Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

Juz saw my hb off... He booked out at 8pm juz to see me n now he gotta go back camp... cause need to book in by 11.30pm..
Miss him so much...

angel: wah.. chocolate cupcake... i also wan... u made?

Angel - sama sama. So glad to make one more friend in the block! Look forward to helping you and your hubby thro your adoption journey. Heheh, maybe next time can help each other babysit?

Princess fell asleep after her bath. The walk is good in getting her to expend her energy and be ready for bed. ;-)

Thanks for the cupcake -- delicious and beautifully decorated! Let me know if you plan to teach a class?
any SAHM willing to be a nanny to my boy in future? i'm having some probs wif my ofc...
I may have to work normal hrs instead of flexible...

Not confirmed though.. But if needed, anyone interested?
Petrina, have you gone thru the book "What To Expect: The First Year" -- very good chapter about bfdg that needs to be read b4 baby come.

2mr I knock off work early, can bring the Huggies to you around 2-3pm+. Will sms you abt it 2mr to cfrm.
The 1st one is "What To Expect When Expecting" which gives month by month details of pregnancy. The "1st Year" one is same and very very helpful -- got baby devt chklist at start of each chapter (which is for each mth) + supplementary chapters on common ailments & how to treat, bfdg, diet, etc. I just passed mine to Angel coz got chapter for adoptive parents too. Got it from Times @ Jelita. Maybe you can find one at the 2nd hand bkshp in Holland Shopping? I only got mine after delivering and realised it's more useful to start reading before.
Kidzskidz: I would like to have the Huggies Swim Diapers M size, still available? How to collect from you?

Petrina: I got Huggies "S" size diaper for you... New pack and some loose pcs... Cause my darling allegy to it..

I pack the following items for you already:
- The First Year Close & Secure Sleeper
- "S" Size Diaper
- NB BB Clothing
- 12pcs of NB BB Tummy Binder

The follwoing free items if you dun want, see which mummy want, can collect from me as i bought quite ex.
- Moisturising Nappy Change Cream [125ml] -use only several times - $69
- Pure Baby Moisture Lotion [125ml] -use only several times - $69
- Botanics Stretchmark Corrector [150ml] -left 3/4 of the bottle] this can use to tone up tummy too - $149

Do PM me which day are you available in the eveing, i send the items over for you...

Do you need the baby playpen? I got a new one but i can't let you have the mattress, coz my darling using the mattress...

I still got a brand new Pink Colour Baby netted Bouncer to give you, let me know you interested?

Let me know if you need anything else, i can spare you if i have...

Actually my darling using PETPET quite good, coz is quite dry compare to Pampers Active... I regret buying Pampers Active coz it cannot last whole night... PETPET can... I agree with Kidzskidz, the PETPET can hurt bb chubby leg.. That's why i seal cotton onto the edge...

Abit troublesome but till now, i can't find any diaper that can last whole night...

Thanks for welcoming's my intro..

I've been living in Holland for more than 30 precious will be 4 next month and my princess is now 14 months. I'm still breastfeeding her. SAHM for more than 4 years now, thinking of going back to work but still cannot detach myself from the kids.

It'll be great if we could bring the kids out together sometime...
Any mummies here wanna share the delivery for the GOON Diapers?

We can get more discount if we refer friends...
$3 per referer..
Hi Mummies,
you can obtain samples from the following...

1 Drypantz / Drypers Diaper 1800 466 3002

2 Fitti / Pet Pet Diaper "6861 9155
[email protected]"

3 Huggies / Pull Up Pants / Little Swimmers Diaper 1800 484 4437

4 Mamypoko / Pull Up Pants Diaper 6265 1648

5 Dumex (Mamil series) Milk
NutriLine at 1800 265 3188

6 Friso Milk
Friso hotline at 64198484

7 Abbott (Similac / Gain / Grow / Pediasure / Isomil) Milk

8 Wyeth (Promil Gold / Progress Gold / Promise Gold) Milk

9 Nestle Milk 68367216

10 Mead Johnson (Enfa series) Milk
1800 345 5213

11 Mamypoko Diaper
good morning mummies!

Shirley, if Petrina does not want the netted bouncer and other items, I'll like to have it. My adopted daughter may arrive next month (earlier than expected) and I'm now sourcing around to prepare for her arrival. Thanks in advance.

Petrina, yes, I made the cupcakes. I picked up baking not long ago (in Dec' 07) as I needed a new hobby to distract me from my pain of losing my twins. Here are some photos of my 'creations':

Angelsky, Gecko, Darling and Bernice, welcome to our thread. We need to update our list soon with so many new additions
good morning mummies,

Welcome all new member,we need to update our list. The thread is spreading far so fast that i barely follow.

Angel: sorry to hear about your lost....i hope you will be happy with the arrival of your adopted princess. May your family filled with joy and love every moment of everyday. May you all your efforts rewarded in the journey of bring up the princess. All the best !
Good Morning mummies
The thread goes so fast... I too have a netted blue bouncer to give away for free. any mummy wants may collect it from me at clementi avenue 6.
Hi darling - welcome to this thread!

Shirley, I find Mammy Poko is good for overnight use coz as they make it extra "chunky" -- on the bag says can absorb 8 glasses of wee-wee. So far for my princess the girl-style pull-up pantz wkg wonderfully especially as she always end up sleeping on tummy.

PM me your add then we'll arrange to see how I can pass the Swim diapers to you.

Where's petrina? Still sleeping? Or popped already?
Good Morning to all mummies,
This Thread is moving really Super Fast

Petrina - Still sleeping?

Angel - Yr darling princess coming soon, happy for you also, Happy parenting to you & yr Hubby
Both of you will definitely be a Good Mummy & Daddy
lousy day at work. Some stupid fellow from Amtek Engineering called wanting to hire our students urgently but when I explained the procedures to him, he damn unhappy, said process take too long and raised his voice at me
just spoiled my day. Petrina didn't log in, perhaps she really popped...
this morn i had real bad mense cramp pain for abt 1hr... no show.. so maybe BH.. i took panadol n went back to slp..

juz woke up. v part still quite sore frm all the cramps.. having headache frm the pain now.
angel: ur cupcakes r very nice!! looks so yummy... i think i'll be too lazy to do deco. i always bake plain n ugly ones... only fit for home..
Hi angel,
Cheer up, don't get upset, just ignore all there ignorant ppl. Smile

Hi Petrina,
Good afternoon, are u feeling better now?
Hi Petrina,
Perhaps you can try taking EPO or DOM to help with your menses pain. My sis tried both and she said it works. Hope you feel better.
afternoon mummies, I've collated as much info as I can from the thread together, pls pm me to let me know if you want any new info to be added in

<table border=1><tr><td>Shirley</TD><TD>Blk 4, Dover Road</TD><TD>7&amp;6 yo boys and 2m girl</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaime</TD><TD>Blk 348, Clementi Ave 5</TD><TD>6m boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jolyan </TD><TD>Blk 436, Clementi Ave 3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Blk 18 Dover Crescent, 23rd flr</TD><TD>EDD Mar 17</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori </TD><TD>Blk 18 Dover Crescent, 9th flr</TD><TD>EDD Mar 18</TD><TD>WM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shauna</TD><TD>west coast</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleek</TD><TD>clementi</TD><TD>7m boy</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hapi Melodius</TD><TD>Blk 73A Redhill Road</TD><TD>5yo boy and pair of 2yo twins</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cecilia </TD><TD>Blk 358 Clementi Avenue 2</TD><TD>2yo girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>piggy_mum </TD><TD>BLK 96 Henderson Road</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Grace</TD><TD>West Coast</TD><TD>19m boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>myfairlady</TD><TD>clementi ave 4</TD><TD>girl &amp; boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Petrina </TD><TD>blk 10 holland ave</TD><TD>EDD Mar 25, boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Melody05 </TD><TD>6 Dover Rise</TD><TD>22m boy</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>kidzskidz </TD><TD>Blk 413 Commonwealth Ave West</TD><TD>1yo girl</TD><TD>WM </TD></TR><TR><TD>angel</TD><TD>Blk 413 Commonwealth Ave West</TD><TD>waiting to adopt a lovely girl
</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2pregnant</TD><TD>Clementi Ave 6</TD><TD>7yo &amp; 8m boys</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bernice</TD><TD>Holland</TD><TD>4yo &amp; 14m girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gecko</TD><TD>8 dover rise</TD><TD>2yo girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>angelsky</TD><TD>10 dover rise</TD><TD>1m girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>darling</TD><TD>clementi ave 2</TD><TD>EDD Mar</td></tr></table>
Thanks Sleek for collating the info. Let me do a little re-organising.

<font color="0000ff">Dover Mummies</font>
Shirley Blk 4 Dover Rd 7&amp;6 yo boys and 2m girl SAHM
Angela Blk 18 Dover Cres EDD Mar 17
Koori Blk 18 Dover Cres EDD Mar 18
Melody05 6 Dover Rise 22m boy SAHM
Gecko 8 Dover Rise 2yo girl
Angelsky 10 Dover Rise 1m girl

<font color="0000ff">Holland &amp; Beyond Mummies</font>
Petrina Blk 10 Holland Ave EDD Mar 25, boy
Bernice Holland 4yo &amp; 14m girl
Hapi Melodius Blk 73A Redhill Rd 5yo boy and pair of 2yo twins
piggy_mum BLK 96 Henderson Rd

<font color="0000ff">Clementi &amp; West Coast Mummies</font>
Kidzskidz Blk 413 C'wealth Ave West 1yo girl WM
Angel(babymybe) Blk 413 C'wealth Ave West, Waiting to adopt a lovely baby girl

Darling Clementi Ave 2 EDD Mar
Cecilia Blk 358 Clementi Ave 2 2yo girl
Jolyan Blk 436, Clementi Ave 3
Myfairlady Clementi Ave 4 girl &amp; boy
Jaime Blk 348, Clementi Ave 5 6m boy
2pregnant Clementi Ave 6 7yo &amp; 8m boys
Sleek Clementi 7m boy SAHM
Grace West Coast 19m boy
Shauna West Coast

Hope I didn't leave anyone out.
Hi Petrina: Sms received... Able to send over today if my hubby get home early... Coz i can't drive while bringing my darling... If any labour pain, do call me... Relax... Have you call up Chris?

Sleek &amp; Angel: Thanks for sorting out the mummies info...
Hi mommies

Just like to share a word of caution: don't post any personal particulars here. Safer to use codenames or PM details to each other. Sorry, occupational hazard as our Youth Services has a Cyber Wellness team who educates about internet safety.

Tell you earlier this week we took cab in AM, dropped hubby off then me on way to infant care with princess. Taxi driver start asking: your husband worked there? where you work? send baby to sch? what time you pick her up? what is her name? are you a graduate? what is your mother tongue? I so scared told him bunch of lies and then asked to get out along the building instead of at the drop-off porch. Don't know what he up to. Scar-li go pretend to be grandfather, etc. and try to pick up baby.

Never know who drop in now and then here lah so better use PM for security...
thks for all concerns..
feeling tummy tightness &amp; cramps all day...
i dun wan drink DOM.. got alcohol..

shirley: i haven't called chris. cause i scared is false alarm. then my hb have to rush to glens.. so i juz tahan the pain now...

thks sleek &amp; angel for consolidating our info..

securitywise - i think we leave out the unit no. is ok bah.. leave out the flr also..
Hi kidzkidz,
Thanks for the reminder &amp; the taxi driver is very KPO. Have to be careful as nowadays a lot of baddy ppl around

Petrina : Kan cheong for you leh, take gd care &amp; must watch out for symptons...
Thread moves so fast!
kidzskidz, blk 333 which part of clementi? You have the contact number I can call up to check out the centre?

Anyone giving away walker or I can exchange with Taka or Seiyu vouchers? Looking for 1 for my boy, seems ready to walk soon haha.

Angel, your cupcakes are so pretty..see already wants to drool!!

Shirley if you want to order the Goo diaper, have to be quick, this friday last day for promotion. I call the sales, say takes 3-5 days for delivery, on weekdays evening 6-10pm.
I have this NB bathtub to be given away, it has some scratches on the foam from my cat and some brown spots that I will clean away but other than that it can be used, whoever wants it let me know.

kidz, if you find out your girl's center lets any random stranger into the center, you should make a big deal out of it (even informing MCYS) and take your child out of the school. This is the most basic form of security and it shouldn't be taken lightly.

That taxi driver you took also something wrong man, ask these type of questions.
kidz: the cabby scary lor... better be careful.. also remind the childcare ctr to watch for strangers..

hi CSI... hehe
post blk no. n street name..
Hi myfairlady:
Thanks... Any good malay massage lady to recommend? If c/sec, must wait 3-4 wks later to do massage &amp; wrap, rite?

Hi Petrina:
I am delivering at Mt E.. yours at glens?
who knows we maybe delivering ard 1st/2nd wk of Mar...
I dont really feel much body aches/pain as you are - except with occassional light cramps &amp; back aches. Maybe I work, walk &amp; yoga stretchings lor...
At times when I read your thread, I feel kan-cheong for you.

Hi Sleek &amp; Angel
Thanks for collating all mummies info...

Welcome to those new mummies / mtb whom just join us....

angela: yup.. i think we may deliver near to each other's date.. hehe.. u lucky, not much pain... i living each day as it is.. other than toilet breaks, i try not to move. cause each movement really hurts..
i dunno wat's wrong wif me also.. yoga n all i did also previously.. i shop alot, walk alot.. but since last monday, i've been having non stop pains n aches.. perhaps because i overstretched myself tat monday. i shifted heavy furniture to make space for my boy's playyard...

I help CSI update some details..
she stays in clementi - last known addy
have a gal born in mid dec 07.
Myfairlady, Blk 333 is opposite of Mc's, the blk along a pri sch (not sure of the name). Here're details:
TOUCH Child Care (Clementi)
Blk 333 Clementi Ave 2, #01-86, Singapore 120333
Tel: 6777 3933 Fax: 6873 1345
Email: [email protected]

Angel, I just read your blog and kept crying. I know this sounds funny but I want to thank you for sharing your pain with us. Through it I am reminded to treasure the blessings God have given me. Your story also helps me to become more aware of others and to be sensitive -- not to just think of myself when dealing with people but to give thoughts to their feelings too. May you realise that as your share your pain, you are blessing us and enriching us too.

Am really excited for you and your hubby about the adoption opportunity. Wonder if you heard this story:
A teacher asked her class of eight-year-olds if they knew what "adoption" meant. One little girl raised her hand and answered, "It means you grow in your mommy's heart and not in her tummy."
lesser already.. now only bb naughty, past 3hrs kept kicking my bladder..
he noe today his dada not coming home.. so he take opportunity to bully me..
went to pee so many times liao..

elvis stay very near me.. hehe..

btw, melody din get back to me leh. so i not sure if i'm confirming meeting her tmr or not..
shirley, how u wan to meet me? sat morn i got gynae appt. wun be home..
