Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

hi pet,
wow, so you guys had good view of the fireworks yeah? wonderful.. hope both u and baby ryan are better already...

Hi emq and chobee,my nesting instinct slightly different. i was up everyday cleaning different parts of the house. giving my house a total spring clean... dare not think of no. 3 man, spore living stds really high high high... paies get cut 10 year ago due to crisis, now 10 years later, pay only increase marginally but cost of living raised more than 40%!!! and here we are facing another run of global financial crisis... sigh...

this workshop sounds interesting but can we bring our kids along?

By the way, any of you keen to go the SSO baby prom together? sounds like fun.. ^^

Hi Pet, are they the wide neck ones or the normal ones? Actually I really don't mind.. hee hee.. will see how to pick up from you. Thanks!
Hi Coolmama, money never enough... hee hee... we just make do la... work within our means lor... actually hubby & I very thankful we have enough for our basic needs. We don't go for much luxuries or ostentatious stuffs... some indulgence once in a blue moon... other than that, can save, save lor..

Then now with MIL & FIL moving in with us, expenses also go up. #1 going P1, #2 going childcare, #3 arriving... just stretch stretch stretch la... we thank God we are managing fine. Never felt deprived... so long as we have enough for basic and some left to share with the less fortunate, we are happy la.
hey EmQ
i got some used pigeon bottles, but i heard at the taka fair you can exchange them for new bottles and only pay 50% of the list price!
if you want any pigeon bottles, let me know which size you want? i try to exchange for you and then you can get it for 50%! i use avent now so the pigeon no use to me, but was thinking of trying to see if i can exchange for other things or the magmag cup.
other than that i got 1 BN pigeon 240ml glass bottle
Hi Isobellies,
Thanks for the offer... actually I use Avent too... been using that since my 1st child. I don't mind pass-ons if they are still usable la... but if I were to buy, would probably go for Avent again. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

BTW mummies... my 1 yr old is still using the 4oz baby bottle! She hasn't gone beyond 4oz at a time! Is that normal? My 1st born was using the big bottle since few mths old.

Also, I wonder if I can let new baby use 2nd sis' old bottle, then buy big bottle for 2nd gal... can I do that? I mean siblings what, then wash & sterilise clean liao right? Hmm...
Hi emq,
i am not too sure about bottles, but for your no.3, i think it will be nice to get him/her a new bottle at least.
i am sure your no.2 bottels can use also so long they are well maintained, i guess?
emQ: haha ok! i think avent is really the best. now dunno what to do w my pigeon ones...

that's a good question about the bottles. wonder if plastic "breaks down" after a certain period of time?
Iso: Plastic does break down after a certain time depending on whether you use it intensely (heating, brushing) or not. You should get new ones if it appears blurry/changed colour. Chemicals like bisphenol-A (there was a scare some time ago about plastic bottles or plastic anything) do leach out if the plastic been repeated heated or scratched (larger surface area).

Pet: Yeah, your Graves diesease is hyper, the exact opposite of mine. I think they usually treat it by killing off the thyroid cells and putting the patient on thyroxine. Not really a good way to treat but there is no cure in Western medicine. Maybe you can try TCM? But must see whether it's ok for BF.

Coolmama: your nesting instinct is really interesting. haha!
Coolmama: We're not able to provide child-minding for this Sat's DISC Parenting Wkshp. However, we are okay if parents really need to bring kids. Just request that they bring the little ones out of the venue when they start fussing.

Pet: So what was your DISC profile 4yrs ago? You should consider doing it again because changes in circumstances can lead to new results during temperament assessments e.g. after starting new job, getting promoted/married, becoming parent. New scope of responsibilities can lead to "new" strengths coming up or other characteristics mellowing...

EmQ: I agree with Coolmama that it may be better to give new baby new bottles. Also as Chobeemama mentioned, plastic does break down over time. Btw, though your no. 2 only drinks 4oz. each time, is she drinking more feeds than the older one?

I'm so successful at breastfeeding that my girl refused to drink formula till this past mth (she's 18M now). I keep taking different brands from PD to try and she refused. I passed to her teachers and they said she refused it from the bottle so they had to mix it into oatmeal -- even then she did eat apprehensively. Thank God that in the past month she started to drink it out of a cup then proceeded to bottle. I think currently I gave her Friso to try. So after the success in sch I tried making a (sippy) cup each day for her and she generally will sip abt 80ml first, entertain herself for a while then come back and finish the other half. At home I had Promil Gold and so far she's been ok with it. But just finished that pack of sample (they give small packet only!) so wondering if I should open up the tin of Gain IQ next for her to try.

Though she only started taking to formula, she had been readily eating Kraft Singles and drinking fresh milk. I do notice though that ever since she started accepting formula, her weight's gone up. Wonder if the amt of fats in formula's really that much
On second thoughts, let me know how many mommies are interested in coming but need to bring your children (those 3YO and above). I'll see if I can arrange for my group of child-minding vltrs to come and help. They are people who serve in areas like Sunday schools or special needs ed so they're very good at handling children. Need to know any indication by Tuesday morning so I can discuss with my boss to make arrangements. Those with children below 3YO, you just have to bring child out of room when the fussing starts.

Just to share: A while ago I encountered a mother of a kindergarten aged boy. She suspected her son was getting insecure. He's always been living with his maternal grandma and his parents only brings him home for the weekend. She suspects so as after he's been naughty or makes mistakes, he'd tell the parents he's terribly sorry and ask if they'll still love him. He even asks why he's sent out of "Yishun" (parents home). I asked the lady why she makes such child-minding arrangements and she says she wants her sleep. She justified that she visits her son each evening after work but by the time she reaches the place, it's about an hr before his bedtime. I calculated that it means he only sees her abt 1hr out of the 14hrs he's awake. I asked if she and her hubby talked about a 2nd one and she said now with the problems she sees in her 1st, she's not keen at all. Inside me I'm thinking "problems are only there because you caused them!".

I'm already juggling work like mad on my PT schedule just so my princess stay in infant care more than 7hrs each day and here is someone who chooses sleep over taking care of her own flesh and blood! I think it's poor thing enough to see other infants in my girl's class there from early morning till late evening (I admit, sometimes I have to pick her up later than usual!

Makes me so fed-up with such people -- why bother becoming parents in the 1st place when they end up doing more harm to the child. Like the one who rubs chilli on children's mouths and eyes. These people think their children will forget all these incidents as they grow up? And these are the so-called educated parents!
kidz: you're up late. to alot of parents, having a child is just an obligation, to others it is a status symbol; unfortunately this is the sad fact of life in our ever-growing materialistic, selfish, microwave society.

pet: good to hear that ryan was willing to drink from that bottle, is he still ok with it or started rejecting it? I went to the fair as well on sunday, bought a wooden activity center, didn't plan to go but happened to be there so just go look see, so crowded but luckily their cashiers are pretty efficient!

melody ah, so hard to get in touch with you, must I call you before I can get a reply from you?
i wish i could have 6hrs and gao-dim already, think i need like 9, so i'm perpetually sleepy

kidz: thanks for sharing that story.. i'm sure there are q a lot of similar cases, i know one of 3 kids who only go home on the weekends (maid included!). but i guess everyone has different priorities and ways of doing things? and v often it's easier for outsiders to see things clearer than the parties involved. sad hor...
Hello ...

Pet, wah 4times in 30mins - that's alot leh ....

Sleek, sorry ah ... I'm always rushing here n there + I started Tue/ Thur (Mandarin playgroup) & Fri (Jpn playgroup) for my boy ... hee .. rather bring him out to mix with other kids than let him stay home (boring)! hee ... also, we r always rushing out somewhere ... library, groceries, shopping, swimming, etc ... hee ... so i calculated, we are only home once a week!! n when we are home, no rest time either cos I have to mind son s helper has to quickly do all the housework, cook... :p paiseh ah... i call u lah... :p
Kidz: #2 does drink more frequently in the sense that she still feed every 2-3hrs on wkdays (with grandma who believes in 'feeding=taking good care') & 3-4hrs on wkends (with parents who think toddlers should adjust to normal lifestyle eventually, who eats every 2 hrs?) However, on the whole, she still drinks far lesser than big sis. #1 finishes 1 can every 6-7days. #2 finishes her can in 10-11days! So effectively, she only drinks 3/4 of what #1 did. She does not eat more either. By now, #1 at 6yr old, sometimes eats MORE than me! But strangely quite slim lor... abt 120cm & 20kg.
Dana is so pretty....

btw, do u still need the dentinox? I can drop it off at ur place, coz it's now at my parents' place (which is somewhere behind the mosque opposite ur block). I'm there everyday to pick up my gal...
Good morning Mummies!

Dear CSI_Fan, thanks for your vote! You can submit your Princess L's photo taken by David too, am sure would be very popular! Yes, still need the dentinox but no time to pick it up. Would be good if we can meet.
EmQ: With the two's appetite being so different, I can see why you are concerned. But has any Dr mentioned anything to observe? If not then needn't worry so much. Your no. 1 may just have a high metabolic rate. Better than getting too chubby and then have difficulty losing the baby fat later in life -- like me
Kidz: #2's PD says never mind, she's healthy... #1 is slim now but used to be very chubby between 2-3yrs old. Gradually lost her fats about 3+ to 4... now still eat alot, her teacher says she always finishes the food in class, sometimes asking for more... and when she's absent, the class gets scolded by the cook cos they couldn't finish their class lunch... hee hee..
EmQ: your #1 sounds like me. early primary school i even kana sent to the nurse to check cos i was so skinny, but my mum was "insulted" cos she feed me a lot but pple think i dun eat :p
and just in case this happens to your girl also, in late pri school got a lot of kids always say i undernourished, but later in life they were all eating their words, heh heh..
Isobellies: Kekeke... that's true... but #1 very confident one lor... so much, we think she's full of herself... hee hee.. when we tell her not to eat so much, 'wait grow fat' she'll reply that she eat alot still skinny.. but I'm quite lucky in the sense that everyone knows she eats a lot... so I never get that 'you never feed her ah' look or question at family gatherings.. =D
hi ladies, i'm back after being MIA for 2days... keke
miss me?
sleek: early discharge.. cause it's scary being there. since nothing is gonna be done, i might as well rest at home.

melody: i think my boy is recovering. so his constipation is being released slowly..

emq: mine is normal nuk. pigeon wide neck.

chobee: i din really bother abt it. i leave it alone.. surprisingly when i tested in 2004, it auto disappear.. weird.

i nv get enuff.. my boy still need his 2-3hrly drink at nite.. being more cranky b4 & after nite feeds.
i gotta change diaper latest by 6am. otherwise will overflow. i think he drinks too much?
haiz... panda will nv leave my face.. i think.

having baby
yup.. i put my boy above anything else. incl my hb.. keke

afterall, the 10mth blood bond is indisputable..
r you ladies going?

Breastfeeding Mothers Support Groups (BMSG)synchronisedbreastfeeding session

This session hopes to gather as many mothers as possible to break last year’s synchronised breastfeeding record of 171mothers. The event includes talks by lactation experts and games booths for children.

Date: Saturday

Time: 12.30pm to 4pm

Venue: National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre, The Giving Place, 6 Eu Tong Sen Street,#04-88 The Central

Fee/Registration: $10 per adult. Registration required. Log on
hey! sounds like a cool idea. lets go together! keke...

Pet, you admitted ah? what happen? hope you are better already... never mind, can ask hubby to sponsor for your facial sessions!
wah.. won't your hubby be jealous?!

totally agree with you... anyway, tat's what our gov preach and trying to program the idea into us. In Spore, the government needs every able being to work and contribute to the economy but also need babies. but after you have babies, you outsource to childcare, to nannies, so that you can work and work, and at the same time ask you to have more babies, more outsource and work and work. very mechanical...

Hi angel,
Voted liao... dana so big le!!! things are better, at least on my end.. prayer helps... ^^
flower: i getting tix for the baby prom frm a lady in the forum.. u wan? which day n time, u let me noe.

coolmama: ya. better already. tummy prob.. hb wan sponsor.. i no time to go.. i gotta wait till my boy's feeding time is longer interval.

he's already jealous... haha.. over it already..
Isobellies: Check out the SSO website

Babies Proms

Fri, 5 Dec 08 - Sat, 6 Dec 08
10:30am & 12:15pm, Victoria Concert Hall


Peter Moore conductor/presenter

Repertoire/ Programme:



Uncle Peter returns with another fun-filled musical experience for the
little ones. There's simply no better way to kick start a love for the

Suitable for children 6 years and below. Tickets required for children 2
years and above.
Each concert lasts one hour.

Brought #1 for a few sessions liao. #2 went last year at about 6mths, she was already bouncing to the music. Can imagine her excitment this year.

Thanks!!! i checked it out already, will wait till sept for tickets to go on sale. bb will be 9 months by dec, so i think he should be good to go!
Pet: Are the tickets cheaper through your contact? I don't mind bringing my girl - she's very good and diaper-bobbing and now also will throw in a bit of "Stevie Wonder" kind of head and hands waving when she hears music
Oh I'd like to go too! Chobee really takes to music. She'll shake her bon bon whenever there's a song on TV. Even songs in "Don't forget your lyrics" or commercials. Do I get tickets from SISTIC?
Shall we go together? Pet, can you buy tickets for me too, if you're getting from the lady? Two adult tickets please. Chobee is still under 2 so no need. Thanks!
dear all, i need to know the date and time you prefer. currently my own slot is 6th dec, saturday noon time.
preference for convenience sake to fix all on the same time n date.
i'll know if i get the tickets by sept 2nd.

kidz: the tix r purchased by a SSO member. so the price is standard for SSO member. no particular discount.

chobee: noted..
Mummies, actually I'm organising a trip for my gal's childcare to Babies Prom for the 12.15pm show on 6 Dec. Am hoping to get 10% off the ticket price. If you are interested in this particular show slot as well, I don't mind helping you get the tickets. However, as I am a FTWM, would appreciate if you either self collect tickets from my home or by mail (would appreciate a token of $1 per order for handling mail deliveries).
Cat 1 - $24 less 10% + $1 sistic charge (nearer stage)
Cat 2 - $19 less 10% + $1 sistic charge (further from stage)

Tickets needed for everyone above 2yrs old (parents or child) Below 2 sits on parent's lap.
Isobellies: If you are looking at 1 or 2 tickets, we were still able to get at later stage. However, anything more, would be difficult. Unless you don't mind sitting apart. That's why I've been getting bulk tickets for my gal's school. Last year, I took a cab down to VCH to get it but happy to secure seats near the stage for all my tickets. This year, I plan to do the same... am considering taking MRT but don't fancy office crowd with my pregnancy...
price is same.. for SSO members.

Emq: when will u be buying them? if my side no tix, then u buy? cause seems that my contact is buying in super big bulk. abt 100pcs.. mixture of cat 1 & 2.

current orders
Petrina - 2
Flower - 3
Chobee - 2

Date/Time: 12.15pm Sat, 6th Dec
Alternative Time: 10.30am Sat, 6th Dec

Pet: Alternative time is ok with me too. As long as it's Sat. And I don't mind either category. Chobee can't sit still for one hour anyway.
CSI: oh. ya hor.. 8th dec.. maybe u choose wkday? 6th dec is the last show. not sure they'll extend or not though..

chobee: cat 2 abit far. i saw the website.. i was thinking, younger babies cant c anything, they'll fidget alot.
Pet, Flower, Chobee: I'll only go for 12.15pm show on 6 Dec (make life easier la)... also more difficult to select seats etc if diff show slots. Then difficult to check with the parents from my gal's school about changing date/ time. Will just stick to it. Am planning to go on the 1st, if nothing crops up. Last year I went at the end of the 1st week, seats were still very good. Hopefully this year can secure good seats too. All of you going for Cat 1? BTW, kids not expected to sit still. Also, parents, please don't expect the usual SSO concert... this will be one very noise rowdy SSO concernt... hee hee... but kids will enjoy for sure...
Isobellies: Good question le... I can't seem to remember the reason now... if I'm not wrong, sistic does not handle priority booking for SSO (they only handle sistic priority, not others)... so still need to go down to SSO. I tried calling sistic, they have absolutely no information... even SSO officer couldn't confirm price & priority discount... she could only say most likely similar to previous years... so the 10% is based on previous years... secali no discount also dunno... but as long as can secure good seats for everyone, I don't mind making the trip down. After all my gals & nephew enjoy the concert too.
Pet: Are you asking EmQ to buy the tickets for us?

I don't mind Cat 1 or 2. I think my girl will prob want to go walk to the front, or I will be in and out of the hall most of the time, cos the kids are all young. Don't think I'll get to sit in my category for long anyway.
yah...think there's only 5th Dec and 6th Dec. Maybe I go buy tix for the 5th Dec a run up to her party for her. hahaha.

so, kids below 2 yrs old, no need tickets? but parents need tickets...? is my understanding correct?

csi: yeah correct. personally, I would prefer to go for the fri session too, as hopefully it won't be as crowded as the weekend sessions. but see what everyone says
