Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

aiyoh.. lost the thread so couldnt come in for the past few days.

thanks coolmama and petrina for the welcom..

petrina.. wow.. we staying pretty near har.. i stay at blk 13..ARe u SAHM?? We can meet up leh and go for kopi this few days w baby... how how.. can go holland v ya kun!! yeh.. so exciting that someone is staying near.. i am quite bored at home these few days.

mommy.. thanks for e info on the pd.. i may go see her.

Is there any other pd that e rest of the mummies go that are near/ good?

Hi Jeannie,

I think she's one of the more popular one in our this thread, I think most of our kids are her customers. BTW, she's on holiday now and will only be back next week. So pls call her before you go.

We are planning for a outing next week, join us if you can.
personally I feel there is not much choice around our area thats why most of us are her customers
and yeah yvonne see is on holiday till 15th june

Jeannie: you can also consider going to kinderclinic at henry park apt, 34 holland grove Tel: 6465 3050. and if you're interested to join us for our outing, you can pm petrina or myself about it.

flower, I asked her about it but think she has no time to chk the yahoo msg board to reply
Hi Apple,
Do have any idea when the huggis dry promo end? Went to giant yesterday Msize pkt they selling at $16.50. I also bought alot of the pampers confort scare too many..haha.. I have to check with my husband if he still want to buy huggis dry ma.( Actually huggis dry is very good i personaly feel that, for the price is about 20cent per pcs. I compare with huggis ultra and i find that not much much diff.. )
um..not quite sure le..
i just send in some orders today as alot of ppl order huggies dry le..hmm..if u wan can wait ma?while i gather anothe 5 cartons lo..
Hey petrina,
watched it! so cute! ryan grow up le wo!
you must be thrilled.

Hi flower,
I am keen to go but i may not go depending on my gal's condition, Audrey just down with flu...

Hi kidz,
no need to prepare much lah, just go there in pretty and comfy clothes and have FUN!
congrats petrina, must be so excited! gotta be careful not to leave him alone on higher surfaces already, hee

cool: the poor girl, who passed the flu to my future DIL??? hope she gets well soon so you girls can join us!
cool, sleek: ya.. very happy. now i'm waiting for him to flip the other way.. from back to tummy...

cool: aiyo.. ur gal is having flu? so sad. hate to see our babies being sick.. take care of her yah?
recently this thread abit quiet?
i need help... my boy yesterday had 5-in-1 & rotarix.
today mid morn vomited n has been crying whole day... i think i overfed him.
i fed whenever he cries.

he never likes pacifier. but since 2pm, he's been slping well wif pacifier... chewing away... even in his slp, i can see his mouth move..
he's having slight fever. ard 37.5. my thermometer usually registers 36.6 as normal temperature.

Haiz.. my baby these 3day keep crying non stop again.. day and night also like that, doctor say she kenna flu and block nose.. she kepp crying and refuse to drink milk. anyone have any suggestion hw shld I take care? Really very tired take care her.. sob.
elaine: ur baby ard 1+ mth? mine also will block nose till abt 3mths... bo bian de.
i brought my boy to PD to do suction of nose. he cried the clinic down. haha..
u see if ur gal's nose got sticky stuff, if so, try to wet cotton bud dig it out to clear her nose..
if u have enclosed shower room, on the heater and water. let the room be hot before bringing your gal inside. then the wet steam can clear her nose.

last option, use nasal spray on her. it's saline solution... i got mine frm GP.

if ur gal is colic more than simply block nose, give 1ml ridwind mix wif 1ml water. feed abt 0.5ml of the mixture before feeds.
after feeding for about 5-10mins, i'll burp him. then let him rest awhile before feeding again.
afterwhich he'll slp well.
pet: your pd advised you to do the 2 vax together? if he didnt vomit previously after 5in1, means it's due to the rotarix, mine also vomited after the very 1st dose and that is a normal but not so common reaction to it. you need to ask the clinic about the panadol dose for the mild fever, it's prolly due to reaction to the 5in1. they never give you bb panadol and advise you meh?
sleek: this rotarix is 2nd dose liao. 1st dose was taken @ 2nd mth with first 5-in-1 jab.

i have panadol. din give cause his fever subsided already. i gave a cool bath.
ryan is chewing on the pacifier whole day then he is quiet... sucking the pacifier to slp. b4 tat i can't calm him down at all...
i think he might be teething soon. tat's y i'm worried abt any further probs.
hi any adv on how much pampers easy pull up pants selling out side?L n XL size...if got promo how much n w/o promo how much..thanks..
Flower: Paiseh, this Sat we can't coz 1) we don't know how to drive 2) we not going direct -- got fun fair in the childcare in aid of cyclone & earthquake victims -- we gotta use up coupons so I suspect we'll end up carrying quite a bit along with our props for the shoot. If not urgent, we arrange for next week? Veri sori!

Coolmama:But baby seems slimmer than when I saw her at Flower's. Her "michelin" rolls getting smaller?
petrina.. ur boy flipped so early?? when was ur boy borned.. my ger in feb.. ahven learn how to flip leh.. can pm me ur multiply link??i also got multiply..

thanks pp for the pd info.. sleek i wld luv to join u all if the time permits.. so when is the next outing??
no need to worry abt the flipping. they will flip when they are ready. meanwhile, enjoy the times when you can change her diaper, change her clothes, without her twisting here and there. hehs...once they get the hang of flipping, it's no stopping them! hahaha. now, each time I try to change diapers for my gal, it's drama time. Twist and twist. Put her back on her back, she'll fuss. Only time she stays still is when cleaning her after she poops.

ryan may be teething...but the whole teething process can be quite long one. Louisa has been chewing and biting stuff, pulling/scratching her ears/head (ear area) for like...since 2 mths? Till now, no tooth has emerged yet. Quite poor thing lorh. But everytime we give her the teether, wah...she's like so happy. Have that satisfied look on her face. But when we take the teether away from her, she'll cry and get angry. hahaha.

also, babies temperature tends to be higher than adults. I was told, that as long as temp is not above 38 degrees, it's not fever.

The pacifier is very shiok to them. Guess he hasn't discovered how nice his thumbs can be. My gal's mouth will still move...even when there's no pacifier in her mouth! hahaha. It'll move as if she's sucking on an imaginary pacifier. THese kids are really cute sometimes...hahaha

babies tend to get blocked nose, esp when sleeping in air con rooms. Louisa also had the same prob. I use a wet cotton bud (meant for babies) and dig lorh. hehs...must know how to dig lah. She still screams when it's time to dig nose. haha.
Went to NUH last night in 4AM coz baby crying till like want to 'die' like that, Doctor say my bb kenna sore thorat due to her flu and block nose coz she use her mouth to breath. But doctor never give bb any medcinice say bb too young cannt eat medic, only given her nose drop... now my bb been crying non stop, think her throat must be very painfull... my 4th night never sleep already.. really very tired.
Hi Elaine

Be strong ya...when bb fall sick.. the one who is most tired will always be the mummy. Ask your hb to help you for a nite so that you can rest and continue the next nite..

Take care.
CSI: ya.. ryan is doing wat u r describing. but previously he prefers his fists. perhaps he can't insert his thumb deep enuff to relieve the chewing sensation therefore he's relying on pacifier now. today is 2nd day he enjoys pacifier only.
so sianz abt teething... i can't see anything yet. but i hope to relieve his pain as much as possible.

jeannie: i agree wif CSI. the only time they dun move is when u clean their butts.. haha

i pm u le.
yah, I'm also quite sianz about the teething. Louisa's been irritable, pulling ear/hair, scratching head, biting/chewing anything she can put in her mouth...for a long time liaoz. but still no teeth leh. So sad to see her so uncomfortable. like so cham like that...the only way is to let her have her teethers to chew on lorh...then must keep them clean, wash and sterilize...sian ah...hahaha
Hi Sandy,
My hubby is on reservist.. Does anyone know if baby is having sore throat, can i give her honey to smooth her? She is only 1half month now..
I read somewhere babies below 1 year cannot take honey (toxic to them). So please don't feed your baby any. Try feeding her water to soothe her discomfort. Otherwise, bring her to a GP tomorow morning and ask for some medication since NUH didn't give any.

CSI and Petrina, my Dana also a 'sucky' baby, can't do without the pacifier esp before bedtime when she's cranky. Initially we resisted against giving her pacifier but as I'm not breastfeeding, I can't satisfy her sucking instinct so we succumbed to it 3 Sundays ago. It's been much easier to put her to sleep that way.

My girl due for her 5-in-1 + rotavirus and pneunococal in early July, also worried if it's too much for her, what if she develops any fever and vomitting like Ryan...Btw, Dana's turning 11 weeks tomorrow and she's starting to respond to us by smiling and cooing, finally some 2-way interaction!

If our next outing's on Tues, I can't join. It's our 9th Wedding Anniversary, I've to keep my hubby company!

My bake for tonight
Elaine: Honey can contain spores which lead to botulism (or something like that) in babies which in some instances can be fatal. Please read some baby guide or websites for information on what to avoid feeding baby at any period. One website I subscribed to was -- the US one is (I think). I got weekly updates to keep me informed of each week of my pregnancy e.g. what's taking place, foetus can hear at when, etc. After baby was born, I subscribed for the monthly update which was still very helpful in keeping me informed of the developmental stages + baby's diet, etc.

Another thing to avoid is eggs because it can have samonella. Until after 1st year, don't offer it to your baby. An egg with samonella is only harmless if it is fully cooked -- and in Asian culture we like to offer half-boiled eggs to babies so this puts them at greater risk. However the MMR jab all babies take at 15M has some deriative of eggs so between 12M till then, need to give small amounts to your baby to see if there's any allergic reaction. If there is allergy to egg, then consult baby's PD for how to proceed.

Btw, I armed myself with a copy of the "What To Expect" series from during my pregnancy, to my baby's 1st year and now I have the copy on toddler years. Very handy month by month chapters. There are many such books in the market for purchase or loan from library -- or just do armchair research through internet.

Above all, enjoy your parenting journey!
CSI Fan & Pet: my girl was drooling buckets fr 3M and quite a lot of mommies told me she's likely teething since it's not surprising to even have babies born with some teeth. But there was no action! Then she started to gum everything in reach -- toes and index fingers included. This went on for months and still no tooth!! Finally, her 1st tooth emerged around 8M and she stopped everything teething related. After 2M started again and more teeth emerged together.

End of the story: welcome to the teething and waiting game!
Hi Kidz,
Thank you for all the info. I am very inexperience in baby coz I am very young..oni 22yrs old and this is my 1st baby.. no parenting info at all.. haha.. my mil also dun really know hw to take care baby that's y we tend to get very nervous and now baby is sick i really feel very scare.. now just hope baby can recover soon..

oh ya, does any mummy have any recommend for baby-sitter for taking baby day+night?

Coz i only on maternity now, will be back to work very soon in july.. in needs of finding a baby-sitter now, coz my newly hired maid dunno hw to take care my baby one.. she keep rocking my baby whenever my baby cry, the more my baby cry, the more she rock my baby.. than blow fan directly on my baby and make baby kenna flu and now sore thorat.. I have decide to forgo my maid and want to look for a baby sitter near my house before i go back work..
Kidz, Dana's starting to drool a lot too and she enjoys sucking her mittens. She's nearly 3mths, maybe she's undergoing the same cycle as Sarah-ann. Can't imagine when teething and flipping starts. That's when parenting starts getting 'challenging'!
Elaine, instead of a babysitter, why not you look for an infant care centre where the teachers are fully trained caregivers? Angela's baby is at the Ghim Moh one.
Elaine: U r welcomed! I also learn from ppl, book and changing my nephew's diapers last time.
Still get very kan cheong too whenever something new happens with our girl.

Can I ask if you really need to put baby overnight with sitter? Coz bonding is very important and my personal stand is safer to start bonding more with baby now rather than make repair attempts later in child's life.

I couldn't find suitable sitter in Clementi so ended up checking out infant care centres. Nearest is at Blk 5 in Ghim Moh or the one I send my girl to in Buona Vista. For full-time working mom, after subsidy is about $650 for infant care. They open 7am to 7pm Mon-Fri and from 7am-2pm on Sat. Closed on PH and they (all child care ctrs) are allowed to close another max. of 5.5 days in each year.

Can consider this. I liked the one in Ghim Moh but their part-time infant care prog didn't go with my part-time schedule. Contact me if you like more info. Of course if someone you know can recommend you a reliable babysitter, go with it as this option means more flexibility in timing i.e. babysitter don't close at 7pm.

Most important, not good for child to be left overnight with babysitter -- child bonds with sitter instead!
Elaine: My girl's been infant care since last June. She loves going to school and playing with her friends. She's learnt lots from her infant educarers too (the school calls her teachers that term) -- including a lot of cuties stuffs
. Main plus point is the infants are cared for in a place that is specially designed for them i.e. safe. Other advantage I like is more than 1 person looking after them. I realised babysitter is only one person who needs to take care of household chores, cook meals and go toilet -- without someone else around.

We visited one babysitter's place and found lotsa rosewood furniture and very little space for a growing baby to move about. When I asked how when my baby starts learning to walk, the lady told me to provide a walker. She'll tie it to the leg of the computer table so my girl can only move in an arc as far as the string extends... You get what I mean.

When checking out babysitter, maybe someone with experience of having used one can go with you to assess the place e.g. got any religious altar on the floor with burning oil lamps, etc. My sis gave me this tip -- her 5YO has been cared for by the same babysitter til now (after sch service now) and they have a wonderful relationship between him and sitter and sitter and my sis + BILaw.
Elaine: Sorry, forgot to mention downside of infant care is that the group setting means earlier exposure to childhood illness e.g. colds, coughs, flu, etc. But it's what every kid goes through when they start sch -- just veri sim tia to see a baby go through so early. My girl was sick by Day 4 of sch and it lasted 1M. By 10M she was much stronger and the one passing on the bugs
. So be prepared for this if opting for infant care.
Hi Elaine

Anyone can help you just for a nite so that you can at least catch some sleep? Hm... I thought now reservist allow to go home daily?? paisay huh.. cos hb can n my bro also can... hehe.

Yah... I also heard cannot give honey... so try not to is water
Hello mommies,

Sorry, haven't been following this thread for a while...been sooooooo busy cos just got the key to our condo.

Side track a bit..

I have a brand new studio apartment at The Maylea for rent. If you know anyone (esp expats) who needs to rent a place, kindly let me know.

Many thanks.
sandy: water give minimum... babies can get water intoxication - over diluting their blood.

angel / elaine / apple: do u wan to try pampers comfort? i have 5 BN packs to let go @ $10 each. too small for my boy already...

i ask u 3 as only the three of ur babies r younger than my boy. haha
Hi sleek,
dunno leh... all of sudden she sniff, dripping... how's my future SIL? Audrey would love to go and play with him on monday! but really have to see how... have fun at the photo shoot today!

Yeah, she look slimmer right?
think she grew taller so now slimmer, plus now she learning to pull to stand so excercise a lot... heehee...

hope your baby is better... try to rest when the baby rst, since now you have maid try not to tire yourself with the chores.

been a bit busy or late.. with many problems... you mummies and babies take cares!

My baby shermaine today is much better liao, but she shitted green shit 2 time today.. and cry till no voice liao.. but lucky today she is much better, she can drink about 80ml milk each time now compared to yesterday she oni drink 20ml each time.. heart ache to see her lost her 'cute' voice

Angel & Kidz,

I wan to look for babysitter becoz my work does't allow me to fetch my baby by 7pm becoz I work in M1 customer service center in paragon and I working in retail hour, PH etc all have to work also.. my hubby n my mil have decide to give our maid 1more chance to see how, if not we really have to send baby for babysitter liao.

I know that baby bonding is very importance, but since all of us have to work, if maid cannt take care my baby properly I will have no choice but to send my baby to someone to help take care rather than my baby is sick.. very heart pain to see my baby sick.. she been crying until no voice liao..

Does anyone know any medicine can help baby recover voice better? My baby really cry till no voice liao..

Hi Sandy,
my hubby only allow to night's off ( come back for few hour than have to go back again) than when he come back I can't possible ask him to take care baby coz he need to rest also..
jeannie: I have pmed you the link, do join us there! if you didn't rcv it, pls pm me for it!

cool: poor audrey.....!!! your FSIL's upper left tooth is emerging and causing him to be a very angry boy. Especially difficult to handle at bedtime cos he only wants me but yet cannot go to sleep easily, then keeps waking up to cry and look for me
Sigh, then end up he didnt want to co-operate for the photos cos he had a bad night on fri. hope your probs are solved soon/ quick dear!
elaine: there's no medicine for your baby's voice to recover better, just gotta take care of her till she is well, then her voice will recover. all the best.

pet: hope ryan gets better quick, maybe you should bring him to the doc to get medication, as his sickness will be aggravated by the vaccinations, esp since he is so young.
