PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

i can't help but to shake my head. your MIL is really one kind ... she's the only one who's free but yet she doesn't want to help out. What kinda grandma is that??

aiyohhh, i feel so sad for you.
then how now? you guys really leaving your MIL to come up with a solution ah?

actually if you ask me, i still think its better to care for the baby yourself or by your mom.
Nannies and childcare centres are still outsiders no matter what.
thanks ladies for all the encouragement. but just got some cramping and spotting (not sure if it's after BD this morning), so don't dare to test. scared disappointed again!

cody: all the best for your test!!! keep us informed yah?

synergy: when I switched to my 2nd doc, he just looked at my old blood result and didn't do all the blood tests for me again. but he did scan for me again. It may be slightly more expensive by switching to another gynae, but it's for the peace of mind lor. not sure if my gynae are considered "good specialists", but who are you seeing right now?
jam: all of us hope you will get good news.
sometimes implantation results in some spotting / bleeding.

just do the test lah - at least you have peace of mind.

if the test is positive - quick go gynae and report the bleeding. they will usu do a vaginal examination and medication for that. i kenah before lah ...
sorry to hear abt ur MIL problems. at the end of the day, it's YOUR baby, you guys have to make the decision that u think is best for your baby.
We had some issues with the in-laws as well but we stood firm (actually my hubby stood firm lah..)

i understand the inconvenience of not having a toilet in the room esp whn preggers. I had to go toilet so many times in the night whn i was pregnant w K.

not trying to add oil to fire here. but pls take care of yourself and baby esp if u have a lot of cats at home. Cats naturally carry a pathogen im their feces that may result in toxoplasmosis. Not good yah. so jus make sure u be careful k? wash ur hands etc and dun go near the cat shit.

Anyway, i dun have a maid at home. so right now my house in kinda in a mess. keke.. i'm not much of a housekeeper. I just make sure that my bedroom is clean as K is in there most of the time. Most days i only get to do laundry. Once in a while I'll bring my MIL's maid over to do some mopping etc. Nowadays i can do more cos K is more willing to entertain himself. He used to need someone with him whenever he is awake.

I am still breastfeeding. Hoping to last at least 6mth. But these few days my supply seem to be dropping so I'm a little worried. Either that or K seem to be drinking less... I think I will go onto formula after 6 mths.

yes, I'm dreading the day i have to go back to work. Kinda enjoy being a huang nian po liao.. hehe.. Will have to wake up really early to pump milk, send K to in-laws and get ourselves to school. I'll be returning to work in mid-oct. took abt 2 mths of no-pay.

so you take care k.. with the rising hormones and all, everything seem very jia lat, but like what cody say, it will resolve itself. just relax yah..

am i missing something here?? u striking?? if that's the case... CONGRATS!!!!
ling - my fren was ever complaining to me hw much she has to spend everytime she saw her gynae (she'e preggy) and i wld be like ' at least u have a BB then u spend.. i dun have also spend as much as u'.. haha.. i actually hesitated to go for a second opinon becoz of money but decided to do it as i want to noe if there ar other alternatives.. unfortunately in my case, it made me go into a dilemma! keke.. but at least i noe i have options!

synergy - just bring along ur results to e new doc and u wun have to repeat all e tests..

jam - if u still have spotting and cramps, i think it'd be good for u to do a HPT.. in case it's really preg, can consult ur gynae quick
sorry gals, here's a side track a bit..

while searching for rotavirus i saw ur post in another thread. did Tim take the rotavirus vaccine? K just went for the 1st 5in1 dose just nw and i dunno whether to give him as I have to go back to PD to take it. (K has his jabs at polyclinic)
hello ladies, my gynea is Dr LC Foong from Gleneagles leh..anyone here seeing him?

Caitlyn, i did went for 2nd opinion in the beginning leh.heard from my fren that this chinese phsician at rochor center is gd. i went to see him. ended up i got myself more confused lor.he din tell me that i have PCOS, just told me that i got cyst and fyroid, need to take his medication for 3 mths to get rid of it..that consultation plus medi cost me $100+ and plus Dr Foong im seeing in that mth can easily come up to $500+ leh.so scary.furthermore, this chinese physician "threatened" me that i shouldn't get pregnant before i get rid those stuff else SURE will miscarriage one!!!it's a conflicts of interest now. Dr foong is trying to make me conceived and this chinese physcian is getting rid of cyst and fyroid for me..ended i told myself to stick with Dr foong 1st.

TTC really cost alot ar..sometimes really hate myself and feeling sorry towards my hubby.
ling - oic.. but well, i think no such thing as confirmed will miscarry one lor! i actually quie upset when doc say such thing, coz will make us paranoid and later become self fulfilling prophecy! tt time my gynae also say tt.. make me very very scared.. then now my second gynae also trying to help me conceive.. making me scared tt wat my first gynae say will come true.. same as u! i told my hb tt if really m/c is also fated.. must try not to tink negatively n be afraid.. tt will make it even more likely to happen rite?! sighz.. i also scared if *touch wood* i really conceive n miscarry, will i regret not aving listened to e first gynae? sighz.. nvmind.. i tihnk we just go with our hearts! hugz hugz
ruggles, yeah Timo went for 2 rotavirus jabs at the PD.. expensive! But worth it 'cos my son is a real mouthy fella..:p

ling, that TCM sounds like a gangster!! :p
Thanks ruggle and jam,
finalised: either send to infant care centre - there's a NTUC centre quite near to my place or asking my auntie (mum's side) to take care, but got to travel all the way to Jurong every morning. my MIL cannot has a shop, so cannot be home everyday, she hinted that her biz may be affected when she is not around, so i dun want to feel indebted. somemore she asked me to take 1/2 yr maternity, but we cannot live on 1 person's income plus feeding a baby plus a maid. not easy.

Hey Ling
there're quite a lot of good feedback on your gynae, think be patient.
Hi Gals,
Very busy recently with my system upgrade, lot of problem need to be resolved, very tired today will be taking half day leave and rest. Have been working from 8a.m+ to 8p.m+.

Hi thewife,
I agreed with what ruggles have said. Be extra careful of the pets around cos sometimes it can cause infection. I learn from my antenatal class saying that pregnant woman should refrain from going near to the pet and it is better to keep them away. It is not good to the infant too.

I really pity you as your MIL is really quite inconsiderate (so sorry for saying that). I also feel that both of you should stay at the master bedroom, you really need to go toilet quite a few time and at later stage will be worst. You take care okay.

I will be hiring a confinement lady, she is a singaporean, her price is $1800. She is rather caring, she have been calling me a few times asking me how am I and she said she will help me to buy all those herb that she need to cook for me. My colleague's sister-in-law has her doing the confinement said she is good so I will update you when she doing my confinement in Nov.

Let me know when is your EDD, so if next time you want it, i can tell her when she do my confinement. Take care
Siew Lei, if you haven't reported in, I thought you'd already popped
Try to rest more yah? 'Cos not much rest when baby decides to arrive.

thewife, hmm.. if you take maternity leave, you probably won't need a maid right? Just get a pt cleaner to help with the heavy stuff.. and tingkat the rest. Would be cheaper than feeding a maid! (Less problems too!!) But since there's an NTUC baby care near you, at least you have more options.
Caitlyn, i always comfort myself that im lucky to save on condoms. wahaha...before i got to know im with PCOS, i scare to BD before marriage leh. seems like that thought is unnecessary lor.sighz but the thought of having 4 and more kids disappear into thin air le.

Catz..that TCM really scares me lor..but he's very popular leh. his clinic is packed leh.

thewife,i'll be more patient lor
what to do...
by the way, im suppose to BD tonight leh but seem like very hb very tired leh..i wonder how.. :p
*my face red red ar*
hey siew lei
can you give me the contact of your CL since i wont be getting a maid? i will book once i turn 3rd mth, a bit kiasu but my MIL said better get sporean cos msian may have prob with permit.
i heard about the pet thinggy esp cats, at least we kept them in my MIL's rm. she's no partner so have to let her keep and give her the room, no choice. SHe used to say that kids should mix with pets etc...
ya catz
i will be getting a regular PT cleaning lady, used to have, we really like her but she became allergic to the cats' hair. sigh....
hey ling
dun think of 4 first, after going thru the first one, may reduce, not easy...
aiya tonight you try to take initiative, any sexy lingerie? hehe
hey ling, both times when I conceived, me and hubby were both down with flu AND TIRED.. heh. Just remember, all you need is 1 sperm
Just jump on him lah, don't think your hb would refuse..haha

If the TCM is so scary, forget it man... I don't like to pay money to get scolded :p

thewife, oh dear, your MIL and cats seem to be causing a lot of problems :p
hey thewife, i do agree that kids shld play w pets but there is a time and plce 4 everything. def not whn u r preggers. not to scare u, but toxoplasmosis can result in m/s.

dun stress so much yah.. while u r on maternity leave, enjoy the time u hv w bb. dun worry so much yah..

ling.. wah ur tcm guy like that one arh? seems like tcm drs all quite fierce leh..
heehee.. just strip naked n jump in front of him, he'll wake up... hehe .. *notti* a quickie will suffice yah?

catz, think i'll skip the rotavirus vaccine w K. he seems quite ok. that one can take later oso rite? did u do the pneumonococcal one?
eh.. u've been very on abt ur 1-sperm-1-egg huh.. keke..
ruggles, ack sorry I think Tim did not have the rotavirus.. I asked about it but he was over 6 months so cannot take already. His 2 jabs were for pneumococcal.. heh.

Eh, try to keep ppl's morale up mah... one sperm one egg
Hi thewife,
The dr foong that u refer izit LC Foong?
Hi Jam/Caitlyn,
OK thks, i will bring along all my reports to the new dr!
Yap, I agreed that shifting doc is a bit expensive cos their 1st consultation fee chg more!
Jam, my current dr is dr ho fr mt a, how abt u?
Hi Catz,
Heeee.. ya la too busy to look at the forum recently. Thanks I will rest more.

Just reach home only cos going for a hair cut, my hair is so long and messy now and can't do too much thing to my fizzy hair so only can trim a bit.

Hi thewife,
I have just PM you the CL's detail.
hi all,
AF reported today liao. Sigh
well, at least I can start on the 2nd cycle of clomid. may see if I can go for a higher dosage. hope the scan will look ok.

synergy, i was seeing Dr E Chua at TMC, and now Dr SP Teo at Balestier Plaza.

have a good weekend, ladies!
Hihi to all the new ladies around....havent been in for ages, how's everyone?

Wow...kieran really looking cuter and cuter leh ruggles...

hihi siewleh...how are you feeling lately? about to pop soon rite?? hehe...must be really excited...but yeah..do try to rest more k..if not when baby comes, less time to rest and do wat u like liaoz...

hey the wife..how's ur pregnancy coming along? feeling better?? catz too??

btw...can i check...when do u start to bd after taking clomid? anyone feel strange after eating it? i feel abit bloated and got indigestion leh... also, is there anything you are not supposed to eat with it or a specific timing??
hey ruggles
kieran grown so fast and i simply love his rosy cheeks!!!!very handsome, looks like korean!
hey bbunny,
if you took clomid of CD2 (day 2) of mense - then start BD from day 10 onwards - try alternate days.
hi ruggles,
kieran looks like those super movie star liow.... haha.....anunty dawn lao nua again how..... aiyoh...pls pinch the cheeks for me. ;) he sure will steal lots of gals' hearts prob unknowlingly leh.... hehe

Siew Lei,
you still got 5 or 6 weeks to delivery rite? My fren's EDD is 1st Sept but she feels that she is going to pop anytime these few days....hee hee...she oredi on leave liow. luckily the confinement lady called her and told her oredi finished the july/aug confinement liow.

thewife, hope your MS getting better.....so poor thing, must rest more okay?
thanks for all ur compliments Ah Yis!! Kieran

K got no double eyelids that's y look Koreanish?

clomid induces ovulation so BD around ovulation if you know when you ovulate lor.. but aiya, anytime feel like BDing, just do it lah.. kekek.. y torture ourselves..HAHAHA!!

hey, haven't heard from you for some time liao!! How are you?
Hi ruggles
yeh yeh, i also no double eye lid, but hubby has a little hidden ones also small eyes, so after seeing Kieran's pix, i think still have hope for me

Hey dawn
how have u been? any updates from ya? or still bery busy?
i have deeper dbl lids on my left, shallower on my right, thn my hubby is opposite. we hoped that K will get all the 'good' sides from us. turns out both side oso dun have.. keke.. lucky both side dun have, if like us like that also not nice.. heehee
morning all..

ling - keke.. save on condoms.. nvr thot tt way before.. i also a bit regret tt before marriage, i insisted on not having intercourse! haha.. so poor hb had to wait until after our customary (coz we solemnized on e same day).. then had difficulty in intercourse, now difficulty in getting preggie.. if only i had started earlier! haha

ruggles - kieran sooo cute.. nxt time sure hv alto of gals swoon over him!! keke..

my hb's SA results came in on sat.. passed liao.. so only problem is me.. got my supply for clomid this mth.. but prob will have a long wait before AF will be willing to pay me a visit! haha
No lah, Murphy's Law lah.. if you'd started earlier, end up with big tummy before wedding day then how? ;) So no regrets hor.. if not, next time it's hard to preach abstinence to your daughters..

ruggles, K is sooo darn handsome. I see he's togged out in Fox clothes? ;)

Siew Lei.. yah try to rest well. Make sure you get your haircut out of the way 'cos you won't get to go out much during the first few months.

jam, jiayou for your 2nd round of Clomid! I know more people who got preggers on 2 or 3 rounds of Clomid.. think positive
Hi Dawn,
Long time did not hear from you? How are you recently?

This coming Friday is 28 wk still got another 12 week to go for full term not 5 to 6 wk, I don't want my baby to pop up so fast heee...if she pop up around 36wk I think is okay at least the baby is full term by then.

Hi Ruggles,
I like your son, really handsome and really look like korean leh.
catz - haha.. my hb "complains" tt i very conservative.. then i always use e 'next time if have dotters, u want them to be like me??" haha.. but seriously, think very hard to preach abstinence next time liao.. must preach precautions! haha

jam - jia you jia you!!
yeah.. heehee.. he's got lotsa Fox clothes after my last shopping spree!! Must quickly wear, if not will outgrow. plus fox clothes cutting a bit small and that time most of the clothes on sale were for 3-6mth.

siew lei,
dun worry abt when baby will pop yah. when she's ready she'll pop, whether u like it or not!!!

yeah, Murphy's law leh.. i also like that.. always insist no sex, then later insist condoms and pills, then kenna PCOS.. then feel damn duh for stressing over the fear of getting preggers.. hehe.. life's like that lah..

now I am BF-ing, so natural contraception, but still scared will get preggers so keep telling hubby, wait preg again how? dunno what my chances of preg are now man..
ruggles - keke.. i din noe tt BF-ing is natural contraception.. just learnt sthg new.. keke.. for me, i nvr use condoms rite from e start coz we wanted to start a family + i figured tt with my irregular menses will be hard to strike.. din realise will be so hard.. =( plus i din expect to have problem w intercourse also.. fd it very pain..
eh ruggles, bf is NOT natural contraception leh.. there is criteria to be safe - like more than 6 latchings a day and stuff like that. :p My friend strike lottery when her boy was 3 months old.. didnt' realise she was preggers until her 2nd tri.
erm.. i got abt 6 latches still, but last 2 days i see spotting le.. :< if strike i also happy lah.. considering how diff it is for us to conceive. jus that i dun think its gd for the body!

did u see a doc abt the pain? for some ppl it's psychological while others it's a structural thingy where a small surgery can help.
for me i always hv this psych thingy. like after giving birth, i was damn scared to BD cos scared the stitch will tear. had to try many times b4 successfully BDed.. keke..
Hi gals, thanks for asking after me...know that i have disappeared for a short while. I just did my 2nd IUI last week, so in my 2ww now. No special feeling or symptoms at all. dun dare to take bbt too.... 1st iui still got feel tired, nowadays feel so normal that i forgotten that i have done my iui liow.

Siew Lei,
so sorry...hee hee...tot u r only one month later than my fren, I was wondering how come time seems to fly so fast...ha ha...i got mixed up with date liow. Enjoy the rest of your pregancy!

ruggles, I very busy nowadays leh, oni can come in late at night. *sigh* U going back to school next month?
Spotting?.....did u take a pregnancy test? Then K will very fast have a didi or meimei oredi.
ruggles..hee.. spotting means your AF coming back already.. anyway, when K reaches 6 months, the risk factor is quite high anyway. Some ppl don't get menses and got preggers while exclusively bfeeding.. I know of 2 good examples who had their 2nd kid one year apart from the first kid!!

dawn, poor girl.. so busy. Try to relax so that your IUI will be successful. Take care
mot next mth. i took npl until mid oct.
still after almost 1/2yr of not working, also dun feel like gg back le..

whn's the end of ur 2ww?? relax yah.. dun work so hard in sch!! keke..

me not preggers lah.. heehee.. no time to work the factory also. always something will happen thn cannot. sigh.. if K sleeps early, thn usu we r tired, if we plan to do, thn K acts up and sleeps really late. it's almost as tho' he doesnt want a didi or mei mei so soon.. hahaha..

that day we asked K if he wants a mei mei and he appropriately shook his head,, haha..

i stress arh.. if preggers so soon

but my gynae say the success rate for conception during exclusive BF is only 10% leh. ur frens really darn lucky man..

how's ur ms recently? feeling better aldy?
Hi Dawn,
Is okay lah, you so busy. Hey better try to relax so your chance of conceiving will be higher. Take care of yourself okay and good luck to you again

Hi Ruggles,
I also have that feeling if after giving birth when BD whether the stitch will tear? How long this stitch take to heal, must be very painful after the stitch.
ruggles, heh.. yah dunno how come my friends all so 'lucky' one... can tell you it's a HUGE shock lor. My gynae always suan me say that a lot of ppl have accidents very soon after giving birth so when she did my post-partum check-up, she said, see you in Dec..haha.. luckily I proved her wrong! 25 months gap is a decent gap. *phew* Wah NPL..no wonder you got holiday mood already. Heh. So who'll take care of K?

Siew Lei, the stitches will fully heal within a few days, not to worry.. it's just that I found it uncomfortable to BD until about 2-3 months post-partum..also no time lah and boobies leaking everywhere, damn unsexy. :p

MS seems to be gone but of course still got a sensitive nose... but feeling shack from insomnia.
siew lei,
it's won't tear one. just feel like it will tear cos the tissue in the stitch area is replaced by non-elastic fibre tissue so feels like tearing.
but won't tear. promise.. go REALLY slow... my stitches din even hurt the nxt day whn i pee. also whn i wash i could touch it and all that..keke.. Dr Lim's stitches are really good!!

yeah.. leaky boobs.. poor hubby... can see cannot touch.. either leaky or sensitive haha.. last time boob small, nothing much to feel, then now big.. but cannot feel.. HAHAHA...

after that K will be at my in-laws in the mornings then I'll be home in the afternoons le.. but still dun 'fang xin' leh.. sigh.. i keep complaing to my hubby and he says i'm paranoid.. must relax.. must let go.. eeks.. think i dowan to let go. K is MINE, MINE..all MINE.. *evil laugh*
Iwould actually like to take longer leave.. but finances.. sigh.. how's being a SAHM?
hey ruggles
u mean you will seriously try again if you are not so busy? aiyo i promise myself that i need at least 2 years break.
Hey dawn
great to hear that you went for the 2nd iui. one more week then test, jia you and relax!

ruggles, I'm dying to return to SAHM-hood... will def do so for #2.. perhaps might tender soon lah. Whatever it is, Timo is MY SON.. my parents love him to bits but alamak, he's being spoiled more than I would like :p SAHM good.. but no luxuries, no off-days... so it's a different kind of sacrifice.

Yah poor hubby really suffered.. the first few months of breastfeeding were really messy so I never took off the night nursing bra if not sure leak everywhere. As it is, I already smelled like milk all the time :p Super unsexy!! I don't know how some ppl can nurse for 3 years.
