PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.


Hi Dawn & Catz
Can I ask roughly when does your AF come (e.g. dpo) when you are on clomid? Cos mine will be 14dpo soon and I want to gauge when to go back and see G if it doesn't come. Shld I go after I take the preg test, meaning about 16-18dpo? I was supposed to go for my blood test on CD 2 of the next cycle leh.
Hey ruggles, I conceived on my first round of clomid but before that, I was having weird 3 week cycles 'cos I think I had an early miscarriage. Yes yes, go and do your pregnancy test. I tested positive 2 weeks after the successful erm, attempt. Good luck and keep us posted, gal!
Thanks Catz..

dare not leh... hahah

I am now 13dpo and all 13 temps are above the cover line.. yah, I'll wait for like maybe 2-3 more days then go do lar..
ruggles, if temperature high tomolo, got high chance liow...coz oredi 2 weeks after ovulation. Usually how long DPO b4 AF comes? I think can test, should be able to show results. will cross my fingers for u. got any other symptoms?
hey dawn,
yah,, just measured temp this morning.. still high. 14dpo. but i read somewhere that temp can stay high for about 16-18dpo even no preggers leh..
erm, other symptoms arh?? nipple pain/sensitive (not breast). plus I came down with this gastrointestinal colic thingy the since tuesday, keep having stomachache but no poop one..

what about you? have you tested?? good luckz!!!!
eh ruggles, can test lah!! I kena really bad stomach pains (thought it was diarrhoea) and menstrual cramps.. didn't think anything of it but tested anyway just so that I could take the second cycle of Clomdi. GOod luck man..
so excited for u!
your symptoms are really like preggie u know.... usually how long is you Luteal Phase, i.e how long DPO b4 AF? normal pple is 12 to 14 days leh, and nowadays HPT so sensitive,I have heard of pple testing postitive at Day 10 to 12. so i think u can test liow!!! quick quick go and test!!! hope it is a BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP!!!! pls keep us updated ok!

i am oni at DPO 10 today leh....oni slightly tender breast which i also will have b4 AF one....so....*sigh*
yah, morning pee should have a higher concentration of HCG.

have a good weekend! I am so tired....quite burnt out by this week's activities....so going to take a good rest!
Hey dawn and catz,
just tested.
i'm going to the dr later.. either G or GP to confirm!!! any professiononal people lah!!!

i will report again! Thanks for all the encouragement and support! Hope it'll be good good news!!!
congrats ruggles!
a really clear positive. Have a safe 9 months! let us know what the doc says. must take care yah!
Hey Dawn,
Thanks for being there to answer my queries all the time. Baby dust on you too.. keep me updated on your progress yah..

Went to G yday and he can't see anything on the ultrascan. Say to go back in 2 weeks. But I am a little worried cos I am still having bad stomach pains that wake me up in the middle of the night type. =]

Do you know what are the things that I can or cannot eat?
Hi ruggles, my AF just came last night....
will still continue to work hard, thanks for your baby dust, will catch lots of it!

I think it is still too early to see the sac, don't worry. My fren also had bad cramps during the early stages, gyane said the uterus is expanding. Don't eat liang stuff/raw food, that's what i heard. Don't move around too much,
Hi Dawn,
I know it is difficult, but have to stay cheerful and think positive (that's what my hubb says to me all the time).


I am still having the tummyache, and I actually ate raw fish last week... urgh...
I will call my GP again tmr and ask about the stomachache. Meanwhile, I get all the excuse in the world to not do anything at home. Haha..

You take good care yourself yah? It's term 4 liao.. school is closing soon.. should be exams now right? so not much teaching to do. Rest and relax.
ruggles, CONGRATS on your BFP!! Told you told you told you!!!
Tummy pains lasted for 3 days..

Please don't eat raw stuff - no sashimi, soft serve ice cream, cold cuts (ham etc), precut fruits, salads, hotdogs (make sure it's steaming hot).. oh and buy good non-slip shoes
Have fun, dear!!!!!

dawn, it'll be your turn soon lah.. I'll check back for your good news soon yah?
hey catz,

I pain 1 week le leh.. last night I work up 3-4 times cos b pain man.. and it doesn't feels like cramp leh.. more like want to do the big business kind of feeling.

I read somewhere in this forum that you went on holiday while preggers right? How was it? Cos we aldy booked our trip to US and the tix are not refundable. What do you advise?
Catz, thanks!
Hope the day will come soon....waiting for quite long liow....starting to be quite discouraged.

ruggles, u oredi book ur trip ah? must take care.....see if can transfer names to other pple?
I also planning to go Taiwan end of the year for a makan and shopping spree.
Hey dawn,
don't get discouraged k. Good good, go holiday and relax. enjoy all the food and shopping in Taiwan. I miss the bing tang hu lu man.. with strawberries and prunes... yum yum...

my tix is not refundable nor transferable leh.. by the time we are supposed to go, will be just into the 2nd trimester le.. I also dunno lah, see next week see the G again then see how lor.. if really don't go, the money also bobian one..
ruggles, 2nd trimester you must enjoy yourself. I went to NYC at the end of first trimester.. a bit miserable but ended up getting my appetite back at teh m'sian restaurant. Haha
Can enjoy lah but watch what you eat.. no dodgy hotdog vendors etc.. Then can go US and stock up on baby clothes!! SHIOK!

dawn, your day will come.. no worries. I also felt very hopeless after 1.5 years of trying.. then who knew? Just one time on clomid and pop.. haha
Hey Catz,
I also think of going there to stock up clothes kekek.. baby gap, osh kosh... their clothes v nice leh..

anything that i have to take care of when we are on the flight?

I got relatives there, so it;s not so bad u see.. I think we'll just nt visit so many places.
but we haven tell our family, dunno what their reaction will be man..

hey dawn, I also say clomid is good... !!
hehe.. yah keep it to yourself until end of first trimester lah.. trust me, 2 trimesters of anxious questions is more than enough! You can take it really easy when you're in the US lor. Take lots of toilet breaks when you're driving 'cos you will keep peeing and peeing! On the flight, drink heaps of water and don't forget to bring snacks 'cos for preggies, you need something to snack every 2-3 hours to keep your blood sugar constant, if not can pengsan.
I told my parents only. Didn't want to tell MIL.. but it was easier 'cos I was in the US. Usually people keep it hush hush until end of first trimester when the pregnancy is more stable lor. For me, I was super paranoid of miscarriage 'cos PCOS tends to make for higher miscarriage rate.. sorry to have to panic you.

Waaah skiing.. shack leh. Anyway, you can just sit at the ski lodge and drink hot chocolate
yah, that's what I was worried about also. but if it were to happen, it will happen no matter where u are also right?

but our tix are non-refundable lor, so whatever it is, we have until then to decide.
ruggles, you will have a lot of fun lah. 2nd trimester can really enjoy - can eat, no more morning sickness, can SHOP!!! Shiok man.. really envy you! How are you feeling these days?
erm, my tummy ache ok le.. i think that one was really colic lar.. nothing to do with the baby.
never puke also leh..
the fantastic thing is that I am getting bigger boobies.. hahaha..
<font color="0000ff">Faridah &amp; Ruggles,</font>
Congrats to U!! Really encouraged to see more &amp; more PCOS pple got preggie.

I not only hv PCOS, I've endometriosis &amp; adenomyosis. My cycle is rather regular: 28-30days. Tried for 5 cycles but all failed. Tried taking BBT, OPK etc...but all don't work. I mean even though by using OPK I know when I O, but after BD still no good news.

I've stopped taking BBT 3 mths ago. Dun feel like using OPK anymore...frankly speaking quite sick of TTC now.... I find that no matter what methods I try, I still cannot conceive. Though I managed to conceive 3 yrs ago....that time I also blur blur strike one. Now I juz leave it to fate....
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks ruggels,</font>
I was preggie 2nd time last year but miscarried already. So now trying for 3rd one. Sad right?

sad, but there is always a reason for things to happen. must remain positive.

I am also worried about this preggie actually cos I was on clomid and because of PCOS.
<font color="119911">Ruggles,</font>
Thks for your encouragement. I think I've mood swings! Sometimes I tell myself to give up &amp; bo chap liao. But sometimes I tell myself to leave it to fate. And other times, I tell myself not to give up &amp; must continue to try &amp; try. Getting a bit siao liao.

U dun hv to worry since u went to see gynae immediately. Juz follow his advice closely. I can understand the anxiety u feeling now...u hv to have a balance diet &amp; continue to stay happy from now on. Other things juz leave it to gynae. All the best!
hi qwer,
thanks for being comforting!! =]

relax and don't stress is good..

speaking of balanced diet, what are the things i cannot eat? Catz told me about the liang stuff, are there anything else? like eucalyptus honey can drink? cos i a bit paranoid over my food sometimes, like salted egg, century egg that kind of things can eat or not? I haven told my family so no one to turn to for this type of advice.
Hey qwer, don't worry so much lah.. I also went through the same vacillations. When you least expect it... BOOM!

ruggles, hehe.. no lah, I don't believe in liang or heaty stuff.. I just believe in not eating germy stuf!!! Just don't eat stuff that is not steaming hot lah.. listeriosis poisoning can cause miscarriage.
i mean raw stuff and the hotdogs.. haha..

yah, i read about listeria poisoning.. in undercooked burgers and stuff right?

I think i getting a bit paranoid liao arh..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Ruggles,</font>
Sorry I was on MC on Fri, dun hv access at home. Wah those food that mentioned hor...I dun eat one leh...like what honey, century egg, salted egg etc... I dun eat them at all. When I was preggie 3 yrs ago, I only eat a balanced diet, which I usually do. And I ate a lot of vege. My hubby n I always hv this habit of juz boiling any vegetables &amp; juz eat like that. No salt, oil or whatever seasoning. During my pregnancy I ate lots of vege &amp; cheese, beef, milk. And cos I dun eat raw food, so I never thot of eating it lor.

Try to eat little quantity but more meals. Eg. 6-8 meals per day, each time quantity not too much. So it's like whole day you're juz eating &amp; eating....kekee.... Also keep a small pkt of biscuits in your handbag. Hungry can eat.
morning ladies

wah.. so long didnt report here liao.. coz too many things happen to me.. am gettin on fine nw

had a lap coz of ectopic in Aug.. healin very well nw..
will be tryin again but not so fast coz 2 incident happen only 2 mths which i m/c in May and was preggy but ectopic in Jul.. so womb need to rest nw..

those who preggie pls TAKE GOOD CARE
i still take 3 normal meals a day with some munchings in between =]
i think my diet is not v balanced leh, tho' i try to eat more vegetables nowadays.

take care and baby dust on you.. =]
thks ruggles and must really take good care hor..
cut dw on sugar oso
so happy to hear so many cases of PCOS who can get preggie :p
<font color="119911">Hi ruggles,</font>
No worries, slowly yah.... You're doing very well now...yes, slowly introduce a little bit more vege in your food. When I order sliced fish beehoon soup for my lunch, I'll tell the hawker to add 50cents more of vege for me. Everything starts slowly &amp; bit by bit. After some time, you'll get used to it already. Maybe next time after u give birth, u love vegetables very much already, hee hee....

Hey Meimei.. so sorry to hear about your ectopic and mc. Must take good care of yourself yah? Put your feet up and rest more!!

qwer, good point - veggies are good!! Esp for the extra folic acid.

ruggles, good girl.. I think toward your 2nd trimester, you'll find that you need a lot of little snacks in between to keep your blood sugar up. Everytime I forget to snack, I got very giddy.
