PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hi catz.. ya.. more unrelease follicles in my ovary compare to March lor.. haiz.. wat to do leh.. keke byw u took clomid then got preggie rite? btw hws ur bb nw?? keke post pic for me to see leh :p hmm.... haven come for 2 mths huh.. lol got test bo?

hey mei.. no lah, cannot be pregnant lah.. if not I will surely be vomitting already. Haha
OK will post when I hv time to resize his pix.
Mei, were u taking metfomin all the while?
I also had missing AF for 90 days last year...now taking metformin, not so bad...40 odd days at most...still trying to bring it down to 30 days leh....

what did u take to induce AF? progesterone pills?
hi dawn
yup.. have been takin since last year Nov till this year April.. till i know i was preggie in May then stop.. after that had an miscarriage and stop till July coz was preggie again but ectopic.. had lap and d&c in Aug and Sept AF came after MIA liao.. waited for abt 6 weeks then booked appt to see gynae coz dun wan to wait for AF liao.. keke thats y gynae ask me to take metformin and clomid again lor.. but can only eat after AF report :p same time that i take clomid which is CD2.. so nw wait for AF lor ;)

i dunno wats the med name for inducin.. keke :p paiseh huh :p
Wow, Mei, you had ectopic preggie after the mc.. Must have been a very rough couple of months for you. Please take care of yourself.. try to relax lah. I also relack relack then strike lottery
yes catz.. ectopic after 1 mth mc.. oso dunno am preggie @ that time too.. till i got super long spotting till i buay tahan so test on HPT and was super duper the test line was so dark..

anyway.. am very relax liao.. keke :p
Mei, at least u got preggy twice b4...so will u know u have no problems conceiving. hope the baby comes soon!
hi dawn.. dun give up ok
we can always try.. BUT NO STRESS!! i know i got no prob conceivin coz its all timing and whther eggs/spermies healthy onot lor.. and thks for ur wish.. keke
same to u ok
if really preggie will SPREAD BABY DUSTS HERE!
ha ha ...okie...sure will!
you too ok!

I think i too stressed lah...my job very stressful...*sigh*
trying to relax but difficult....unless take no pay leave!
Elle - I emailed you back but think your hotmail account kaput. Can PM me again?

Dawn, yah lah, must take it easy..

*baby dust to all*
Elle - where are you?? Let me know your email addy yah? I'll mail you.

Guess ruggles is enjoying herself in the US

Dawn, any word?
Hi Dawn,
Sorry for late reply, very busy this few week with my work

I went to see this chinese gynae, she is actually from Tongji hospital but I see her at Hougang (1 of the chinese medication shop), really lot of people seeing her and she is really good. She is recommended by my sister's colleague, who also has PCOS and has just gave birth to a son (after 1 year of medication).

She told me not to give up my metformin and can take her medication during evening time. U need to boil those chinese herb prescribe by her. When u first visit her, she will give u a graph paper, which u need to take down your temperature once you wake up in the morning and mark it on the paper. She will monitor your pattern and give you advice accordingly. For my case, I don't ovulate regularly, the medication will improve my fertility and therefore improve my ovulation and I actually see improvement

If u want the address just email me. [email protected]
Wah this chinese gynae sounds quite good. It's good that she monitors basal body temperature.

Eh, ruggles still MIA?
Hi Sharon

My doctor from TMC also suggested ovarian drilling for the next round. I am also hesistant yet I am v desperate to get pregnant.

I am on my 3rd round of Clomid & have been on metformin since. But so far think my stubborn ovaries are not reacting. I read abt injection? Anybody tried that.

I am also diagnosed with PCOS problem. And somehow i think mine is serious becos I have all the site effects like easy weight gain, excessive hair, etc
Hi Dawn,
Now you've got mail too heee..

Hi Catz,
Yes I find her very professional and detail. She actually specialise for treating ovulation problem and even for guy who has poor quality of sperm count.
hey guys,
I just got back yesterday morning.. still jet lagging.. which explains me being here at this unearthly hour. kekek..
didn't really do much shopping (+ didn;t know the gender of the baby, so many things can see cannot buy,, sigh.. ) cos we had hubby's parents with us, so did the usual sightseeing.
the good thing was that we managed to bring back some baby clothes and an infant car seat from a cousin who is staying there.
So how's everyone?? =]
Hi Ruggles,
Can you share with us who is your gynae (I presume is the same one when you were on Clomid)? Sigh, I had a bad experience with my ex-gynae, need another recommendation.

Thank you
Hi whitebride,
I'm with Dr T.B. Lim at Mt Elizabeth. He put me on clomid to kickstart the menses cos it stopped for like 3 months after I stopped using the Pill. But I never really had period problems previously.
Hi ruggles, welcome back. Alamak, not much shopping?! So wasted! I bought most of 0 - 6 months stuff unisex so I started shopping once I was out of my first trimester. When the detailed scan confirmed it was a boy, we went straight out to Oshkosh and bought up loads of stuff.
hi Catz,
oshkosh had a lot of good discounts, but a lot of clothes all either boy or girl leh. didn't dare to get too many of those baby baby ones, cos everyone says they outgrow very quickly..
hello everyone

how are u all doing? me, very tired, can wait till i hit 38 weeks, and hope i can deliver my baby by then, i am 31 weeks and 5 days now

so tiring, my feet are all swollen, and guess what??? me 85 kg nowww ahhhhhh, so fatttttt
I didnt buy lots of baby stuff, coz ppl gave me a lot, like baby cot, my hubby's relative gave, baby clothes, my aunt bought from jakarta, they are much nicer there and cheaper too, real cute, esp the colours, i like em so much, and lots of other stuff ppl got for me already, think i spend abt $300 on baby's stuff only, but my gynae fees are high, gosh! anyway, msg me guys, tell me how it all began with the delivery and post delivery, i just cant wait to hold my baby in my arms and cuddle and kiss him, and talk to him, it is soo exciting, the moment i have been waiting for ahhhhhh! and i also cant wait for him to talk to me one day!!!
and he is also kicking a lot nowadays, i love to touch my tummy, so that i can feel him, it is really a joy to become a mom, hopefully i wont get the post depression, so scary
hi hi faridah
My goodness, so fast that you're going to be a mummy soon!!! The last few weeks very terok 'cos very swollen and fat. I also tak boleh tahan. Can see that you're very very excited
Don't worry about postnatal blues.. you will feel a little down but don't let it get you.

Ruggles, yah lor, everyone says dont' buy Newborn clothes but you will regret 'cos all the clothes will hang off your poor baby. I bought A LOT. I don't regret lah 'cos my boy vomitted so much.
Anyway, how are you feeling?
I am feeling quite good except for a bout of food poisoning last week, everything is good. My tummy is starting to show liao.. especially after I eat. Starting to buy new clothes le. It was a pity that cloth sizes in US were too big for me.
I'm waiting for my sis to give me her baby's old newborn clothes haha..
Hihi ruggles
Aiyoh, food poisoning! Poor you. Make sure you get enough nutrients and water yah? Yeah US clothes sizes tend to be a bit big. I'm quite big sized and I usually take XS or S!!

You're lucky to have handmedowns! I don't have anybody to hand me down so everything gotta buy brand new.
ruggles, just make sure you've got enough outfits for your own kiddo. I also thought I bought A LOT but erm, ended up buying double of what I already bought 'cos not enough lor. So fun to be preggers with your sister at the same time!
hi ruggles, sorry didn't see the prev message! A lot of like about 20 outfits for each age 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12.. but hor, newborn is never enough for me 'cos my boy vomitted so much.

How are you doing????
Hey hey!! Happy Lunar New Year!!!

No probs. I've been buying stuff for baby until recently I suddenly realised that i seem to have a lot of rompers for my baby man!! I think more than 20 pcs for the newborn liao.. Hahah...

I'm doing quite well. Done my detailed scan, everything is good and we are having a baby boy! Both hubby and I are very happy, tho' hubby would like to have a girl, so looks like surely must try for another one! keke..

So how are you too?? And also the rest? Dawn? Where have you been??
Hey ruggles, congrats! Another little boy to accompany my little guy
I'm good. Timothy is toddling around and sprouted 4 teeth all of a sudden.. he's also saying more words now.

Have a great Lunar New Year holiday everyone!
Hey Catz,
How old is your boy? I think kids are cutest when they just learn to toddle and talk. That's when they learn all the nonsense that anyone shows them.. haha..

I'm quite excited and nervous at the same time. Still dare not think about the delivery, so I'm enjoying this pregnancy for as long as I can. It's really fast man. I'm like about 22 weeks liao.. only 18 more weeks to go.. scary..
Hi Ruggles, Timothy is almost 13 months now. He started toddling a couple of days after his first birthday
Yeah it's really a joy to be with him these days.. my goodness.. time flies. You're already going to reach 3rd trimester before you know it
Where are you delivering?
Wow, 13 months already?? This is the time where they are like 'i'll try to get away with anything'. But really fun.

I will most probably be delivering at Mt Alvernia. Both my sis delivered there as well. I was considering Mt E and Mt A and decided to choose Mt A cos I will be taking the 1-bedder and I think it would be cheaper.
hi everyone
happy cny!!! me giving birth soon, now 37 weeks and 3 days, i am hoping my water would burst next week naturally, i just cant wait to give birth, so exhausting, my baby at 36 weeks was 3kg, i think maybe now 4kg?? hehehehe
how is everyone?
hi gals...i tot this thread is no longer alive!
so surprised to see it revive when i pop in tonight.

faridah, have a smoolth delivery!
must tell us how your delivery goes. r u opting for epidural?

ruggles...i am still the same...very stressed at work, so AF went haywire again. wanted to do IUI during december hols, but date clashed with the dates we are going for hols in taiwan. *sigh* kena bombarded by a whole GANG of relatives yesterday who "threatened" that they want to see a baby soon........so was given all sorts of suggestions and help. very stressful. how's school for you this year?

Catz, your boy sounds cute...really a lovable age. i used to be a childcare teacher b4 i entered NUS so enjoyed myself with those playgroup children who are 18 months to 2 years plus....really fun.
Hi dawn,
it's good to hear from you again!!

School's pretty good for me this term cos I got very few classes and thus the timetable is quite good. So quite relaxed in a way. Don't have to rush from class to class. Don't be so stressed at work lah.. Are you still teaching?

Wah, your relatives so "hiong" type one? What about your hubby? Get him to shield you mah. I think if i were you I sure shoot my mouth off with something like " you so good you go get pregnant lah.." then again, I always like that one lah, so my relatives nvr really dared to ask sensitive things with me.

take it easy and relax yah. Most relatives mean well, but sometimes they don;t realise the stress that they are causing. Just listen with one ear in and one ear out. donch stress unnecessarily. So will you be planning for the IUI? Keep us updated yah, and wishing you all the best!!

hi dawn, nice to see you here at last. Aiyoh, all those well meaning relatives being nosey eh? So when will you try your IUI again? Wah you did childcare before ah? I think I don't have that kind of patience and energy. One energetic little boy is enough to make me snore at night!

ruggles, I also think Mt A is a better choice. Sometimes Orchard Road is super jammed.. so Mt E is very hard to get to!

faridah, my goodness.. anytime now eh? Must let us know when you pop!

Aiyah, think about babies, I also stressed. If I want a second one soon, I think I will have to start taking Clomid and using OPK. STRESSED AH!
hello all, tks for the good wishes
saw my gynae today, and everything is ok! i wanted to induce coz i am aldy 38 wks, geez he said can wait another week, oh men! cant wait to see my baby!
Just curious, did anyone of u had depression during pregnancy? i do, and how do i go from here?
hi catz and ruggles....yah, i am still teaching...a graduating top class this year some more. so very stressed. u r lucky....less classes...is it bcos they know u going to give birth this year?

my mum's side relatives very close to one another...so i understand they meant well lah...they juz want to see me with a child, so that they can give him/her big ang pow....heehee.
but it sure hurts when they ask why take so long. hubby juz keeps quiet....he also gets bombarded too at different time. i have to wait till my next AF comes then can do iui....maybe will induce AF next week. clomid din work for me...when i tried for 2 cycles last year.

faridah, u must be very excited to see the little one. my fren 's EDD is 24th Feb....she also feeling very bloated and heavy liow. Btw
2 of my frens had depression during pregnancy. i think hubby, family members and frens must be very patient and supportive lor. One of them wept everyday, she also dunno why....she felt during her 1st week that the child very ugly....can't accept the baby... can't get much milk out, also very stressed trying to express out the milk every hour.

the other one, wanted to divorce her hubby....but a year later, when we asked her about it, she said 'got such things meh?'

but some pple are perfectly happy, guess must be the hormones.
Hi dawn,
No lah, where got so good, just becos give birth then less classes one... kekek.. the enrolment dropped so less classes lor.. but I still get quite tired at the end of the day. I think I am still not used to the extra weight that I am carrying...

hi faridah, i think it's normal to have depression during pregnancy.. what's very important is that you let your gynae know about it.. must watch for post partum depression after giving birth.. can be very cham.. my friend wanted to kill her baby and herself. Luckily got nurses (in Australia) who picked up the depression signs. So just be careful as depression after giving birth is so common! I felt very weepy from lack of sleep and painful boobs.

I felt that the final month of pregnancy was the pits. Felt fat, bloated, clumsy and just wanted to get the darn baby out! Hahahahahahah
So just enjoy your sleep in the meantime.. when baby comes, NO SLEEP AH!
