PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

I've never taken note of my cycles last time, so i don't have a clear idea of how long my cycle is, but i think it's roughly 5 weeks i think. I was on the Pill for close to 2 years and during that time menses and everything all normal. i'll try looking at the mucus thingy. is it supposed to be clear? I've seen opaque and yellowish one but never egg white clear ones.

just did the test. still negative, so i guess i'll continue testing until i see something or i run out of OPKs i guess.

temp taking is ok lar.. just have the temp next to me lor.. every morning wake up and take. but not accurate. my temp fluctuate a lot. not using fertility friend. pen and paper tracking.. haha.. chart is from gynae. I think he wants indication if the clomid works.

thanks everyone for the advice and support!! =]

jen, stumbled on this thread and thought i might be able to share a bit based on my limited knowledge as a PCOS patient. The injection u are refering to is actually FSH injection. Clomid stimulates the brain to secrete FSH, which is required during the follicular phase to mature the eggs. Some pple may not respond even with high dosage of clomid (ie. 150-200mg). Hence, FSH hormones need to be injected directly into the body. Besides FSH injections, some doctor puts the patient on metformin and clomid at the same time. i am a typical example, 1500mg metformin every day and 50mg clomid from day 2 to day 6 and 2 days of FSH injections.
Hi Mum2Be....BFW is Bai Feng Wan...my own short form hee hee.

Well, ruggles and Jen, last time i also dunno what is EWCM....but after reading about it...more aware. Usually after AF, we will be quite dry down there, then as we approach ovulation, we start to get watery CM....in fact sometimes can see on panty, like watery discharges...then it will change constituency. sometimes cannot see, but when u go to toilet and clean urself with toilet paper, sometimes will be able to see the stretchy CM. somewebsites say can use fingers to check, but i don't dare ....hee hee. Suppose to ovululate soon after you see that EWCM.

Jen, normal to quarrel over these matter...i think the hubbies are also quite stressed up over this matter. hope u can BD today!
I've been testing with the OPK for about 4 days now, and still do not see the LH surge. Is possible for no LH surge even on clomid? No surge means no O right?
ruggles, no surge might means 2 things: either no O yet or...you have missed the surge...eg if u usually test at 5pm every evening n the surge occured at 12noon...then might missed it.

It might also mean the dosage of clomid given to you is not strong enough to induce the ovulation. Did u use BBT to counter check? as long as your temperature have not increased, you have not 'O", hee hee...so continue to BD until you see the temperature increase.

Usually on which CD do you ovulate? I usually ovulate after CD 25.....very sian.....so i have to BD from CD 18 to 30.
tiring hor....
Hi,Elle and everyone

Sorry reply to you late. My friend has found a nanny.Thanks

I am also a PCOS patient my TSH is under control (within the range 10-20) will I give birth to abnormal baby?
Hi dawn,
I thot that the surge lasts the entire day? Didn't know that it lasts only a short while. hmm.. ok, or maybe I just have not O. I don't know how's my cycle like, cos I never take note of it before I went on the Pill. So I don't know when I will O. Also never experienced the so called O pain before. My temp is quite haywire. I don't think it is trustable. =]
Thanks for all the information and advice.

thanks chloe,
then again, I don't think I'll recognise it even when I see it.
I'ven been trying to look at it ydae and today. Can't tell any diff.
hi ruggles....no problem....also took awhile to learn about BBT, CM and using the OPK. try a few cycles, i am sure u will find ur pattern!

is ur temperature like between 36.2 to 36.5? the temp will fluctuate....but if the range still falls below 36.4, then (for me,)no ovulation. if 36.8 to 37....even if it goes up and down but withing that range, it is considered high.

hope it helps.
jia you!
hi dawn,
the first 3 wks i took, the temp fluctuate a lot and v high. these last 2 wks, the tem has been fluctuating but all below 36.6. OPK also show negative. yupz. I'll keep trying!!

Jia You to you too!!
Have you heard of the Bach Flower Remedies? It's like an alternative (complementary) medicine to treat the emotional state of mind. I read about it and it seems quite interesting and very safe. Don't know if it'll help people like us.
have not heard b4 leh.... ruggles, can check with ur gynae if PCOS patients can take Vitex ( chasteberry) to help regulate our menses when u go for ur appt this week? thanks thanks!
Hi dawn,
My gynae say he has not heard abt Vitex or chasteberry. But he said EPO does not do anything to induce ovulation. It only helps in relieving the discomforts of the menstrual cycle.
just did a scan today. no ovulation yet. hopefully next few days have. He recommended blood test on CD2 on my next cycle.

Can I ask, the ovulation is only after a sharp increase in temp right? or must be a drop then rise?
ruggles, thanks for checking with your gynae.
u can type in Vitex or chasteberry with PCOS, there are some studies on the net which seem to say it helps. not sure how reliable it is thought.

i only know ovulation occurs at the lowest temperature(dip), when it rise sharply, ovulation oredi over liow. that is why BBT only helps us to see the pattern to predict ur ovulation form previous cycles. by the time u see the rise on ur BBT, u have oredi ovulated.
What CD are u at today?

My horrible AF juz visted me yesterday morning.
suppose to take clomid this cycle, but decided to hold back as hubby quite stressed by job this month and he is suspected to be down with dengue today.
I will be at CD 20 today... hopefully based on my average 35 day cycle last time, then will ovulate this wkend or something. I am running out of OPK man.. started testing too early..

I would like to seek your help. My period has missed for about 7 days. I have done a pregnancy test kit (clear blue) it shows "negative" sign.

At present, I start seeing slightly bleeding and both of my breast suddenly felt very pain.I am so scared that I went to see gyn. My gyn said that hormones changed were like that and don't worry to much. He told me to test again after 1 weeks.

Now, I can feel headache,stomache and alittle bit of dizzy.

Do you think I am pregnant already? I am so scared to see the pregnant kit result in negative sign.
Hi pooh,

I guess you'll just have to follow gyn's instructions. Don't stress yourself out.

All the best!!! =]
Hi Lady
I read the above message. I know it is very stressful TTC.

For the body to function body, you need another hormome too. The lst hormone is to stimulate the egg to be released and the 2nd hormone is need to support and maintain pregnancy to full term. It is the second hormone that is missing. This hormone may help the symptom experience by some.

What you need may be a natural hormone. Email me at [email protected]. As sometime I find it hard to locate the tread
Hi, Pooh,

I juz saw ur post & wanted to tell u tt I'm having the signs, similar to yours.

My UPT was negative when I tested this morning, but my breasts hurts and I'm feeling a bit nausated and dizzy. Very tired also.

Keeping my fingers crossed and testing again in 2 weeks (if I can tahan so long, if not, then next week, i gg to see my gynae!)

But, hor, knowing me, I think mine is caffine withdrawal! LOL.

Anyway, good luck to u!
Hi Chatz and pooh, did u know when u ovulated? maybe u ovulated late this cycle and it is still too early to test for Hcg?

good luck to both of u!
hello all,

How are all of u? Me ok, 4 1/2 mths preggy, just curious did any of u have this heavy feeling when lying down on the bed, esp around the womb area?
Hey faridah, wah so fast 4.5 months already! Glad you're out of the first trimester. Maybe the weight you feel is just heaviness? Better check with the doctor the next checkup. Also, don't forget that you are not supposed to lie on your back from this point on. It puts too much pressure on your blood vessel and could make you feel faint.. also it's not good for baby as there is reduced blood circulation. So sleep on your side from now on yah?
Hi Chatz and dawn,
My ovulation is not known because that day when I went to see my gyn. he gave me an injection to release the eggs.After 1 week, I went to see him again.He said that "the eggs have been released and the eggs are going towards uterus from the fallopian tube". It is diffcult to judge my ovulation because my period is irregular also.

Sometimes I can see mucus together with brown discharge and slight bleeding (alot). Either mon or tue I will test the pregnancy kit again. I am so scared to see the pregnancy kit in negative sign lor...

By right my period should come on 23 Aug(26 days). But until now it hasn't come yet. I can only see brown discharge and slight bleeding.It is still early to detect the positive sign???
Hi all,
Has any of you ever had your periods induced then put on clomid and clomid doesn't work? Cos this is what's happening to me. The clomid didn't induce the ovulation and now it's been 35 days since the last cycle and the menses is not here yet. Gynae says that it will come, but is the 'will' going to be like in a fe months kind of thing?

I tried taking metformin for period to come. However I really cant take the side effects of metformin.

So the doctor gave me something else. My period came. Then I took clomid and I got pregnant. However I miscarriaged in the early 7th week.

I understand tt for PCOS patient like me, we're taking clomid to induce ovulation. However our eggs are forced to mature (ovulate), therefore even if we did get pregnant, the chances of miscarriage is high coz the eggs are kind of "premature".

Now I'm seeing chinese physician and doing accupuncture. Hopefully I'd be able to conceive naturally. Dun ever want to take those medicine anymore.
Hi pooh, is it already 2 weeks after the day that ur doc says that the eggs are being released? if so, quite a high chance to be preggie! will be praying for u....hope that u will test a BFP this week!!!

ruggles, even if i take clomid, my cycles will still be about 32 to 35 days(compared to left alone, without medication, it will be 40to 50 days). Heard of gals who do not react to 50mg (min dosage) of clomid, some need up to 150mg b4 they ovulate. Maybe u check with ur gynae? or.............is it good news? did u test yet?

edksd , understand ur concern about western medication...and the pain that u must have gone through....but i think sometimes we are really so desperate to have a bb that we are willing to try ANYTHING to get pregnant.

i was supposed to take clomid this cycle, but hubby says he will be highly stressed by work this month, so don't waste as his sperm will also be stressed, told me to try oni next cycle. *sigh* can oni go natural now.....Will still Jia you...but juz can't pin point when i ovulate!
Hi dawn,
Nvr test, I don't think good news lar. Last week I got the tenderness in the breast thing, like menses about to come like that, but now subside le.. also temp nvr increase leh.. No symptoms also. So i don't think so.. v stressed leh..
Hi Faridah,
So glad that everything goes well for yor preg.

Hi Catz,
I have delivered my gal a mth ago. Very tired taking care of her but feels very contented.
CONGRATS cat_tail! Omigosh, so fast and you're a mummy already. Glad that all is going well. Yap, first 2 months very rough but it will get so much better. Are you nursing?

Hey dawn and ruggles, wishing you all the best in your TTC
Don't stress. }Tender boobs sound very pregnant leh.
hello catz and cat tail,

tks for the advise, i am so anxious cant wait for my baby to be born next Jan, end of Jan, that is my birthday!!!!! and hubby is 3rd feb sooo hoping it will fall on either of our birthday. But my gynae cant see whether girl or boy yet, i am soo excited, my baby is moving a lot, so cute, run here and there, gosh just cant seem to contain my excitment.
Oh ya, for the others, i took metformin for 2 mths and conceived with my little angel. CLOMID DOES NOT WORK AT ALL
Hey ruggles, serious leh, I thought I had PMS too. The only reason I tested was so that I could take the 2nd cycle of Clomid. So I nearly fell off the toilet seat when I tested positive! Anyway, you take it easy lah.

faridah, wah, your little one will be about one year behind my Tim who is a Jan baby. Must keep us posted when you scan the sex yah?
so many pple here to day ah!
thanks Catz and faridah for ur well wishes and guidance!

very encouraging to see PCOS patients getting preggie, giving birth and doing fine. I have been to metformin for 4 months liow...*sigh* still no good news, and my AF still regulated yet, still 40 odd days
maybe my PCOS is more serious.

ruggles, will be praying for you, dun stress , think of having bb more impt.
2 more months will be hols liow! jia you!
Hi dawn,
Yupz,, hols soon... already plan vacation liao... that's the one thing I am lokking forward too!!! =] but must mark exam paper 1st...
Thank you catz.
My first 2 weeks is very siong. Firstly my stitch is so painful tat I can't sit properly. Then here comes my breast engorgement which makes me cry for 2 days... *very useless of me hor~
Btw, I did my bf for 3 weeks then stop.

HI Faridah,
I am so happy for u when I read yor thread. That's how I feel when I am preggy too. Do enjoy yorself during this period cos when yor little one pop out u will be very bz.

Hi dawn,
There's always hope! Jia you wor~
hi all

tks for yr good wishes, but i am so fat now, at 4.5 mths, me 70kg, sob sob, me eating a lot, did u guys eat a lot?
Hey girls,

cat_tail, first few weeks is very very jialat one.. No lah, it's OK if you don't continue breastfeeding. Any amount of BM is good already.

faridah, I couldn't eat until my 2nd trimester but then it was only when I came back to S'pore and my mother kept stuffing me that I put on so much weight. Can you imagine for first 7 months I only gained 5kg then I gained another 5kg in the last 2 months?!

dawn and ruggles, sometimes it's not your fault also... don't forget hubby's sperm also must hit the mark lor

ruggles, no the charting absolutely didn't work for me. In fact the OPK was quite ambigious for me but thank God it worked.
ruggles, wah so fast plan holidays oredi ah...i haven't even think of it yet. hee hee, wait u strike then cannot go liow!

thanks Cattail and Catz for all the jia you! yah, hubby also got slightly on the low side sperm count, plus he so stressed up by his job now...so even worse bah...
Hi catz, dawn,

Thanks. I think my hubby that side is ok. He went for the sperm test and G never call back to say got any prob so I think no prob lar..

My temp these 2 days is a bit higher than usual, like 36.8/9 when usually I am at low 36. Then again I have a cold going on lah.. I am at CD 40 le.. OPK and temp before nvr show ovulation leh.. cannot be O now right? no mucus also..
totally confused.
plus no guts to do preggie test.. if negative then will get disappointed.. very chicken of me.. haha..
ruggles, i had ever ovulated at CD 40 b4...with no sign of CM too....but hopefully urs is a preggie symptom instead. wait another few more days b4 u do your preggie test. i understand the fear and disappointment everytime we see a BFN.
Jia you !
Hi dawn,
I was just looking at my chart at fertility friend and it seems that(according to their analysis) I O on CD 35 cos my temp is high now. But we only BD on CD 36 and that was a quickie thingy.. then nvr BD le hiya.. so now I think back, even have O also miss the chance leh..
ruggles, sometimes the fertility fren not very accurate one lah.
maybe the sperm can catch the egg just in time? hee hee....keep fingers crossed!
i am in my 2ww now....BD 2 days b4 ovulation, so dunno if any sperm still survice till then...*sigh*
2ww = 2 week wait

the critical 2 weeks after ovulation. after which can test if pregnant or not.
u are also in ur 2ww. good luck too!
