Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

thanks petrina and sleek.. received ur email..been quite busy over the weekend so no time to cheeck emails and reply forum.

elaine.. dun give baby honey.. very dangerous can cause botulism.. hope ur baby is better now.. must be very sad that she cry until so jia lat..hmm.. maybe u teach ur maid what to be careful of.. since now u are at home.. better train her the way u wnat her to be else if u not around dunno what she will do w the baby. Not scaring u.. bit there are so many awful stories of maid.. u must watch out k meanwhile osurce out for baby sitter too just incase. Its good to be able to bond w baby but now in singapore no 2 incomes quite difficult to survive.. esp if u want certain kind of living std.

wah.. angel.. did u bake that cake in the pic.. looks good!

that does sound like a lot of jabs for Dana to go through in 1 day. But so do many other babies...just that each have a different reaction or response. So, just monitor her, soothe her in anyway you can. Just get her comfy...and be by her side. Thankfully, Louisa didn't have any fever or vomitting. Didn't cry when the needle poked through too (skin too thick?? hahaha). But the very first time she had her 6-in-1, she was crank and fussy. I just gave in to her for that 1 day lorh. Carried her the whole day, let her suck her pacifier (my MIL wanted to keep giving her water. kena scolding from me - I dun care abt offending manz, hahaha.), sang to her, hummed...etc. Just let her be. Then she was ok. But I also told her that it's only for that day, coz she had a jab. hahaha.

Pls dun self-medicate. Just let your baby rest. give the pacifier if you dun mind. At least it helps them self-soothe. Otherwise, if you are really worried, bring baby to see the doc for the throat.

re maids, haiz. Mine, has her own kid. When we talk to her and explain why we do things in certain way, she can finish our sentences for us etc. So shows that she understands the concept right? And she reads all the childcare/babycare books that we have at home - "What to expect" series, Baby Whisperer, Gina Ford etc... But when it comes to executing, wah...cannot leh. Either she dun remember what she read, or she just so used to taking instructions from others that she dun really think (she's worked in SG as a domestic help for 2 other families before us). Haiz, so in the end, I gotta do up a list / timetable for her. She follows it better that way. So I guess, it's also impt to try to identify what makes the maid tick, or how best does she learn or do things. And then modify our approach to that, and slowly try to change / adjust. Coz can't expect the person to understand our style in such a short while. By the time they get used to our style, 2 years is almost up. hahaha.

Hb and I had hoped for some developmental care for baby while we are at work. But, looks like it's gonna just be custodial care. Even what to play with baby, we have to tell her or pass her the toys. If not, she'll keep doing or showing the same toys with my gal. How to develop?? haha. But oh well, the positive side is, at least this keeps hb and me more involved in baby's development. We wun end up unwittingly leaving the job to someone else and taking things for granted. But at least we can just totally drop the housework and leave it to the maid. She's darn good with the housework.
At the end of the day, baby needs the parents...

Wah, Bernice, exciting got to do reno horh? So you'll be moving there soon? Is your new place ard the clementi/holland/Dover/Commonwealth area?
Hi CSI Fan,

The place is very nicely done before they hand the keys to us, so no need to renovate, just do the curtains and add lights. It's live-in condition now. I'm thinking of going to stay there for a week before the school reopens and before we rent it out. It's at Pasir Panjang, just next to the Village ad Esso station. Got any expats who want to rent, let me know ok? Thanks huh....
hi Bernice,
oh, you're planning to rent out...then yah. no need to do ID lah. Afterall, also not for yourself to live until so nice for what, right? Let someone else enjoy only...

My company got no expats...hehs. But your condo is at a good location. Near town, yet not too near the crowd. Think you can fetch a good yield. If you're looking for tenants on your own (i.e. not going though agents) you can try this website (got it from a fren).
<font color="ff0000">Mommies: Last Fri my girl was unwell too. She was very tired and slept early on Thu night. At midnight I realised she had a 38.6 fever so we medicated her. We practise co-sleeping so at 4am I heard a soft cough and realised she had thrown up over herself. She then rolled over onto her face and threw up more -- but she was still asleep. We quickly picked her up and cleaned her. After that, my husband told me it was a good think we practise co-sleeping coz our girl was so tired she could have just been sleeping in her vomit or worst suffocated on it.</font>

CSI Fan: I think you it's good that you've started a checklist/schedule for your maid. She then has to follow and got no excuse to adopt her own method. I attended two parenting talks @ my girl's infant care and the speaker recommended that where necessary, even draw up such a list/schedule for grandparents who are the carers -- this way no conflict of parenting style too.

Elaine: Maybe this list/schedule method can help your maid to work more efficiently and be better in helping care for your baby.
Parenting Workshop on 28 June (next Sat), 2-5pm

Hi mommies! I'm working on the above, organised by my organisation (TOUCH Family Services). Very excited about it coz we got Dorcas &amp; Andj Li - Directors of Growing Families International - to conduct it. See if you interested -- different topics for Session 1 and 2. I'm looking forward to learning from them.

I can't upload our publicity flyer so if you're interested, check out the full details at the link below (to our events calendar).

To enquire, call 6317 9997/8 or email [email protected]. Or PM me.

<font color="0000ff">Session 1: Maximising Your Child's Potential</font> -- A talk for those with children up to 16yo to understand and recognise the different types of potential. This session is only for parents thus child-minding is available for children 4-12yo. Please make own arrangements for children of other age range.

<font color="0000ff">Session 2: Come, Let's Play</font> -- A hands-on session for those with children aged 4-6, to learn how to use play for bonding, character growing and maximising child's potential. Children aged 4-6 need to attend with parents. Please make own child-minding arrangements for children of other age range e.g. bring your helper along.

I have decide to forgo my maid and look for babysitter. Coz my maid like abit siao siao one.. she today keep looking at the window and smile, when i call her she also never respond.. decide to send her back by this week once I found a baby sitter.

Hope your child get well soon.. Take Care!
Just wanna ask, any mummy wan to help me look after my baby for day time ma? I am working 5days a week, so will be able to take care baby myself when i'm off.(my off day is rotate) my mother in law will be able to collect baby back from you everyday after 4pm before 6pm daily..

pls let me know if any mummy can help me baby-sit my gal. If you wan weekend off is ok, coz my mother in law is off on both sat and sun, at the most you will only be helping me a max5day only.. pls let me know if you know anybody can help me with this. will prefer someone staying near clementi
She is only1half mth old now. can contact me at 96960155. Thanks!
Hello mommies,

Got gathering ah? When, where, what yahoo website? Can someone send me a PM to let me know, would love to meet up...

Elaine: Thanks, my girl stop lau-sai already. Looking at the colour and consistency, think it must have been due to teething.

Btw, do you want to try looking for babysitter through agent? I know A-Team Amahs have always received good reviews even when magazines set up 'tests' for their ad-hoc baby-sitting services. I called them before too and they had a sitter very near me but the sitter only wanted to take care of baby 6M or older. You can call them and check again: 68460428 or 68468247.

Actually if your MIL can help pick up baby by 6pm, why not you consider infant care? There's Wee First @ void deck of Blk 5, Ghim Moh (Tel: 64696844) and there's Agape Little Uni @ NTU Alumni Club next to MOE building (Tel: 67790801). Agape is more ex because they are air-conditioned + they just revised their fees to $1,500pm. If I'm not wrong, the full govt subsidy of $400pm applies for mommies working at least 50hrs pm.

For your consideration.
hey mummies,

Got a cooking porridge for baby.

I was thinking, if I want to cook porridge, shd I grind the rice first then cook? or cook porridge first then mash up the porridge?

If grind first, need to wash the rice grains right? Then how to grind when wet? Just leave thr grains out to dry first?

Just wondering lah...

Instead of looking for a babysitter, why dont you try Agape and arrange school schoolbus for your gal to drop off at you MIL house. I think better than babysitter.
Elaine: Flower's right. Agape got school bus. Parents must provide their own car-seats though. This will be like when you buy one for your own vehicle.
re Agape's school bus...
wow, that's really interesting. Never knew that infant care got school bus too. hmmm......(i'm still in awe)

yah, the cook-till-nuah mthd is the only way I know of. But then I read that it's better to grind and then cook. Something about being better able to retain nutrients. Can't quite remember. So I thought it's a common approach to grind first then cook, but just that I dunno how to go about it. haha.
CSI Fan: My girl's infant care ctr do grind the brown rice before cooking. When I cook for her at home, I bought a packet of rice that is shorter grained plus cook a little longer so it's fluffier. But don't have to buy Japanese rice (which is shorter grain). The one I happen to find at Cold Storage is suppose to be from Australia and comes in 1kg pack. We don't cook much for ourselves so we specially bought that from cooking for our girl. Yeah, once become parents have to go out of the way very often for our precious ones...
yah...I think I know which one you're talking about. I also bought that brand of rice for my gal. Australia one, shorter grain, 1kg pack...

I bought, with the intention of grinding for my gal. Thot can mix lah, sometimes cereal, sometimes porridge. Then...before I start, it suddenly hit me...need to wash the rice? if wash liaoz, wet wet, can grind? Then I never start lorh. hahaha. Lucky thing I haven't open up the packet still can wait.
csi: I never grind the rice for my son's porridge, cos after you cook it to porridge it is so soft and mushy anyway, as per usual will just use the fork to mash it...
haha, maybe you can blend it after you cook it if you already have the blender
mummies, I can't join the breakfast meetup tomorrow morning, gotta run some errands before I resume work next week plus tons of photos to process so enjoy yourselves!
CSI Fan: Just remembered that I actually started by buying Heinz's Rice Cereal -- it's about $3-4 per box, is grounded plain rice and enriched with iron, etc. If I'm not wrong, it's the only plain rice cereal that's why I got that -- and maybe also preservatives free? Anyway, can mix in a bit of other mashed up stuffs if you like e.g. fish. Pick this option and no more dilemma
heehee...kidz, thanks.
maybe I'm creating more delimma for myself lah. hahaha. Actually I'm feeding her Healthy Times brown rice cereal and Bellamy's rice cereal (think this one is plain rice). Just that parents and the elderly were talking abt "must give porridge" we also thot we try lah. hehs. But seems like more mah fun. hahaha. Think i'll just stick to the rice cereals. hahahaha...easier. =P
CSI Fan: Yes, I agree it's so much easier! But wait till reach my girl's age (16M) -- now she don't like to be strapped in except when we eat out. And she needs lotsa variety so each day I got to change the dinner menu but this means whatever I open and cook cannot keep the uncooked portion for next day. One thing she loves is mashed potato and toasted slices of tofu. For the potato, it sticks to her spoon so not messy like when giving her rice (fling all over...). For the tofu, she can just hold in her hand and eat. The other thing she likes is carrot stick. Someone told me to cut stem of brocoli into sticks too and boil till slightly soft so tods can chew on these while teething and still get their nutrients.
Hello gals,

Been sometime since i last checked this thread .... very busy with baby &amp; sorry sleek, i don't have an Yahoo account and tried to create MSN but something seems to be wrong with my downloading ... sigh ... so didn't manage to join the link. Have missed out on alot of stuff ... hope all is well with you gals : )
melody: ooh. it's ok... then maybe i'll forward it to u via email or sms u.
ask our VIP member along.. haha..
i dun have her contact or email. so i can't send her anything.
Dear Mummies

this thread has been rather quiet lately. Hope everyone's doing well.

Saw this ad on the Straits Times last Sunday. There's a <font color="0000ff">PAW WALK08 for Babies &amp; Toddlers</font> happening on <font color="0000ff">20 July Sun at Bishan Park</font> Shall we make this our next gathering? Official flag-off time for the walk is 9am. For those with young babies, we can bring our strollers and prams along.

This Paw Walk event is organised by Singapore Paediatric Society and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to raise public and parent awareness about Pneumococcal Disease. There'll be goodie bags and a whole galore of activities for children like balloon scultping, face painting etc.

What's cool is that they're organising several <font color="0000ff">photo competitions</font>:

- Most Photogenic Baby
- Best Smile Baby
- Best Dress Baby
- Best Family Portrait

I was thinking those who came for our East Coast Outing, you might just want to select some satisfied family portrait shots and submit them the compeition! Who knows, you may just win! If that happens, remember to give credit to the photographer hor
However, they didn't state what size of photos to send in though, I shall try to give the organisers a call to find out.

For those who are interested, simply submit your photos by 17th July to:

<font color="ff0000">PAW WALK 08, 40A Orchard Road, #07-01 The Macdonald House, Singapore 238838</font> Winners stand to win attractive prizes (don't ask me what are the prizes, it's not stated in the ad)

Anyone free to come along? We'll most likely bring Dana there for a day of fun in the sun
hey angel, I got the leaflet for this event a couple days ago. wanted to go till I saw it was in the morning and quite far away, heehee lazy me. Will see how things go closer to the date.
Hi everyone,

I'm new here. I'm writing here as I'm planning to buy a 5-room flat in the Dover area.

Can those mummies from Dover give me some info as to:

- which are the better blocks?
- which should I avoid?
- what should I look out for?
- are the amenities there sufficient without having to drive or take transport out (food, groceries, clinics)?
- and any other advice/info.

Thanks! I'll appreciate it very much.
angel: hehe, too far for me as usual...

anyone feeding pearl powder to their infants or toddlers? ryan is rather cranky.. sudden cry in midst of slp. my cousin say is fright... need to feed *jing feng san* so they slp better...
currently, my brts r pacifiers for ryan..

slp only after suckling for awhile.. not hungry. then wake up less than 1hr to suckle again..
flower: i dun feel like feeding it... so i'm bearing all his crankiness. he's been slping less than 1hr per time. he needs me to hug him whole day/nite.
so tired n achy.
Welcome Isobellies, Amanda and Tek_Koh

some of the SAHMs here regularly meet up on weekdays for chats cum playdates. Petrina is one of them. Can PM her for the next outing.
Welcome to PJC, Isobellies, Amanda and Tek Koh!

PJC: I stayed at Dover till about 2003 but there's been much changes there since. Still go there regularly. There's a NTUC at one of the new blocks, opposite of United World College. That block also has clinic, bakery and an air-con food court (expensive). Next block got very small coffee shop but in the MSCP facing MRT tracks got a bigger coffee shop. The estate opposite of Fairfield Pri &amp; Sec has been en-bloc so I think flats, shops and hawker centre there will be gone in another 2yrs or so time. I find going to Dover MRT more convenient because need not walk like to Buona Vista. During poly term time, the train will be less crowded there too. Traffic's very bad tho in the morning before all the local schs start coz there's 4 of them along the way. Hope my sharing helps a bit.
haha, angel..
yes, tek koh... i m one of the bo liao mummy who is super bored at home..

juz wanna let out some steam here.. dun mind me
argh!!!! anyone have miracle non drug for my boy?
gg crazy over him.. crying whole day besides latching n hugging him to slp. he's so sticky!!!
Sigh! posted using wrong user. so now you know.

Anyway, kidzskidz,

Thanks for your input. I actually went to walk around Dover yesterday and even ate at the mentioned foodcourt and checked out the small NTUC. Not much amenities there. But it's quite nice and quiet at the time I took my walk.

The blocks I liked were the ones behind Rochester Park (12, 13, 14) but they are about 30 years old already? And a check on the latest transactions showed them to be very expensive!

The newer ones are too near the MRT track, so I think the noise could be quite bad?

Hmm... next up, I'll explore Clementi...

Any 'tips' from Clementi mummies?
pet, not bo liao lah, it's fortunate to be a SAHM...still working my way to be 1.

anyway, my 'miracle-cure' for fussy babies are the mighty pacifier and yao-lan. Dana needs her pacifier to settle her when she's cranky, When she falls asleep, she'll spit it out or we'll remove it for her. As for Yao Lan, we use it only sparingly in the afternoon.
Pjc, how many room flats are you looking for? The estate which Kidz and I stay at ("West Coast Court'), 4-room sold for $400k last week and ours 5-room can fetch up to $590-600k
as it's quit an exclusive serene estate. Flats in Clementi are generally more expensive, also with new interchange hub coming up.
hey pjc
now is quite a "bad" time to buy, prices have gone up so much. i stay at the masionettes, and last year january a unit can be around $400+k in valuation. now it's $600+k, some even asking for $700k! so unless you desperately need a place to stay, or struck big in toto, you might want to reconsider

you lucky you're getting bored, i'm getting exhausted looking after my son, he's so active and doesn't want to sleep much, and now only 5 months
when he goes to bed at night i always breathe a sigh of relief
isobellies, bored because he's sucking my time... not because my boy dun need me.. haha he slps wif me day n nite.. can't be alone at all...
welcome isobellies and Amanda!

pet: no choice la you gotta jia you for this time period! maybe he's going through a growth spurt or just feeling more manja.

pjc: can consider certain parts of clementi like ave 4,5 as i think prices are still slightly lower than those in ave 3(central) or st 11-13 (sunset way). it also depends on what are your other considerations. however, if it is not urgent for you to buy a flat now, why not wait till prices start dropping. generally the price of a 3rm flat now is equivalent to a 4rm before the prices soared.

Hi Angel, Isobellies, Sleek,

Thanks for your advice. I know the price is high now. I have put my current place on the market and I'm not sure when it'll be sold - could take a long time or a short time.

So what I'm doing now is research so that when it is sold, I can quickly zero in on the flats for sale in the blocks I want. Otherwise, it would be panic buying.

One consideration will be primary school. My kid is in Nursery now.

Angel - is your place affected by noise from the traffic on the main road?
