PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

ruggles, yah I occasionally expressed but he really fought the bottle until he was 6 months and even then, he took the bottle very unwillingly. Hmm.. unusual that his feeding patterns have not stabilised.. why not try to put him on a schedule? As for night wakings..heh.. well, the little buggers are really smart lah. After 6 months, we let Tim cry it out and the nonsense stopped after 3 nights. We knew he could survive without a middle of the night feed.. he was just being a monkey. Of course, some parents are totally against the sleep training method lah.. just my own experience only.

cody,hehehe.. yah lah,my sis doesn't realise how valuable the OPKs are!

Inhouse NTUC brand is OK for 2-3 hours use.. esp for heavy wetters like Dean, gotta change it quite often. Otherwise it's actually quite comfortable (but it's sticky tape).. and CHEAP. Sizing is a little small though, dunno if Dean will be able to fit comfortably into a XL size.

catz - if ur sis strike must make sure she sell off her leftover OPKs to us.. we'll see a price war here! hahaha

cody - keke.. cleaplan was given to me by my col.. clearblue i bot coz i thot it wld be more sensitive.. internet OPKs coz i bankrupt liao!! hahaha.. now i still have ard 40 OPKs at hm.. but not useful to me anymore.. coz my LH levels are very elevated so always get false +ve..
yeah, maybe i'll try the cry it out at night thing. but hubby needs to work in the morning and he's only 3 months old? i can tahan 1 waking (which he was doing until early this week). Now he's like waking every 2-3hr.. nearly died the last few days.

I really dun understand his feeding pattern. The irritating thing is that he'll tahan until abt 1/2h before his next feeding then feel sleepy and want to nap. so he falls asleep for abt 20min, wake up crying for milk and then nurses to sleep (abt 10min) again. I know it's unhealthy for both him and me.. but I dunno wat to do leh.. he still feeds every 3hrs leh.. is it normal? I think he's drinking abt 120-140ml each time.. at least that's the amt of EBM that satisfies him at his bedtime feed.

wat was timo's feeding pattern like @ 3 mths?

maybe he's just being naughty leh..
ruggles, 3 months is too young to sleep train lah.. Why not try pumping and giving him a really good feed before bedtime and see if that works? 'Cos maybe your supply might be low at night and he's hungry. 3 hr feedings ah.. hmm.. maybe a bit frequent. Lemme go and look up my old journal for Timo's pattern.. 'cos technically he should be able to go at least 6 hrs without milk after 2-3 months leh. Tim was OK from 2-4 months.. then he started the night waking rubbish after 4 months :p

caitlyn..hehe.. yah I think I should tell her those OPKs are highly sought after.
K was only waking up once. (i.e. sleep from about 9-10pm to abt 3-4am) until early this week when he started waking up every 2-3hrs!! wonder if it is a growth spurt!

i bottle him before he sleeps leh.. so that i know he is taking in enough..

thanks catz!
btw catz,
u actually kept a journal of his feeding patterns? i tried recording and then just threw away everything after the 1st mth man!!! now can't wait to sleep le.. let alone record... mayb i shld do it again..
ruggles, believe it or not, I journalled until I started working, i.e. 15 months of his eat/sleep/poop/pee records
Heh.. My hubby says I won't keep it up for the 2nd one.. will try lah.. but at least I can have it for reference for #2.

Yah my silly boy started up with just one night waking then it became 2, then 3, then 4.. then I barely knew whether I was coming or going :p Blur siah..

OK if you're really desperate, call the breastfeeding BMSG hotline!
yah lah suck it up.. much as I'm an advocate for sleep training, I'd only do it after 6 months.. seem tia lor. But hor, try not to respond IMMEDIATELY.. let him eh eh for max 10 minutes 'cos he may not be hungry, just wants to latch for comfort.
hi pple, i reporting my exam results. failed for my 2nd iui....*sigh*... will take a break and go for a tour next month during the school break. cos very tiring and emotionally straining.

siewlei, btw the fren i told u about just popped yesterday!
Hi dawn,
Sorry to hear about that, okay don't give up yes go for a tour and relax now

Wow congratulation to your friend, anyway the confinement lady is available already so not a problem right. Oh how many week is the baby popped out?

Hi Ruggles,
Last time how you monitor your baby movement? Do you make sure every hour there is movement.

Last Saturday I went to see Dr Lim, he said my baby girl very active. That day she super active, every hour every few minute she will move and kick. Dr Lim said must monitor. Today she is so quiet and really make me scare.
hey dawn,
don't think about it too much k?
just enjoy the holiday and relaxxxxxxxxx ...
hopefully that will help in the conception!

Good luck!

My report card:
just finished clomid round 3 yesterday.
now counting down with OPKs....
hey dawn
dun give up okie! going for a trip is definitely good for relaxing your mind, and shift your focus from bb making. Have a romantic trip and things may happen when u are back!
siew lei,
never monitor lah.. if monitor every hour will go crazy. also the baby may not move every hr one. try to see if there's a pattern. Kieran used to kick in the evenings and early mornings. so as long as the pattern stays the same it's ok.
he said to monitor because she is very active? maybe he's afraid that she is too active and play around with the umblical cord. if that's the case u'll have to monitor. esp if she doesn't move at times that she usually does. try to lie down and rest cos babies tend to move when you are resting and also you are more aware of the movts at those times. Take care!

good luck!!! *hugz*
Thanks gals for all your comforting words. Feel really sad but at least i can come here to release my emotions.

siewlei, my fren went to be induced 1 week earlier than the EDD cos the baby too big liow, she feeling very uncomfortable, can't walk, cos felt painful at the pelvic area. Baby was 3.8kg when delivered.
hey Dawn, so sorry to hear that your IUI didn't work but hey, could be 'cos of work stress so do try to take it easy and HAVE FUN during your trip! BTW, your friend's bb at 3.8kg.. wah lau, hear also I feel pain :p

cody, *hugz* and good luck for your next round of bonkathon
ruggles, catz: you gurls crack me up lah!
am laughing like a mad woman now, colleagues sitting next to me must think i've a loose screw!
but hahahahah i love the term BONKATHON!

dawn: agreed, i find this thread so so so good.
cos everyone understands one another. sometimes when i try to tell my friends - they are not as sympathetic cos they're blessed with regular cycles.
THANKS EVERYONE!!! love ya all to eternity!!
heh.. doesn't everyone call it bonkathon/shagathon? aiyah, after baby, it's hard to muster the energy for bonkathon.. was just telling my hb last night, this pregnancy is diff from prev pregnancy 'cos prev pregnancy I was totally anti-sex.. now it's not like I'm some nympho lah but more 'on'... heh.. 'cos I told him that we will be having a very long dry spell after #2 is born. wahahahaha...

cody, the worse was when I was sharing with 2 friends about my early m/c and one of them point blank said to me.. 'but i hv no problems getting pregnant WHENVER I want..'.. felt like punching her. Anyway, last I heard, she's desperately trying to conceive #2. :p
heh.. I *knew* you girls would understand!!! puh-leeze lah, if someone's sharing about infertility problems, why go and flaunt your fertility? :p !@#$%^& Thinking about it now, still very angry.
wah ur that friend EQ is rock bottom leh..
*du--push..* her arh!!
maybe u can tell her that "oops.. i'm sorry that that you ALWAYS have to have protected sex. Sex isn't all that fun for u huh? we ALWAYs have spontaneous bonks and not worry that much abt getting preggers.. it's REALLY fun!!" or "oh.. u know, tho' i can't get preg WHENEVER i want to.. but I'm preggers now and u are NOT!!!"
*evil laugh* HEHEHEHEHE...

btw, catz, cody, hehe only u too can answer this, how u guys find time to bonk with #1 arnd??? somemore cody u can bonkathon like 6 straight nights??? *puzzled*

actually regret when preggers that time nvr bonk more hehe.. now K is just not cooperative.. *hmmph*. that day ask him whether he wants a mei mei, he shake head so vigorously arh!!!
ha? just bonk lah!
got time can bonk!

kiddin .... my kid sleeps in the same room as hubby & i, so we only do it when he's sound asleep. toilet also can!

ok, now i sound like a porn wannabe. terok....
ruggles, my son is in bed by 8pm so still got time to bonk.. but of course for the first 3 months, it was impossible.. then started to pick up btw 3-6 months. now it's better than ever..only that we don't do it twice a night like before. but quality is better than quantity lor...

cody is really porn standard.. i don't think i can do it if my son is on the same bed ;) hahahahahahhaah

ruggles, look like K is the best form of contraception for you.. keke. Put him in his own crib lah! Yah that woman is super insensitive.. like macham MY FAULT I'm not falling pregnant when I want. :p @#$%^&*
woah. u also another porn std arh... 2x a night with a little one arnd!!!???

K dowan to slp in his own crib leh.. i think i'll have trouble shifting him to his own bed arh.. hubby likes to have him on our bed tho.. *roll eyes* then again, easier to feed him at nite leh..
ruggles, hallo, read properly lah.. NO MORE twice a night.. no energy already. Heeee.. But hor, find it easier to 'o' a few times after giving birth.. weird lor.

co-sleeping, I'm soooo afraid hubby will bull doze over the poor baby so cannot cannot cannot. We had Tim in our room in his own crib and he was fine with that, thank God. I told my hubby that #2 would stay with us for 6 months also.. he was like HAR?!
ruggles: yeah, the TRUE porn star is talking.
twice a night??? wah laoooooooo!!!
*cody passes the crown to catz*

ruggles, same lah, we liked having dean on our bed cos it was so cosy and snuggly. much easier to care for him too, but no worries, K will reach a stage where the bed's too small and he'd want his own space.

i had difficulties shifting dean to his own crib as well, and designed to fate that i'd have an NS boy still sleeping betw papa and mama. but recently he took to sleeping on his own cot for more space! hooray!!!!!

i had the same problems, dean would sometimes wake up and SCREAM to see papa in such close proximity with mama! how to bonk?
so no more morning bonks ... lest the monster is awoken....
catz: you ARE our latest porn star!!! "O"s drive all men crazy.

no wonder you hubby is so totally in love with you!!! LOL ;p
i tried K in his own crib for like 1 mth +..
then it was really tired to wake up to pick him up and feed him. plus he sleeps longer on our bed. so once he's not too small he started sleeping on our bed.
aiyah, dun make me shy lah.. but heng ah, we do have a very satisfying bonk life. last time, it was really quantity... i mean, 3 or 4 times a day but now.. er, well, once a week is plenty. that's why the emphasis on QUALITY

cody, congrats on getting Dean in his own crib!! So that's why he's got space for his football!

I remember as a little kid, once I saw my dad put his hand over my mom in the morning and I was so angry I sat in between them and refused to let him touch.. haha
Luckily Tim isn't like that. He LOVES it when we hug.
wah.. now got once a week is bonus leh.. really lor.. K is super uncooperative man!! sigh.. no more spontaneity... every session is a carefully planned military operation!!
caitlyn, haha.. how can your bonk life be sad esp if you're TTCing? Acherly I read quite a few places that if the female 'o's during intercourse, it increases the chances of conceiving 'cos it sucks the sperm up further.. well, it worked for me lah..
So give your hubby something to ponder.

ruggles, aiyah, K is only 3 months mah.. wait until he starts sleeping through before you regain spontaneity lor...
wah, my bonkathon topic really heated up this thread ah!!

ok dashing out for meeting and NOT intending to return to office...heh
tata and seeyaz tomorrow!
keke.. my bonk life is sad not coz of my hb lahz.. more coz of me.. i still exp abit of pain during intercourse.. plus i always feel super tired.. keke..

ruggles - military operation.. very farnee lah u gals..
eh caitlyn, take RED BULL to boost your energy level. then you can bonk till daybreak! heee :p

catz, wah lao, you are the TRUE queen of bonkathons lah! you had quantity and now quality. wah lao!!!
duracell rabbit!

ruggles: oh man, that has NEVER crossed my mind. Thankfully dean is still not talking yet, so he's never asked. we've only been caught by him once twice, and that was many moons ago. think he didn't understand what was going on then... heng ah!
duracell rabbit... hahahaha!! cody u r good man!

hmm redbull.. so that's ur secret to bonkathon!!!

eh, so now u better start preparing ur politically correct answer in preparation for the day!!!
hihi dawn... *hugs* so sorry to hear about it...take a break and have a good holiday.. take some time off from it and just have a good time with ur hubby...

my results also not good...first round clomid failed...the egg didnt even grow...sighz...it was 10mm on day 10, now on day 14, its shrunk to 8mm..and doc says he can see lots of unhatched eggs, just all stuck around my ovaries... felt really disappointed...

anyways....well dawn and cody, we just have to try harder.....
im sure one day, soon, we'll join the ranks of the others
yeah bbunny, we need to remain positive!!

so erm, you went to gynae on day 10 and day 14?
both times need to pay for consultation right?

my gynae emphasizes that i relaxxxxxxx.
for all my attempts, i've never once gone to my gynae for any ultrasounds leh...

hihi cody...

yep..have to pay consultation as well as ultrasound charge lor...i feel so upset...waste so much money but no results...my mum said no results still must pay??
wat to do??
how come u never go for ultrasound?? then how u know if it worked or failed?
