Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

Or you mummies wanna meet up at Clementi Interchange before coming my place...
I can meet you gals there and bring you all up to my place...

Hi Dingdong - welcome!

Mommies, I'll try to join in if I can take leave. But next Thu already have date with ex-colleague to go JL sale to get some home and baby supplies. The last one was quite good with 15% off for diapers or 10% discount in nusery dept, + additional 20% members discount for other items. Now they have a value card which can apply for on the spot to be entitled to the discounts. Robinsons card members get another 5 -10% rebate with the monthly credit card bill. I'm already itching to be shopping...
kidz: u r tempting me manz!! i also wan go... argh...
yesterday melody went already... make me so gian...

shirley: if u stay between dover n bouna vista, then i'll prob go by myself.. cause it's nearer than clementi.

Mon/Tue/Thur - Out

Location - Shirley's Hse [dog will be cage in the kitchen]
Date - 5th/7th Mar *Wed/Fri
Time - Lunch *12noon-4pm*

1) Petrina
2) Shirley
3) Sleek (mon/ tues cannot)
4) Shauna (count me in!)(but cannot cook, can i buy food? keke)
5) Elvis
shirley:if i met u e clementi mrt then r we taking bus to ur place?u bringing ur kids?becos i bringing stroller if i'm going so if dun mind need ur help to carry e stroller up e bus leh.....
Hi mummies,
i saw on the front page on "FREE ITEMS" i saw this post...

Triumph Warehouse sale

37 Jln Pemimpin Union Industrial Bldg (basement carpark)
29Feb - 2Mar'08
10am - 5pm

Bras from $5
Briefs from 5 for $10
Swimwear from 2 for $10

Any mummies wanna go together?
Elvis: No problem... Normally, i take a bus and carry my darling in Sling and carry a pram with me... So is not a big problem helping you...
wow...bishan quite far leh....
u so gd can carry & take pram e a time.i dun use sling,alway bring pram.mostly take mrt/taxi.bus too crowd leh.....unless my mum/friend going out wif me then i still can take bus lor.....
shirley: so confirmed ma? gathering.. wed or fri?
i'll go over ur plc myself. cause ur plc is nearer than clementi. i meet u at lift landing.

mummies - confirm meeting time n date...

CSI, u joining?
jln pempinpin is near MAH, very inconvenient to go if you don't drive, so you may want to take a taxi there.

Kidz, what type of diapers do they sell?

I'll go to your place myself too shirley, have a straight bus from here

koori, I've changed it in my excel, will post the table here another time, dont want to post it so many times.
dear mummies, i'm gg for my gynae appt now.. hope everything is ok... hope i'm dilated enuff for nxt wk's labour n bb engaged... dunno if he's gonna be cooperative or not.. this wk. haiz...

super cool n wet weather today.. i preg also sneezing away liao.. pls care for all ur kids.. dun fall sick.
i juz got home... sad to say, my cervix juz began to open slightly.
Pelvic is narrow. BB is already abt 3kg...

Chris say natural birth chance only 50%... If try halfway cannot then need to emer c-sec...

I'm very disappointed wif myself... Chris say there's no way to increase pelvic size, though i can squat more to help further dilation..

I dun mind the pain, i juz hope bb can squeeze through the birth canal w/o stress...
Hi mummies

If you plan to go Triumph Bra Sales at Jln Peminpin carpark, it's gonna be very crowded and packed with ladies - kena pushed around...
Just a word caution esp preggies

Abt gathering, I can't meet you all mummies, as I am resting at home for my big day next thu.
Have fun mummies...

Petrina, don't be hard on self. Most important is baby healthy. Keep in good spirits -- baby can feel your emotions so don't worry and stress him too...

Shirley, this JL sale is at all their outlets. Again got 20% cardmember discount (conditions apply) + 5% rebate off monthly bill. Diapers 15% only.

Sorry Sleek, don't remember the brands of diapers they carry. I know not an extensive range though.

We usually get Nepia (when NTUC has twin-pk promo)+ Pigeon baby wipes (bundle pack of 3 x 82pcs). Last mth @ JL's CNY sale, don't have these so I just bought the following:

1) Dry Pantz (L size 36pcs) UP$19.80, SP$16 after less 15% + 5%

2) Tollyjoy Travel Wipes (bag of 8pkts x 30pcs/pkt) UP$10.50, SP$7.20 after less 20% + 10% + 5%

3) Johnson Baby Wipes (bags of 3pkts x 80pcs) UP$11.90, SP$8.20 after less 20% + 10% + 5%

Any mommy can advise if above truly good bargains?

Found the Tollyjoy texture comparable to Pigeon. Definitely thicker than the Tollyjoy baby wipes that comes in a round canister (white bottle with navy blue lid). Maybe that's thinner so it can be easily pulled through the cap.
angela: u delivering next thur? good for u...

kidz: i dunno. feet hurts so i dun feel like squatting much. but i'm gonna do it so my cervix can guai abit.
Shirley: by the time I pulled it out of the canister already out of shape and then stretched till thin so as wiping kenna sai somemore. That's why we switched and tried out brands. I also thought better since got refill...

But after my gal kenna stomach virus in Dec that resulted in bad diaper rash, we just wash her bum each time we do diaper change. That's best solution. Really so sim-tiah then, even now skin still got discolouration from the blisters. Sigh, so hard being mommy...
Hi Petrina,
Dun be stress & feel disappointed, either natural or C-Section it's okie as baby and yr safety is the main concern. Listen to yr gynae as he is the best person to advise you

All my children are delivered via C-Section, initially for my 1st one really feel disappointed as no chance to try natural birth and I feel sad abt it BUT after thinking abt it, bb safety is my main concern. Either way of delivering, mummy is still the greatest. I have friend wanting to try the natural way but ended up c-section as bb is de-stress. In the end, pain 2 times, labour pain & after effect pain for c-section.

Everything will turn out fine & just wait for the "Big Day". Cheerios
hapi: thks.. i'm squatting in intervals.. twisting my hips.. hoping to loosen my pelvic n cervix more n soon... i din noe 1wk only my bb became 3kg.. i also nv gain so much wt in 1 wk... I really hope i can do it.
Afternoon i was slping, i was thinking to myself... Contractions i can handle as it's like mense cramp rite? only 100* worse..
Wat abt the pushing? Is the pushing painful? Tat i dunno wat's the feeling like..
Petrina: For me, up till now I distinctly recall that pushing was not painful, only the contractions before that (no epidural). I am not sure about other mums though. And like melodius says, dont be disappointed if you have to end up with an emer-C, as long as bb and you are healthy and fine.

Cecilia: I've updated my excel sheet, thanks for the info
hi Petrina,

i remember my dialation takes a long time. I went through 20 hours of labour pain before I deliver my gal. I kept on requesting my gynae to try for normal delivery and no C section for me. Thanks god, all went through smoothly.

as i cannot endure the long labour pain, i took epidural after 10 hours of pain. therefore, i can feel any pain during pushing or slitting...
thks sleek/cecilia.. at least i noe pushing not tat pain.. so i think i'll stick to my original decision of no epi.

nxt wk's gathering confirmed mah? date?
Hi Petrina: Can i have a list of mummies coming for the gathering, I intend to PM them my address and contact number... On the 5th or 7th Mar you all coming?
Got great lobang again...
Free 10 4R prints when you sign up...
Free 20 4R prints when you refer 1 friend...

They will send the photos buy post...

Great deal...
PM me for the link...
Hello mummies,
Wah! I missed out on alot of posts .... been really tied up (baby got sick than i got sick...sigh!) ... sorry Petrina, paiseh ....
Can I join in the gathering? I think Shirley place is quite near me ... or you gals can come over to my place also ... but i only have 1 small sofa n 4 chairs (at dining table) if you don't mind ... though alot of sitting space on the floor ... hee ...
Will check post again later tonight cos have to feed baby porridge liao ... sigh! non stop busy ...
shirley: we can meet at ur lift landing then we go up together.. save u the trouble of pming so many ppl...

Location - Blk 4, Dover Road, Lift Landing
Date - 5th Mar *Wed
Time - Lunch *12noon-4pm*

1) Petrina
2) Shirley
3) Sleek
4) Shauna
5) Elvis
6) Melody

Dear attendees, pls pm shirley ur hp nos... to arrange a meeting location...

Shirley, wat do u wan us to bring? drinks? Fruits?
Petrina: Can we move forward to Melody05 house on 5th Mar, just next block to mine... Cause i worried that my dog bark will frighten the kids... If every mummies dun mind, can still held at my place... Dorry, just worried only, dun wish any mummies go off becoz of my dog... Heehee...
shirley: i anything de.. if melody's ok then we go her hse...

i think i make agar agar ok? easy for me..
lazy mama..

elvis: finger food?

other mummies: fruits? nuggets? dessert? beehoon/fried rice?
btw, any mums going to the gathering want to share nepia diapers? I want to get 2 pk M tape diapers but need to buy 4 pk for free delivery, hopefully can get it before wed if I order tmr. Do pm me if any of you are interested.
Re the gathering...I cannot join you all lah...I'm returning to work on 5th...sianz.

Re delivery, I was on epi, so of course no pain lah. hahaha. But think by then, it's maternal instinct taking over liaoz. You wun be thinking of any pain. Just want to push baby out quick so baby wun be distressed.

Dun feel upset about whether it's c-sect or natural. God has his plans, yah? Just pray, and listen to Him. Impt thing is baby and you are safe and healthy.
peyrina,mayb i met u go 2gether lor.will use a carrier to carry my boy instead of stroller then take bus easier.....hehe......
Hello mummies,

Shirley, never rec'd your PM leh ...

Petrina, I'm ok... welcome to my place ..

All mummies: bring whatever food you feel like eating... i will make sandwiches + drinks... Anybody has any preferences for sandwiches? Egg/ Mayo? Ham? Cucumber? Jam? Peanut butter? Kaya? ...
Hello mummies, do you like red bean soup? if so, I will make cos afraid if i make alot n nobody like to drink than wasted ...

what else do you ladies like to eat? if got time, can make ...
melody: hehe, egg mayo is nice.. red bean soup also can...

CSI: i noe.. all i can do i pray lor.. hope he engages soon n me dilated enuff.

elvis: where u wanna meet? bus frm ur plc then my plc. so maybe i go bus stop wait for bus. then when u board the bus, u call me. so i can board the same bus as u.
Location - Blk 6, Dover Rise, Lift Landing
Date - 5th Mar *Wed
Time - Lunch *12noon-4pm*

1) Petrina - Either agar agar or chicken nuggets.
2) Shirley
3) Sleek
4) Melody - Sandwiches + drinks + red bean soup
5) Elvis
good morning ladies

Petrina, how are you feeling today?
So sad, cannot join the gathering cos have to work
It's another busy busy work week...
melody, heh, i dont like red bean soup, but if i am the only 1 who doesn't like it, it doesn't matter or can make barley
Ham & cucumber sandwiches are nice too! I've pmed shirley but I'll pm you my contact since we're changing to your place.
sleek: u dun like red bean soup? then others also can.. ya.. cucumber sandwich also nice.. hehe...

melody: i'm easy..

elvis: ya. pm me ur hp. no.

angel: nxt time.. when u adopt ur gal, u r also allowed Maternity Leave. then we meet bah..

Angela - any idea which floor in our block having renov?

I at home today and can hear the renovation quite clearly. I know 28 floor got one, but cannot be so high still can hear the noise from my level 9 rite?
