Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

angel, are you the one that recommend me the chinese massage lady?

angela you expecting your 1st baby? congrats!
I have c-section for my 2 kids, get a tummy binder will really helps when you need to get down bed to walk on 2nd day.
You found any massage lady already?

good morning ladies!

kidzkidz, yes, open the door this morning and saw the envelope. Thanks so much. Wanted to go by to say 'hi' y'day evening but you were not home yet (I think - windows all shut). About this baby girl, she's not recommended through an adoption agent but through a pastor's friend in KL. She would find out more info for us but as it is, we already feel sorry for the baby and would love to adopt her and give her a future! I would write to you more to check certain things before we proceed. So glad to have all of you as our 'advisors'.

angela, you can buy tummy binder from hospital pharmacies. They will measure your girth for you and give you the right size. I bought mine from KKH. I don't mind lending you but mine is 'XL' sized leh...
Good morning mummies,

Angel - Agree that to ck for more details before proceeding with the adoption as this is a life time commitment. Good Luck

Jolyan - I intend to get the GOON Diapers for my Twins
Good morning mummies !

Melodius: how many of GOON diaper packs you want to get and where you can pick up ? Pls PM me to discuss
We might need to order soon as the promotion end on 29 Feb 2008.
Hi Mummies
I stay at clementi avenue 6. I have 2 sons. 7 years and 8 months old.
Can i join for the Goon Diaper Order? collection at clementi central? I understand 1st time order there is $5 off as well.

Hi hapi melodius, actually I just heard of the Goon diaper from the other thread, so just ask around for mummies around clementi area to share for delivery.
Heard its thinner than Nepia and somehow like pampers, so I think should be good? Thought of trying out within the promotion period.
Hi Jam

I tried calling the number but no one picked up. For us, it's a little complcated as our adopted baby will be born in M'sia but we want to bank her cord blood here with us in S'pore. Has Cordlife handled such cases and what's the procedures? Perhaps you can PM me so we can discuss more. We definitely would be banking her cord blood but now considering StemCord vs Cordlife.
Hi Jam,

if u rem me, i was frm mar MTB forum.. U also posted ur advertisement over there.
that's how i got ur contact frm there. there r serveral points to which i feel tat stemcord is better than cordlife.

- method of storage
- preventive measures in case of a power failure
- choice in cordblood collection
- accreditation
- salesperson

i m not gonna paint anyone nice or bad.. so i'm juz gonna list the above. n nothing else.

Angel: if u wanna noe, u can ask me more. if u wan to talk to stemcord, i can refer u my sales rep. she's very professional. At least she answered all my qns accurately...
myfairlady: goon good mah? i also registered as a member online. i was thinking of getting huggies instead. Goon abit ex?
Based on NB price i mean... If u all sharing, then maybe i can get 1 pkt to try..
Hi Petrina,

Hw r u? Any "Popping" sympton? I find that Goon for night use will be a better choice & Huggies (Blue Packet)for day use will be okie
melodius: no.. choy choy.. my boy muz tahan till at least 6th mar...
i juz feel very tight n uncomfortable.. sit also pain, lie also pain.. very *gao way*

i fell aslp this morn ard 7am - 12noon. had the stupidest dream ever...

i dreamt tat i woke up, my tummy flat liao. how come? i delivered my child while slping. so no pain, no contractions...
after realising i delivered, i said ok. n went back to slp...
funny hor..

So @ 12noon i woke up.. checked my tummy. still like watermelon.. haha

then i went back to slp.. cannot slp liao...
If its as good as Nepia, then I think should be good. I use Nepia, good, cheaper than Mamypoko and also last throught out the night, cutting big also. Promotion ends on this Friday though, you joining jolyan to buy right? Later we all try and comment on the diapers

I have a girl and a boy but not long fei tai haha!

Petrina, I need to try out to see if its good for Goon, expecting this week for delivery, maybe I call later to ask again.
Huggies blue packaging for my girl leak, for my boy ok, maybe boy easier to manage hehe. But Huggies red packaging so far so good for both kids.
I think its cheap to get from the website cos I went Giant last week, the blue one cosr $15.99 whereas the website is selling at $15?
You expecting a girl or a boy? If you buying NB, just buy 1 pack as usually after 1 month will switch to S.
Petrina - Wow such a fantastic dream leh, no pain labour, hehe
Envy you that can sleep anytime

myfairlady - Nepia is good as I use it for my twins at night, Huggies (Blue) for girl will leak as it flows backwards & for boy only the front part, hehehe
will try Goon & see how it goes...
myfairlady: i expecting boy. i already stocked up dryers..
but my bb abit small. i shld deliver under 3kg. so still got long way to go...

i intend to try after my stocks finish.. cause lots ppl buy for me as full mth gift liao.. anyway Goon NB no stock currently. i juz checked.
Quick note before my boss notices me not working:

Angel, you're welcomed. Was home but hibernating coz running fever + throat infection.

About cordblood banking, I remember that rep from Stemcord saying they store in two bags vs other store in only one bag. Once bag opened up, can't reseal. Note that after cord blood's drawn at delivery, their lab runs blood count for certain properties. They say must min. have don't know like 20,000 count to be feasible for storing. If there is less than this, straightaway they refund less admin fee. The min. count is necessary to ensure enough to "treat" the person in the future. They called me two days after I delivered to tell me my princess count was "very good" :)

Mommies, watz Goon diapers hah? I buy Nepia coz found it so much softer than Pampers. But nite give princess Mammy Poko diaper pants now to avoid leaks... I heard can exchange Nepia seals for vouchers -- anybody done that? how to go abt?
kidz: u r rite on the storage. tats the main reason y i chose SC also...

angel, if u wan more info, pm me.. i tell u. then u go compare urself. i have both info packs anyway... if u wan, i can pass to u..

Goon diapers -

Nepia - i also tot of using nepia..

too many brands... gg siao soon.. haha...
petrina: maybe some of the mums with babies younger than 2 mths can pass you some diapers to try.. my boy using M and L so cant pass you any, if not can let you try nepia, mamy poko and huggie dry comfort.
Hi Petrina,
Nepia is a good brand & very soft. Suitable for night use oso. For day use, no need to use so expensive brand as usage quite high especially for the forst month as BB pooh a lot

Hi Kidzkidz,
faster type if not later boss cm out
Heard abt the seal, think that it is at the side of e packaging, collect 10 seals, think can change for NTUC Voucher if not wrong. Can call the co & enquire
so which brand is suitable for day use? *pricewise*
which brand is suitable for nite use? *leakage/comfort wise*

sleek: i think here most children already abt 6mths above? hehe no more liao except me n angela - due in mar...

i juz ate a pkt of chicken rice + 30cents rice added.. then had a slice of artic roll... so full now... been feeling super hungry these few days...
Petrina: actually price wise is what you want to spend and what your baby's bum can tahan, some parents don't mind using those hse brand diapers from ntuc or cold storage, really very cheap, think $10 for >60 pc. If not I think most diapers are around $0.26-0.36 per pc, it gets more exp per diaper as your child gets older cos same price but less in the pack. But normally also will be using less as the child gets older, my boy only uses 3-4 diapers/ day now. 1st 2 mths, use ALOT of diapers esp since on bm, poo and poo and poo..heh

btw Shirley's girl is only 2 mths old
oh.. ok. i ask shirley..

i scared diaper rash? but i did buy destin creamy liao. so shld be ok rite?
day use, perhaps house brand can le mah? dryers ard 20cents per pc.. i managed to get it @ 18cents per pc..
so tats cheapest for me so far..
i dare not try house brand. i scared ltr bb bum sensitive.
Thanks Hapi

Anyone wants the following:
1) Tummy binders: M + XL size (for loan)
2) Huggies Swim Diapers M size -- 4 pcs giving away
3) Huggies Dry Comfort S size -- abt 6 pcs to give away
Someone recommended me Pet Pet last time and I regret buying coz the tape is really tape type so edges are sharp and cut into my princess' little chubby legs then.

Nepia still good but I've just signed up for Goon sample to compare. Last wk @ NTUC I went around feeling all the samples hanging in the diaper section, like ah-siow. Finally bought Mammy Poko pull ups for her 2 use @ nite coz she leak from front a couple of times - likes to sleep on tummy lah...
petrina, congrats on having a boy.
I think boy, urine less acidic, maybe lesser nappy rash, like my boy butt ok, sister poor thing, rash till blister..haiz, luckily use Destine diaper cream, use the Creamy one, original one fishy smell, cannot tahan :p

Ntuc, pet pet not bad for day use, my girl use that when younger than 1 yr old, but when older I think ntuc will leak at night, pet pet still ok.

For nepia seal, collect 10 baby icons at the side packaging and paste it in a white paper, with your name, address and contact number to exchange for a $10 NTUC voucher. Address to mail:
Nepia (Hong Kong) Ltd
Raffles City PO Box 1783

I think promotion ends march for the exchange?
Hi mummies,

I'm Bernice...staying in Holland.

Am interested in the GOON diapers if you're sharing to order. Do they have pull-ups?
Hi Petrina,
Desitin Cream is very good, used to use for my boy when he was a bb **Two Thumbs Up***,just apply a thin layer & it works. Even PD prescribe this for diaper rash

Hi Bernice,
They have Pull Up as well, can go into their website & take a look
Thanks Myfairlady for the Nepia contact! I got >20 :)

Your girl so poor thing! My princess kenna too in Dec when she caught stomach virus at infant care. Lau-sai and had rash then I brought her home and used wipe to clean somemore so worsened condition :-( Blistered a fairly big area for a week. Thank God though she's a happy spirit, always smiling even when sick.

PD gave Desitin too but I like Mustela diaper cream but ex -- used small sample tube on princess when she had one pimple of a rash and it disappeared quickly so trust the brand. Also used California Baby's Calendula Cream (organic) which helped heal the blisters quite fast.

Talking abt organic, I found Cowhead brand organic oats (instant type) at Sheng Shiong (C'wealth MRT). My girl loves it with some nestle cereal mixed in.
myfairlady / kidz: aiyo... diaper rash very jialat hor. i saw the pics when i attended pigeon public forum... mrs wong showed us. huge patch...

bernice: hi hi!! intro urself bah.. i also stay in holland. due nxt wk. finally got holland kaki...

melody's boy is sick today.. she brought him to doc.. so we nv meet today.

destin creamy i got frm some ppl bulk purchase.. locally sold ex...
Petrina - PM you abt the Huggies. But this brand not so nice feel, be warned hor. Think I may have NB size sample of something else stuck to some parentng mag I bought couple of mths ago. Will go back and check.

I took photo of princess' diaper rash to show her daddy who was away then. He was shocked at the state. :-(

Okie, gotta pick up baby liao. Chat later. :)

are you at home or at work today? I've something for you and hubby later. Will you be home say around 8pm? By the way, this morning while on my way down, a lady was carrying a baby Princess in the lift...Kept wondering if that was you but didn't dare to ask. Shall find out later
I just saw this thread and would like to join. My place is at 8 Dover Rise. My gal just celebrated her 2 years old b'day last week.
kidzskidz, you are welcome, I changed 3 times for the ntuc vouchers but then I think one of my mail got lost, so end up only 2 vouchers, still better than nothing.

My girl blister, see already heartpain, somemore she's less than 1 month then, end up let her lay front to sleep and butt up, use cloth nappy the whole month until no more blister. Oh use wipes worsen the situation, I use water. Btw my confinement lady recommend use rice water, those water you drain away after washing rice, to wish the bottom, prevent nappy rash. Maybe petrina next time you try, I think it works for my boy

Anyone can recommend childcare around clementi or nearby area? My girl have a fall in school and the teacher din call us till my fil fetch her then we see the swollen side of her nose.
So angry and call to complain the principal. Apparently the teacher thought my girl has nose bleed and stop with ice pack and since its ok, let her stay in school. Send her to A&E, luckily no broken nose, but the blue black on her face till now still not totally disappeared, everyone just ask me what happen..haiz. Thought of looking around for other schools if I need to change.
me too

10 dover rise

my baby girl coming 1 month this week

also looking for good PDs around our area, I dont find thomson very far, but the queue at the clinic usually very long.
myfairlady: aiyo.. ur gal poor thing... ok, i'll reserve rice water...
my mom actually use rice water to rinse her face lor.. all along.. she ask me use. i dun dare.. lolz

hi gecko, welcome...

hi angelsky, welcome...
welcome angelsky and gecko.

petrina: when your boy can turn his head by himself from side to side during tummy time, you can start to put him on his tummy to sleep, should be able to around 1mth old.

My boy hasn't gotten nappy rash from his urine but sometimes his poo will cause diaper rash, esp during teething when the poo is extra acidic. I used burt's bees diaper cream and normal aloe vera when he had a mild diaper rash but it didn't help, so switched to california bb calendula which works wonders and used cloth diapers to let his bum air out.
sleek: ok.. is it safe to slp on tummy? my mom said i used to slp on tummy. tats y i'm so used to it until now.. tats y initially preg can't slp at all. cause cannot slp on tummy mah.
Petrina: the worry of an infant sleeping on the tummy is cos they sleep deeper when on their tummy vs their backs, so the chance to suffocate is greatly reduced when on their back. but personally, i feel if a cot/ child's sleeping area has alot of stuff like bumpers, bedding, pillows, soft toys, whether or not the child sleeps on the tummy or back, the risk of SIDS is great since all these things trap carbon dioxide which can cause the child to become drowsy and not be able to wake up or make sounds to get attention.

My son has been sleeping on his tummy since he was 1 mth old in his cot (without anything inside except a firm mattress) or our bed, he has a hard time sleeping on his back cos he will startle himself awake
hi sleek,
I have replied your PM, will contact you about the GOON order.

hi melody:
I just replied your PM, and just saw your note you want to order by your own, it's ok. no problem.

Any other mummies wanna join, pls PM me as this thread run very fast, barely keep track.
I will place order by tomorrow

A great evening to all
2pregnant: i read your thread and saw you intend to join. I just PM you. Do contact me if you want to join order. collection at clementi central is great
Wah, this thread in express lane! Moves so fast!

Yeah myfairlady, I also switched to washing princess' bum after that time and instructed her teachers to do so too. Which centre was your girl in? I work in TOUCH and we have one at Blk 333. I know my colleagues in that centre well and they are very nice. Centre sup & admin exec r DSF (Dedicated Single Females) who very "piah" for the kids one. I helped them emcee for annual graduation before and saw the parents very appreciative of the team there. Hope your bad experience not with them...

Angelsky, read our earlier posts and see which PD not recommended hor. Yellow pages say have one in Sunset, Bt Timah Plaza and 6th Ave. But so far no feedback on them. Maybe we should start a thread to ask this question? Then make life easier for all of us? But for now my hubby and I learnt our lesson to stick back to original PD Simon Ng @ Mt A.

Anyone still bfdg baby after one yr?
I go to the one at Sunset, since it's within walking distance from my place, but I don't like the lady doc, she's always very abrupt and just doesn't seem friendly for a paed. However, she's good in that she doesn't give abx freely and just prescribe medication, like iliadian, saline nose drops and adezio, to alleviate the cold symptoms my boy has so he can breathe better. Her consult is $40/ visit, once I went to her again the very next day and she didn't charge me anything for a very quick consult.

I enjoyed the walk we had at the park below. Thanks for inviting me! Kiss goodnight to Princess Sarah-Ann for me and hope you'll enjoy the Chocolate cupcake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting
