Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

shirley: wah.. chris told me he confirm will cut for me cause tear is difficult to sew.. tear recover faster meh?
i listen to him... shld i induce? he say bb's head is big.. he ask me move more, but i pain leh.. lazy to move..

ask u personal qn, when u BD after birth?

Petrina... okie .. u update me and good luck.. may you have a easy delivery and post/ email pics of yr baby for us to see hor ...

Shirley.. haa.. nice to hear another mother thinking this way ... i do hope mine will respect & listen to me ... haa ... though i also agree he's the best gift that i have received in my life!!
your BD means sex??

If sex, i have sex after my 1 month confinement... But quite dry down there, so i buy KY...

After few times of using KY, everything back to normal...
Petrina: actually if your gynae advises you to cut (and he's not the always-cut type), you should cut, cos it is easier to repair a cut then a tear esp if the tear is very ragged and deep and sometimes the tear goes in the 'wrong direction'. My gynae gave me a small snip, sewed it up nicely and I've had no problems with it. When I was still in hospital, I was dreading to pass motion cos scared will break the stitches or it will be painful, so funny to think about it now cos actually it was fine and not painful at all. heh
sleek: not pain meh? my mom did tell me tat tat's the biggest fear for all natural birth.. hehe

i juz tot cut is before push mah, so cut i can feel. if tear will be in middle of pushing, the pain will be camouflaged.. haha, i so naive...

shirley: u steady lah.. 1mth recover liao... i think i may fear wound tear open.. some woman say hormones frop lots, so no feeling to BD.. but i pity my HB, 8mths no BD liao. so i hope to recover soon n get back into action asap.. keke

melody: if i still steady by wed morn, i go ur hse? take cab i think is safer for me.. u cook mah? or i buy food?
i'm geeling lots tightening recently.. n v part very sore.. like over BD feeling. walking hurts, inner thigh hurts, backside hurts..
near labour symptoms? pls advise..

everyday i c my playpen, i so wanna hug my boy asap... i hope immed after hb finishes reservist, he'll pop naturally.. hb will be back on 6th mar..
Ya.. Petrina,
i agree with sleek...

I recommend you to walk walk downstair or park after dinner...

Your cervix will dilate faster...

Take coconut water twice a week, only can take 2 weeks before your due date...

This will help you deliver more easily...

For me, my recent birth forgot to take coconut water, it cost me alot of strenght to push her out...

Anyway funny, i was at a disco pub [where my hubby work as PT bouncer] on 31 Dec... Celebrating countdown, drink & dance...

Till abt 10pm, i start to feel some contraction, but i ignore... Till i finish countdown at 12am, i quickly rush to hospital...

I called up Chris, he arrived less than half an hour... He check for me and found out my water bag leak...

I was so worried coz on 28 Dec, i still have sex with my hubby... Dunnoe he poke the waterbag leak or wat... I keep on blaming him till Chris mention that sometime is normal...

I thought is urine leak, never expect to be waterbag leak... Lucky my darling survive...

My due date is on 24 Jan, but deliver on 1 Jan... Maybe is heaven giving me this as my Year 2008 gift...


If your stomach feels quite tighten, do take note that bb is moving..

I think you going to deliver within these few days...
Your hubby got book out every night?

If you have any labour pain, call me...
I can drive you to hospital...

PM you my number now...
Petrina: haha my gynae only cut while I was trying to push my boy's head out and he judged that I needed to be cut, btw he's not pro-cutting. I didn't feel any pain just hear the snipping sound, but then again I didn't use any epidural. Only gas and stupid decision for pethidine cos it was towards the end and I really BTH the pain not knowing I could push soon, had to be given oxytocin cos my cervix was not opening, so can you imagine it's even more pain than naturally going through the process!

IMHO cut or tear, by the time you suffer through the contractions or not if you're going for epidural, you won't care about the cutting or tearing liao, you just want to get your baby out of you. For me, I didn't feel any pain at all when it was the actual pushing, not sure if other mums have any pain during that time.

I think your baby's head is pressing against your V that's why you feel increased pressure, sounds like baby wants to come out to meet your hb and you liao
Very exciting le!!!!
HB can't book out every nite. cause he got BMX at 6.30am... how to book out.. though he's allowed to...

bb move lots these few days.. i hope he waits till at least nxt monday b4 he pops. otherwise HB need to repeat his reservist..

this is his last...

bb tickles me at times.. cause i kenna jerked occasionally.
tightening means labour soon? my tummy feels very hard at times.. most of the time actually.
i'm doing the squat now, n twisting my pelvic bone.. hoping to loosen it for easier delivery..

chris dun wanna check my dilation last sat. cause he say scared accidentally poke me.. so he say maybe nxt sat then check..

my back very achy today. under my right bust got stubborn pain, nagging...
feel like pang sai but having lesser coming out recently.
discharge abt same. MP still ard. not gone yet.

coconut juice - CNY tat time, HB bot some fresh ones. drank those once a wk. then finished liao, i'm drinking canned ones. alternate days... canned ones help too?

oh ya, menses cramp feeling.. common? a couple of times a day.
chris haven't put me on CTG machine yet.. so i not sure if tats contractions..

i'll check my email. thks shirley.
sleek: chris also say i carry bb very low. but i still burping up bubbles... heartburn? how can bb moving downwards i still feel tight at chest?
but one thing, i started feeling hungrier than usual frm friday onwards... eating like i was eating in first trimester - pig..

i die die no epi.. i very strict on this. cause my back already killing me. if i do epi, i think i'll kenna hunchback... also to save $$...

chris say he sure cut me de. cause i asked him liao.. he say he'll cut b4 i push. maybe because my boy's head is bigger by 2wks bah. so he noe sure tear de.
wah very exciting reading all about your baby ... like coming out soon... make me feel very happy n excited too!!

Will cook if u coming... can take walk downstairs if you want ... hee .. but i don't know how to handle if you pop suddenly hor ... cos mine was C-section ... all calm n painless ... : P
... have to call Shirley then... hee ...
Hi Petrina,
if you got any Pass Motion feeling, better observe...

I will advise you to take fresh coconut instead...

I think you better go back to Chris asap...
Coz u really going to deliver soon, coz symptoms like menses cramp, pass montion feel....
Ya, anything call me...
my phone on 24hr with vibration...
Dun worry, i can feel the vibration as the phone is also my milk time alarm...

I fetch you down...
But must inform your hubby too hor..

FOr dad to present during labour is a slight relieve of stress to us mummies...
Petrina: When is your EDD le?

Your burping is prolly due to heartburn I think, I continued burping even after I gave birth, only stopped about 1-2 mths ago. Bb moving downwards but legs facing your rib so when he kicks you will feel it mah
Hungrier maybe your body preparing for birthing and then looking after baby.

I think if he cuts before you push, you also wont really feel anything, not sure le, cos if you suffer through the contractions till fully dilated, a small snip wont be anything right, haha!! Dont worry girl!
melody: haha, if i morn steady i dun think i so suay will show suddenly lah... LOL

shirley: i juz saw him last sat... he say ok leh.. this sat is my 37wk appt.
tats y i find it weird he nv put me on CTG or check me last sat.

btw, all these symptoms started on last monday. cause i shifted heavy furniture to make space for my playpen. then i felt so pain, i called chris ard 4pm. he ask me to rest n observe. no show means ok. then he ask me to do stretching to relieve the pain or take panadol.
then last sat, he also nv say anything liao..

dun have fresh coconut.. plus all along my HB pry open for me de.. i tried to *chop* open.. haha, cannot.. maybe i go cold storage racky for fresh ones after i finish my current canned supply.
sleek: my actual EDD is 25th.

cause i read the internet, heartburn will reduce once bb moves downwards..
weird thing is, i started burping bubbles ard 8th mth only.. first 7mths no such feeling.

anyway, i'm ready liao.. haha.. my HB also very gan jiong. called me immed after he lights out in camp.. ask me everything ok mah? his hp on whole day etc.. keke
very nervous liao...

okie, if Chris advise you to induce then just follow his instruction...

i got a AVENT ISIS MANUAL PUMP open for exchange...

I bought at $90 plus, used only once... I still prefer those old type pigeon manual pump....

Everything include [massager,pump,new spare parts and etc]
Except the 125ml milk bottle...

Coz i already taken out to use...

PM me if interested..
Petrina: hahah sometimes though, you can have all these type of feelings & changed for weeks before you actually give birth. Heartburn supposed to be reduced, but even though I didn't have heartburn, I burp like nobodies business (didnt have farting problems though), I even had to get my husband to pat my back while I was still pregnant like a baby, cos I can just sit down and burp/ burp/ burp for 15mins.
sleek: icic.. initially i burped up some bubbles then i swallowed back. then i realised tat i felt worse. so i decided to spit out the bubbles. i feel better n burp lesser liao..
ur HB so nice.. pat ur back.. my HB only use my soft hammer *bot frm mini toons* to hammer my back when he c tat i really buay tahan. otherwise i usually do it myself..

shirley: chris nv ask me induce.. he only say check dilation may accidentally poke waterbag. so he dun wan to check. he think i shld move more to bring on labour naturally. but he did mentioned tat he dun wan me to carry to 40wks. he say anything after 37wks can deliver liao. does tat mean inducing? cause he nv use tat word...

my HB scared to go in labour ward. i quite sad actually.. but i got over it liao.. if he really dun wan enter, i shall not force him.. though i think i'll require his emotional support.

i also bot the manual pigeon pump.. hehe
cause electric abit ex...
oh ya, paiseh hor, i very mafun...

i got a qn, r stretchmarks supposed to be protruding? cause i can feel them all protruding...
shirley: i anything de.. if u dun wan liao u can pass to me.. NB ones can liao. cause i have a fair bit of those 3mths n above type.. i kiasu, bot bigger size.. in case my boy is big.
ya... some of them only...
dun scratch liao...

see which day my hubby come back early from work, i drive down to meet you to pass you some cream for strechmarks...

I bought it for $149... But giving to you free...

i will PM you the items i will be giving you..

Anyway, is milk time..
I need to feed my darling liao..

Chat with you tomorrow...
Remember, anything call me, dun pai seh...

Nitez mummies...
Petrina: I have to ask him to pat my back and he didnt do it all the time.. haha in fact he would laugh at me! Dont swallow it back ,just burp it all out, it's the hormones that are causing the burping, plus having less space in your tummy cos of baby's size.

no la, your gynae means that anything after 37wk means the baby wont be considered premature, so it is fine if you go into labour now. My waterbag actually broke when I was 37wks and I had no pre
labour symptoms before that!

Your husband is not alone, my husband was with my in the labour ward but once my contractions started being very intense, he also disappear to the chair in the corner and didn't dare to come close to me when I was pushing. So that meant I got to cut baby's umbilical cord instead of him.. haha! And since I was in so much pain, i also didnt think to look for him, just trying hard to go through the contractions, like focus internally. But he keeps saying he is very impressed and in awe of me during that time.

Think the stretch marks are protruding cos your tummy is protruding. dont be paiseh lo.
Aha, so I not only one who had bad experience with Chia. No wonder clinic empty one... :p

Petrina, I've learnt to stick to original PD as he's hospital based so sees lotsa patients i.e. very experience. Also, he can immediately order tests to be done since hospital based and we get results like in 1-hr. Not to mention, he's pro-breastfeeding - which I still doing with princess. :)

Regarding other PDs in vicinity, anyone has experience to share? Btw, I got to know them from Yellow Pages, I let my fingers do the walking... :)

My colleague was in pharmaceutical sales and says can check with the GP if they stock baby meds. Can ask about Rhinathiol (for cough) or Plaximol (for fever). These are regularly prescribed by PDs so if GP has, then can consider going to them.

Mommies, can check out Health Promotion Board website for immunisation chart though it doesn't give schedule for 5-in-1 or 6-in-1. Website is

Work is killing me so I won't be able to check in on this thread often - will take this oppt to wish you all a blessed week ahead!
Thanks Shauna & Sleek for info. My princess at infant care and her "sch" provides gym class on their premises so that's one less for me to worri abt. :)

Dr Lau Waun Kee (hope spelling correct) is at Raffles clinic in the row where there's kopitiam with the "tangyuan" stall (behind the cinema). Only Raffles clinic in Clementi. Hope this helps.
thks shirley.. i used chris's cream.. nv scratch. my tummy was clear until 7th mth. suddenly all appear overnite.. after which i stopped applying liao. cause i dun c any point being so guai... maybe because i too disappointed in my marks..
i like to touch the protruding lines.. keke.. feels nice. haha
good nite... thks for everything.

kidzkidz: i hope not to go PD tat often cause PD is ex? my GP is quite child medi frenly also.. so unless necessary, i'll stick to my GP.

sleek: no pre symptoms.. hmm, my hb in reservist, i can't slp...
i m eager to hug my boy liao.. but i wan him to pass 37wks. i scared if pre mature may kenna jaundice.. both of my mar frens' bbs kenna liao.. after go home, 3days ltr admitted for jaundice. scary...

i saw tat webby in the afternoon le. so funny..
Petrina: yeah, I even taught swimming on the day before my waterbag broke (5am) and walked home from the condo at Dover somemore! Felt abit of tightening when walking but thought it's normal braxton hicks, then nothing else to indicate anything abnormal. Even stopped at clementi ave 2 to eat ice kachang halfway.

Stretch marks is pre-determind, creams wont prevent just maybe help abit. If you have stretch marks on other parts of your body, you'll have a high chance to get it on your growing belly, also if your mum has stretch marks you have higher chance of having. And if you carry your baby to full term, also cause more stretch marks, alot of variables la

Actually most babies, esp asians will get jaundice, regardless of premature or not. So there's nothing much you can do since it's actually a normal process of the excess red blood cells breaking down and baby's body cannot process it fast enough, thus causing jaundice. When bb is in our tummy, we're processing it for them.

Hope you don't find me too lor sor
Petrina: I woke up suddenly cos wet feeling down there, went to pee then more gushed out. I know it's not pee cos it come from a different place mah!!! heehee. And lucky it didn't kerna the bed, just my shorts.

good morning. Does any of you know if I can breastfeed my adopted baby when she arrives? I feel sad if I can't...

Dear Shirley, Sleek, Cecelia and Kaylen
thanks for your kind very honoured that you took time to visit our bbs' blog...By the way, if you know of anyone with spare or unwanted baby stuff to give away, can you let me know? cos I've nothing to start with...
angel: if u have supply, i think u shld BF. cause ur delivery is quite sometime away already? r u currently expressing?
ur blog brought tears to me. i din finish all cause i was too affected...

i rem ur story frm last yr... i saw on tv, i think.
Hi Angel,

Your blog really brought me tears and as wat Petrina say, cannot finish all as getting emotional & sad. No matter what, you are a great mummy
When will yr baby arrive? what do you need basically?
Hi Angel

I dun live at those area but i cannot resist to go into your blog to read. I am working now and I have to swallow very very hard in order for my tears to flow down. It is very very sad and I think of some days that I actually scolded my boi and my 10mth infant... I feel I am such a lousy mummy.

I sincerely do wish you luck in you adoption process and I am sure both u and David will be very good parents.

Take care ya.
Dear Hapi Melodius and Sandy

thanks for your well-wishes. When we set up the blog, it's a means to keep our babies' memories alive and for us to find closure. Burying one's children is against the law of nature, so naturally it's painful. Sorry to make you feel sad for us. Sometimes I also wonder how my hubby and I found the strength to move on. But if we don't, we would be so miserable, bitter and wallow in self-pity which is poison to our souls. That's why we turned to Adoption.

If everything goes well, we can start 'selecting' our baby in April and she'll arrive in May. Can't wait. I'll need to source everything (from baby cot to prams, to clothes, nappies, sterilisers etc) as we have nothing to start with.

Petrina, I've no breastmilk now as I took drugs to stop the milk supply when Ashley died. So perhaps when my adopted daughter comes, I'll ask around for spare BM from other mummies?
Angel: actually if you really want to breast feed your adopted child, you can. But I think you must start checking with the LC now and must really persevere once you bring home your child. Cos in those bfeeding books I read by Jack Newman and the la leche league, they say it can be done. Can pm me if you want more info, either I give you the name of the books or I scan/ type the pages for you.

btw, where will your baby be from, sg?
angel: u intend to use other's EBM? if i got spare i can give u.. cause i delivering in mar early. so i hope i got good supply... then i'll express extras...

sleek: no preg how to have BM? she already stopped flow...
Angel: Let me pass the items to Petrina first... Cause she will be due in coming month... By the time your bb arrived, you can collect from Petrina...

QUite numbers of things, cause i actually bought for my daughter... Anyway these stuffs like sleeper, clothes and etc only can last about 1 month plus...

My Darling was born at 2.8kg... She outgrown most of the items within 1 month...
angel: i do have a hand down cot.. wooden. u wan? cause i kiasu already bot playpen way in advance.. so the cot i din use when my fren pass to me..

clotheswise - i shld be able to pass to u in may.
by then my boy shld outgrow them le..

nappies i dun have cause i din buy, i took handdowns for swaddle purpose only.
i'm using disposables.

stroller, i have a handdown, but the lock is faulty. can fold, cannot lock. so if u got car, can fold n put in boot. when take out, muz be careful. usage wise, it's ok.
i dun intend to use it. cause too heavy for me. i got no car. very troublesome for me to carry bb n stroller at the same time.
so i got myself a sling..

u can collect frm me all the above stuffs i mentioned juz b4 ur bb reach u.
Hi Petrina,
ya will be very boring in the hosp, bring lappy is a gd choice
Best of luck

Hi angel,
I am sure that you & yr hubby will be the perfect parents to yr baby. You are a very brave mummy and no matter what life still goes on. Take Care & just share with us if you have any problem or things to share in the forum. Will be more willing to lend a listening ear...
very bored... angel... i really kudos to u n ur hb..
for taking everything in ur stride.. still have the courage to adopt..
r u adopting boy/gal? NB?

more pressure at v part today... not much pee. feet n fingers ache frm swelling. my wrist abit achy. neck n back also achy.
