-up??? Don't hv.. yes, 5 free construction vehicles....he has so many cars, vehicles, trains, aeroplanes.. aiyoh.....

Tempur bear - hats off to your imagination..... !!!!

How is ur maid coping?
kl trip was nice lor. ash keep saying wan to go again. shopping was easy too, just downstairs altho not so interesting at times sq. i sneaked down both afternoons during ash nap for some shopping but din buy much. i got most of my stuff from klcc.
u really got good imagination. joey must have got hers from you

email down again. thats very bad leh...
ya lor, altho i brot her med but falling sick overseas is no joke. rather be safe than be sorry.
nandos is very nice, not ex too. wanted to eat at marry browns but time sq outlet is not opened yet.
Hi StyloBB,

I won't allow joey to swim in those murky water at Vivo. When it first started, the water was so crystal clear... then weeks later, the pool of water has turned green! yucks!

The cake ah? can't finish.. only ate up the four towers. The rest of the cake was distributed to the waiters and waitresses at a second birthday party we had that night.

Talking abt her presents.. i think i dun need to get more toys for her liao.. all the gifts we received are quality stuff and age appropriate.

I really appreciate the thoughts of the parents. From the choice of gifts, we can see that they really considered what a little girl of 3 will like. And those who knew joey better, bought stuff that she really like (i.e dora, barbie)

Hi Chris,

did you go to the times sq amusement park? got photos to share?
Is the other channel working?
I heard that Marry Browns is pretty good too.. fried chicken right??

Times Sq is terrible, most of the shops are quite lousy...

Nando's.. v shiok for me, cos hb takes the breast meat, I take the thigh... hahaha..

Raine's b/day today rite? She went to school today?

Happy Birthday to Raine!
We won't either. Plus the place is so hot and dry. That day I saw this tod wearing diapers ! when the mummy lifted him up from the water... yucks!!!

I like shopping in KL... esp when there are no kids around...hehehe..
we went to have a look but din take any rides. they have a floor for kids rides but nothing much.
photos at my yahoo album, u take a look there lah...

ya i am there, preggie too but she disappeared liao.
yes marry brown is fried chicken. there is one outlet at city sq jb too.
time sq is really terrible. i was very disappointed with the shops selection there, dun even have vincci or padini. a lot of those shops like mbk bkk and i din go into any of them.
raine bday shd be tmr, 4/1.
yday we were at vc and some kids were playing with the fountain in front. quite nice but i wun let ash go and let herself get all wet there lah. so messy.
Alamak, me made mistake Raine's b/day..!!
No one's b/day today??

Later I see if I wl go to other channel ... cos really can't get much work done today.. super sian... if this goes one, really unproductive...

Yah, I heard about Marry Brown re the one at City Square but I don't think we dare to go JB now...
today no one's bday.. tmr raine, next mon jan's then 22/1 will be ash's liao. tink ally's is a few days b4 ash's but i cant rbr the date....
ya lor, how to work if email is always down?
we still have some RM$ left and pf was saying go jb for seafood but he dun dare to drive in now too.
hello mummies,

1st day of school for Janelle. A class of 10 kids and out of the ten only 2 girls. Janelle cried once and after that manage to blend into the grp. The teachers are very nice and interactive with the kids. I think Janelle started to like her school.

Most impt, there is a big playground for the kids.

gd that kid learn to use chopstick. This is the chinese traditional. I never tried Nando althot i being to KL for so many times. OK i will ask Law to try next time. I dun really like the Mary Brown leh. It is very hard to find good old time KFC kind of fried chicken now.

VC pool - I wun! Not alot of kids playing too. Really dirty.. yucks!

My MIL visit msia quite often. Mostly for fortunate telling purpose. They will either stop over at KL or Gentings.

Joey must be very very happy with the toys. BTW, Law's friend just got a semi-d. 4 storey high leh, he told us cost $800k.
they have nandos in most cities of msia. they oso have one at jusco in malacca. i find it beta than kenny rogers.
marry brown - i prefer kfc original over marry brown but i tink its ok lah for fast food std.
Good afternoon mummies.


Happy 3rd birthday to LH.


Got, today LH birthday if i rbr correctly.
Hi Hong,

800k for semi-d? which area is that and issit freehold? Brand new?

There's a very yummy KFC at one of the "pitstops" before Malacca on the NS highway.

Yes.. joey is very happy with the presents. We are going to ration her on her presents..... KB told her that she can only open one toy every saturday. If she opens any present without his permission, he will use his Kungfu sword to slice them into pieces! hahaa..

BTW, i just realised that those presents you see in my blog are not her bday presents leh.. they are xmas presents from my mom to her.

Hi Chris,

I let joey play at the fountain leh.. haha... must have a pair of extra hands to help dry her up and change quickly.

Hi StyloBB,

I also dare not drive in to JB. Better safe than sorry.

Abt the kid in diapers.. the parents very inconsiderate leh!
haha must dig out mummies' list to see who bday liao. i only rbr the regulars.. hehe

if its really LH bday today... HAPPY 3RD BDAY TO LH!

if want to let them play must bring extra clothes lor. but i wun lor, bcoz too lazy and dun like the mess... hehe
Yes, today is LH bday.

not freehold, 99yrs and brand new, not in the East. We are waiting to see it too.

Is there a pitstop before malacca? I think we miss it.

Better to ration the toys else she will get sick of playing them soon and u have to get more toys for her. hahaha..

We are considering to drive in to JB leh. May be my car not popular. hahaha..

Yah saw many Nandos and Mary Brown branches.

Stylo, beside KL, which other parts of msia is Kenny going?
oh ya, its the pitstop with the long bridge across the expressway rite? pf always wanted to go there but always forgot to turn in until see the bridge and too late.

ya just chk mummies list, its cfm LH bday today!
Hi Hong,

KB will not invest in 99 years ppty.

Hey.. Julian looks like jan! esp the eyes and the mouth... hahaa... so cute!
halo mummies
gloomy days coming back again???

hapi 3rd bday to raine!

ju looks a lot like jan!

any mummies gg to kl by mar i still have 2 unused tickets to time sq theme park. pls let me know if you need them.
Good morning mommies,

What a nice evening... rain rain... so cooling.

Hi M2B,

Happy 3rd Birthday to Raine

Hi Chris,

last time when we drive up to KL, KB must make a stop at that bridge to eat KFC. He claims that it's the most "original" he has tasted. haha.... they also have A&W.
Morning Mummies
Wow, thunderstorms at my place last nite... fortunately I got back with jesse well before the downpour.

Today I can rightfully say <font color="aa00aa">'Happy 3rd Birthday to Raine!' </font>

I meant other countries besides M'sia... possibly Australia ..

Ju looks exactly like Jan, down to the nice eyebrows...

I never bothered abt the shops in Times Square...

I think we stopped by for A&amp;W but we always miss the KFC....

Another incident where S'porean hacked to death in JB but this is prob. revenge case..
Good morning mummies.


Happy 3rd birthday to Raine.


Ju looks a lot like Jan, especially the mouth. Clarence also botak now, the day i joke with him to say i wanted to put 9 dot on his head. Hahaha.

Happy 3rd birthday to Jan on 8 Jan. In case i didnt log in.


Wanted to ask you, how can i do a fund transfer to CDA? Create CDA under POSB saving?


I feel JB getting more and more unsafe. Wont go unnecessary especially i have family here, play safe than sorry.
aiyo got both ah. then i will have a hard time choosing betw the 2 if i go there.. prob a&amp;w since it has root beer float, yummy...

ya man, if i know its so lousy, wun stay there liao. rather stay bt bintang... but the rooms are big and nice lah, i got upgrade to a mini-suite, got kitchette and separate tv area.
U shaved clarence's head??

U mean the co-saving? I went to POSB to open two accounts for the gals. (Bring birth certificate and the letter.) Later when u transfer $, u can do so via the ATM or via internet.
Gd mrng mummies!!!

Haven't greet all of u here... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Seem all of u had fun during the holiday seasons. :p


Me just started work yesterday, temp job for 2-3mths, so xian and so relunctant to be back to the work force...


Julian so cute and chubby, how heavy is he now?


did u collect Clarence's hair n make into 'Tai Mao Bi'?
Mummies, here are the bdays for the kids...

Josh 15-Oct-03
Cyrus 2-Dec-03
Elysia 15-Dec-03
Ryan 30-Dec-03
CY 30-Dec-03
Joey 31-Dec-03
Charlene 2-Jan-04
Li Heng 3-Jan-04
Lorraine 4-Jan-04
Janelle 8-Jan-04
Joel 12-Jan-04
Ally 13-Jan-04
Ashley 22-Jan-04
Ivan 1-Feb-04

stylo, when are the girls' bday?
cla, when is matt's and nic's bday?
anyone we missed out?
good work, chris
but jesse's bday is mia...haha

Josh 15-Oct-03
Cyrus 2-Dec-03
Elysia 15-Dec-03
Ryan 30-Dec-03
CY 30-Dec-03
Joey 31-Dec-03
Charlene 2-Jan-04
Jesse 2-Jan-04
Li Heng 3-Jan-04
Lorraine 4-Jan-04
Janelle 8-Jan-04
Joel 12-Jan-04
Ally 13-Jan-04
Ashley 22-Jan-04
Ivan 1-Feb-04
Chara/Julien 6-Jan-06
oops, i have cut and pasted blindly from the mummies' list. must be a typo from the start hehe... who can forget the 3 bbs born on the same day...

ya hor, how come u not in the mummies' list? hmmm... anyway thks for adding, i have sorted the list in chronological order (based on dates irregardless of year) as below.

Josh 15-Oct-03
Cyrus 2-Dec-03
Elysia 15-Dec-03
Ryan 30-Dec-03
CY 30-Dec-03
Joey 30-Dec-03
Charlene 2-Jan-04
Jesse 2-Jan-04
Li Heng 3-Jan-04
Lorraine 4-Jan-04
Chara/Julien 6-Jan-06
Janelle 8-Jan-04
Joel 12-Jan-04
Ally 13-Jan-04
Ashley 22-Jan-04
Ivan 1-Feb-04

Josh 15-Oct-03
Cyrus 2-Dec-03
Roy 13-Dec-06
Elysia 15-Dec-03
Ryan 30-Dec-03
CY 30-Dec-03
Joey 30-Dec-03
Charlene 2-Jan-04
Jesse 2-Jan-04
Li Heng 3-Jan-04
Lorraine 4-Jan-04
Chara/Julien 6-Jan-06
Janelle 8-Jan-04
Joel 12-Jan-04
Ally 13-Jan-04
Ashley 22-Jan-04
Ivan 1-Feb-04
Rayna 3rd Mar-04
Ryan 5th Mar-04
Zoie ?? Mar-04
Matt ?? Mar-04
