Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

elaine: y u dun try infancol or ridwind? i dun really trust chinese herbs for young infants...
even gripe water, my boy almost 3mths i also wanna hold it off first... cause their stomach not mature yet.

angel: i also stopped baking since my boy came... so sad... my oven already very dusty. LOL... i need to rewash everything in order to start again.

apple: i was induced 3x. but bb not ready to come out. cause too big. so in the end c-sec. i was ready to do full natural w/o epi. end up c-sec wif epi cause i wanna film process...

sleek: u not selling ur beco? so u end up having 2 carriers... only 1 baby... lol

apple: sale, almost everywhere have. but toiletries - JL is better as compared to Robinsons.

sherlyn: dont paiseh, do share with us your stories! the thread starter put it here, so we just follow lo.

angel: looks very yummy, I look fwd to having a gathering at your plc so we can enjoy your cupcakes :p

pet: 1 baby, 3 different people carry, so why not 2 carriers! dont need to be jealous lo, you also can do
you should say you gan chiong want to induce ryan when he hasn't even descended into the birth canal, thats why induce 3x also dont work, nothing to do with him being big or small. poor baby get blamed for no reason, heehee
hey petrina..
m looking for breast pad,,peigon brand..watson having 20%off rp$8.50..well i tinking of the expo sale (robinson) they say will have addtional off tis last 3 days,,i dono what is induce le cz what hapen is my doc stright away broke my water bag liao..pain like hell,,omg..u got half,,if i were u u i will faint or cry till my eyes dry lo..i veri scare of needles n pain wan..even wen my bb go for injection i dont dare to look i go get ready to get out of the room even b4 the nurse get ready...
sleek: aiyo.. my gynae tell me wat i listen mah.. plus i did have some frens who induce past EDD, also end up emer c-sec. so i scared when he show no sign of coming out at all. gynae say if carry till full term will definately hit 4kg de. and i was losing weight fast.. so gynae scared bb is in distress. if given a choice, i wun not induce liao...
my bb did come out on all the EDD,,,n i onli induce him cz my doc ask me to,,he is in there for more than 40weeks le,,,
elaine: it's ok... i also only noe bcoz i preg tat time SAHWife... nothing better to do, surf net all day long. semi-expert liao.. haha
*thick skinned*

apple: dun use pigeon.. quality n price not as good as NUK. NUK - 48pcs @ $10.10
i always reuse them. very thick n durable...
eg, i use NUK at nite. then daytime i go out, i use new set. but i retain the nite set. use again at nite. until heavy liao or messy then i throw.. haha...
those go out ones i usually throw after 1 use, cause sweaty n dirty liao...

June Gathering??
anyone wanna start the ball rolling?

melody & kidz seems to be MIA recently...
so far, gathering list -

Any good place for gathering. Bernice also seem to be MIA from the forum but we still meet every Fri for our girl's class. She suggested Turf City. Anyone have been there recently?
I was gonna suggest in june for gathering can have it at my grandma's hse in clementi ave 5, she stays by herself and there's a toy rm there. But if some1 else wants to host, please do. Also would prefer to discuss this off the forum. Pet do join us at the link I gave you on msn.
how old are your kids? my #1 4 yr old this year.

heehee... tell your hubby, just for fun lah... quite sweet to see 2 kids grow up together mah...

Anyways, just back from meeting angel today! so fun! the kids and hubby and myslef, thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Thanks angel! cant wait to see the pics! didn't get to see the other mummies thou... maybe we can have a little meet up at your place when we pick up the pics? and eat your pretty cupcakes.

yeah cut nails when baby sleep. i think most of of have accidentally cut our precious's skin b4!

sure sure, can find me np.

i very pain also.. pain like crazy... its the worst "constipation" ever! wakeke.... did some visualistion beforehand, came in handy. NUH doc thumbs up! but MUST stay A class ward - fantastic nurses, B class - nurses dun care, rude.... like sleek say trust yourself and your body. same, now that we are caring for our kids, must trust ourselves, our instincts too. confident parent= confident baby. happy parent=happy baby.

have a good weekend all!
Gathering wor.. Think I will give it a miss coz still dun really know hw to handle my baby yet.. wait to cry i very 'gan chiong'.. haha.. plus my baby only 1mth now.. cannt play also.. lolz.
My baby nail also very long, since birth I haven cut for her yet.. scare to cut her skin.. bought the baby nailclipper many days but still no courage to cut~~~
elaine, what about hosting it at your place then? we can all go over to chit chat, can even cut your baby's nails for you :p

cool: yeah, it is sweet! men wont understand 1 la.
eh how come you got to meet angel today *jealous*
haha I also pain like crazy. during my 1st mth after baby was born, my hb made fun of my moaning when I couldn't take the pain during the final stages before pushing
well i last time also like that,,,veri kan chiong,,cry abit then i panic like hell,,but aft 2 weeks then i slowly learn his trick,,like what kina cry means what he want,,cz the more kan chiong the more i cant tink rite,,n cant meet his needs,,n he more "fun" n the louder the cry,,sometimes he can end up screaming,,like cutting the nails i also anyhow cut cz he move here n there,,but accident do happen
sad.gif just relax lo,,

petrina, time robinson have sales never buy,,wonder they still have anot now..i also reuse cz i never leak much le,,some more everyday stay at home if hot on still ok la...but where got sales for NUK now?any idea?

wow..not that i dont trust my body..i m very scare of pain n needles mah,,see alr will cry cannot make it hb always make fun of me when it time for me to take blood test or infront of my friends me checking the cervix it's arl 100/100 the cant imagine if i give birth w/o doc ask me not to do it scare i cant tk it half way n have to end up c section will be more waste of money and will be dangerous for both of us...hee...but i m glad evertink is over now..hmm...btw c section when can have the next bb???

atleast he dont do that infront of ur friends or family..n y he can pei u in the room huh?my hb not ard all the time wen they inject n everytink they ask my hb to go out le...
apple: oh he also kerna made fun by me, cos he dont dare to look at the blood and the baby during pushing. heehee, we always disturb each other la, for fun only. you need to tell your hb not to talk bad about you in front of others, it's basic respect, maybe he doesnt realise he hurt your feelings.
coolmama got to meet angel that day, and u'll be meeting angel in another 2 weeks...hehs. dun jealous. ur turn soon.
Hi mummies!

good morning. Flower, saw your post at the yahoo forum. Picnic at the Park this Sat sounds good! More casual setting and kids can play/roam around while we ladies chat.
I'm for it! Hope more mummies join us at the yahoo forum soon
anyone has any idea...

is it possible to (or how to) wash the interior of a washing machine???

Coz my helper told me yesterday that she washed the interior of the machine, before putting in baby's clothes to wash. I was tired, so didn't question her further. but now that I think about it, I'm to wash the insides?? And she said she wash and drained out water. HUH?? Coz my machine is those super simple kind of machine. 3 buttons nia...1. Start/Pause 2. The different types of washing - regular, heavy duty, delicate, soak. 3. On/off. So how to drain out the water? I dun even know how to drain the water off my own machine...hahahaha

Then I also noticed yesterday that the laundry bags (empty ones) were soaking wet. No reason mah...coz even if spin dry etc, it wouldn't be so wet. And she can tell me, "it's very strange"...riiiiittteee...

I dunno, is it me or is it her? I'm not that savvy with wahing machines. hahaha.
csi: can run the washing machine cycle using baking soda, vinegar or bleach when empty instead of washing powder/ detergent supposed to be good for the washing machine too, but we never do that, haha. I dont know how your helper did it la.
CSI: my machine can wash e interior type. so i not sure how she does it.

she prob on e machine n fill it wif water then scrub? then close cover to spin?
CSI, what is the brand of the machine?

Most of the machines nowadays can do cleaning. And advise to wash machine once a month. I worked with a Japanese brand manufacturer "TO....". So know abit of this techical stuff. Some machines even come with the washing function. U basically use pour the bleach into the machine & it will just spin and drain off. Look at your operation manual, they should able to advise.

CSI, as for the laundry bag,I dont quite understand your message. Sorry!
my washing machine is Sony brand. Oh, can was interior one ah? heehee...I really didn't know! haha.

My machine is top load, and helper is shorter than me (i'm average height lah). So dunno how she bend over to scrub. Yah...will ask her tonight. Yesterday was really tired after one day out with baby. hahaha.

Oh Flower, the bit on the laundry bag...

coz hb has the habit of throwing in the laundry bag back into the machine after taking out hte laundry and hanging them out. So by then, the bags are quite dry liaoz (after spinning etc). So he taught the helper to do the same lah. But yesterday, as I reached inside the machine to pull out a bag (intended to put baby's clothes inside), the laundry bags were wetter than usual. like, soaking wet lorh. So I asked helper why like that, she said dunno. Coz they were dry when she put them back in. Okaaaay....then I left her to go put baby's clothes into the bags. Then as she did so, she suddenly mention, "yah, the bags are very strange"... er...okaaaay....

Hi all! Just wanted to say a quick "hello!". Sorry, been very busy with work and baby so no time to drop by. Catch up another time - take care!
CSI, oh I didnt know Sony has washer. It could be that your helper didnt drain away the water. You must pick up the operation manual and take a look & see if you can have the option of drainage. Anyway, when the next wash starts, the water will be drain off before starting the cycle. So not a big problem.

Hell Kidz, was wondering where have you been. Not seen you here for quite a while. You take care!
Flower, yah...not a big issue. Just that I felt how come my helper couldn't be more upfront about it. She's only been here and with us for 2 weeks. Not sure must ask mah (something we keep repeating to her). So I just feel that even if she needs to wash the interior etc, just say lorh.

Probably there's option for drainage, but I dunno lah. heehee...
anyone interested in bringing your baby for this Positive Infant programme at BabyBreeze? (more details, can check out BabyBreeze website. I'll be bringing my gal for a trial class next Sunday (15 June at 11.30am). Trial class costs $35 for 1 parent + baby. The person in charge (Ellen) informed that they are having a 1-for-1 promo for the trial class. If there are 2 sets of babies, the parents just pay $35 for the trial (i.e. each would be $17). Anyone interested? I'll be bringing my baby there lah (rather, hb will be bringing), regardless of whether I can get a friend to go along or not. But of course, if got another friend to join, can lower cost...why not right? heehee...
Hi CSI_Fan

when's the trial? If it's in June, I'm thinking of sending my hubby with Dana there too! Can call me so we can discuss more? How much is the full course of 8 lessons?
Hi angel, petrina,
the trial session is on 15 June (Sunday). Full course of 8 sessions is $200+ (can't remember the exact figure, but I can call to enquire further). Will update u gals, okie?
Hey, saw BabyBreezes has a baby cafe.

"Baby Cafe
Our Baby Cafe is open once a week and set out with small coffee tables and plenty of comfortable sofas and loads of play areas for babies and toddlers. All expectant and breastfeeding mums are welcome to join in this friendly gathering to share, learn and support each in their new roles as parents.
There is a nominal contribution of $5 towards beverages and snacks.
Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, from 11am to 2pm."

Maybe can gather there.
Yes Flower, that's a great idea! The next 2nd Wed of the month is next week (10 June). Anyone wants to meet there? Am on adoption leave in June to bond with Dana so weekdays are fine.

Mummies with maids, I need advice. My helper of 2 months requested this morning to send her back to Philippines as she misses her young daughter and is not prepared to be so far away from her family. It is her 1st time working away from home. This is despite the fact that we treat her very very well (in her own words)
What shall I do? headache* so hard to find a good maid we can trust...

There is a few things you need to think :

1. Who's going to pay for her airticket?
2. Her advanced Loan from the agent?
3. The new maid fees that you going to incur?

So if you really want to let her go, ask her to endure for another 4 more months till she finishes off her loan and save enough to buy her own airticket, then you can consider changing. This is not fair to you as you have paid for her loan in advance and the admin fee you going to incur to change a new one.

Of course, tell her is a more tactic way like oh you need time to look for another good maid like her and it takes months to look for one. furthermore, the baby has already know her, would prefer her than a new one. From now on, dont let her go for her leave, if possible.

Tanglin Mall is fine. What about next mon?

Flower, I've spoken to the agent.

1. Air-ticket: Maid has to buy her own if she wants to go back (which she does not have)
2. Maid has to repay her advance loan from the agent (around S$1200)
3. There are additional fees which I've to bear like applying for new Work Permit for new maid, new insurance etc. Not to mention all the inconveniences and time I've to spend in selecting and re-training a new maid all over again.

Actually my helper says she feels very comfortable working for us but she is too homesick (1st time working away from home). We treat her very well - we allow her to call her family every Sunday night and even use our PC to email her hubby every Saturday! We give her ample time to rest, she has her own room, she can read the newspapers anytime she wants during her free time, we allow her to switch on the radio the whole day to sing along with the music while she's looking after Dana, we bring her to church every Sunday (she sits in the main auditorium while hubby and I look after Dana in the nursery room!). So dunno what she's unhappy about. She commented that life in Singapore very sad as flat is too quiet, not like her kampung. Perhaps she's really taking advantage of our kindness. Honestly speaking, she's never worked as a domestic helper before, she dunno how nasty some employers can be...
Hi, angel..

I think that your maid is too demanding. My maid have been with me for about 2mth oni but she is not so demanding like ur maid. althought my maid is quite blur and forgeting. but she tell me that she know that if she decide to go back and break her contract, she will have alot of money need to pay. my maid tell me that she not only owe the agent in spore loan, all maid coming to spore also did get a loan from they phip agent also. Therefore if she decide to go back, i tell you, she surly got no money to pay back one.

can know which agent you take your maid from ma? Coz my is from Jack focus, and my agency do give me free maid replacement except i have to pay the insurance fee again etc again lah. If your maid really dun wan to work for u, y dun you just send her back to the agent? and get another maid?? as if ur maid wan to go back her country, leave it for ur agency to settle. coz i think this is not ur problem anyway. Your maid agency shld slove this issue with ur maid themsleve, Not u!!

Oh ya, you mention ur maid use email to email her hubby ya? my maid say if ur maid hubby got comouter at philp, than he shld't be that poor. tell your maid that if she wan to go back phip, than ask her hubby to send her money to buy ticket to go back.. Honestly, I think u shld change another maid, coz now that you at home she already behave like that, wat if you are not at home? .. how big is ur bb?
hey mummies of babies > 6 mths...

Just want to ask...did you feed ur babies sweet potato puree or carrot puree before? Must mix with milk or not? Or just give it to them "neat"?

Also...after freezing the puree, it's in the ice cube trays. Can remove from tray and put in another freezer bag or container, right? then how to defrost or warm up that particular cube, when u need to feed baby?

flower sounds good
who else wants to go, 9th or 16th?


1) flower
2) sleek
3) petrina?
4) angel?
csi: For pure veg/ fruit puree, I used to give it to my son neat. It's up to you though, but for now it's just for them to get used to the taste, texture of the food and how to swallow & 'chew'. So you don't have to worry so much about actual amount eaten
I never freeze so I cant advise for that, I'm sure 1 of the other mums will have experience with that.
haha, I know organic cereal tastes like cardboard, even mixed with ebm!! very yucky, no wonder my son didn't like it after the initial few weeks.. heehee
mummies, the BP for California Baby products are here again in the BP section. Kidz introduced its Calendula Cream to me in April and I've fallen in love with it. We apply it to Dana's neck and skin creases along her inner elbow and thighs (after her baths) and on her bum (after change of diaper), making her smell so fresh and nice! Highly recommended as it's organic. Check them the entire range of CB products here at: then order at the BP here Collection point is at Clementi MRT, convenient for all of us.
Needless to say, I've ordered more items this time round
Happy shopping!

Hello pp.. dun think i ahve posted here before.. can i join the thread too.. i am staying at holland drive.. My baby gwen is 3 mnth +. Hope to chat w u all more often and can meet up since all staying the west. Anyone stay near me?

saw someone posting abt the PD at sunset way.. is the pd good??
