PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Ruggles..u r funny leh..wahaha

hey gals..pardon my ignorance..im just wondering when is the earliest day to tell one that she is successful in conceiving, say ovulation on 18 Aug.

My gynea asked me to BD from 16-18 Aug leh..but we are too tired, we only do on 16 Aug.I used the OPK but too clumsy on 16 & 17 Aug that i wet the whole stick so I presume the prediction is void but on the 18th..i saw double line leh but too tired to perform
i doubt my chance of conceiving is high ar... :'(

SAHM = stay at home mom.. or housewife..hehe.

ling, erm, well, I had quite leaky boobs so sometimes it's really NO TOUCH policy.. after a while, it didn't leak as badly lah but kind of always at the back of my head I'll be thinking 'dont't squeeze my milk out'..haha

Alamak, u wasted a positive OPK??? Just ask your hubby to perform lah!!! Wait about 12 days to test for pregnancy.. of course if you can wait until 18 days it would be better lah, less waste of a preg test.
Hihi ladies...

thanks for your replies...sorry me dunno when im ovulating still....cant remember if temperature drop means ovulating or if it rises.....but the sad news is...
on cd12, my hubby gotta fly overseas for a week...so if i pop one egg during that period after cd12...its going to be a wasted egg

hihi dawn!! long time no see..how are you getting on?? u sound so busy...take a break lah..not good for health leh....

eh..ruggles....dun count on bf as oral contra....i know a fren who kena preggie while bf...then the 2 kids less than a year apart...haha.....i told them if her kid was a jan/feb baby, both siblings will be in the same level of school all thruout their lives....so fun....

hey thewife....ur ms better already? quite a few days since the time i came in....hope its getting better....my fren eats these plain meji crackers and she says it helps...dunno whether it will work for you....

ling...aiyah...wasted one egg lah...u tired also never mind lah...ask ur hubby to do all the wiggling...haha...
hey bbunny
if your cycle is irregular, pray for later ovulation at CD19 when he is back, no choice le.
thanks for your concern, been taking anti-ms pills cos i really cannot tahan, just puke out yakult this morning, and appetite still no good. sometimes feel very bad for the bb.
it depends on how leaky you are and the time of the day. if squeezed, the milk just squirts!!! Heehee.. esp after a hot bath, it leaks on its own even. like a milk shower!! so can touch, can kiss but cannot squeeze hahahaha...

btw, do a no-frills quickie lah.. fun, short and sweet!!!! remember.. 1S1E!!!!

eh, u and catz all got very lucky frens leh..

wei, BD b4 he leaves.. at least can incr the chance a bit. the spermies can survive for awhile..

seriously i think you shld just try to avoid all milk products for a while. you can obtain your calcium from other sources. try eating cold oranges. nice and refreshing. A bit sourish also, so it may help?

yeah, i really want to be a SAHM. sigh.. told my hubby that when #2 comes, i def want to do that. can't bear for other people (even relative) to bring up my own children. also, I will feel very regretful when i miss my children's 1st words/steps etc.. i actually enjoy these no rest days at home. dun mind that the haus is in a mess also.. watching K is really an enjoyment.

so who's taking care or Timo now?
morning all..

ruggles - i did see a gynae abt the prob.. it's then that i fd out i had PCOS also.. keke.. anyway i think mine is a bit of both.. i'm very very small sized.. gynae said tt sldn't have a prob w intercourse but hb must pentrate at e right angle if not will hit my bone which is wat's causing e pain.. most likely cannot have natural birth..

i wld also lurve to be a SAHM but finances def doesn't allow.. hb has big committments on his side.. but well.. let me get preggy first before i even start thinking of such stuff.. haha..
harlow everyone!

long time no post .... i saved myself a preg test kit!

becos my menses came! ARGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
i had all the symptoms that hinted at pregnancy, then *kapoot* ... i saw red.

today starting on clomid 100mg round 3. FIGHT!

sometimes i dun understand, maybe its fate lah.
we BD for 6 days consecutively when my OPKs read positive, so it was 1E and 1million S, but still no jackpot!
dun stress!!
jia you!!!

hmm.. very very small size? wow! like that preggers le still will be small.. good!!!
ruggles - keke.. i dunno leh.. hee.. me only 38kg.. hoping to gain more wt coz it may be e underwt thingy that's causing my hormonal imbalance.. =(
caitlyn, ruggles: thanks! i already thot i wasn't overly stressed over it. :p

caitlyn: what??? you're 38kg?? alamak, i wish i could give you my fats!! i'm almost twice your weight!

ruggles: love your "before preg boobs small, after preg boobs big but cannot touch". LOL !!!!
Ruggles, wat 1S1E?

Cody, amazed by u leh*jaw dropped*.. my hb cannot one lor..even blame him for not getting me pregnant becos of less frequencies :p but i din hold it to heart lah.

Caitlyn..u very light ar!My gynea told me PCOS will get worse as age gets older. Hence, get pregnant 1st will helps in hormonal changes...

1S1E = 1 Sperm 1 Egg

ling: wah, then i must be a stubborn case of PCOS! i didn't get my menses after my boy was born until i went to gynae to get it kickstarted again!
cody + ling - me very lightweight.. tt's y my PCOS apparently harder to "cure" coz cannot take metformin all tt.. =( n may be diff to sustain e pregnancy as may not be able to take e wt gain..
be positive k? *pat pat*

think if you hang out with me often enough, sure end up putting on weight! heee ... i'm the glutton who needs to control her intake.
total opposites from you ...
thanks cody

huh cody..im disappointed to learn that leh..so how long before u seek gynea's help for meses to come?

Ruggles, though it's a 1S1E thing but very diff to hit jackpot leh...

i told myself i still cant get myself pregnant by next mth (by then my puregon injection is used up), i might consider to seek TCM help leh..sighz..really feel helpless and dejected ar..will cry at times when the thought of me being infertile, hit me ar..sighz..

Caitlyn,wat metformin? have u tried TCM? maybe u shld condition and nourish urself at the same time TTC..it's scary to hear that the pregnancy cannot be sustained...
ok lah.. not very small.. i was also this type of weight before i was preggers. still managed to give birth naturally.
now slightly heavier so better..
can take the weight gain one. when u are lighter, you can afford a higher weight gain.

good food then eat lah.. eat liao then worry lah

can one lah.. quickie all the time lor.. no fuss.. fast and furious HAHAHAH!!! remember, it's 1S1E!!!!
dun think watif cannot get pregnant. think watif CAN get preg, then wat is the 1st thing u will do. positive thinking!!! that time before i was preggers, i was so depressed, then i went and bought a ralph lauren romper just for luck..
cody - keke.. i'm also a glutton.. but too bad just can't seem to gain wt.. but got a tummy though.. =( one beanpole with a protruding tummy! aha

ling - metformin is a medication tt docs use for patients with PCOS.. however one of e side effect is wt loss.. so i not suitable for tt..

ruggles - good to hear tt!! my first gynae told me tt n freaked me out!!
yeah, i was about 39kg before preggers. put on abt 14-15kg during the 9 mths. now weight has maintained arnd 44-45kg. so i'm quite happy with my current weight.
so no worries yah... even if cannot have natural birth also nvm lah.. now medical care is so good.. c-section also ok one. as long as the baby is fine.
ruggles - HUGZ!!! lurve ya to bits! keke.. sorry..just very happy to hear sth positive.. even my frens and all keep saying most likely i'll have probs.. dun eat clomid first.. etc etc.. but i guess it varies.. thanks dearie! u dun realise how much of a morale booster this is for me!
hey caitlyn
u're really light. i used to be 42kg, thought im very light already. anyway i put on 3-4 kg before i got preggie, drank herbal soup, dom, bai feng pills, see chinese sensei then put on and got preggie, but now back to 43kg cos of MS. you may want to try putting on more.
caitlyn, ruggles, wah lau, you so skinny!! Buay tahan

caitlyn, yah no harm trying to put on more weight lah
Hehe, but I'm being sour grapes here 'cos I have not seen 5x kg for a looooong time.

cody, yah lor you guys and your porn standard 6 day marathon.. nevermind *hugz* Next round okie?

ling, actually the 1S1E theory is mine..kekekeke...

Just remember to be positive and stay cool 'cos stress is no good for sperm/egg.

I actually also bought a baby onesie and struck at the next cycle for Timothy.

Ruggles, Timo's taken care of by my wonderful parents and sister.. but even then, I'll still prefer to be a SAHM.
yeah ling.. won't take credit for the 1E1S!! that'a Catz theory!!! HAHAHA.. i'm just publicising it!

a romper is a one-piece clothing, the kind wear over the head then buttom at the butt type.

heehee.. i like the way catz talk about u and your porn std.. HAHAHAHA!!! seriously, 6 straight days??? havn done that it like eons man.. nowadays can get 6 straight minutes also bonus liao arh...!!

most imptly, stay positive. very easy to get depressed over it one. when that happens, it's really quite sucky.

wow, that's good. but u were a SAHM for like abt a year? i really dread the day i have to rtn to work leh... #1 is dread leaving K, #2 is dread work itself.. sigh..
eh.. u also like me.. buy clothes for luck!!
thewife - i'm trying to put on wt.. but still no use at e moment.. i've been this wt since sec skl yrs.. maybe i still haven't gone thru puberty!!! hahahaha

catz - keke.. being too skinny also has its disadvantages.. super difficult to buy clothes.. plus my cup size is probably an A-- haha!!

ruggles - yuppers.. will remember to stay positive.. sometimes quite diff.. ever cried when my AF came before also.. now think back like so silly.. maybe Murphy's Law.. e more u want, e more u won't get.. so now telling myself.. it's not tt impt.. haha.. but of coz will forever have tt nagging voice in my head lah!
yeah, i know the feeling. just try lor..

u know, now i think my pre-preg size better leh.. i think now the boobs too big for my build. when there was engorgement in the initial days, i kena backpain arh!!
yah everything just expands after pregnancy..hips are permanently HUGE.. luckily the bf boobies are gone, else look very fat. :p

ruggles, yah I was SAHM for 15 months but seriously, I'm not the ambitious kind. Work is something that takes me away from my family :p With this pregnancy being so difficult, think it's best that I quit, rest well and have a healthy baby.. if not this poor #2 will be born skinny and stressed out :p
whoa, so many bamboo poles here - think i must go set up a PCOS for fat people thread. I will be president.
hahahaha :p

catz: you haven't seen 50+kg for a long time?
i never saw it since JC days! whatcha talkin abt?
like i tell my hubby, love me love my fats!

oooh so i must have been buying the wrong clothes for luck huh? i have been buying maternity clothes only!
OK lah, today i will whack newborn clothes!


ruggles - keke.. at least now easier to buy clothes rite? hee.. i can't even fit into XS of most places like G2000 n all.. =(

cody - keke.. u very farnee.. i think i also wanna whack newborn clothes liao!!
come come caitlyn, we start BP !!!

imagine ...
"Bulk Purchase for Newborn Rompers - specially for TTC and PCOSers only"

LOL !!!

sorry, very bo liao this morning...
cody - hahaha.. who knows.. maybe there will be overwhelming response once we get a "true life acct" frm ruggles on how it helped her succeed!! hahahaha.. must think of our advertising strategy liao!
last time i also can't fit g2000 bottoms.. now mayb can liao.. the other day i went shopping, i had to ask for M size... urgh...

u r darn funny!!!! crazy i might add!!!
hey hey...the posts here this morning is hilarious when i read thru'

cody, can i be the vice president if u start the PCOS thread for fat people..haha..cos im heavy too..

I bought maternity dress for myself too!!! think i try buying newborn rompers now. heehee
come come, let's ALL buy newborn rompers.
Heck, let's add to the good luck thing...
Let's buy diapers, diaper cream etc!

ling, yes please join me in my new thread!

ruggles & caitlyn: eh me too! i can't wear G2000 either, cos they are TOO SMALL !
hahahahaahahah :p
wahahahaha... farnee morning in this thread..

wah.. u gals starting to mrginalize e skinnies here??!!! sob sob..

i want bb rompers too!! diapers dun want lah.. will expire one anot? haha
hallo, crazy girls

yah bb rompers are a good luck charm.. I was sooooo fed up of buying baby clothes for OTHER ppl that I treated myself to a 0-3 month GAP romper.. then got preggers soon after. Heh.

Diapers, no need to buy lah! Clothes enough liao.

caitlyn, haha.. we're just all envious of you skinny girls bucking the normal PCOS trends lah.. *sour grapes*
wah..cody i have to join ur thread liaoz...im above the 50kg mark too manz...and i look like a fishball!!

wats with the bb rompers?? buying to increase chance of preggie?? hehe...in that case i go buy a dozen

ruggles....u got good excuse to buy new clothes after giving birth?? me fren so happy manz...she gained weight, told her hubby that she cannot fit..so must buy new clothes....
hey..wana ask u gals whether u ever encounter having pimple-like zit appearing on your parts of your body like legs and arms or even stomach area b4 your menses come?
oei gals,
i think we are all going crazy here arh!!!

bbunny, nvr buy clothes leh.. now the figure is very farnie. dunno how to buy. and i'm sure my boobies will disappear
once i stop BF so can't really buy also lah. also everyday at home be huang lian po, wear nice nice also nobody see.. but seriously, i'll probaby need new clothes when i go back to work. can't fit into most of my working clothes.

seldom. only once in a while i'll get a big zit.

eh.. skinny PCOSers more troublesome k.. drs dun even know where to start to tackle the issue arh..

speaking of diapers, caitlyn, u can hoard diapers if u want to.. no expiry.. I'm like hoarding them already. everytime i see sale i buy.. hee.. so in this thread we have resident OPK hoarder, we also have diaper hoarders.. HAHAHA..

also, you have not only 1 true life a/c, it's <font color="ff0000">2</font> true life accounts.. woohoo.. you guys can make big <font color="119911">$$$</font> out of marketing good luck rompers.. betcha u'll be a bigger hit than the good luck 4-leaved clovers!!!
ruggles: LOL!! funny funny!
we're PCOSers and hoarders too!
i qualify for diaper hoarder too ... once i bought a record 15packets of pet pet diapers of different sizes. set me back by $200, but it was cheapppp!

just recently 8 packets of mamy poko fr sheng siong. the ah sohs came up to ask me "cheap ha?".
maybe they're expecting grandkids? anyway, i have 1 cupboard devoted solely to diapers!

siao right?
harhar.. eh, my Nepia stock still very high lei.. terok man.. Maybe that's why I struck lottery :p

Ruggles, actually there's this mummy from the Jan 2005 thread who gave away her OPKs to me and 2 other mommies.. 2 of us struck but unfortunately, the other lady lost her baby in m/c.. but hor, 2 out of 3 using her OPK strike leh.. these are her excess OPK 'cos she struck really quickly.

ling, er no leh.. better make sure you're not having chicken pox!
catz: quick give me your leftover OPKs!

ling: hmmm, i dun get those pimples but some women do tend to be more pimply just before menses. maybe you're one of them except the pimples are elsewhere?
okay cody.. u win. i only have 8 packs at home. nepia (heehee.. nepia convert liao), drypers and mamy poko.. everytime i see diaper on sale i buy. kiasu.. buy different sizes somemore!! Hubby say i buy so many can open shop.. must tell him abt u guys!! how's pet pet btw?

eh.. u have left over??? I want!!! hoard for the next baby!!! *guffaws*

how long u bf Timo huh? and when u weaned him? Ppl keep saying K can start eating next mth (4 mth) but I want to hold out to 6 mths if possible leh..

oops.. this thread is straying from PCOS leh!!
morning all.. this thread brightens up my dreary morning lorz! hahaha

so many resident hoarders here.. i think i can fight with cody for e position of resident OPK hoarder liao.. at my peak i got three diff types.. clearblue, clearplan + internet OPKS! haha.. siao hor..

my hb looked at me incredulously when i told him i wanted to buy a bb romper for luck.. haha.. soon he gonna call IMH to cart me away liao! haha..

tis weekend shall be diaper + romper hunting time! haha
ruggles, can forget about petpet until K's older.. I find the gel actually comes out to the skin and it's not v breathable.. so for cheapo usage around the house, I still go for Huggies or NTUC.

cody: aiyah, you know where all my leftover OPKS went to right? My broody TTCing sister!

ruggles, I bf Timo for 10 months thereabouts..but he was taking one FM feed from 7 months onwards (scared of calcium deficiency)... weaned him at 6 months... wean too early onto solids is not good as some babies are not ready PLUS higher chance of allergies.

caitlyn...heh.. men just don't get it!!!
ruggles: i gave up on pet pet cos it was v hot. switched over to my fave nepia, and now using mamy poko. if nepia had bigger sizes, i'd stick with them!

catz: inhouse ntuc brand of diapers any good?
oui your lucky sis! sure strike ... i wan i wan!
ask her to auction some to us!

caitlyn: wah lao, you win hands down. i only bought fr various sources from the forum, cos when i saw the clearblue ones, i almost fell to the ground!!! so darn expensive...

baby romper:
i was siao enough to go online to shop for some yesterday, but haven't actually bought yet.
i want to buy something NICE, so must hunt around. hee

sad lah, can't chat much today cos i'm bzbzbzbzbzbz !!

bz hoarding..??? LOL

did you express when you were BFing? cos i need to figure out how to feed him and express enough to store so that he'll still have BM whn I return to work.. plus nowadays, he seems to drink very irregularly. sometimes drink for 20min, sometimes 5 mins and is distracted.. ??? i'm confused. and he's taken to waking up a lot at night!!! *darn tired*
