Preggie Friends Since 2003


Sometimes i feel that hb is not doing enough effort or i am demanding too much, anyway, can onli envy u... think i shd buy flowers for myself to cheer myself up, hahaha... :p

guess that SAHM got no one to yak w except the kids, so she is too happy when c u and want to yak w u... :p


Abt Matt- His childcare is at Blk 537, the school quite ok but Matt seem to be quite emotional, always cry when he din get his way or out of his routine route. He even instruct my hb where to drive!!! i thot i din give him enough attention, but he prefer hb's attention leh... haiz, i don know what i shd do, just leave to hb.


That's interesting, so u going to do the pop-corns? the kids will love it!
Dun envy me, I'm sure ur hb has good points which my hb does not have.. hahaha..

I also feel that way abt the sahm..

Wah, Matt quite difficult to handle ...

Talk about walking, they really walk at snail's pace...
cheer up.. after since marriage, i din receive any flowers or present either

Ely got playmates there so she boh hiew lor.. at home, only she alone mah

last yr, i did think of appletree too.. but got scared off by the fees... so ex and only 1.5hrs.. dun think worth it
maybe u wan try other toddlers playgrp? u want near where one? i've got a book here listing all the playgroup in s'pore

coming june, Ely would be off to another class.. hb wants her to learn either piano or violin. but Ely say she want to sing??!! i tell hb might as well just buy a KTV set at home.
few days ago, she was singin "shi shang zhi you mama hao" she told me, she sing song ji li hai yi xia
537 is the blue & white blocks? cy blow hot and cold to trans, matt is just cold to you??? so nic has your full attn lah...

i rather walk slow than carry her lor... very heavy man, arms will break! nowadays she always like to tell pf 'i wan to sit on your shoulders'... think its very comfy and stable lor... haha

i have rackee all the playgps in bt panjang liao. apple tree is my 1st choice bcoz its very near to nanny place. since she is the one who has to bring her, i have to make things convenient for her lor.... i dun mind playing a bit more for her and ash's comfort lah...
Cheer up... I am also feeling the same way as you are.. now can only envy stylobb...
Joel also the same, when halfway during play or doing something and things don't happen the way he wants it, he will cry and fuss.
Good Afternoon Mommies
Bz whole morning...sian

Hi Stylobb,
I have got my CNY dress from BYSI last mth...also got a skirt there, maybe just need a simple top to go w that skirt...thatz all...

For Raine, she got a traditional CNY clothes from China (bgt by my cousin), a dress from Gingersnap, a top from Fox and jeans from ON so I think hers also settled liao...even got her a pair of shoes from Isetan to go with the CNY clothings already...

Really envy you leh, your hb really romantic and loving man.

Hi Chris,
Poor Ash got to change school every year onwards, dun need to change liao right?

You now looking fwd to your Japan trip right? Envy...

Hi Minnie,
How are both you and Josh? Better?
i see.. better to make things convenient for the nanny.

u so fast bought cny clothes for raine liao?? i haben even start buying anything.. v lazy to go out
bo bian leh.. luckily her adaptability ability is ok. next yr will be something more challenging since got to take sch bus on her own but by that time tink she is old enuf to handle it and oso her cousins will be on the same bus.
ya already buying long sleeves top from u2 & on since they having good sale now...
Hallo Mommies...

Thanks for all your wishes for me and Josh. We are alrite already.
His appetite is v good and he finishes all his meals, making nanny v pleased.


Everyone is envying you ah... Hehehe... Ken is indeed v sweet and romantic loh.


Must try to "outsource" the kids once in a while to have time for yourself. Its impt that we grow as an individual even if we are a wife/mommy. Its not easy for you esp with 2 but I think you will appreciate 1-2hrs of just being w yourself. Heh.

My parents happily take Josh on Sun afternoons so I have free time leowz.

Why suddenly Matt dun like school?


Wah... your kar chew really v fast!! CNY clothes all prepared leowz. Hahaha...


Never see you for a long time leowz. Think cos its either I late or I too early.

You go Japan to make little piglet? Hehehe...


You mean you will make and pack the popcorn yourself at home? Wah... Really creative. Me prolly too lazy. Hah. So fast Roy will be celebrating his 1st mth. How is Ryan adapting to his little bro at home?
Alamak, mummies, u all don't need to envy me leh, I'm sure all ur hbs are also v good in their own ways mah. If compare, some of ur hbs also buy bags, hps, etc, etc, sponsor vacations..

If poss, must take time out to go out with ur hb..

Haha, I just rembr it's gonna be pig year, chris' fave animal..

U gotta pop a lot of popcorn???!!

Wah, raine also well attired for the CNY...

Is ur tummy big??

Thanks for cheering me, think i hasn't been working for long time n now back to routine working hrs, not used to it. Time to adjust my mentality.

Nowadays my own time is late in the nite which i really enjoy.


I know hb is not the open affection type lor.


I also don know y Matt din like school.

Still trying to find the ways to handle Matt which is not easy. HB been giving in to him too much that i din like, spolit him. i have gotten a parenting book from mngo, seem useful but not yet finish reading. Hope to learn n apply some tips from there...


Hee, u r right, Nic has my attention most of the time. i still try to attend to Matt but he still prefer hb. So let him be...


Have fun on Sat!

sometimes i prefer to go out on my own... :p

Hee, this sat, i will hv the whole morning to myself, going to workshop to learn how to make Bak Kua... :D
the 1st bus timing siao siao nowadays, can come as early as 7.55am... so mayb u din see me bcoz i already on my way to work.. hehe

piglet ah... ya my fav animal.. hehe..
looking at the bright side, if both want ur attn you oso very busy... hehe
bak kua.. rbr to deliver some to me if successful ah.. hehe i like chao ta ones..
Gd afternoon,

Flower - my hubby also not the kind who give flowers must force then give. If i ask him now, he will suggest he buy me other things.

Cla, Jas,
Janelle is also a cry baby. If she wanna do something and i dun allow a slightly louder NO will make her cry. There was once I really make her stand at the "punishment" corner. 1st time she encountered such punishment from me and she was quite blur abt the instruction. She kept walking out of the punishment area and i have to make her go back again. Of course she bawl n bawl but hubby dun dare to come and interfer.

Ur vision abt Law is going to be true if Janelle wanna go into christainity. I mean no joke. Dun think is a gd time to discuss this issue with Law now. We will see wat Janelle will chose.

Appletree is pretty ex. That time Trans said mine was ex, but look like ur more exp than mine.

How is Joel in school today? He getting better?
Janelle doesnt cry today. Still can give me a gdbye kiss. I am really crossing my finger.

I think i am not an attentive mother. MIL said she was freezing cold in the bus and she only got a thin T-shirt on. Somemore her shoes was soaking wet due to the water play in school.

Her whole body was so cold when she alighted the bus. Ok still 1hr journey back to my IL place.

Bus journey - I talked to the bus driver today. he said he really cant help it with the route. He shld be the name list and explained to me the route that he taking. Seriously i cant blame him cos he will make a detour if he have to send Janelle back 1st and it will drag the timing further n affecting other kids. He had promised to try this best not to reach my IL place that late. She is not the last one, imagine after Eunos, a boy - the last passenager alight at Marina parade.
my tummy not consider big yet but i already moved on to maternity clothes.. waist now at 33inches..

ash likes purple right?? think Ely can join her club liao

can learn to make bak kwa? i just bought bacon bak kwa back.. now enjoyin

Ely now down with flu and cough.. think there's a bug spreadin ard in her class.. today fetch her back, can see half e class got runnin nose.

now Ely's ambition is to become singer, she will take my bed as her stage and my fan remote control as her Mic..
Actually majority of men won't bother about flowers lah...

Stimes I also prefer to be on my own.. and do my own things...

I'm sure we all here experience the same thing after marriage and with kids, we can no longer enjoy the er ren shi jie so easily and often ... we seem to be so bz with work and after work, we feel tired. Hb/wife also hardly hv time to talk.

Matt - if u are talking about discipline, may be a bit difficult to try new ways on him.. he wl sure go to ur hb for protection..

I notice some of the mummies here hv to go to work v early.. trans too...
This week I am out of my house by 7.25am which is early for me...

U have approx 3 months to make a piglet?? Hahaha..

I think cla misses the fact that Matt does not miss her..

Glad to hear that u/josh hv recovered. Nanny wl surely beef him up.
Haha. I made jesse sit in the corner and he slowly cruised/glided himself round the wall.. quite funny actually..

I also just put the windbreaker into jesse's bag. Does jan hv a pullover? Maybe ask the teacher to put it on her before she goes up the bus, since the journey is quite long. Aiyoh, still one hour ah....

Law/religion - yah, just leave it for now..

Can ely sing well? She likes to perform? Can join joey then..hehe..
ok lah.. to me its $20 more than previous sch so not a lot (if you dun consider the time diff lor).

ya she purple siao... luckily she wun choose the clothes i let her wear yet otherwise imagine purple top, bottom and shoes! macham mini barney. haha!

hehe i said i like pigets but din say i gonna make one leh...
haha sometimes human beings very contradicting lah.. if kid bother u too much, u hope they will give u a rest, if they dun bother you, you hope they will do it... haha

So early the bus arrives ah?? Wah.. Me normally reach BV around 8am, late will be 8:10am.

Hahaha.... I think you will faint if Ash goes out in all purple outfit. Josh now chooses his clothes and every week always wanna wear the same tee.. makes me so exasperated. So I resorted to hiding the tee so he would wear another one.

Since you like piglet, no harm trying for one in Jpn mah... Hehehe... such cool weather, perfect to snuggle for piglet-making classes...


Yah, I leave it to nanny to fatten him up again. He is now 12kg only.... She said he has been asking for food constantly throughout the day until she ran out of stuffs to feed him leowz.


Did Jan fall asleep in the bus? Yah, maybe can pack a sweater for her like stylobb suggested. Would the poor gal be hungry too?


Wah... learn to make bak kwa!! So interesting!! But you would need to have those bbq charcoal stove if you wanna prepare them at home rite?


Singer!! Maybe when they have Kids Idol, can send Ely to join... But hor, please dun send her for the Ang Pei Na kind hor... I cringe whenever I see the kids on stage in their fanciful costumes.
Yep, like my hb...last time when jesse was younger, he would go after my hb, then hb said he got no breathing space, now jesse only wants mummy, he feels so saaad ... so now I always remind myself (and upon dear gu gu's advice), whenever jesse needs me to do/help, I wl do it.

U shudn't be surprised at chris and m2b's clothes for CNY, they are the shopping queens, rmbr?
ya lor, yday i missed the 1st bus... luckily in time for 2nd bus which usually arrive 8.10-8.15am. i prefer to get earlier bus bcoz reach office earlier can go buy coffee and slowly enjoy it b4 starting work.
haha if i were u i will hide it too.. otherwise the other clothes all kena cold storage. hehe
cold weather nice for making bbs? mayb some bbs on the way now since last mth nearly rain everyday and some mummies here already did their piglet-making classes at home. hehe

ya i agree.. can rest i rest, can do just do lor. right?
Which t does josh want to wear? His construction t??

Does ash insist it must be u to do the things for her??

Last time I used to be v mang zhang when we go home and jesse will insist that I must be the one to make milk for him, but now I relent liao. Make milk, hold hands, change/clean him, bring him to pee, feed him medicine ... all I gladly do for him.

Maybe some are more like pigs.. snoring away.. hahaha..
where r u? Ely and joey can join super junior stars together

i start to realise her things are getting more in purple. just now went out to buy her shampoo and bath soap.. she choose them in purple containers, dun care if they smell nice anot. but lucky, purple represent lavender, so not that bad. Ely dun watch barney anymore, so dun noe why her love for purple is increasing

i also dun like those an pei na contest.. i will feel very malu if my kids were singin there
she sing song still abit liak boh kiew at times..
example: are u sleepin (x2) bro john (x2)
Ely: ding dong dong ding (x2) bro john (x2)
whenever she sing a song, it's always guessing time for ah lao and me
she will even take her big blanket and cover herself, machiam like prom queen singin song
in term of timing. Anywat as long as it is gd, Ash like it and u dun mind.
Bus ride - infact, i was worried if Janelle could take the bus alone look like our worries is unfound. She is ok, i think partly due to a nice old lady. She will take care of the kids in the bus.

Imagine Janelle has to cry at least once a day.
Yesterday, i asked Lawrence to come over to my office and fetched me cos i got alot of equipment to bring back. I got a job onsite today. Janelle tagged along, along the way I asked her wat she was doing in school she descibe how the waterplay was like. hahaha..

Minnie, Stylo,
yah we put a sweater into her school bag today. We told her to take out and wear and if she doesnt know how to zip up the jacket, ask the bus Po Po to help.

Bus ride - i met this nice old lady bus assistant this morning. She is really a po po. She told me Janelle wun let her get out of the bus, scared that she will left her alone.
Hi Pooh & Minnie,
I buy as and when I see so might as well keep for CNY since it is just next mthsave $ mahhahaha

Hi Chris,
Yap, next year, they are 4yo liao so big gal/boy liao, easier to adaptI saw my nephew so happy to go to school (Pri 1) everyday. Not yet time, he already prepared and carried his bag, waiting for my dad to bring him liaohahaha

Yap yap, I agree w Minnie & Stylobb, when is your piglet coming? Heehee

Hi Stylobb & Chris,
I agree that humans are contradicting when it comes to kids attentionWhen Raine everything also mommy, I will hope that she will go look for daddy and give me some peace, but when she starts to look for daddy, I will feel abit sad that she never look for me 1st. :p Just like now, she is ok to stay at my ILs place and play while hb and I go out, I felt abit sad lorheehee She was so funny, when we left her at ILs place last Sun, she run to the gate and said Mommy, I love you. Rbr to behave yourself ok? :p
mostly she will... but most of the times i will ask her to ask pf.... hehe can siam i siam but if she insists she wants me then i do it lor. hehe
oso nowadays very difficult to leave her with my mil for the night. will hold on to my legs and insist 'mummy i want to follow you home' in tears... so dramatic rite?

timing wise ok, apple tree got 3 timings and nanny chose 11.15-12.45 slot.
one of ash cousin just started sch bus this week. i heard from the mummy 1st day cried so badly she has to follow 2nd day still cry and the bus aunty has to drag him up the bus.. so jia luck.

then ash purple poison not that deep yet. i will buy green containers for soap or shampoo for her.. bcoz it matches my toilet deco. haha

ya lor ash got her fav jie jie on the bus so i hope it will be her motivation to board the bus.
i am gg to ignore qns abt my piglet from now on hehe..
ya same, altho i can rest when i leave ash with my mil but at home i will miss her smell, miss her voice.. hehe.. so silly rite?
taking bus to n fro? Is the church school far? So how is ur arrangement next yr? still letting the nanny to take care of Ash?

Janelle only take bus home, by then already used not seeing me so wun cry.

Stime no matter how much we prepare them they will still back out last min.

Oh i got a new HP. The one without camera. Law got the same model as u. He said still prefer SE. hee hee..
look like Ely like to perform. Why dun u go and sign up a singing class for Ely. Janelle attended Hai Die kids singing class before. Wei Song and Si Song also have class for kids.

i not sure how they make it, let u know after sat...

so nice, bacon bak kua but don over eat.


U r right, i also think the same way sometime but i hope to have some attention from Matt, anyway i still try to approach him every now and then.

Ash so drama also! can play drama show w CY liao... hahahah

Bak Kua - sure! if successful, hope not too troublesome to make.


shd be using wok but think using charcoal will be more tasty i suppose... c what the teacher teach on Sat, don think she will set up charcoal stove outside the classroom, later the building burn down *touch wood*... :p


couple time - need both party to make effort to arrange. actually sometimes we will put the boys at my il place and we go shopping.

Now is my own quiet time that i miss, which i can onli get it late at nite.

Discipline - haiz, very tough. he is so much like me!!! *sob, sob*


Still need 1hr... still long... any other school bus? They will hv an assistant in the bus to help. The Po Po is so nice...

Btw, what milk is Julian drinking now?


Just wonder, since both of u always buy clothes thru out the year, how often do u clear ur wardoe so as to make space for the new clothes?
btw, anyone make any purchase from John Little Nursery/Toy dept recently? I am looking for the receipt to get point for the kids club before they cease on 15 Jan....
Julian is drinking Mamil Gold step 1 for the 1st 6th month. We got some sample from Friso 2, Enfalac/pro, Mamil step 2. All in 400g cos Law's gu gu is a clinic assistant and she help us to keep the sample. hahaha.. i can save $$.

So we just let Julian tried all of them. I think can only last a month or two. We havent decide which brand to stay. Julian will release wind if he drinks Mamil but enfapro wun. He get hungry more easily when he had Friso.

There is only 1 bus service for the school.
I think today is record posting for our thread!

Jan wl cry at least once a day?

She learnt singing? How? Can sing or not?

Jan's school from 8.30am till?? U must tell the Po Po about the sweater cos I don't think Jan wl tell her leh...

Julian's stomach so adaptable, can drink so many types of milk.

Apple came out with iPhone, hb's drooling over it..

Me also v scared of that An Pei Na thingy, do they still hv? My goosepimples stand whenever I see those kids performing and wearing those awful costumes...

U intend to send Ely for singing lessons??

Ash so drama too leh... think she misses u all lah.

Raine so cute ...

Anyone's watching Pan's Labyrinth?

Gotta sleep, another early day for me...

Gd if Ju can take all the milk, Nic is a bit choosy, luckily he like Gain, else i would hv stock up too much liao...


I was lying on the bed and trying to make myself sleep but thot i wan some time to myself then decided to wake up.

Today was a better day, think 'cos after all the talk here n also reading of the parenting book, i decided to do things in a more gentle way and be positive. Turn out that Matt behaves and we did have a gd time together just now.

One thing that i learnt from the book today (i tends to forget sometimes):

<font color="0000ff">Five Basic Human Needs</font>
Acceptance - your affirmation gives security
Appreciation - praise and encouragement gives significant
Attention - our availability gives importance &amp; selfworth
Affection - loves in its way develops 'lovability'
Accountability - discipline develops character and self esteem.

<font color="ff0000">Love is meeting needs</font>

I will keep these 5 needs in my heart and remember to give out to Matt and Nic all the time.

May all have a better day tmr! :D Nite Nite
good morning mummies
yday our thread biz real good.. keep it up! hehe...

i see her everyday mah, just that if i go my mil hse twice a week for dinner, my mil wants to keep her there lor... dun know why she so liam to me recently, last time my mil use bribes like sweets on her it work, now she will reject sweets to follow me home...

play drama with cy? like qing han &amp; lin qing xia ah.. hehe.. i can imagine the beach scene and they running towards each other with arm opened now.. hehe most probably cy will run away from ash bcoz she so aggressive.. haha
hmmm... i clear as and when my wardrobe too full and my ironed clothes all come out wrinkled. hehe... i just cleared twice b4 my kl trip and recently once more... hehe

still havent make plans for next yr lah... most prob still leave ash with nanny since she in good hands there. not tinking of cc (yet)...
u bot the one same at pf? he got the samsung hp with no camera, the flip one.
Good Morning Mommies.
Yday went JL to stock up toiletries and cosmetics
Also bought knickers from M&amp;S at 3 for $30 again, bought once and they were comfy and no VPL...heehee

Hi Chris,
Yap yap, when they arent with us, we will miss them sooo muchreal contradicting man!

Hi Cla,
Hahaha, I clear my wardrobe as and when no space for new clothes liaojust cleared 2 big packets of clothings for charity in end Decluckily for me, I have a walk-in wardrobe at home to hide some purchaseshahaha

Sori Cla, I didnt get anything from JL Nursery.
Gd mrng mummies!


remember to invite us to Ash/CY drama show if planning to hv 1... hee hee


wow!!! that's quite a lot right??? what are the recommended cheap and nice brands? I cleared almost all of my working clothes after Nic's birth and now running out of clothes to wear. :p


no worries, i managed to get from some other mummies liao.
Good morning mommies!

I was on MC yesterday... got flu... my nose and right eye is always so itchy.. when it gets too itchy, i sneeze non stop.

Yesterday was a really bad day for me. A very close friend of mine passed away suddenly.. i'm still reeling from the shock.. couldn't sleep well last night too, thinking of all the things we've done together. She's my first friend I made in Sec Sch.

Hi Pooh,

Dun think i will send joey for singing lessons leh.

Hi Chris,

I laughed when i saw you comment abt qin han and qing xia.. coz recently at the bintan trip, one crazy uncle did a video with my mom and another uncle running towards each other at the beach!! hahaa... then that crazy uncle of mine added the words Old Qin Han and Fat Qing Xia..... he played the video to us at our New Year's day party and the whole family laughed until stomache! hahaa... My mom's side of the family is damm funny one...
Morning mummies

For me, the only word is <font color="0000ff">patience</font>, cos I find that once I'm patient, everything is ok.

Good for u, glad that u read sth useful and had time for urself.

Why so liam liam to u... becos u are her MUMMY mah!! Haiyoh... hehehe....

U bot the lacy ones? Yes, their knickers v nice and comfy.

This morning, we went to meet mil, every morning I wl say 'God bless u, jesse.'. I said the same thing today and jesse replied, 'God bless u, Mummy.' Felt so nice... really make my day....

While joey/ely go for singing classses, CY and ash can attend acting classes...hehe

Hope u are better today.

How did u friend die? So sorry to hear that.
One Assoc Prof at NUS also just passed away.

So nice to hear that ur mum/uncle wl do such things..
my hb also droolin over the iphone.. he says it will be on his shopping list

i also dun think i will send ely for singin lesson.. will just buy a couple of vcds for her and let her sing along.
so sad to hear abt ur friend. one of my sec friend also passed away few yrs ago. he've got stomach cancer

u got walk in wardrobe.. so good.. for me, my hb and ely stuff all dumped in a one big wardrobe.. now 2nd one comin, i dun noe where am i going to find extra space out

good imagination of qin han and qing xia.. haha

abt brushing teeth, is ur kids still usin the non-rinse toothpaste?
Hi Cla,
You can try BYSI now, their stuffs are so much better than before...

Hi Stylobb,
Yup, I got the lacy ones...comfy and nice.

Hi Pooh,
Yup, I have a walk-in wardrobe at my own house but mum place is just a normal 3 doors mom commented that it is bursting soon so thatz why I cleared last mth...hahaha

Hi Preggie,
How are you now?
Sad to hear about the demise of your closed friend. How did she die?
my clothes mostly now from bysi, lmg, sh... considered reasonably prices since bysi &amp; lmg got mbr discount 15% off and sh i usually go the outlet shop at hong leong gardens.

chin chai lah... qing whatever all can. hehe

ash using pigeon toothpaste now tho she will 'pui' after brushing.

so all kids naturally liam to mummy? funny rite.. bcoz ash spends most of her time with nanny.
haha we got potential star idol and superstar here...

wah you got a family of talents of all sorts!
i saw the article on the assc prof on today this am... your fren really sad case, so young. life is really unpredictable...

wow, u recently like always buying lingerie leh... i long time nebi buy any liao... usually i will buy at one go in bkk... mayb i shd start looking at la senza and m&amp;s bcoz dun tink got chance to go bkk again since pf says its the last time for him on his last trip.
today to my horror, i found out ely had been brushin her teeth w/o rinsin.. she just gulp everything down and my MIL din inform me!! i was so horrified, imagine all that poison in her tummy.. i change her toothpaste to those kiddy ones a couple of months ago.. at 1st, i watch her brush and rinse her teeth.. after i saw she doin it well, then i told my MIL to do the same for her.. but she din!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
now i wonder must bring her for check up anot... haiz..

Pooh, u sure is 1 month. I think is a term lah. That is 15 lessons. Yes the material is on the high side but is of gd qty hor. Yi fen qian yi fen huo.

Janelle is using the 1st toothpaste and normal toothpaste.

singing lesson - we signed up cos we realise she loves singing. We stopped her before i delivery Julian. We stopped her cos she like not interested anymore. 1st term still like the lesson, 2nd term she got mood swing, sometime dun even want to do the action.

Janelle class is 8:30 - 11:15am. Is the Po po who tell us to bring a jacket for her. I asked her did she put on. She told me not cold mah. Haiyo!!!!

Today cried 2s then stop. She must manja abit before i go off but she kiss me goodbye. Buay tahan.

iPhone - got camera?

Toothpaste - i must rbr to post out to u.

My brother called me yesterday and asked me abt Janelle shoes size. He said he wanna buy her an adidas shoes. It was a pleasant surprised cos i never expect him to get Janelle a bday present.

My sister told me she got her a zara top. She asked if 4-5yr size too small for her. I told her i dun know. I asked her to keep the receipt, if cant may be go back and change. hee hee

I got 2 pants, 3 tops from U2 yesterday.

I got the SE M600i, with touch screen. Eyeing for very long and decided to reward myself. Not very use to the SMS cos it is the keyboard kind, however big big screen.

Hard to find gd nanny, so nanny only looking after ashley?

hope u better. What happen to u gd friend?
I saw some nice and simple top at Dorothy Pekin. U may be interested. I wanna get my F3 card then go and get.
