Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

aiyo.. so many babies sick...
coolmama: ya. we missed u on lots gatherings manz.

kidz: if me, i'll ask ur gal to stay away frm her. alternative, u can try to stay outside the class for once. see if u can capture the biter. then show to the teacher. if the teacher dun do anything abt it. u can show to the relevant parent.
i am more aggressive. if nothing is done, i'll actually share with all the parents in the ctr, so that the biter is being isolated by the other kids.
probably by then, the biter would have to change sch because of the nuisance.

iso: depends. if u have spree, online wun be cheaper. if not, juz buy frm sg bah..

cool: yeah, we've missed you at here and at our gatherings. hope audrey is much better now, so heart pain to hear about her troubles

kidz: sorry to hear about the biting incidents. the teachers & school should be the one to do something about this child/ parents, she is displaying her immense frustration via her behavioral problems, so perhaps her parents are the problem (they never bother to teach her what's the correct behavior) or something major is happening at home. if it escalates, like pet says, perhaps you have to be the 'bad person' and make a fuss for the school to do something, not so that the child will become isolated as this won't solve the issue but to ensure that something must be done to prevent these incidents from reoccurring.

iso: are you thinking of buying alot at 1 time? cos normally it only varies by about $0.30 difference from organic stores vs supermarkets. I've never bought online locally so cant compare as I don't have a need to since my son doesn't eat that much, so buying 1-2 boxes of biscuits each time is fine to me.
kidz: I'm sorry to hear about the biter. You mentioned that your daughter is in an infant care, so I suppose the biter is very young? It may be difficult to discipline a kid so young, if she cannot understand her actions. Is it becos she's teething? I think you can only ask the teachers to be alert about it and teach her not to bite. Yeah also have to tell the parents too. My baby had a passing biting phase too. Only happens when we try to stop her from touching things and she will bite our hand. But it was a few weeks. So I hope your biter is also going through a passing phase.

Mommies, any of you went through a "nesting instinct" phase when you are pregnant? I am so going through one now. I have been shopping for things, needed or otherwise, and have an itch to sew things. Geez...
Hi Mommies: Thanks for the advice. Yeah, the biter is about 15M old. The teachers know and always report to me when I pick my girl up about the incidents. Nowadays, they say my girl will try to walk away or push the biter away but the biter has pulled her hair and then pull her sleeve as my girl walks off. The teachers reprimand the biter but like Chobeemama says, think she too young. My girl is one of the oldest and the biter likes to play with her. That's the problem - she can't keep away from my girl!!!!
is 15M too young to be reprimanded??

healthy times: oops.. i meant that for another thread, wahaha. someone said that buy online over a certain amt got discount, will go check it out and let you know ;) any organic stuff to recommend? i just went to see the new shop at our place, but not sure if the pricing is good.
Isobellies: 15M is not too young to be reprimanded. The girl will understand that is no-no if the teacher stops her. But she will forget soon and the teacher will have to keep at it until it really sinks in. Her parents will also have to reinforce that at home. Need a lot of patience from the adults around her.

kidz: I think at 15M the biter doesn't know how to keep her playmates playing with her, so the only way is through aggression. Are her bites serious? The only way is to tell your daughter to walk away and not play with her. Or else fight back? It's heartache to know she has to deal with bullies at such a tender age.
it's no use to reprimand her as some children see negative attention as still better than having no attention. she should be consistently removed from the situation, using the time out and ignore method to 'show' her that her behavior is undesirable and that she will only get attention when she is displaying the desired behavior. The teachers can also try to praise her and model good behaviour, if my 1 yo son can learn how to be gentle and sayang, I don't see why a 15mo can't

also kidz, what's the point of consistently reporting to you what happened le? aren't they paying close attention to stop it before it happens, since they know this child is like that? How many teachers to kids ratio? You're so tolerant, haha!
ya.. if sleek's boy can play nice.. i dun think 15m gal can be worse in understanding skills...
i think it's parental guidance that causes nice n naughty children..

like today, i went to my boy's birth pd.. the moment i entered, the 3.5yr old twin boys started saying *i dun wan to share toys with the baby.. he's too young anyway.* (loud enuff for me to turn my head to see them)
their mom also nv do anything.. my boy was happily slping in the ergo.. they were practically ramaging the play area.. 3.5yr old boys sitting on little tikes & baby walker.. trying to be farni...
they messed up the place so badly, there was practically no walking space at all.
their granny n mom n maid juz sit n chat...

then a 9.5mth boy came in with grandaunt n maid... he wanted to sit the push walker.. one of the twins refused to let go.
finally when the walker was avail, the maid brought the 9m boy to sit. then both twins went to pull the walker by the steering wheel. luckily the maid was sturdy enuff to hold on to the walker. otherwise the 9m boy would have fallen off the walker..

i see liao also pek cek.. :angry:
yup...for Healthy Times, if buy above $200 will get 15% discount (if I remember correctly) coz I do spree together with a bunch of friends to enjoy that discount. Aiyah, I just received my loots...otherwise can tongbang your order if you need...

I agree with sleek leh. What's the point of reporting to u all the time? they expecting you to talk to the parents? Yes, you should...but hey, we put our kids at their school, we expect them to bear some responsibility too, no? If my kid is being bullied while under their care, and they expect not to do anything, then why do I put my kid there? (except for boh pian kind of reasons lah...)

I keep forgetting went to your mum's place already? heehee....
I read ur post I also angry...the parent quite irresponsible leh...lucky thing that maid is smart enough to hold on to it. Some maids can be quite blur/wood to such things one...then poor helpless baby suffer.
Pet: I work on Wed leh. Only weekend can go shopping, or else must take leave. Do you have anything in mind to buy, or just look around? I'm looking for nursing tops and bras, not sure whether they have there.

Sigh, envy you SAHMs...I wish I am one, but with a maid, of course. Heehee.
CSI: yup.. brought the tees liao.. haven't got a chance to pass to u.. haha. u still need rite?

chobee: eh, SAHM... not easy lah..

my poor son...
mil feeding him bottle. he's been crying for the past 20mins.. non stop. she still wan to carry on..
tonight i sure suffer... he sure kenna nightmare...
poor thing....may be she's sort of hoping ryan will get tired of crying and get used to her feeding? like, just let him cry it out and then he'll be ok.

yup yup...still need the t shirts. heehee...dunno how to collect from you also. maybe monday lah...coz i'll be on half day leave on monday (have things to do...)
pet: you're at home and want to force bottle on him? omg la, how can torture ryan like that
he can smell his moomoo cow hor, how can!!!!

yeah HC, SAHM is not EASY even with a good helper! like you just said to me earlier, you wonder who is the ftwm ya.
sleek: i ask her test abit niah.. gave 2oz.
in the end she dun wan stop.. 15min still dun wan return. kept trying. so i pek cek i hide in my rm till hb came home..

i super regret.. i told my hb i dun wan shopping 4ever le.. i wan stay at home wif ryan all day
Pet: yah, sleek's boy so well behaved! i wonder if next time i can threaten my boy and say if he dun behave, i send him to aunty sleek :D
in the end ryan cry for how long?? my MIL also sometimes a bit force feeding my bb, that day she even joke abt it, that she always make him finish! so if she's helping me feed him i will have to go hide..
no worries, next time
anyway not really sure what i want to buy, just started to look around since bb turns 6 months tomorrow
iso: you can send him to me, but would your heart break with the tough love I implement?
oh wow, happy 6 months to E, no wonder you're looking around for baby food!!!

anyway my son is a wolf in sheep's clothing, cos he is generally well behaved outside but it's a different matter at home! wailing, screaming, crying, constantly seeking attention, hehehe but <3 him soooo much anyway!
sleek: send, not bring. so as long as i'm not there, i don't mind if he comes back a good boy. wahaha!

at least he is a good boy some of the time, better than those who are always naughty right??
Hi pet,
yeah, the boys are unruly and its fustrating to know that the adults don't do anything.
you are not well? I remember i had food poisoning and they do not have medication that are "breastfeeding-friendly", end up ariel cry and cry with no food for more than 16 hours, she just flatly refuse the bottle and formula! and i wasn't around, i was sleeping in a room cos i was so sick,while they were trying to feed her... then she was abt 5mths old...

hey sleek,
hope i didn't missed much..
looking forward to see all of you soon!
I cant remember when my boy started showing displeasure, but I recall it was pretty early on, and I also read an article on research done that babies as young as 6mo can 'lie',

of course, the mums on here are totally up in arms about the article,

For myself, I have always believed that babies are much smarter than a lot of people give them credit for and certainly have a mind of their own so I do agree to some extent with the article but no, I don't believe in CIO cos it doesn't work with my son.
Hi Mummies,
I'm new around here... just shifted to West Coast. My sisters have been on this and I thought I'd pop in to look today... =D
I'm a FTWM with 2 gals, 6 &amp; 1 and expecting baby #3 in Jan 09.
Hi Mommies: Seems I sparked a good discussion going earlier.
There were occasional cases of biting by other todz now and then but those were teething motivated - the teachers also kena! Think my girl also bit one boy before but her classmate -- let's call her "Biter Girl"
-- is more recalcitrant.

By the way, recently I heard of a couple with 3 kids and another on the way. The story is that one day they too tired or something to cane two of the kids and ended up rubbing chilli padi on one boy's mouth and on the other's eyes. Was told the parents are not uneducated types. I suspect they cannot cope coz their latest is an accident and they also have financial constrains. I shudder to think what they may have tried or perhaps will next!
ooohhh...ur baby is exactly 2 months younger than mine then! gal turns 8 mths today...heehee...

wow kidz,
that's really scary...poor kids!
Hi EmQ: Welcome. I'm also quite new here. I'm also expecting a baby, due on Xmas. You experiencing nesting instinct? Haha, I'm getting that in a big way.

Sleek: Yah, think I'm quite free for a FTWM. Haha...Behind every successful man is a woman, and behind every successful woman is a maid. Forget about the husband. Your boy is well behaved. But seeing how you and your mom disciplines him, tough love really works, in my opinion. Can't be too soft on kids I think. Have to start discipline once they can reach out to things. Otherwise they'll go around touching electric sockets and gas stove later.

Pet: My record for Chobee crying is ONE and half hour. When she was 4 months I was down with depression due to thyroid, and the doc makes me take a radiogram, so I was radioactive for 1 day. Couldn't breastfeed and Chobee was underweight at that time (10% percentile) and she absolutely hated the bottle, but we had to force feed. So it was all the more depressing. That was the time when I weaned her, and fed her expressed BM from then on. She would cry for an hour every night during bottle feeding. The upside was she would sleep through the night, tired out from crying. And crying is good for the lungs. As a mother I understand the guilt and despair when the baby wails, but you can't be there all the time. So he has to get used to your absence. Go ahead and do your shopping. You need a break too, and do your own thing.

kidz: Aiyoh, when I hear this kind of thing, I will start fuming. How can cane or rub chilli on mouth and eyes! That is child abuse! If parents cannot cope then they should practice birth control. So irresponsible. Poor children to grow up like that.
chobee: u also had thyroid? me too.. hyper... 2000-2004.
it became hypo when i was preg. but i refused treatment.
so my preg was kinda worrying frm 5mth onwards. i haven't checked since delivery.. no time. haha

anyways i'll not go for treatment as i need to bf. i dun wan my boy to starve.. i hope i'll auto recover then.
pet: maybe if u not at home ryan might not cry so much? somehow they "know" if you around..

EmQ: hiya! 3 kids, my idol

CSI: cool! happy "birthday" to our bbs! :D

kidz: that is a scary story man! i'm sure it's not easy to cope with so many kids.
Chobeemama: what's nesting instinct? Me blur after so many preg still dunno what's that... hee hee..

Isobellies: I grew up in a big family of gals, love the crowd... so have always wanted a big family myself. Wanted 6 originally, but realistically 4 gals... hee hee... hubby prefers 2. but we lost 2 after my first... now he's like ok, if God grants us more, we'll accept... but again, given age and fatique from pregnancy, am considering ligating after this... almost gave up after waiting for a long time and losing 2... am already thankful for 2nd one... now blessed with 3rd, can't be more satisfied... hee hee.. Also thankful that my in laws are staying with us now to help watch over maid. Eventhough MIL cause lots of trouble, still thankful I've someone to watch over things at home so I can work in peace.
Me lucky lady ma... hee hee
Pet: Yeah my thyroid even has a fancy name: Hashimoto thyroiditis. Basically it's inflammation of my thyroid gland due to wonky immune system, so thyroid gland cells cannot produce enough thyroid hormone so must take replacement medication. The medication (hormone T4) is safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. I'm hypo all along, but sometimes goes hyper. Why did you refuse treatment? It's replacing the hormones you don't have. Otherwise your whole bodily system will slow down cos your cells cannot metabolise glucose and make energy. You should get it checked by a specialist cos thyroid illnesses are chronic and cannot be cured. So you cannot auto recover, get what I mean? If you don't have enough or too much of thyroid hormone, it will affect your health and moods, so it's not good for your baby too. My case was different cos my doc wants to check how my gland processes the hormone (he was worried about cancer) so I had to get radioactive injection. But it was only for 1-2 days that I couldn't BF. After that I just resumed it, albeit expressed BM cos I wanted to monitor how much Chobee takes in.

EmQ: Nesting is another fancy name for wanting to buy things to pad up your home to welcome new baby. Buy things like cot, clothes, diapers, etc etc. I just have an very strong urge to sew. And buy Bumwear diapers. Hahaha. Wow, you have 3 kids! I think I'll stop at 2. Getting old. I'm more tired in my second pregnancy than first. Can't imagine a third one!
welcome emQ!

iso: i've already told pet all these, but dont know her la, haha! anyway flower and I predicted that she will not be going back to work after 6mths like she said, cos she won't be able to bear being apart from ryan!

HC: we very fierce meh? haha dont need to answer that :p We're just setting reasonable boundaries and limits for him as he is currently unable to do so for himself, children need rules and boundaries to grow happy and healthy, it doesn't hinder their progress or stunt their independence.
Sleek: no lah you are not fierce. Children need the boundaries to feel secure. Otherwise they will feel lost. I think you and your mom are doing great with your boy.

Iso and Pet: Yeah when I am at home Chobee tends to get hyper and shout and scream and misbehave. I don't think I spoil her. She only wants me to pay attention to her. So my hubby asks me to go shopping more. Which I am happy to oblige, only thing is money no enough.
emQ: wow, sounds like you've been through a lot, but i guess all in good time right?
next time might have to ask you for advice on how to handle so many. my hubby and i are ambitious and want 3 or even 4! if the first pregnancy is anything to go by, it should be pretty easy, but i think the taking care is the tough part. maybe i should have them and subcontract the work out, LOL!!
sleek: that was an interesting article! i guess it could be that babies just learn how adults respond to certain things, so maybe if they laughed and got attention instead of crying, they might learn to laugh every time they wanted attention? just that crying has negative connotations...which can also lead to wailing/screaming/full-blown tantrums when they're older, heh.
hello mummies,
sorry for my disappearing act.. been busy (always busy lah... there is no rest for the weary)
been sending my boy to Mandarin playclub to introduce the language to him..

Pet - hope ryan is better?
Sleek - When are we meeting up? need to pass you the stroller hooks!
sorry, i forgot to reply you :p
Angel - how's your maid issue?

When are you girls gathering again?
sleek: i bot the first years breastflow bottle. 5oz frm taka today. surprisingly, he drank abt 1oz. but i was looking at him. so he suck 1mouth stare at me.. after awhile i disappeared.. then he drank abit faster..
i'll try for a wk. if successful, i'll stock up on this brand.

chobee: wah.. fancy name.. my doc classify me as *graves disease*. if no medi, heart may pump too hard n breakdown. so all those years, i've been eating heart medi &amp; fits medi. cure symptoms not the cause..
reason - i ate. carbimazole. 6mths. bloom frm weight 50kg to 60kg in 6mths.. i couldn't handle the stress. long story... if not for my hb's (then bf) support, i'd prob not be around today...

melody: ryan is better. coughing lesser after 2days of antibiotics. 3 more days to go.

emQ: if i have the finances, i'd like to have 4... *impossible dream*

sleek: if this bottle works, i'll go back to work nxt mth.. i need my sales to maintain my job.
hi Pet,

Glad to hear that he is better ... i hurts to hear them cough but i hate giving antibiotics or any form of mediciation ... just wish that our kids will always stay well n healthy... read your reply to chobee- didn't know that you have such a serious condition... take care and keep well too.

Wah, you so ambitious one ah, 4?! I think 1 is enough for me ... it's really alot of effort to look after one &amp; tiring to be a SAHM. Think if i have 2, I will go crazy liao!! like i say, there is no rest for the weary. Nowadays i can't even go for my free n easy holidays (without having to lug the whole house along)! sighz ...
Hi Mommies - I had earlier mentioned about my company's (TOUCH Family Services) upcoming parenting workshops and promised to provide more details. Here's an update about one that's taking place next Sat. For more info about this + other events, please visit
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Better Parenting Through DISC Personality Profiling (Mandarin)</font></font>

Saturday 16 August, 2:00pm to 5:00pm, Auditorium of OnePeople.Sg @ 381 Toa Payoh Lor 1, next to Braddell MRT (Exit B).

This workshop will use the tried and tested DISC Personality Profiling tool to help parents gain insights into their parenting styles. At the same time, learning about the D-I-S-C types will help us understand our own children better. Tips will be given on how parents can better communicate with, relate to as well as motivate their children based on DISC typing e.g. become more patient parents, help children better understand parental authority, be more effective in correcting children's misbehaviour.

This Chinese workshop is anchored by Mr Chan Hon Shek and his wife, Mdm Lai Fung Ling. Both are popular Family Life Coaches who provide humorous yet honest insights about family life. Regularly featured in the media, both were also the speakers of Marriage Convetion 2008 (Chinese sessions).

Workshop fee is $10/person inclusive of notes and refreshments during the tea-break. To register or enquire, call 6317 9988 next Tue onwards. Can also refer to for more details on this + our other events.

Though this workshop is in Chinese, it won't be the super-chim China lecture type. In fact, I know the Chans always regale with real-life anecdotes which helps me better understand the message they are sharing.

If you have time and able to make child-minding arrangements, come! Your 3hrs will definitely be well invested!
Btw, EmQ -- Welcome to this community!

Any mommy out there sends children to Kinderland @ SP? Am curious as got their flyer in mailbox recently. Found out too there's a child care in SIM - anyone sends their children there? Seems the founder/director pioneered quite a few early childhood programmes -- at least that's what their website says...
Hi kidzkidz,
Thanks for the information, may attend if it is in English cos my Mandarin is not up to standard ... thanks for sharing.
kidz: interesting.. i did DISC during my job interview 4yrs ago..

melody: ryan's better.. but today while watching fireworks in his daddy's ofc, he managed to poo watery poo 4times... all within 30mins. i changed 4diapers... hengz, he decided to stop at the last diaper. i had to borrow a piece frm his daddy's fellow colly. keke

so i told his daddy that our boy having constipation, come your ofc, immed clear his bowels..

i entice my boy with tv.. little ensteins show. then i squeeze medi in syringe in his mouth, he'll blur blur swallow.. haha
medi is good, i muz say. it brings out the phelgm n he spits it out.. together with some milk at times.
Chobeemama: No nesting instinct for me. Maybe too practical liao. Remember I bought only baby cot &amp; about 8 pcs of clothes for 1st born. Friends passed me their hand-me-down clothes &amp; even pram! Then along the way, we bought whatever we needed. Subsequently, we kept most of our 1st born's stuff so 2nd child just used all of those plus more hand-me-downs from my nephew. Now that 3rd comes so soon after the 2nd, s/he will just use whatever there is... hee hee.. Guess the only things we need are new milk bottles &amp; diapers. =D
