Preggie Friends Since 2003

so far i tink only 1st teeth & pigeon toothpaste dun need to rinse. which toothpaste ely is using? mayb u call ask the dr if its ok... if she no tummyache or not shd be ok ba... mayb it has turned into pee and out of her body liao?

oh that is the one pf was eyeing previously b4 he saw the samsung one.
ya nanny only looking after ashley now. she is good lah, i guess i not too fussy too, as long as ash is hapi and eats & sleep well i am hapi.
f3 card is the fast forward or something card? i got it but rarely used it.
she's using oral b kids toothpaste. the content got say must rinse.. later after sch, i'll be bringin her to the dentist then i'll query abt it.
the iphone got camera. there's a webby for it.. the features seems nice
if one term maybe can consider but dun noe hb willing to bring her anot
got one joke for u last nite. when u tell me abt hai die.. i went to yahoo and perform a search. but kuku me, i type "hai die" in the search box.. in the end, they wrote there
"did u mean hair dye?"
i was laffin to myself man.. i forgot to translate to ang mo. then my hb told me it's ocean butterfly.. heheh
Don't worry, I think Jan is settling down in school already. Maybe you want to put a jacket into Jan's bag, so that she can wear it in the bus ride.

Joel is okay now, didn't cry anymore. Guess he is getting used to the routine. My mum told me he now will walk to the classroom on his own when reach the centre, when the class ends, he will search for his shoes outside the centre. He can even imitate to me the crying of a gal at in the class yesterday. So funny...

My mum told me that seems there are more and more kids joining the class. I don't feel too good hearing this, cos the centre is not very big and only has three classrooms. The in-charge told me before enrolment that max is only 1 teacher to 8 kids, so I am wondering now is the ratio still maintaining as such. Looks like I must go and take a look myself one day.

I didn't bought any nursery stuffs from JL, sorry can't help you in this.

Good to know that you and Josh are well again. Josh is now making up for all those lost meals and yummy food.
back from fetchin Ely.. went to the dentist also.. i'll be buyin back 1st toothpaste til she's ready to "pui"
the dentist say got signs of toothdecay leh.. and suggest i bring ely to hospital to sedate her 1st then "bu" the teeth..
Ok, send it to me. Thanx. Pls include ur acc nbr so I can transfer the $$.

The iPhone is the slimmest phone around too.

Adidas - that's nice..
Zara - tee or blouse?

Movie good ah? I'll wait to see if I can lay hands on canton version later.

Did CY cling to ur legs this morning?

There is a new show 'Protege' starring DW... but macham same old type of HKG movie, about undercover cop.

The hai die incident is funny...

So ur hb also Apple fan??

I need to get a jacket and some skirts. That time i went HLG to see sh stuff but nothing that i like...

Will check out BYSI and LMG too. Saw BEGA near my office here, seem ok also...


i still hv not bring Matt to see a dentist, hv to do so soon.


Hope u r better and sorry to hear abt ur gd fren, must be a big big shock.
Hi mummies,
any recommendation for MALE dentist.. have tried bringing Ryan to see female dentist the most is that he will sit in her office but won't even sit on the chair to let her check her teeth...however recently he has started to allow me to help him brush his teeth. He still uses 1st toothpaste.
i was thinkin if there's any good dentist that know how to coax kids?? ely only manage to open her mouth for a few secs.. after that it's tight-lip and cryin
lucky for that precious few secs, the dentist manage to take alook at her teeth

i not poohy la.. poohy shld be from another thread one.. hehe

hb an apple fan.. everytime will compare PC and MAC.. he's been raving abt apple stuff when he's free
I already booked dental appt for jesse after CNY.. hope he won't shut his mouth...

Apple - ur hb and mine can shake hands...
That's why we bot an iMac, considering getting iBook cos we are both 'fighting' for use of pc at home.. haha.. still pending.. cos dun wanna spend $$..
I dun deny iMac's design is v nice leh...
sms me if you need discount for bega or iora (their stuff similar one lah)... i not really into their stuff now but still see look if they hv atrium sale. too bad lmg & bysi discount need to present mbr card otherwise can share too.

i tink its oso starring tony leong chiu wai and anita yuen. pf will be interested in such shows lah, i am not really into such shows even tho dw is in it. hehe

new samsung with no cam. quite compact. he only got it at $98 for upgrade plan.
that is a gd new. I think as they grow older they are easier to settle down.

Yah we put a jacket in her bag. I think the us po po know abt it.

8 kids to 1 teacher is already very pack. Jan's kinder is 10 kid to 2 teachers. May be the school will increase the number of teachers.

Dun tell me u are going to withdrew Joel. He already settle down, may be just monitor lor. If the teacher can handle the class then let it be.

hahaha.. ok it didnt cross my mind to convert it to ocean butterfly too. heh u can go for their trial class to see if Ely like it. I think the trial class is only $15. Call them and enquire.
Is a male and female teacher, the class are conducted in mandarin. Sporean and they speak gd mandarin. CY, Matt, Rayna and Zoie attended before.

I think my sister must have got Jan a tee. I dun expect her to spend too much she is still a student.
Hi Chris,
Me always buying meh?? Hahaha, beta stop announcing here manI like to look see nice lingerie so if nice, comfy and price ok, I will buy coz got to keep at 2 places mah (my mums pl and my own pl)sounds like Ash hor, you need to keep clothes at 4 places for herhahaha

Why PF doesnt want to go BKK again?

Hi Pooh,
Raine is using Oral B toothbrush and toothpaste, sometimes I will buy Colgate or Lion toothpaste for her toocoz she knows how to pui thus we just use normal toothpaste
Hi Jas,
You can refer to MCYS website...they will state the diff levels teachers to students ratio, as long as they never exceed the ratio shd be ok...

Yup, I agree w Hong, if Joel is already settled in the school, you shd monitor longer and see how instead of changing now.
they can discussed together when either one wants to buy an apple products.. so ur hb aiming for the iphone? it's on my ah lao's confirm list liao. i dun have MAC at home coz i find it too expensive, use PC 1st.. coz ely knew how to operate com liao.. if got MAC, i scared too complicated for her

dun noe so many kids here attended hai die b4. me and hb dun have own transport so gettin her there is another prob to solve

i did saw her pui in the beginning so i safely passed her to MIL lor.. but MIL din give her the cup even tho i instructed her.. was so scared of all the poison accumulating inside her tummy

better monitor 1st
now it's ely 2nd week in sch, she still very liam.. all the students will settle into the classroom and sit. now only left ely, she will hold on to my hand refused to let go. i spend 20 mins in her classroom today, singin songs together with the class man.. only when she really turn her attention away, then i quickly siam.. she wont cry but she very liam.. the teachers even say maybe i preggie that's why
Janelle also know how to operate the computer at home. Daddy taught her how to go and view the photo we upload and she will go and view on her own. My BIL said she even knew how to open Paint and start drawing. I even saw her open the "San guo game" on my BIL laptop. *faint*

I said she dun need computer class next time. hahaha..

The other day she asked me if I can get her XBOX!!!!

continue ur shopping announcement so we know where got sale mah.

Ooops, sorry for the mistake, too many 'pooh' around in the forum, always mistaken...


Matt will swallow 1st then 'pui', still can 'pui' loudly... haiz


Then u jio me go shopping lah... esp if u going to LMG or BYSI... ;)


Jan got IT parent, so she has IT genes, future IT expert... :D
they learn things very fast!! i was so shocked when she can on the comp and use the mouse etc.. she know when to have left right click.. but she dun noe much functions yet so mostly she take her carebears dvd and use pc to watch
jan very historic ar.. wanna play "san guo" haha

i gave her my old old ps 1.. haha, if spoilt le, i not so xin tong
yah they learn very fast. She can sit infront of the PC and click click click. I was so afraid she click the wrong things and crash the PC. I went up and asked her wat was she doing. She replied, "View photo lor."

hahaha.. u sure or not.. Matt will count $$ faster than others lor, cos mummy accountant mah. hahaha...
I think it's starring Andy Lau, not Tony Leung.

How does cla get the discount for bega from u ah?
quote NRIC nbr??

Must continue to announce lah, at least we know what /where is on sale.

I don't know if hb wl buy cos he is using treo phone...I think he would prefer the iBook..
Actually Mac is not difficult to use, jesse knows how to select the options to watch his short movies, and also to take photos... it was v funny cos I found photos of my mil, mum, dad, sil, friends posing with him.. haha

What is the present ratio of teachers:students?
matt very action leh.. swallow then pui.. haha

i also scared she crash the comp but i more scared she anyhow click and view those files that are NC16... u shld know wat i mean
i got 4 PC at home, got 2 have those files lor

CY's getting better. Tdy whine a bit, but my mom mng to distract him & he was ok after a while.

Getting better in sch too. Now come back & tell us, "Sharon keeps crying in class becos she wants to go home..."


U oso still hv PS1 ah? CY likes to play games on PS1 too. My sis say wanna buy e lastest PS for him, I ask her to gimme e cash better.


Stylo is rite. The show got Andy Lau, not Tony Leung. Tony Leung is in Confession of Pain lah. Louise Koo is oso in e show. Not bad, like quite a few suai ge to look at. Anita Yuen looks so much fatter after giving birth.
Alamak, u run home theatre at home? How come so many pcs????

Finally u appear.
Do u think Louise Khoo can act? I find he macham always same expression....
This movie is before she preggie ??
my PS1 is the portable type one.. everything is original and still workin fine.. heh i very good at "preservin" things

must ask my hb again lor.. all he bought one.. got even 1 pc only for d/l files.. told him, we can open a mini cybercafe.. use his PCs then i brew kopi and bake my cheesecake
btw, pregnant can drink green tea anot? own-self brew one
i'm getting those pins and needles on my 4 limbs more often these few days when i'm sleepin

U really good. When mine breaks down, can u sell urs to me at garang guni price?

Green tea high in caffeine? I drank tea/kopi when I was preggie, but limit to 1 cup per day although my gynae would discourage any intake of caffeine.


Louise Koo ah? So so lor, I dun find him fantastic lah.

I tot Anita Yuen has already given birth when she filmed this show cos she looks so much fatter on the poster.

Oh wanna ask u, wats e mode of payment if I order from Dignus? COD or I can pay by cheque?
Already given birth? I thot she only gave birth recently.. hehe.. I was reading the mypaper yesterday, seems she rejected (so far) those offers for slimming as she doesn't wanna show her post-preggie figure...
Both she and julian cheung are so good-looking, think her bb boy wlbe v good-looking too.


I duno for sure too. Jus tot she looks like shes put on weight, so I assume she has given birth. Actually I dun find her very good-looking, but Julian is lah.
whao.. Jan knows how to view pic on PC... ryan also glue to the PC..everyday will ask for to click and play the ABC games or the games on Thomas the train website. Can sit there and navigate through the games himself.
i tink i heard u mentioned u bot bras from la senza a few times then now panties from m&s... report lah.. then we know where got good buys mah.. hehe

i must have got the shows mixed up.. all like similar theme.. so confession of pain is tony leong and who else? i find julian cheung is good looking too but anita yuen so so only... big eyes lor...

iora mbr quote my hp can, bega mbr need to quote mbr no. anyone int email me ok?

you sms me if you in the mood to shop lah.. we gg back same direction got co too hehe.. i am ok tues/thu/fri to go out after work.

U buy new version one for ur kids lah. since got 2 of them, buy they a better one to share mah.

E lao kok kok one can pass to cy.


tony leung & my Takeshi lor...
Last time i had a fr who looks like julian cheung..hehe...

Btw Takeshi looks good in the movie or not?

I think shud not be surprised about our tods' knowledge on pc, in time to come, I'm sure they can navigate v well.. I know one of my fr's boy who even set up password so his mummy cannot access!! Haiyoh, tkfully my hb is v into IT so I won't be at a loss...

U ah, ask u to go shopping only quickly list out all ur free evenings..hahaha...

Lately all those movies' posters all same style: black and white and all the actors/actresses look serious serious.. haha
oic... za bor actress leh?

haha by appointment only hor... i give cla more face since she lives so near to me mah...
pan's looks pretty good... this week 8 days review quite a lot of movies... pan got a good review.
u not paiseh to ask for things one leh.. haha
i will consider 1st.. then can ask hb to buy a better one for the kids

think in near future, we just turn to our kids and ask help for IT stuff

tks ya, will date u out one of the day, can ask DJD together also... Talking abt her, how come she missing so long??? thot confinement finished???


But Matt also has a blur mummy lor... Chris sure remember n always like to tease me on this...


wow! can set password to stop his mum, so clever... i think next time will let the kids hv their own PC and can expect all the conversation will be thru chat room liao...
I will see how things goes, not intention to withdraw him yet cos he just settled down. Thanks for the advise.

Humm.. I not too sure what is the present actual teacher to child ratio, the in-charge only told me it is 1:8 during the time I make enquires.
Must clarify it's not a tod but an older boy, but I still consider that he is quite IT savvy.

ok, I got the pics.
The cake.. pretty bare hor..hehe

julien and chara
u see chara's round eyes, she used to look till cross-eyed, fort. they look ok now..
Gd Morning mommies...

For those who asked abt my friend (A), she died from sudden stroke (burst blood vessel in her brains) while going to meet my other friend (B) at Orchard for shopping. B waited for 2 hours and there was no signs of A... she kept calling and calling but there was still no response from A. When B reached home, the police called her to say that A had fainted at Orchard and a passerby called for the ambulance.. her condition is critical. A never regained consciousness.

Was at A's wake yesterday... became a gathering of "long lost friends/classmates".

Hi Hong, StyloBB, Cla, Ruffy,

Joey doesn't know how to use the PC at all! She's not a very tech savvy kid.. hahaa
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Chris,
Yap, coz La Senza having sale so I bought some pajamas and bras from them...the knickers from M&S I tried before liao and comfy so went to buy again...can keep for CNY mah...hahaha

My fren said CNY must wear new pajamas, lingerie, clothings and shoes... :p

Hi Preggie,
So your Friend A has any medical history? Or just young...hiaz, life is short man.

BTW, Raine also not tech savy although she will wana play w computers and mouse...
good morning mummies

wah so early today ah..
so did u & group of frens put up obituary eventually?

cake is simple but sweet-looking... what are the three words? chara, julien & ???

sure u let me know
djd dun know go where lah, mayb bz.. last week she mentioned painting done at her hse and she got to clean up after painters leave. this week dun know bz with wat? whole week nebi appear hor...

eee, i dun like shu qi..
Morning mummies
What heavy downpour!!!

Sorry to hear that. So young...

It says "Chara & Julien turn 1"...

so sudden. U frd B must be very upset.

the cake is sweet and simple.
We intended not to let Janelle attend school today cos she was at IL place over the nite due to heavy downpour and Law was working OT to solve some issue in office.

However it was still raining this morning, we thot just let her stayed at home but she said she wanna go to school.
So We went to fetch her from IL place and sent her to school. Today didnt manja, gdbye kiss and wave bye bye to me.
Ely started cryin today when in sch.. dun noe why, she will still wake up, prep herself happily.. but when she reach the sch, she will not move in.. in the end, her teacher came out and carried her in.. can hear her bawling from outside
The cake is simple and sweet. Where you got it from? You know Joel also has the same liking as Jesse. He chosen for himself the construction set design cake from Prima Deli too.

Now you can really set your mind at ease, as Jan seems already settled down in the school. Joel's teacher called me this morning, just to update me of Joel's progress, she told me he is doing fine, maybe just need to give him more time to settle down in class. She told me he only take part in certain activites which interest him and for those he not so interested, he will just walk around touching things like other people's bag etc..

Hi Jas,

I think Joel's reactions are normal. I remember when joey first started school, the teacher also told us something similar, she'll walk around, dun follow instructions, live in a world of her own... etc.. but after 1 year, she's ok liao. So dun worry.. it's only a passing phase.

Hi Hong, M2B, styloBB, Chris,

In the end, we didn't put up an obituary.. maybe the money can be put into better use... like for her funeral, hosp expenses, etc.

Her death is a very sudden one... she doesn't have any medication conditions.

I think my friend B has gotten over it liao... she's now like the leader for the funeral.

When we saw A's body, it has become so bloated and doesn't look like A anymore. Think the mortician did a bad job!
