Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

hi Koori

Me home too...
can hear the drilling sound too... i guess from 28th flr. after lunch - the sound stopped, rite?
shirley: u wan fry bee hoon? or fruits?

so far we have -


Melody: do u wan me to make gingko barley dessert instead of nuggets? then u make sandwich can liao. otherwise too hectic for u leh..

shirley: if i make gingko dessert, then u fry nuggets? easy food is ok liao..
Shauna: sorry you cant make it, next time then!

Petrina: heh, i also dont know what to make, shall I make konyakku jelly?

Angel: you want my friend to pm you some photos of BN bb girl clothes, she bought it for some1 from factory outlet type of shops but the person doesn't want, so she has some NB & 3-6 clothes. lmk
Petrina: No Problem... 2 packs of nuggets enough?

Sleek: I am interested in the 3-6months baby gal clothes... Can PM me too?
Shirley: can I will tell her but not giving for free, think selling for some small amt, is that ok with you? My fault cos I didnt state clearly above.
shirley: i think 1pkt or 1.5pkt enuff liao la. dun need so much.. hehe.. got 5ppl mah.. abit of each food can liao.. gathering.. not buffet feast.

sleek: yes.. jelly.. hehe


Location - Blk 6, Dover Rise, Lift Landing
Date - 5th Mar *Wed
Time - Lunch *12noon-4pm*
1) Petrina - Gingko barley dessert
2) Shirley - nuggets
3) Sleek - jelly
4) Melody - Sandwiches + drinks
5) Elvis
elvis: can.. if u r comfy, u can opt to buy instead... juz dun over buy..

CSI: i was hoping to do w/o epi.. i'm still sticking to the faith..

Good news, i juz lost my plug.. haha
first step to labour.. i hope.
Sleek: No problem...Do PM me...
Petrina: OKie.. I make 1 pack first, not enough, we order MacNugget, i pay... How do you feel today?
ok ok, shauna can join u gals again. push back apptmt but may have to leave early. i bring fried bee hoon for 6 pax rite??

Location - Blk 6, Dover Rise, Lift Landing
Date - 5th Mar *Wed
Time - Lunch *12noon-4pm*
1) Petrina - Gingko barley dessert
2) Shirley - nuggets
3) Sleek - jelly
4) Melody - Sandwiches + drinks
5) Elvis
6) Shauna- Bee Hoon (6pax)
myfairlady- yah i find the massage lady so-so but when kena dua, its damn turn off. esp when i tot i would lose a million kilos after birth from the massage so i was really looking forward to it! haha.

pertina- burst out laughin at ur "shock into labour"in case u c shirley's dog.

sleek- u bringin ur bb rite
shauna: ok... we meet at lift landing @ noon time.

shirley: ask u, glens gave u wat as bb package? also, u found ur bill?
Shauna: maybe I wont be bringing him cos he has a runny nose, so dont want to infect other babies/ children.

Shirley: once my friend emails it to me, I will pm to you
Angela - nope after lunch still continue, tik its from another floor. It went on till around 5pm.
2pregnant: I did feel the womb being pushed up after the massage, not so lumpy around the tummy.
I think the wrap did help a bit by tightening the fats around tummy and waist, at least after that can see the tummy a bit less flappy..haha.
But she did told me if I wear the binder for 3 months can see better effect, I did try a month only cos a bit hot to keep on wearing binder the whole day.

Petrina: don't worry too much if really can't go natural, c-section is alright too as long as baby not in distress. I have narrow pelvis too, and baby not engaged and I have to go for induction cos my 1st kid already overdue for 5 days. Halfway through labour, baby in distress after 2 tries of dilation drip, no choice have to go for emergency c-section. For my 2nd kid, I go for c-section directly and he happen to be born on his EDD
Hello ladies ...
Just managed to log on n check the postings (son just slept ...).

I will make sandwiches: Ham with Cucumber/ Sardine/ Egg Mayo & a small pot of Red bean soup. I have some frozen finger food in the fridge so don't worry, if not enough i can always fry so don't worry..

Btw, my place is Tower C (which is = Blk 6) - it's just past the guard house, turn left. I will wait for you ladies at the lobby... or if I'm early will wait outside the road near the guardhouse.

Mommies, I won't be able to join you all tomorrow. Deadline to send something to printer next two days so I'm half-dead already from working on it... :-(

Maybe April organise another one? Monthly gathering? If weekend, then perhaps more can join in - esp WM. :)

You all have a blessed time!!
Hi mummies

bad news. The baby whom we're intending to adopt, initially middlemen told us her dad died of heart attack and hence her mum can't afford to keep her. This morning, I manage to contact the babysitter directly and she told me he actually committed suicide due to being heavily in debts. Anyway, it's a complicated story.

Well, the past 1 week, hubby and I have been eagerly waiting for baby's arrival, hunting for baby items to do up the room etc. Now with this news, our hopes are shattered. Can you imagine the trauma and emotional stress baby's mum underwent while carrying her. I feel sad for the unborn baby but am very disheartened now as hubby and I don't think we want to adopt a baby with such background as we never know how this episode has impacted her...Somehow I believe baby will have been adversely affected by her parents' turmoil. Feel sad at yet another closed door. Maybe it's God way of hinting to us that we shouldn't adopt as we are never meant to be parents.
Why does life sucks....
angel: dun worry.. god has plans for u.. there will be a more suitable bb for u.

melody: so we'll meet u where? i make small pot of gingko barley then. cause sleek no take red bean soup..

shauna: melody's hse..
petrina- i very blur. yah yah, i'm finally gettin the drift. hurhur. hope i dun get lost.

angel- pls do not give up. the baby who will be in ur arms eventually will be the most precious thing that has happened, n u must be strong and look for her.
angel: sorry to hear about the baby, but do not give up, you must trust that you will get to hold your precious child soon.

Everyone who is going to the gathering tmr, melody is staying in heritage view condo at dover (denoted by the yellow star). So I think everyone should just wait at the bus stop at blk 1 dover road (denoted by the small blue dot) to go in together if they are unsure how to get there. Have attached a map.


btw, I won't be bringing my son since he still has a runny nose, so I wont be able to make it at noon but only around 1+pm as I have to wait for my mum to come home to babysit him.

meeting time - 12 noon.
meet @ bus stop in front of blk 1.
1) petrina
2) sleek
3) elvis
4) shirley - do u wan to go directly? since u r nearer to melody's plc.

shauna drives rite? so u'll go directly? or u wanna pick us up at bus stop n we go in together?
i see you gals outside the condo entrance, or you wan me to wait for you gals at the bus stop to bring you gals there? Cause that side got 2 condos... I worried that you all might go to the wrong one...

Are you at home on Thurs,cause my hubby intend to take off and accompany me to send down the items to you...
shirley, thurs ok.. i think we wait for shauna to reply. cause u gg her plc directly more convenient rite?

sleek: oh i din c. ok. then u wan delay meeting abit later? or u coming urself ltr?
ok. confirm 12 noon @ bus stop...

shirley, u bringing ur gal? elvis n i r gonna share a cab. so we meet at melody's blk can le..
shauna, we meet at melody's blk

apr gathering
i think can plan in advance.. cause i'll prob hold my baby's full mth in early apr.

Date: 5th Apr 08, Saturday
Time: TBC
Location: Bukit Gombak, CDANs Chalet
Attendees? anyone interested to come?
Petrina: Count me in for you chalet, i can be driver to help you fetch things down... No, problem... I meet u gals under Melody's blk...
Hi mummies,
I may have a friend joining us cos she's a SAHM with a 20mths BB too ... hope you ladies don't mind..
See you tomorrow..
petrina- can can, meet at the blk itself. i try to find my way there. cya at 12. the chalet cna confirm later?

melody- the more the merrier. we are happy to welcome!

shirley, u wan me to pick u up at Blk 1 ? ive pm-ed u my no. let me know early. i try to find my way there and can give u a lift. but my car veyr small hor. warn u 1st
