Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

oohh...ok gals go ahead with ur plans lah.
I'll go get tix for me and hb for 5th Dec. Coz 6th Dec is definitely out for us lah...hehs. I'll try to join u gals for other outings...

ok, if there r more friday supporters then we'll change to friday same time..

chobee: nope. there is another mummy doing bulk purchase.

CSI: friday means u taking leave? if so, then we make it fri.. so can have mini gathering mah..

isobellies: i have.. leapfrog. for me, very worth. cause my boy can sit there while i shower n all.
Me cant make it for the Fri cos my 2nd girl got class. So only can make it Sat only. Let me know you gals decision. Dont bother if it is too troublesome to just buy for me. I'll get from the SISTIC.
Pet, Isobellies, Flower, Sleek: We tried Fridays in previous years... however, since all the sessions are sell-outs anyway, we figure the crowd would be comparable. After all, they can't take in more pax, even if they want to... and there won't be any less, since all seats are sold out by concert date... =D Then since most parents need not take leave, and can have the luxury of shopping in town after the show, we decided on the Sat noon slot.... Don't worry, I'm still getting tics for my gal's childcare... if you wish to join us, just let me know how many tics you.
okay, let's fix it for saturday 12.15pm, pet i'll need 2 tickets for my hb and myself! xie xie

emQ, my rationale was that it'll be more crowded after the event on the weekend too, but nmind la, can always just go home from there!
We can always adjoin at the cafe outside Asian Civilisations Museum after the event. It's always very quiet there. Crowded only if we go to the shopping malls on Sat.
okie ladies, is this correct?

Pet - 2 tics
Flower - 3 tics
Chobee - 2 tics
sleek - 2 tics

All going for 6 Dec, 12.15pm show.

angel: Congrats! Baby Dana won!

Coolmama: preferably by this Fri... cos I want to collate before hubby goes on reservist... afraid no time to surf net after that... dun want to miss out anyone... cos once tics sold out, there's nothing I can do... hee hee..
emq: i already paid deposit to the lady helping me order. so i cant confirm if i need your help..

can u pm me ur no.? so if tat side dun have, then i'll let u noe immediately.
Pet: No problem, just keep your order with the other mummy. I plan to go on the first day but not sure what time I can get there. I'm afraid I may not be able to capture late requests. Don't want to fumble and mess up at the counter.

Other interested mummies: I'll not capture any order unless you confirm with me... just in case you've also placed order with the other mummy & paid your deposits.

Just let me know before the end of the week.
Yup...would definitely be taking leave that day, coz I expect to have things to settle before her 1st party...hehs.
haiz...I'm soooo tired. Baby L has a cold. Her first cold in her life. (ok lah, when she's 8.5 mths...not bad lah. hehs). But she's fussy, cranky, stuffy nose...aiyoh. My arms are aching from carrying her...and the lack of sleep last night. But I'm still at work (hb looking after coz he on sch holidays). Why am I at work? I shd be at home...right? But I got tons to do at work...haiz...
CSI: wah, do take care of yourself too! 1st time baby L has a cold, very good track record le
Hope she gets well quickly yah!
Angel: Congratz on Dana's win. Sincere apologies I didnt' manage to get around to voting. Do ensure there is a next time so I can support

Mommies: Wondering if anyone has the Dunstan Baby Language DVD to lend me? Understand it's quite interesting.
haiz.. so wasted. there goes my hope for my boy's CDC account...
how come aug-dec mummies have it? i tot frm jan 09 onwards.. so sad..
Pet, kidz, sleek...
thanks for the well wishes. Last night she was cranky again. Aiyoh...but oh well, it's part and parcel of life. Each cold is one step towards better the body builds up antibodies of its own...I'm thinking, colds will just disappear on its own, right?...but think I'll still bring her to PD later.

The gahmen backdated the start of the enhanced Parenthood Package to 17 Aug 08.
Pet: Thanks for getting the tix for me!

Why are you sad that mummies from Aug-Dec should have the enhanced benefits? You should be happy for them. For me at least!

My baby is due on 25 Dec. On 18 Dec I was quite happy to hear of the extra maternity leave. Then on 20 Dec, all were dashed with the press release. The thought of delaying my induction to 1st Jan if baby is overdue even crossed my mind, seeing I am so close to the starting date. Well, I am elated again with last night's news. It's not just the money, cos anyway mine is second child so not much difference. But I really appreciate the extra weeks of maternity leave, to spend more time with my two babies.

I just thought that the initial 1st Jan date was set too arbitrarily. It will cause undue stress for late Dec and early Jan mums. Imagine planned Dec C-sections will be re-scheduled to Jan, and hospital will be overcrowded! But now it's backdated to 17 Aug, the day it's being announced, it's more fair. Or else it should be brought forward to 9 months from now.
oh dear, poor thing! hope she gets better

maternity benefits
i know some mummies from other threads are even petitioning for CDAs for their babies who are already born, but honestly, the new incentives are precisely that - incentives, for people to have more babies (although i don't entirely agree with these kind of incentives), so there isn't really a reason for them to extend it to babies who have already been born, or babies who have already been conceived. everyone is talking about whether it's "fair", but i'm sure it wasn't "fair" to those who had 2 months maternity leave instead of 3 before they changed the rules, right?
but chobeemama, good that it applies to you!! if it didn't though, i don't think undue stress would be reason enough to change the dates - lots of people already give themselves undue stress over things like auspicious dates to induce babies, haha :p
Isobellies: Nah...even if it's not backdated, I won't stress about it enough to go petition for it. It's good to have if I am eligible. Otherwise too bad then, and try to give birth to another one lor in the future. But seriously, I don't think dangling money will really up the birth rates much. Everyone is so stressed up with inflation and overtime at work, worry about job security, too tired to have sex, let alone procreate. The extra maternity leave is good for people working in understanding companies. But not everyone will get to enjoy full 4 months lor. My sis-in-law had to cut short hers to two months cos there is simply no one to look after her portfolio while on maternity leave.

But nevertheless, it's good to have extra cash at hand, and extra time off too.
chobee: happy for the aug-dec mummies.. but sad tat my boy lugi on the cda monies.. $6k alot leh.. same age, different lives.. haiz...

tats y i tot jan 09, nvm. cause all same yr babies dun have also..

isobellies: i also tot of that. they shld give frm 9mths onwards. means to conceive frm 17th aug...
haiz.. nvm bah. try nxt one.. if i have enuff $$ to support him/her.
oh well maybe for our next ones there will be even more incentives? ;)

yaaa agreed! altho more money is always welcome, i think the kind of people who will be incentivised to have babies due to the $ is the kind of people i might not really want to have too many babies, if you know what i mean ;)

did you all read joni ong's interview earlier this week in the ST? she has 5 kids, i thought her views on the incentives and on having children were very interesting.
Mommies: Anybody has the Dunstan Baby Language DVD? I'm keen to watch it and find out more for work-related research.

Sleek: Tx. I am aware of what age group Dunstan BL applies to
. It's definitely not to understand my girl better - she's able to communicate >40 words (or sounds like!) so we have little challenge understanding her. She's truly a happy baby (even when ill) and we're extremely blessed to have her!
Mommies: I just received the Huggies play tent today and realised it's really worth the time spent collecting the 6 barcodes. It's quite roomy (our family of 3 can sit in it comfortably) and has two sides that are made of mesh for easy viewing of what the child's doing inside. My girl's already moved her stuffed toys inside and was playing pee-a-boo too. I understand the redemption exercise's on till Sep so any mommy who's interested do note.
Hi kidz, did you asked for it to be delivered? I can't seem to get them on the phone. Was near the area the last time, but no one picked up the phone for the whole afternoon! Considering whether it is even worth the effort to try to collect... hee hee..
hi ondine! :D
twins, wow! how old are they now?

i'm SAHM/PT (helping my hubby), with a 7 month old boy who is (thankfully) taking a nap now. staying at crementi.
Maybee Baby,
I'm on 6th ave itself, near the holland junction so yes, near Jelita. Where do you live?

My twins are 14 month old. Boy girl twins. Totally naughty but I love them to bits.

At work now and extremely sleepy!
welcome ondine! you're the mum from 'dont put all your diapers into 1 diaper bag", I occasionally pop by to read
my son has the same name as your daughter!
hi Ondine,
wow, what a of my fren's bro also has a set of boy gal twins. I think it's so rare.
And the twins are abt ur babies age...not sure if the bro's family is staying at 6th Ave, but my fren's parents are staying at 6th Ave....hmmm...same person? fren has a daughter.
ondine: hihi, near my plc..
holland v...

sleek: wat diaper thingy? i kpo lah. wanna read also...
i sick le.. i think kenna drenched juz now. haiz.. reached home, immed rain. sianz. luckily my boy nv kenna.
It's Ondine's blog.

My hat's off to you...I have only 1 gal (born 6 mths after ur twins) and I have absolutely no time to blog anymore...

and after reading ur blog, hehs...yup...I do know ur BIL and his wife (ur hb's bro). What a small world...hehs...(oh, how do I know it's the same person just from reading ur blog? Well, ur BIL posts pics of the kids on his Facebook, so I recognise your kids).
It's Ondine's blog.

My hat's off to you...I have only 1 gal (born 6 mths after ur twins) and I have absolutely no time to blog anymore...

and after reading ur blog, hehs...yup...I do know ur BIL and his wife (ur hb's bro). What a small world...hehs...(oh, how do I know it's the same person just from reading ur blog? Well, ur BIL posts pics of the kids on his Facebook, so I recognise your kids).
Hi Ondine,
Welcome! I live in Holland Close, near Petrina, also quite near you. My daughter is going to 17 months now, a very fun age. Wow, with twins you must be having a handful.

What's your blog address if you care to share?
Ondine: Welcome! You are very blessed. I prayed for twins when I was pregnant -- wanted to get it over and done with
. You planning more?

EmQ: Yeah, I sent in with $5 cheque for delivery. They actually wrap in waterproofed paper and send out via registered mail -- not courier (I had assumed so but $5 too cheap...)
They took about 2-3 weeks to process my claim though. But it's worth the wait coz my girl romping in and out of the tent non-stop and calling it "house".

Flower/Pet/Sleek: How did the outing go? I just managed to clear emails and saw that it was this AM.
yup, ondine.. i also wanna c. keke

both u n chobee working rite? means we seldom have a chance to meet. sigh..

kidz: as usual for us...
Flower/Pet/Sleek: Huh? You guys have outing ah? Why didn't ask me leh? If it's in Holland V I can make it during lunch time cos I work nearby! Next time ask me okie?

Ondine: I went to google your name. Kaypoh... write very well. you must be an English teacher?
HC: we went to fidgets from 10am-noon, you can make it? I told you before that we have never met at lunch time, not that we dont want to ask you along okay.

petrina: if you so easily get sick from being rained on means you were already harboring the virus/ bacteria just that your immune system was fighting it off w/o symptoms. take care ah.

kidz: it went as usual; mummies chatting, babies eating, playing
Sleek, haha....ok lah. I know you will call me. Maybe gotta wait till I am on maternity leave from Dec onwards.

Yeah these days it rains everyday! Pet, and everyone, take care!
