Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

hallo peeps, silent reader from the much earlier post 2 days ago or so... and suddenly i check, this massive posts.. keke.
shirley is like the "big sister" here. but ur bb just goin 2 months rite? anyone helping u?somemore 2 more boys..hmm..

angel, my heart goes out to u. happy to render any aid if u need.
hi mummies,

any mummy want to share order for GOON diapers or Huggies diaper.
The website is

For new registered member they will give $5 off discount. The order must be $60 then come with FREE delivery.

you take care ah, sounds like you're going to deliver anytime. Stay calm and enjoy the birthing process. If you have excess BM maybe can save for my baby?

I'll be adopting a M'sian Chinese baby girl from private adoption agents. It's our preference for 1st child to be a girl. In fact, the agent told us there'll be a pair of twins up for adoption in May too and we're considering but really worried that we can't cope...
Hi joylan,
Learn abt this website yesterday, where are you staying? Don't mind to share ordering

Hi Shauna,
Agree with u, shirley like "Big Sis" over here, thanks to her for starting this thread
angel: no worries. if i got excess, i sure pass to u. n i very ks de.. so lots funny things i dun eat or drink cause i'm doing pure bf... other than level of nutrients, quality n hygiene wise shld be good.
Hi Hapi Melodius,

I'm staying at Clementi. How many you intend to order and what type ?
I want to order GOON pull up to try, heard it's better and cheaper than Nepia.
Or Huggies diapers, price also cheaper than retail.
Pls PM me if any mummies keen to share. Pick up can be arranged at Clementi, near Clementi central or MRT.
dear mummies!

A contact in KL just emailed me to say there's a baby girl due to be born next month who's being put up by her mum for adoption as her husband (baby's dad) just passed away due to heart attack...we're excited by the possibility but sad for the baby. Then again, does that mean she has a family history of heart attacks? Feel lost...but we've decided we will view the baby anyway.
angel: u need to check.. if her hb died of heditary.. or sudden type..
if u really keen on her, u may wanna bank her cord blood? juz in case...
good advice. I will ask more abt her background. As for banking her cord blood, it's a very good suggestion but since she's not going to be delivered here in SG, I don't how that can be done. Don't be scared, hum a fav tune in your mind or sing to your baby and let your love for your hubby and baby be your courage. All the mummies are here for you.
u can register wif local cord bank n pass the mummy the kit. then bring the cord blood back to sg immed. cord blood can be stored w/o freezing for 36hrs max.

do tat only if u r really keen on the gal...
dun juz ask the mummy. cause u wun noe if she lie. get medical records frm hosp abt the hb n wife. wife is alive doesn't mean she's completely healthy also..
any mummies here have stored your baby's cord blood or have any good cord blood bank to recommend? Will it be very expensive?

Petrina, do you intend to store your baby's?
angel: i stored wif stemcord. it's better than cordlife. i heard frm both sides of presentation..
besides, stemcord is cheaper..
stemcord - $1000 *initial - $250 *subsequent years
cordlife - $1300 *initial - $250 *subsequent years

if u really intend to get this gal, or u confirm gonna adopt a NB, i'll suggest u store.. cause u n hb r not real parents. shld the bb need transplant in future, u both can't help at all.

let me noe if u gonna store.. i can tell u pros n cons on each side..

dear mummies, i'm very gan jiong liao... anyone here? i need to ease my tension..
Hi Petrina:
I am working mtb..
sure can go HV to walk walk with you this week...
but must be evening time lor...
when is your due date?
as for me - planning to do c/secttion next wk...

Hi Shirley
Which stretch mark cream do you have?
sound very effective leh...
can recommend...
me got many small short marks now
thot of getting retin-a cream from doc.
pls tell me hor

I thought you're delivering your 1st're not? You already store your 1st baby's cord blood with stem cord? I just called them - for international deliveries (outside of Singapore), they charge S$1500 (not inclusive of courier fees). I'll find out more from both sides tomorrow. Yes,hubby and I will be storing our adopted baby's cord blood for her own good.

Angela, you're also delivering? Congrats. After C-Section, must put on the tummy binder. When I had my C-section, the binder helped a lot to ease the pain esp when you need to wake up and start moving as soon as the 2nd day.
Hi angel

Yes i am - c/sec on 6Mar - auspicious date & time. Very KS parent. Yes I will get one.
Good luck to your adoption...
yes, the voucher would come in useful cos for international deliveries (like ours - the adopted baby's mum will deliver her in M'sia), stemcord won't extend us any form of early bird discounts. I'll PM you my address? Just discovered that KidzKidz and I are just upstairs-downstairs neighbours! Talk abt the power of Internet forums!
Angela: The stretchmarks cream only lighten the marks not making it disappear... Let me check the brand and update you as i left it at my mum's place...
We used Stemcord and just paid $250 for 2nd year's fee. Do note though that the contract is under mother's name so check with cord bank 1st since you are not birth mom.

My two cents worth about adoption: don't ever let the agency talk you into bringing baby back to hotel or home in Sgp to "try out" because you will definitely bond. It's illegal to identify a baby before hand too but lotsa unethical private agencies "hook" unwary couples by this type of emotional blackmail. The problem after that is the legal adoption process takes months so you continue to care for the baby, love the baby than if realise baby got some genetic illness it becomes your problem. Have ever heard case where agent tell the adoptive mom that she can return the baby back to the improvished state the family lives in so the poor woman was so guilty but baby had congenital disorder which required very expensive medical care. Other true scenario is when they say father dead or don't know who than a guy turns up claiming to be dad to contest the adoption process. Very sad, but truth is some just so unethical cause adoption is a lucrative business. Her World/Female every did undercover report before. Worst, agents pay the birth parents very little and pocket so much -- so be very careful and alert in dealing with them. Must not let your heart rule everything. I know coz I work with people who handle adoptions the proper way -- in hand with MCYS.

Angel, this not to scare you but to inform you so please don't take it in any other light. If you like more tips to guide you in the process, can link you up with my colleagues.

Abt bfdg, there's a chapter in the book "What To Expect: The First Year" that's specially for adoptive parents. Talks about going on meds (hormones?) to start lactation too. Just consult dr on that. I can lend you the book since my princess has already turned one. PM me to fix time for next two days.

I can pass you lotsa baby girls stuffs -- some are nicely worn-out but this means lagi more comfy compared to brand new frabics. :)

Ladies, my new colleague (formerly in sales) tells me Strivectin (something like that) is the best for stretchmarks but was found to work wonders with wrinkles too so now marketed for the latter purpose. Very ex though. Available at OG, Tangs, etc. Sold out when 1st launched here. But as someone mentioned, stretchmarks are genetic -- some potions only works to lighten the colouration, not make them totally disappear. Food for thought! :)
Hi Shirley:
I wish that it can disappear... But too bad, it will only lighten... boh bian liao. let me know lah....
angel: wah... go gam.. neighbours..
u need to register b4 u can get the kit. i paid liao.. the kit is wif me. when i deliver, my gynae will store the blood for me n stemcord will collect it. this is my first kid.
u can choose to collect urself.. cheaper than courier prices..

angela: okok.. meet u walk walk.. slow walk...
btw, i got a feeling i also ard 6th mar leh.. HB book out on tat day. but hb say 10th is better. dun waste paternal leave mah.

u so lucky, only some marks.. i so much. though not tat obvious, i stare at mirror can c..

shirley: the one u mentioned is lightening marks? good.. i tot its for preventive...

today pressure lots.. gan jiong liao. i scared bb naughty, pop this wk..

angela: u c-sec because? when's ur edd? heavy mah? pressure? my feet dun look swollen but feels damn tight.. fingers also..
inner thigh pain whenever i stand up to go pee..
i bot normal tummy binder. which u bot? some of my frens they got osim tummy binder. abit ex.. i think..
Actually, my gynae (CH Koh) laughs at all these futile efforts. He says use baby lotion or oil can already, the rest no help! :p Said there was one patient proudly showed him a tiny tube of cream that cost $100. He was laughing inside then.

Strivectin is the rage in wrinkle defense so maybe just use for that better... when the time comes which will be soon for me... :-(
Petrina, I remember what my feet felt like in the last month. But I popped 2 weeks early -- so many ppl warned that 1st tends to arrive earlier. So when admitted called Stemcord and the rep says they place spare kits at the hospital (Mt A) but she came down after office hours for me to sign the contract.
angela: ya. tat Stre cream is only for post-natal usage...
not for pre-natal.. but i heard it's very good.

kidzkidz: ya.. so scary, those adoption agency... use emotional blackmail...

angel: pls be careful. check all background then pay.. best is to adopt local child la, but if dun have then bo bian...
kidz: i already have the kit. though they do have spare kit... they say use our own is safer cause names all written liao.. wun mistaken.

ur feet also swell mah? i pressed my feet, i can feel my finger imprints under my feet skin... first time.. means confirm swell rite?
last time i tested, no imprints.. flesh pop back up very fast though appearance looks swollen..
my toes also feel very tight.. cannot flex.
Mommies, can visit this website of American Non-Govermental Organisation operating orphanages in China for some heart-warming pics & stories. My boss visited before (she handles adoption wk as well). Over there, majority of abandoned babies are girls and the boys have birth defects. But Philip Hayden Foundation nurse them, raise $$ for corrective surgery (in China or in US) and then place them for adoption. Unfortunately, it's mostly the "ang mohs" who are most willing to open their hearts to babies with disabilities or birth defects. Sigh. Anyway, take a look - they have child sponsorship prog or visit them in China tours, etc. tp://

This link is to the child sponsorship page, be warned some photos of the children with defects can churn stomachs and definitely tug at heartstrings.
Petrina: exactly! My toes felt like got rubberbands tied around them!! Worst, I kenna loose hip joint too. Occupational therapist at Mt A taught us in prenatal class that it's due to production of certain hormones during pregnancy, to loosen muscles around pelvis so baby can pass through. I was walking around with my right leg "loose" and kenna pain with each step I walk. Thank God it went away immediately after delivery. But they say sometimes may last for 1-3M after delivery.
Actually local babies hard to come by but my colleagues now and then gets calls from hospitals to tell them someone's giving up baby so they check against the list of clients who have had their home assessment done (to guage adoption suitability) and then approach the couple with the info to see if they want to take or still want to adopt from China, etc.

Other method is gynae calls after persuading a patient not to abort so as to start finding a home for the baby.
haa, troublemaker... yaya.. i also heard abt it.
cause our body not smart enuff to only loosen pelvic bone. so they loosen every single bone in our body.. causing us to ache...

local adoption
ya, very few.. but i'm sure there r. mostly teenager's bbs?
I think local adoption is also more through word of mouth and how many connections a person has right? like A is pregnant and wants to give up for adoption, then B knows E wants to adopt so told C and C told D and then E gets to adopt the baby.
Wah Sleek, read too many "Aunt Aggie" columns in chinese papers... ;-) Understand mostly coz to have abortion must first go through counselling so one of the options offered is to give baby up for adoption. When near due date, the private gynae or the hospital's Medical Social Worker starts contacting the local non-profit agencies to do placement with good family.

Petrina, yes some are from teenage pregnancies but if I remember, it's mostly the consenting adults type who are more willing to carry baby to term and place with good home. Teenagers mostly want to abort so they can quickly go back to their "havoc" lifestyle... Sad but true.
kidz: true also... but there r some married couples also wan to abort lor.. i read in the forum.. damn jialat...
the teens abort because bo bian, but some adults abort because they not willing to give up their freedom..

word of mouth still helps.. after they agree liao then the legal issues will come in...

hi petrina

me c/section becoz i had fibroids ops before.
so scared old wound may tear during contractions. i tink you may have swell up during the last few weeks...

yes i felt heavy as baby ow 2.8kg at 36 weeks.
feet are swollen - so must lift up
tummy binder - me not buy yet...
still sourcing around..

maybe we may deliver around the 1st week of March...

