Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

welcome chobeemama!

haha pet, as long as she doesnt post 1 time and disappear like so many others
hahaha, pet, nmind I know where she stays, I can give you her add and you can go stalk her

btw, I know her irl but I didn't ask her to come into this forum, she happened to see this forum/ thread today, saw my nick in this thread and asked if it was me and said she was too shy to post, so I said yeah, just say hi la
Morning! I'm so sleepy today.

Hi Pet, I live just a stone's throw away. I think sleek went to visit you once or twice? She met me to pass me something, then said she's going to block 10.

Hi kidz, my first tri was better the second time round (compared to the first baby). But I was still feeling nauseaus and dry heave most of the time. Now, I feel great!

Yeah...I was a bit shy, haha. cos you seem to know one another for so long, although tracking back, this thread only started in Feb! My work is sometimes so free that i spend the whole day surfing the net. haha! I'm kinda counting down till Dec when I deliver, so I guess getting a bit bochap about work as well. :p
Hi Chobeemama,


yeah, a Dec gal is a Dec baby too. When yours is born, mine would be 1 y.o. now planning for her birthday. hmmm....

huh? kindy must register so early one ah? a bit scary leh...
Welcome Chobeemama,
Congratulations on your 2nd baby. My baby's turning 4 months next week and we stay in the same block as Kidz

CSI_Fan, Baby L turning 1 soon? That's a big milestone worth celebrating. What are your plans? Sleek's Baby J just celebrated his 1st Bday too.
chobee: isit? ooh.. u n sleek r frens.. ok then u wun MIA like others.. haha

feb.. hmm it do seems like a long time. from me preg till my boy was born...
congrats on ur 2nd gal.

CSI: wah.. very fast hor.. i dunno when is my boy's turn...
CSI: wah you starting to plan now when L's bday is in dec? hehe!!! almost as scary as registering early for kindy la!

yeah chobeemama, pet's the 1!
Sleek, how did you celebrate J's BD? I have a present for him.

For Chobee, we didn't plan a big bash for her cos she was going through this stranger anxiety phase then, so we figured she won't enjoy her party much if she is scared, and then WE won't enjoy the party either. So, we planned to have a small picnic in Sentosa when she turned one. Woke up at 6am to prepare parma ham-rocket sandwiches and sushi rolls, you know, GOURMET stuff. Then when everything's done, everyone's bathed and about to set off, I cam down with kidney stones and had to be rushed to the emergency room. Sigh... in spite of the best laid plans, we had our picnic in the dining room that day. She still managed to blow out her one candle to our Happy Birthday song.

So busy recently that I almost forgotten this thread! Haha!

Yes, St James is pretty popular. I called 1 month ago to reg for my No 2 for next year, they said full and have to put on waitlist. And mind you, on waitlist got to pay reg fee! Then I asked them, what happen she didnt get a place, then she replied, roll over to next year's reg.

Even Clementiwoods Kindergarten, next to Ginza Plaza, also full for next year. Waitlist too long, so not taking anymore waitlist!!!

So now I'm having headache looking for a school for my girl.
my theory as to why st james allows such an early pre-reg is so they can create more hype that they have a looooooooong waitlist. their school is good if you subscribe to the belief that more worksheets is the best way to learn.
wow, St James must register now when the baby's barely 1? That's crazy...

Mummies, do any of you have spare Dentinox Cradle Cap shampoo for Dana to try? She started having cradle cap 2 weeks ago and seem to be worsening. Rubbed baby oil before bath doesn't seem to help. Thought of buying Dentinox from pharmacy for her to try but dunno if she's suitable. Gave away my 2 bottles of Gerbers shampoo and bath (cost me $13 each!) as she developed allergic reactions. So kinda cautious now. If you have any extra, can let me know? Thanks.
you're so funny ;) but i'm sure there ARE parents who think that more worksheets are better!

not sure if MUST register, but one of my friends did, because her friends said it's a good school so she decided to send her daughter there.
I think I might have...let me go home and check case hb threw away liaoz. Coz Baby L used to have cradle cap too...then used Dentinox, erm, the bits that have already appeared, didn't disappear till she was abt 5 mths...but it didn't worsen either. She was using it since she was 4 mths...yah, it appeared only around then. So after it all disappeared, we stopped using it dunno if hb got give away or throw. Let me check and I'll let you know okie?
hahaha. yah...planning now when birthday is only in Dec. But quite fun think of the possible deco etc...Think we'll just celebrate the 1st birthday in a big way (with cousins, friends etc)...then subsequent years will be a small thing with the grandparents only lah.

forgot to reply to your ealier post. heehee...

Yup, Baby L is turning fast. I kinda miss the times when she's still so small and just eat and sleep only. hahaha. now, she's so active! can't sit still. Hmmm, no concrete plans yet, will probably cater tea reception somewhere. hahaha. haven't even settled on where yet... Think, for kids, tea reception is better. Timing is just nice (afternoon - that's when most kids are more alert and active??), I think...
Flower and CSI,
There was a report on Sunday Times some months ago about the popular kindergartens in Singapore, eg the super ex ones like St James and Pat schoolhouse. It mentioned the waiting lists are long, and the fees are like around $1000 a month, or more(?) if I am not wrong. Holy smoly!!! Better enrol my kids early! Get in the waiting list! Rub shoulders with expats and rich people. Every morning join the queue of BMWs in the driveway! My kids can network with the rich and mighty. Haha...but one is still not born yet. Still unnamed, no IC number. Think cannot register.

Maybe I should do one up and volunteer now at Nanyang Primary? RGPS? But I am too lazy. Better let Chobee run around wild in the house than do worksheets. Build up her motor skills better. Other things can wait. Think I'll just put her in half day childcare in Biopolis when new baby comes.

Chobee has cradle cap also when she was like 3 months. I just used Johnsons baby oil and rub on the scalp before bath. The dry scabby bits get rubbed off. Eventually all will come off. She just had greasy hair for a few days/weeks. I don't think it's an allergic reaction. I also bought this and that lotions and shampoos when she had "pimple" on her face. But in the end, everything cleared up by itself. Don't worry so much. Companies like to cash in on our insecurities.

But one thing I discovered was that the medela nipple cream worked on her "pinply" face. haha... I figured if she can eat it, she can apply it on her face. It's pure lanolin, and kind of whitened her face. Hmmm...
Hi mommies,

Need some advice. I have two items for sale:

1) Strivectin-SD Intensive Concentrate for Exisiting Strech Marks,
6 fl oz (177.4 ml), expires 07/2009

2) activa NT Stretch Mark cream
3.33 fl oz (100 ml), expires 12/2012

Both are unopened gifts from friends. As item (1) is not suitable for pregnancy and nursing, by the time I can use it, it will have expired. I am still using a Clarins oil (also gift from friend! aiyoh!) left over from 1st pregnancy. As I have only one tummy, I'm thinking of selling these items. But dunno how to go about it. I checked that in Singapore (1) is selling for $173 and (2) is selling for $79. Can you confirm? What price should I pitch?

Dunno why...but my friends seem to worry I get stretch marks more than I myself worry. Paiseh to return these gifts as they are not married yet, so can't use it themselves.
hahaha - i'm with you on the running wild part. better they have a childhood than only memories of worksheets! and i don't believe that kids have the ability to network with the rich, that you have to do yourself. kids will only get jealous of what their "friends" have and demand that from you too! so maybe it's better to go to a poor school and be the richest there, wahaha.
maybe you could make the news by registering your unnamed unborn baby! that would be interesting
cradle cap appears ard 3mths? My boy seems to have abit now. not much.. i think i'll adopt the wait & see method...

CSI: paiseh.. delay u so long.. i can only collect the clothes this fri frm my mom's plc.. weekday too difficult to go over Bt. P
HC: My son confirm cannot make it to rub shoulders with your daughter as he is neither rich or famous!!! *cry* But (I think) he's very cute le, can or not??? :p

Iso: good idea, be the richest kid at a normal school (not the smartest? lol)! hahaha...
My daughter not rich or famous. That's why must go and rub shoulders of those who are. Your son's very cute lah. Pass the cute test already. But they didn't really know how to play with each other yet, let alone rub shoulders.

Yeah good idea. I think I go register my daughter in Ghim Moh Primary School. I think it's the saddest looking primary school around this area. Then people will want to rub shoulders with her. Bwahaha. I must teach her to eye her classmates up and down.
you guys are funny

any mummies here want some sample pack/tin of Enfagrow or Promil for 6-12 months? i got it from a friend, but i'm sticking to similac.
my son not slping well... 2am disturb me... every hr interval. *panda now... he's been crying the whole nite.. maybe i pantang, but anything gotta do wif 7th mth?

since morning, nap ard 30mins only.. then play 2hrs.. i juz cooking my lunch now...

Do u know what is 'tan xiang' ... i lighted one if my bb kept crying the nite and don;t sleep well.
I also put a string of Buddha beads in the my bb's room yday (my 2nd bb keep making alot of noise last nite) but DO NOT touch it when yr 'auntie' is here hor.
Just my 2cts worth experience
Pet, it could be due to teething. It could be making ryan uncomfortable, that he wakes up every now and then. For the past 1 mth, I've been waking up every 2 - 3 hrs every night, when she used to sleep for 6 hrs straight!

I pin a medalion (you've seen it on my gal before...) on her clothes, and I also hang a rosary on her cot. If that will make you feel more at ease, you can get a medalion too. I pin it on the back of her shirt, coz otherwise, she'll pull up her shirt and put the medalion in her mouth. hahaha...
i have medalion.. i'll buy the wrist rosary tmr to hang on his wrist. cause he co-slp. no place to hang rosary.
ya, maybe teething. i sensitive, maybe.
hmmm...hang in your room or put near your bed? Last time, my room have nowhere to hang rosary. My brother very cute. He'd hang it on the light switch...coz light switch is those square sticking out from the he'll hang it there. hahaha.

Hanging the wrist one...just careful he dun accidentally cut his mouth with the crucifix. It can be sharp. I mean, it's 3 edges of the cross that sticks out...dun think the beads will come off that easily...but still must be careful.
i'm going to my mum's place this afternoon and ask her for any spare rosaries to hang and medalions to pin on my boy! *yay*
Sori ladies,

isn't hanging the rosaries a better option?!
Imagine pinning a medalion on yrself on the back when u need to sleep ... hmmm ...
Anyway, don't encouraging pining on their back or front since this is the crucial period for the bone formation and structuring
true hor... ok.. i'll hang on light switch
anyway tats the entrance... hehe

joo, i usually pin on cloth at diaper area *waist.

Gotta be careful when yr bb start to turn and flip side ways.
For myself, I only put silver bell anklet on them and switch alternate ( from left to right leg) every week
wah, Isobellies...
you are very funny!!! hahahahaha....erm, the medallion is quite small and very flat. and it's on the outside of the to have imprint? hahaha. Must be quite a lot of weight/force to have imprint. even if we do on ourselves, dun think we'll have imprint. So...maybe still need to go for tatoo. hahahahaha...

same same. My mum always ask me "why u pin so near her bum area?" hahaha. oops...
haha, they dunno mah.. diaper can protect.. in case pin accidentally expose..

iso: ya.. imprint... free tattoo... so nxt time 7th mth dun need scared liao... juz slp naked..
just exaggerating a little ;)

you good! in "my" house (ok my ILs house), kids never go naked, not even during the day.
iso: oh, my DH is topless during the day... unless have guests.
my son, erm, occasionally.. eg, he puke milk. then it's abt his bath time, i wun let him wear new shirt. i'll play wif him awhile more then bath him. otherwise i need to wash extra clothes mah.. hehe, lazy mom.
Hi Mommies: Been a while since I last popped in. Had HFMD close shave in my girl's infant care so I had to take time off work. Staying home full-time is exhausting - she only takes one nap instead of two! Think coz less tiring for her with only mommy to play with as compared to whole class of friends.

By the way, her class got one girl (couple M younger) who's a biter, hair puller, pusher. So fierce. Bit my girl before and teachers tell me my girl is not the "jia ja bor" type so will only protest by raising voice.

Anyway has any insights on how to stop a biter so I can share with the teachers so tell the girl's parents when I next see them?
Hi all mummies,
how is everyone?

been a long time since i last checked in..
hope all mummies and dolls are good. ^^

Kidz, mmm.. tricky ah... to deal with kid's fellow classmate plus the parents... maybe you can put it positively "remind" the child that she must "sayang" and love and be gentle with all the kids? The teacher did not feedback to the gal's parents?

Baby audrey kena admitted for massive swelling at the eye, due to some viral infection and the doc spent 35mins just to get the IV inserted in her hand!!! needless to say, she cried thru out that 35mins. freaking lousy doc, we were so pissed... hmph.

good day one and all! ^^
