Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

Today thread very long... Took sometimes to read it...
Today is a busy day, i went to Darling's friend house to visit her cause Darling actually e-mail me that her friend "Joanne" cry and cry...

So i accompany her to bring Joanne to see doctor...

Anyway, praise myself for doing a good job and a good deed today...

Kidzskidz: What part time you have for me? Actually i am a volunteer PT counselor la... No pay one...

By the way, how you know i am a counselor?
I can't slp... too painful.. but no other signs.. been tossing n turning whole night already...

decided to wake up n surf the net.

shirley/kidz: u both got msn? if not slping yet, can chat?
thks shirley for accompanying me chat the whole nite...
i'm gg to log off soon liao.. eating breaky n bath for gynae appt. how i'm dilated enuff.

if no news, i'll go shopping in taka n robinsons. if got news, i'll sms u all ok?

aiyah, no news la.. inserted 3pills since 7pm last nite. 3rd pill inserted 8am this morn.

contractions r regular. to me no pain, juz irritation on v part. gynae say threshold high. cause based on CTG, i shld be having pain liao. i told gynae, i'm used to it. cause past 1mth already suffer these sort of pain on a regular basis liao.

very depressing not to have dilation. if still no dilation, gynae wanna cut me le... he ask me take epi, i say no.

oh no... 3 pills. yah i inserted one pill n delivered within hours. petrina, dun get upset, the wait is unbearable but u're really not far from seein the boy.

when is she gonna do c sec if no dilation?
Hi to all mummies..

Thank you for your well wishes...
My precious baby boy is born healthy and smoothly on 6 Mar. Now he is at home with me.

Only thing bothers me is his slight jaunice and at times he refuses to latch on...
So got to be very patient with him...

Some ppl says I must give water to him and some ppl says I must drink water to produce more milk for me... so confusing.

Petrina = Wishing you smooth delivery & fast recovery from c/sec.

Hi angela,
Congrats on yr delivery, drink more fluid in order to get more Breast Milk, eat plenty of fish as it helps also. Jaunice is very common in bb, if you are BF, just be careful of the food u eat. Cheers
yah, inducing, inserted pills, still 1cm dilated. Since Sat I think. So gotta c sect lorh.

Petrina has delivered a baby boy at 12:41pm.

Congrats to the new parents!
angela, congrats on the safe arrival of your precious bb boy! If you really want to persist in bfeeding dont give your baby water or FM, just keep latching on and dont try to pump out your milk to 'see' how much he is drinking. Some mums cannot pump out alot but bb actually drinks more than what you pump when latch on. All the best

jaime: are you preggie again? can continue bfeeding if nothing is wrong with your pregnancy and doc doesn't advise you to stop but you will notice a drop in supply due to changes in your hormone lvl.

Congrats petrina!
hi petrina- congrats to u and family! pls do not give water and latch bb on every 2 hours. WAKE baby up to latch him on. i pumped in between feeds when sidney turned 2 months. prior to that, just pure latching on eveyr 2 hours. they are very quick to learn, in no time, he will be calling u for feeds! good luck. pls shout if u need help n get plenty of rest.
<font color="0000ff">Angela</font> Congratulations on your safe delivery! Hope you're resting well at home and enjoying the confinement. Have you hired someone to help take care of you and the baby?

Also to <font color="0000ff">Petrina</font>, both your babies' birthdays are less than a week apart, can be buddies and grow up together!

Oh Angela, can I drop by your place this week to collect the $100 StemCord voucher? I should be able to use it good news about my adoption which I'll share once I have the details confirmed
Congrats to mummies Angela and Petrina.
Angela, you can feed a bit of water if your boy has slight jaunice, it does helps to wash out the jaunice faster, that's what my confinement lady did for my boy and it works.
Hi Petrina &amp; Angela, Congrats! Finally your lovely babies are out! ... Enjoy cuddling them!
Angel, hope to hear good news and may everything go smoothly n soon you will have baby in your arms too!

Happy for all of you ...
hi, thks all... bb super lazy sucker... suck few mouths slp liao..
need to constantly stimulate him to wake up n suck. not sore on nipples. to i leave him to latch most of the time.

i took epidural. so side effects r super itchy body. therefore i need itch medicine. wah, more drowsy than cough syrup manz. can't keep my eyes open at all.

but due to lazy sucker, i had to force my eyes open..

i'm no longer upset abt the c-sec. but now, i can't differenciate between contraction pain n stitches pain... LOLZ
Hi Angel,
Happy for you, let us know once things are confirmed

Hi Petrina,
Hw heavy is yr bb, must be super cute
Try to use a binder, will help you to walk better...
Yup preggy again... just found out 2 days back.
Thanks Sleek! was worried abt the nutrients for the kid inside. Thanks.

Btw, congrats ladies to your safe delivery.
Petrina: do update us when you have the energy and time to, no rush, congrats again!

Angel: all the best of luck to you.

Jaime: heehee, hope you are having a girl. If you're worried, you just need to up your food/ calorie intake if you can eat and don't have severe morning sickness. I have a bfeeding book that has some info on nursing while preg, can type it out for you in an email if you are interested.
Thanks all for your well-wishes. I'll be meeting the lawyer this Thursday to discuss the adoption procedures. Now just keeping fingers crossed that baby will be delivered safely and biological mum will not change her mind. Pray for us ya? I'm alone, hubby not in S'pore this week (biz trip) but he just sent a fresh floral bouquet to my office this morning as a surprise to cheer me up
Hi angel,
Congrats, glad to hear that. For sure, god will blessed both of you, so nice of yr hubby. Take gd care &amp; keep us posted of the outcome. Cheerios
Hi angel: Thank you very much. Do let me know when you would like to drop by this week. Yes I have a confinement lady with me. God+bless...

Hi Jamie: Thank you very much... Congrats!

Hi Melody: Thank you very much... Yes love cudding him... And the POWER of breastfeeding!

Hi Petrina: Mine too for the 1st 2days. Then later he learned how to suck. Me no side effect from epidural and the wound is healing fast.
take care and fast recovery.

Hi Myfairlady: Thank you very much... and your tips...

Hi Sleek: Thank you very much... and your advice.

Hi Hapi Melodius: Thank you very much.. I love fish - so my confinement got steamed fish every meal.
Hi Angela - congratz!

Hi Petrina - finally! Congratz too!

Hi everyone - enjoy the rest of the week. By the time you read this, I hope to be at Isetan sale. Need some retail therapy to destress from work... :)
Shirley: If it is all true, I don't understand why you have to resort to such underhanded ways to get items you need/ want.
Shirley: As quoted abv, why must you make use of all the mummies kind heart to get the things you need/want, sad to learn that actually such ppl exist in this world

myfairlady: Really sad if this is true
Ya I think from the moderator's comment, should be true. Really sad that this turns out to be another scam just like jolene incident sometime back...haiz
