Preggie Friends Since 2003

Harlow Mommies...

Such a tiring day for me. Been up since 4am cos Josh has been vomiting since then!! Till now, I think he would have vomitted almost 20 times already.... Every little bit of water he takes in comes out within the next 5mins. And poor boy kept saying he so thirsty, so hungry, wanna drink water/milk. But I am reluctant to give him cos it all comes out soon after.
Yet when he cries and begs for water, we kinda give him some and it all comes out. Just now, I was wiping my hall, he vomitted in the kitchen. After I wipe kitchen, he vomit in the toilet... Sigh.. Now a little pail follows him around.. Brought him to PD this morning and PD said its nasty stomach flu. He said there is a bug gg around and he has seen so many cases the past 2 weeks. So mommies, do take care of your kiddos.


Glad you have a gd trip in KL. I also feel nothing much in TS. Many shops but little quality stuff. Is Mothercare still there?


I also feel Julian looks so much like Jan!! So adorable.


Happy Birthday to Raine!!


Working temp now? In town?

Good Afternoon Mommies.
We celebrated Raines bday at Globetrotters instead on New Year Day.
Both my family and ILs were there and the kids had a great time at the play area.
Today on leave to colour and hi-lite my hair and later gg to Raines cc for her bday celebration again. :p

Hi Chris,
Welcome back..Wow, you really got many shoes man
I went papilio salon for colour and hi-lite today, it costs total $140 with shiseido treatment. Quite cheap right?

So 2nd birth slim down slower?

Hi Stylobb,
The gals are so grown up liao. So cute!
Agree w you that our kids are indeed so fortunate to get celebrations for their bdays.

Hi Hong,
I put some chocolates wafers, gummies, stationeries, mini yoyo, balloons, party set etc in the goodie bagsheehee

Hi Mommies,
Thanks for the bday wishes for Raine. We gg to her cc lata then bringing her out for dinner.
Aiyoh..josh so poor thing. Vomit till so badly.. I feel so sorry for him. Hope he gets well soon. Poor thing, no milk/water.. but he's dehydrated... how??

I just passed him to nanny. Need to rest cos so tired. Dats what makes me so worried, abt him being dehydrated... But he managed to take in 60ml of milk just now and kept it in. Plus sips of water. Hopefully it stays in. Nanny will be cooking porridge water for him later too. I see him really so poor thing. Begging for milk and water but cannot keep it down. Crying and saying he is so hungry...
Happy bday to Raine.

Mummy also must be suai suai one. hahaha..
I got biscuits, chocolates, candy, jelly n still thinking wat more to get.

thanks. Just a small update of how Julian look now.

Cla, Julian is 8.5kg at 5th month. He is not the chubby kind and he is very fair leh. I got a "Bai Ma Wang Zi" hahaha...

u MUST open a POSB account for Clarence and one of u will be the trustee. after tat u can see the account in ur internet banking.

Stomach flu - Janelle n Law got it too. Luckily Ju and I are ok. Hope Josh will be ok soon. U went to see Dr Sim?

I think only 99 yr will be that cheap lor. How much will a freehold cost?
What about that drink u told us about? The one that he can suck...

julien is only 8.4kg, chara 11kg.. haha but hor, julien is more agile...
sorry to hear abt josh. hope he is feeling beta now. sounds really serious.
yes mothercare is still there but quite ex.

$140 is cheap! i can consider going there next time. i did my current highlight last mth at kimage at bpp. think plus treatment abt $160 bcoz got 30% discount promo. papilio is cheap but the distance really a prob.
Hi Minnie,

How's josh now? Aiyoh.. what a nasty bug he caught. I heard over the radio that there is this old folks home that caught the stomach flu bug.

Hi Chris,

This weekend will be spent attending lectures... sianz ah... but there is a consolation. My school just moved to Starhub centre which is right next to centrepoint.

Hi Hong,

We saw a house in the east going for $1.65m

Hi Trans,

How was CY's second day of school?
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Hong,
Since I'm off yday so thought maybe just go and do up my hair although my sis said abit early for CNY...dun wana waste leave/off to go do hair again in late Jan lor...

The kids at Raine's cc was so happy to see the Barney cake and goodies...some kept calling me Mommy...hahaha I have so many kids yday. :p

Hi Chris,
$140 plus treatment cheap hor, plus exclusive service too as I was the 1st customer...hahaha So you did your hair for CNY liao too?

Weekend - no plans yet leh...maybe bringing Raine to WCP again... BTW, you shop for CNY clothes liao?

Hi Minnie,
How is Josh now? Hope he is better.

Hi Trans,
How is CY in new school?
haha some consolation, can sneak out to shop if lecture gets too boring???

ash oso requested for barney cake for her bday celebration in school. hehe
i did my hair b4 my bro's wedding last month. wat colour u do this time. bee bee told me now dark colours are in...
cny clothes ah.. pf was saying i dun need to buy any bcoz every mth oso cny haha.. anyway i dun need to get much bcoz i gg jpn on 17/2 b4 cny...
quite true.. near CNY will be ex. $140 for highlight + treatment only?

I dun know shld i go and do coloring again, wat is the duration for the next highlight? I cant see my color leh.

I think i go MASA for a haircut.

freehold more ex. That mean u own that plot of land right..

I "hei xin" left Janelle with the teacher today. I just told her i came and fetch her later. I think she shld be ok by now. I pray.

i also think lighter more agile.
Gd mrng!


sorry to hear abt Josh, got to take care. My Hb niece also kanna the same virus, got admitted to the hosiptal for 2-3 days, heard quite bad...

Me now at JTC summit, the 'sister' company...

Rgds the BD list...

Josh 15-Oct-03
Eunice 8-Nov-05 (to confirm by Girl)
Nicolas 27-Nov-05
Clarence 29-Nov-06
Cyrus 2-Dec-03
Roy 13-Dec-06
Elysia 15-Dec-03
Ryan 30-Dec-03
CY 30-Dec-03
Joey 30-Dec-03
Charlene 2-Jan-04
Jesse 2-Jan-04
Li Heng 3-Jan-04
Lorraine 4-Jan-04
Chara/Julien 6-Jan-06
Janelle 8-Jan-04
Joel 12-Jan-04
Ally 13-Jan-04
Ashley 22-Jan-04
Ivan 1-Feb-04
Rayna 3-Mar-04
Ryan 5-Mar-04
Elizabeth 12-Mar-04 (To confirm by Girl)
Matt 15-Mar-04
Zoie 27-Mar-04
Hi Chris,
Then can order from Prima Deli, the cake not bad...the kids like it...some asked for 2nd piece...

I did dark chestnut with streaks of hi-lite this time...yup, did dark colours as the new growth wun look so obvious...hahaha

hahaha, yalah, think the 2 of us dun need much CNY clothings liao...I bought a dress and skirt from BYSI last mth, will keep for CNY...

Hi Hong,
$140 is for colour, hi-lite and shiseido treatment, find it quite reasonable...
aiya just checked with apple tree ash new sch dun allow cake cutting in class. they only cut a fake cake. so disappointing.... think can only order a 1kg barney cake for own celebration liao.
i gg MS tonite to see bysi too, got some vouchers for my bday... hehe.. these few mths my clothes mostly from bysi.. no longer support lmg liao. haha
Hallo Mummies,

Just a quick post. Thanks for all your concerns for Josh. Poor boy didnt stop vomiting and has just been warded in KKH..... Will be staying w him tonite. Now home to change and pack some of his things for him.


Yah, I went to see Dr Sim but his medicine didnt work.
Vomiting continued so we rushed him to KKH this morning. After Cherly's experience w Charlene, I also feel be more ks better. He is 10% dehydrated oredi so now on drip... Sigh...
ely just start sch yday. wed still buyin uniform and gettin timetable etc.
she cried abit but later she's ok. she cried even when go home, she say she still want to go sch.. haha

take care. i also today come back from hospital.. was admitted due to dehydration -> excessive vomiting

ely also got the puma shoes long time ago.. she got the classic type one.. red stripes.. bought it for abt $48?? hb got it too, his is $109. only i din buy.. hehe

birthday cake: ely's cake from prima too.. looks like a hot choice this yr.. had barney design. not bad tasting

Poor Josh, think this virus is really a bad and strong, so many kids has caught it. Take care and wish Josh for the speedy recovery!
Aiyo u take care, bb ok bo? Why u still vomitting?

aiyo the pump so ex. Dun think i will part with that $$.

Today I Heng xin, put her with teacher and left the school. I went to do some marketing cos going to invite family and a hubby close friends for Janelle bday celebration.

Both of us went to fetch her. I asked her teacher and she told us she stopped after a while then started crying again cos some children are crying and trigger her. She still asked the teacher to call me. hahaha..

We reached the school and peeked into the classroom, she is having fun.

The teacher made her to be the leader and ask her to go round offering tissue for those children who was crying. She galdly performed her role and forgot abt me after a while and continued her lesson.

She told me she had porriage for tea-break and she finished everything.

How is Joel?

Josh in hospital now?
i go to see Sim after Janelle class cos she complained stomachache for a few days. Sim said never mind, kids like to say tummyache for many reasons. I also suspect Janelle "keng" lah but Law just want to play safe.

As Law having stomach flu the last few days, so Sim gave me some medi to standby incase Janelle got it from daddy.

He told me as long as the kid do not complained tummyache in the mid of nite during her sleep, no vomit and diarrhea then no issue. Especially Janelle still can jump and run abt after apply Ru Yi oil.

$140 for all these.. quite cheap. there was once i did a treatment that cost me $88. I felt i kena "Chop carrothead"
ya lor, dun noe why still will vomit
jan got porridge? ely got bread for 2 days liao.. now she kept tellin me she want go back sch and play with jie jie they all.. her class only 12 pax. 9gals and 3 boys.

actually i was not there when she go sch, kenna admitted mah.. my MIL just put her there and go off liao, she more heng xin. but today she din cry.

btw, can i apply Ru Yi oil on myself, got alot of bloating then feel like stomach pain like tat
good morning mummies!

how's josh?

you sound in quite bad condition too. hope you feeling better now.

haha looks like dr sim is right? ash oso pretended to have tummyache when we were in kl. i was feeding her flu med and she saw the packs of diarrhoea med and insisted she oso want. keep pestering until i give her. so i oso pretend and open one and pour it into her cup and gave to her. she happily drank it but she din know i din put anything inside the cup. haha
Good morning mummies.


Hope Josh is better today. You take care yourself as well.


Do you know your bb gender already? Must share with us. You also just discharged from hospital? Must take care and rest well.


Happy Birthday to chara and julien.


At least i find myself abit difficult to slim down at this moment especially tummy area.
Good Afternoon Mommies,


Happy First Birthday to Chara and Julien.


Josh has gotto stay in hospital for drip today too. Doc says he lost a lot of sodium from excessive vomitting and thus need to replenish via drip. But finally he can start on soft diet. Imagine his last meal was on Wed nite and now Sat then finally can retain food in his body. So skinny now. Hiaz...

But he is looking more alert, not so tired and is happily chatting w the nurses whenever they comeby to check on him. I guess they added med into the drip so he feels sleepy and needs to nap every 3-4hrs. But its good cos it means more rest for him.


Glad that Jan has settled well in school. I guess once you are able let go, she will adapt faster and easier. Good that she is able to share w you her day in school too. Shows she does enjoy school.

Hope Law has recovered. Stomach flu is no joke. I finally feel better today unlike yesterday when I was half-dead cos on med cos I caught stomach flu too from Josh.


Hope you are ok now. So you were being looked after by your colleagues in the hospital? Heh.
still dun noe gender yet.. maybe 2 more weeks will know since i'm already 4 mths preggie

ya lor, somemore when the mangement team and my own coll visit me.. both team quite malu coz they nv tot they will buy the same hamper for me.. haha

hope josh can recover fast! take care urself too
Hi Mommies,

I pon teng school today to go out to play.. i feel so guilty now

Hi Minnie,

Hopefully Josh can go off the drip and be discharged soon. Sounds so terrible to keep vomitting.

Hi M2B,

I feel that it's most meaningful spending time with children. They are so simple and pure and appreciate all the little things you do for them
I love being with children. Seeing them happy, makes me very happy too! hahaa

Hi Pooh,

Your MS really quite bad hor... 4 mths already and still haven't stop.

Hi Hong,

There was once i kena stomach flu and lao sai for 2 mths! Each time i pee, the poo will auto come out... so terrible... but i lost 4kgs!!
two months? That is serious!

I hope Josh n u recover soon. Both of u sound very serious.

Law still ok. He didnt vomit but feel nausea, but visited toilet many times.

I came in to surf net, i went to bed after posting.
Hi Mummies
Brot chara for therapy at kkh on friday... nothing much, just hv to spend planned time with her 1 to 1 to encourage her to pick things and talk to her more...

Sat, outsourced jesse to my brother.. he enjoyed himself v much playing with my nephews.
We went to Far East Flora to buy flowers which a/cding to hb was a mistake bringing the gals cos they started fussing... and we cud not go into the coldroom together, had to take turns and hb took sometime b4 he decided which flowers to get...

Blur b/day on Sat.. I misplaced my camera in my flat before the gals' b/day party...fort I'm not the official photographer... haha.. tkfully my brother captured all the shots and even brot his photo printer to print out the fotos for the guests... wl hv to wait for him to pass me the disk ...
The cake's look was normal but the taste was rather nice...

Just two pics in the meantime...
chara and julien

Btw hb did his second floral arrangement.. for the gals' birthday..

Glad that josh is discharged. Pls do take care of urself.. no joke to be sick. Whenever my hb tells me he is not well, I hv to tell him 'cruelly' pls dun spread the germs to me cos I can't afford to fall sick...

U take care too.. sounds like this pregnancy is not easy for u...

I hv phobia of children at times.... sigh..
cos I find my gals quite spoilt, always wanna be carried! They can cry until like kena tortured but the moment they are carried, they stop immediately with the tear drops still on their cheeks!

How u ls for 2 months??? So terrible..

Watched 'Blood Diamond' on Friday. Not bad.

In case I don't come in tomorrow am, <font color="119911">Happy Birthday to Jan!</font>

Btw I bot the pink version of ur Ang Ang dress frm chateau....

julien is cruising but she is still not gungho enuf to take her first steps. chara is just trying to pull herself to standing position..

Sorry, Dune dresses do hv lining but their prices really too ex.... and material is nothing fantastic... For what they charge, I don't find any 'oomph' at their designs..

Got these from chateau...they don't hv new stuff often enuf huh??
Hi gals! Know i'm late but happy new year! And happy birthday to all those who've just celebrated recently.....

What therapy is Chara going for?
Must repeat again.... Ju realllllly looks like you. Actually Chara's looking more like you now too!

Wah, you got good memory.... dates correct....

Josh 15-Oct-03
Eunice 8-Nov-05
Nicolas 27-Nov-05
Clarence 29-Nov-06
Cyrus 2-Dec-03
Roy 13-Dec-06
Elysia 15-Dec-03
Ryan 30-Dec-03
CY 30-Dec-03
Joey 30-Dec-03
Charlene 2-Jan-04
Jesse 2-Jan-04
Li Heng 3-Jan-04
Lorraine 4-Jan-04
Chara/Julien 6-Jan-06
Janelle 8-Jan-04
Joel 12-Jan-04
Ally 13-Jan-04
Ashley 22-Jan-04
Ivan 1-Feb-04
Rayna 3-Mar-04
Ryan 5-Mar-04
Elizabeth 12-Mar-04
Matt 15-Mar-04
Zoie 27-Mar-04
good morning mummies!

happi 3rd bday to jan!

ls for 2 mths? your a@#hole not overworked meh? hehe, sorry for the crudeness..

i oso prefer chateau over dune, design, quality and price wise.
the 2 dresses are nice... ya chateau design limited, saw the 2nd design sometime back liao, nearly wanted to buy it but it was in green/white stripes b4.
i oso bot something for ash this weekend. another pair of nike shoes! hehe... went to velocity on sat nite and saw this cute pair of polka dots nikes at nike shop. got 10% discount. btw saw ash purple nikes at tangs on sun, 20% off... cheaper than MS shop... luckily its my mum who paid so she heartpain bcoz she got tangs voucher.. hehe end up she got a pair of pumpkin patch pants for ash.. in purple to match her nikes. hehe

you/little one feeling better?
Good Morning Mommies.

Hi Minnie,
How is Josh? And are you ok too?

Hi Chris,
How is your shopping last Fri?

Hi Pooh,
How are you feeling? Seem like a tough pregnancy for you.

Hi Stylobb,
Happy Birthday to your princesses!

Hi Hong,
Happy 3rd Birthday to Jan!

My coll also complained that 2nd pregnancy not easy to slim down leh

Hi Preggie,
Yup, it is indeed nice to spend time with kidsThat day celebrated Raines bday in her cc and I was crowded ard by all the kids, then I served them cakes and they were so happyBeing with them are just so worries freeFelt like a cc teacher that dayhahaha
Good morning mommies!

Hi M2B,

Today, when we sent Joey to school, the school bus also arrived at the same time... then this thot came to my mind.... "How i wish i can be a pre-school bus driver?" So nice and cute to ferry those chubby kids ard.. hahaa.... and the japanese kids are sooooo cute!!

Hi Hong,

Were you the one who asked me abt Joey's school uniform? I think it's compulsory for all N2 to wear them... but so far, i've not bought it for joey yet.. we'll wait until the teacher tells us before i buy them. Some of joey's classmates are already wearing them.

When i asked joey if she likes the school uniform, she said "No, they are not beautiful!" haha.....

Happy bday to Jan! Hope she'll have a great celebration in school today!

Hi Minnie,

Any updates on Josh? Better now?

Hi Chris, StyloBB, Hong,

LS for 2 mths really terrible.... there's this constant churning and the feeling is like as if the a!@hole has a mind of it's own!

Hi Chris,

I used my lunch time on weekends to do shopping, since the school is right next to Centrepoint. I find nothing nice for kids leh.. and the children dept at Robinsons is like hidden away in an attic like that. See already also no mood to shop.

Last night, we went to vivo, saw this really cute adidas tshirt... after we tried it on joey she went to play hide and seek with us and hid in one of the display cabinets.. when she came out, the white adidas t-shirt has turned yellow and her body was full of white powder!! eeks... that adidas shop is soooo dusty! We couldn't buy the tshirt anymore coz it changed colour and they dun have new pieces. haha...
i used up my vouchers and bot 2 tops from bysi. hehe... oso bot some ls tops from u2 for my jpn trip.

ya kids dept at robinsons very leng qing. and have to go all the way up and up.. did you explore the new wing?
adidas shop or kidstyle? so dusty meh? so wat they do with that tee? put it back on display???
Hi mummies,
a quick post.
The bday celebration was a very simple one. Singing n ckae cutting thats all. 1kg is too much for the class so i told the teachers to keep it for themselves or give to any kids who wants it.

Again one of the ger cried very badly. She cried from the start of the class till the end and that was last week. I saw her crying again this week and the poor mei mei make her brother who is N2 to cry as well.

I think the teacher started to get frustrated with the crying kid. Not easy to be teacher.

I come back again
Harlow Mommies..

Josh was discharged last evening and is now back home w nanny. Apparently, he got stomach flu+rotavirus which made it so severe. His appetite is improving and he seems to be always hungry. So we feed him watever he wans to eat, as long as its not oily. He is now back to his happy and active self but will only be back to school next Monday. In KKH, the doc detected a slight murmur in his heart so he gotto go back for review 2 weeks later. Just hope all is well.

After spending 3d2n in KKH, I am simply exhausted. Didnt sleep well cos of the perpetually crying baby in the same ward and the uncomfy foldable bed. But the nurses were v good and caring. No complaints. I am back to work today but having an upset tummy cos I havent recovered yet. No choice as work is piling up. I think I lost 1-2kg from this experience leowz.


You never fail to amuse me with your posting!!! Hahaha... can play hide and seek until new shirt turn yellow..


Nice dresses.
Its good to outsource the kid at times. Now Josh is outsourced on Sat or Sun to my parents and they gladly take him for the day. Hehehe...


So you got 2 same hampers? So qiao one ah.. Anyway, you take care and have a smooth pregnancy too.


Happy 3rd Birthday to Jan!!

Yah, this virus is super strong. Think its a bug that is gg around now. So must wash hands more often.
Hi Minnie,

Did they take any stool samples from Josh? Rota + stomach flu.. double whammy, aiyoh! when does he have to go back for his heart murmur review?

I'm quite scared of KKH (esp the waiting area for review). The last time joey went back for a review, she caught some nasty flu virus and fell sick.

Hi Chris, Minnie,

The shirt is probably being hung up on the shelves again.. if you pass by, do look for out for yellowish t-shirt at the children's section! haha....

I explored the new wing accidentally, coz i got lost after coming out of a lift from robinsons' children's dept. When the lift door opened, it was actually the back entrance of Gap! I got a little disorientated.. i thot gap has a space inside robinsons.

The Gap at Centrepoint feels more shop'able than the one at Vivocity.

Hi Hong,

Wah, that kid really long winded man.. can cry for so long.

Yah.. it's definately not easy being a cc teacher... if you are the parent, you can leave the child to cry at one corner.. but in a cc... if the teacher does that, parents will complain liao..

For Joey's school, i haven't seen anyone crying for so long yet.
Hi Preggie,

Yes, they took a stool sample from him upon admission. Tested positive for rotavirus, dats why so sick since its like 2 viruses together.
Didnt expect it as I really dunno where he caught it. He will go back for review in 2 weeks time.

I havent been to Centrepoint in a long time. Issit worth gg?
hi minnie
too bad, when the vacine for rotavirus is out, our small one cant take it coz it's over their age le.. i only remember bb at 3mths had it. it's by oral

jan's also PAP rite? she got porridge?
Am back in office today.. a lot of stuff to clear. Happy belated birthday to all the tods who celebrate their BDs.

Good to know that Jan is well-adjusted to the school now. Thanks for asking about Joel. As for today, he is okay didn't cry much but still thinking of reason of trying to delay or not going to school. By the way, Happy Birthday to Jan.

Glad that Josh is back to normal self now. Not easy to care for a sick tod.

Me too, when hubby is sick esp cough and flu, I told him to keep his distance from Joel and I told him to put on the mask when in close contact with Joel.
Thanks for the bday wishes..
We got her a bicycle tat cost only $40 from carrefore.

Joel still doesnt feel like going to school?
Never mind he will get use to it. Janelle also told me she didnt wanna go to school and she said she was scared. I think she is finding excuses but after a while she is happily playing with the rest.

School Bus - mummies guess how long i waited the school bus to reach my IL place. 1.5hr. I thot my ger kena kidnapped by the bus driver. I called the bus lady and told her to rearrange the route. How can she expect my poor 3yr old ger to be in the bus journey for 1.5hr where the journey from my place to my IL place is only 15 mins. I told her we could understand if the bus need to send other kids home 1st but 1.5hr was ridiculars. The bus assistant told my MIL that there were many kids living ard Geylang and there is a jam there.

Aiyah then they shld come to Eunos 1st then sent the rest back. Imagine Janelle is the last kid on the bus.

Beside all these, she is ok. Never cried despite the long hr of bus ride.

glad that Josh is better now. I also sleep on the foldable bed when Julian is in NUH. That is a terrible feeling. Luckily Julian is the youngest patient in the ward so other will listen to him crying. hahaha..

Janelle is in a church kinder. She got bday cake today. I saw the rest having biscuit today. Last friday was porridge.
Both the gers are so sweet!

Yes I saw the 1st dress but i like the ang ang one. The other one is also very nice but i think smaller kid will look cute in it.

Happy Belated bday to Julien n chara.

That bouquet of flower look very well done.

Happy Birthday to Janelle! Hope she has a wonderful time today.

1.5hrs is too long for such a short journey, very kua zhang....

If Matt is in the bus, think he doesn't mind being the last one as he LOVES to take bus!!! i also don know y, always ask us to bring him take bus, maybe he wants to become a bus driver when he grow up. :p


Happy Belated BD to Chara and Julien! So fast, they r 1....

The dresses are so sweet, i like them.


Glad to hear that Josh is back home, 2 virus attacking at the same time, no wonder he is so sick. Poor boy, need to 'pu' his body back after he recover...

U also hv more rest to recover... must be tiring to take care of Josh and u urself is not well too...


U also take care, seem this preg is quite tough for u...


U flatter me, i onli hv a mouse brain, i can remember 'cos E1 &amp; E2's BD is very near to Matt n Nic's BD respectively..:p
Hi Jas,

Yes, its indeed tiring to look after a sick toddler when I am sick too. But I must give credit to Josh for giving me zero problems in hospital. He slept and took his med w no problems. Even on drip, he didnt complain pain or wan to pull it out.


If no jam, how long would the trip take? 1.5hrs is too long lah.. Poor Jan.

There was an infant in the ward too and his cries were alrite and its not for long. Its another toddler who has this super whiney and irritating cry and his mom didnt even bother to bring him out of the ward. A malay parent also complained to me abt them the next morning. I mean they should be considerate as others need to rest lor... And it was at 2am!!
Hi Minnie,
Glad Josh is discharged liao. Hope he fully recovered soon. You also must pu back your health at the same time. Take care.

Hi Chris,
So you were happily shopping on Fri? heehee I also just bought a black and white top from BYSI the weekend before... :p

Hi Preggie,
Hahaha, you wana be preschool driver? I wana be preschool teacher instead...hahaha
thanks. Like u said 1.5hr was too long.

oh that was bad. Infant as in how young?
I think if the infant are place together they cant really sleep well. Imagine one crying n the others got awake.

The bus lady told me shld be 30min to 45min.
I want her to give me the sequence and wat is Janelle Qs. However today she is the last. She had not get back to me. I may need to give her a call again later.

Law told me to change Janelle to the PAP next yr. I already knew the reason but i still ask him why. He said cos the teacher said grace (grace is the correct term?) before eating. I told him that was nothing wrong as this is a church kinder and i dun think Janelle will understand since we are not going to put her into christian pri school next time. Buay Tahan leh.

That's good, Josh has always been a good boy.

Yeah, I think he needs more time to get adjusted to the school environment. The school also give them bread for snack time.

The journey is very long, I believe my mum will jump if it is Joel. I can't imagine if I put Joel in the Kinder and have the school bus sent him to Tampines, it will even be longer.
