Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

Forgot to ask about Potty Training -- any tips when's good age to start? How many training pants to standby? Wondering whether to buy them now. I already standby a potty and just received one too... Has this been discussed before? Sorry, only these few days got time to check back in. Next week will be madness again tho...

for me i start my gal abou 2yr old.e 1st got a few accident but by e age 3 she can tell she wan urine already bt nw only nite time wear diaper.going out i only let her wear normal panties
Petrina - planning to get a big cake then? Just to share, we ordered the following butterfly design cake for princess' 1st from ---
Got it as strawberry sponge with fresh cream. Light and nice. The butterflies are coloured milk choc. The flowers are made of fresh cream. It came in a super tall box though (standard size to fit their 3D cakes too). Our nephews fought to get a butterfly each. Think price quite okay as it includes delivery. Anyway, once a year thing so this mom and dad went nutz...
Kidzkidz, went in to the friendster site but cannot any information at all .... says ' profile not available' or something! .....??
Elvis - thanks. So she was wearing diaper pants first? These usually like 3-layered cotton types right? Good enough or you recommend other types?
ya,those 3layer type.jus used a while then she ok wif it.i bought from jshopper spree.nw they got 6-layer type,i think will b better lor as tis 3layer only can hold 1time urine so if a lot its will spill out a bit like leaking bt still can hold e urine in it.

my boy 1st birthday i also order from ecreative.i order a number1 cake.on top there a few toy cars.then i add mango for e filling.its taste nice lor as i order quite a few times from them since my gal was born...
kidzskidz,u wan give e 3-layer a try 1st as i've quite a fews wear by my gal bt in gd condition.if u dun mind lor....
Petrina - Yup, i recall my gynae oso used some spray when i removed the stitches at his clinic, but he nvr try to sell me anything. This Dr Adrian Woodworth is really quite good, cool and calm... Definitely go back to him, if I hve second one. Yr gynae really like wan to make money one.. No offence..

Dun worry abt yr wound area, if there's no swelling or infections. Most of the time, its just natural way of healing..

As for diapers, its really trial and error, dats Y I change frm Petpet to Huggies (for the high cutting on the thighs, cos of my fat-thigh princess) Heehee!! She had those painful looking red marks on her thighs. If Ryan is oso fat on the thighs, u might wanna try Huggies instead of Petpet. Hve fun trial and error, my hb was so confused by my changing so many brands of diapers, that he gave up. Hee!!
i used pampers tonight. realised tat it leaked abit when ryan slp sideways. too loose? but drypers got red marks on his thigh..

btw, do i need to use diaper cream after every change?
petrina- i used desitin after every dipaer change until sidney was 8/9 months old. never a bout of rash. now he's older, i only use it when i remember, which is damn rare, i think. haha.

kidzkidz- the books usually recommend potty training when the kid is 18 mths n above. and with signs of being ready to be toilet trained.
hi ladies

my adopted bb daughter's due anytime this weekend and we're now anxiously waiting for the phonecall...I'll like to join the gathering too. If God willing, next week this time, I'll already be a mummy. Kinda apprehensive, wonder if I can cope. For the gathering, if it's a weekend, I can bring my infant along but wonder if it's convenient? Anyway, I haven't bought any newborn diapers and milk powder. Kidz, I should buy MamyPoko? I also desperately need to buy cot bumper and comforter set but work has been so busy that I can't take off to go shopping...
I'll need all the help and support all you ladies can offer once my adopted bb comes home!
i was saying tat ryan was on routine on sun & mon nite... i tot he already learning to fix timing...
haiz, was i wrong.. last nite was a repeat event of first day @ home...
Slept on my chest the whole nite... made me walk up n down the room frm 2am all the way till 6am...

so tired... after shower, immediately peed on my new diaper.
luckily i was applying rash cream, otherwise my whole body will kenna his pee liao.
had to use his towel to absorb is pee... kenna his own face n body.
so end up re-bath him...
Hello, me nt staying tis area, i do go tat area quite often... Me jus a kaypoh...

Angel, I've seen yr blog, so sorry for yr lost of yr 3 precious babies...

Wish you all the best with yr new baby... you must be really so excited... Sure you will cope well... Keep yr spirits up! Motherhood's nt easy bt its "fun" some how... lol...

U mention abt the leakage right? Yr bb 1 or 2 mths? Wear diaper confirm leak, cos yr bb havent had all his bb fats yet.. Once he's more chubby, there shouldn't be any more leakage... Drypers do cause red marks as it might indicate that the size might be small for yr bb. Drypers' cutting is abit small though...
As for sleepin routine, hopefully when he's older, his sleeping pattern will b more stablise. The sleeping pattern will always change.
hi petrina,bb pee after they bath is normal as my boy also like tat then when they get older about 5-6mth dun had tat problem liao.actually every bb different as my gal always drink every 3hr when she was a bb even during midnite bt my boy was different,all along he drink his milk e latest 1-2am then he will slp till e next morning or even mayb ur next bb will b eaiser take it easy as time really past quite fast....a few mth later ur bb will b crawling & touch tis & tat....another problem cuming....hehe......
hehs...babies..."problems" at every stage. One stage passes, you think 'end of problem' "problem" comes. hahaha. That's life with babies...

That's great news! So happy and excited for you...

the peeling is normal.

diaper rash cream...I apply Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream after every diaper change. So far, no rash. Must put liberally (of course not too much lah. hehs... but not too little that it does not block any moisture).
i use destin creamy... blue tube. ordered frm drugstore.
no rash also. apply whole butt + thigh crack.. very tiring to apply after each change. so i was wondering is it muz apply after every change... or can alternate apply? since i change diaper so frequently...
for me i bought e cream bt end up didn't use it as from bb till nw no rash.i only change e diaper when its wet,i dun follow by hourly...
Hi mummies,
I am one of the mummies involved in the investigation of shirley's case.
She have since refunded a mummy and also apologise for what she have done.
Of cos i hope she will really repent and stop her cheating act. Although most of us are cheated by her, but we have expressed our willingness to forgive her if she is really sincere.
At this point of time, i believe she need alot of support, not in terms on monetary issues but mentally.
I sincerely hope that mummies in this thread will forgive her if she really apologise and sincerely repent.
I can understand that it is not easy to regain the trust anymore but i hope you can give her a chance if she really show that she is sincere.

Thanks to all kind mummies here.

BTW, Angel, Got a pre-loved baby carrier to give u too if u need them. let me knw. thks.
csi- ive used mustela too. its comparable to desitin!

petrina- actually if u clean baby's bottom thorougly, n dry properly before putting on a diaper, plus change frequently, u may apply alternate diaper change. but newborn's skin are usually rather tender (n yummy to bite!haha), so must check loh. i put it after every diaper change initially to play safe.

angel- keeping fingers crossed for the gal who's being bestowed upon u. better start reading up on babycare.

another good book to recommend! child of our time - also a tv series playing on arts central when i was pregnant. found it very insightful abt different stages of babies.
hehs, sometimes i lazy, i dun apply... based on 8 diapers per day, i think i short apply abt 1-2 times.. esp if he cries during change, i wun apply liao cause need to faster carry him up.. no time to slowly apply...

how much is mustela? i bot destin frm drugstore ard $6?
petrina-mustela is abt 10 over i think. but bigger tube than desitin. ur desitin is quite cheap huh? i bought quite abit when sidney was younger, cant recall the price, but 6sgd is cheap!

saw a cloth sling, like little pods but cheaper at parkway yesterday. it was going for 29.90 and can sit bb until 20kg.
Dear Kaylen,Shauna and Phoebe

thanks for your well-wishes. We manage to get the exact EDD of our baby and it'll be 4 April so still 2 weeks to go which is also good as we're only halfway ready in getting all the necessary items! I've started reading up on babycare esp the 2 books recommended here (Secrets of the Bb Whisperer and The Contented Little Bb). Very useful tips esp for newbie mums like me.
Cot will be arriving today. Each new day just draws us closer to the day we can finally meet our 'Princess'...

need your advice. Am now hunting for a diaper bag but don't know which one to buy. I like this Pink Carter design but wonder if it's sufficient for all the diapers, milk bottles, extra clothings etc on an outing, say to Church or granny's house. Any advice? Will this be big enough or should I invest in a bigger, more practical bag? What are the diaper bags you are using and where did you get them? Thanks for sharing.

Hi Angel,

Congratulations, finally yr Darling Princess coming

The Pink diaper bag is nice but a bit small, for long term, suggest that you get a bigger one... You can go to Kiddy Palace to take a look
Keep us posted of yr Darling Princess arrival, cheerios
my diaper bag is any tote bag i can find. when sidney was younger, i had to lug ard more things. so a big waterproof tote which can fit an A4 at least would be good.u cna find really useful n relatively cheap ones at lesportsac, longchamp,naraya..dun have to get special diaper bags like allerhand or carters, i think the not so special diaper bag goes easier with outfits. ")

i would then separate the nappies, wet wipes, changing mat into one ziploc (sorry, not funky mom with diaper clutches..keke), n bibs, cloth nappies, extra set of clothing n socks in another. sling bags are also good investments, so u can just carry bb n dip ur hand into the bag to reach for things.

anyway, so who's looking after bb when the stork arrives?
Hi Ladies,

Can I join in the thread? I'm a SAHM of 3 children, 4 yrs old, 18 months and 3 months old. Staying in Clementi, Regent Park.

If you gals are planning for a gathering, pls count me in and if you thinking of venue, can come over my plc and children can swim here too. But would prefer weekdays.

Angel, congrats on bb coming!
hi angel, congrats on the news of your darling girl. For diaper bag, personally I only used my skiphop dash ( for a couple of times in the very early mths with my son. Perhaps cos I dont have to bring bottles/ FM when going out, so like shauna, I ended up using my own handbags to stash some diapers, a change of clothes and some simple toys when going out with him.
But I think even if I was using FM, I am not the type to carry a big diaper bag whenever I go out, cos I am too lazy to carry so many things, heehee. So it really depends on how much you want to carry and bring with you when you go out, maybe you can just use a normal backpack you already have for the first few outings then assess if you really need a diaper bag then.
welcome flower!!

Have edited the table slightly to indicate if there are regular postings from mums or not, perhaps to gradually filter the list so it wont be as confusing especially when organising gatherings in future.

<table border=1><tr><td>Shirley</TD><TD>Blk 4, Dover Road</TD><TD>7&amp;6 yo boys and 3mo girl</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Blk 18 Dover Crescent</TD><TD>boy born on 6mar, congrats!</TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori </TD><TD>Blk 18 Dover Crescent</TD><TD>EDD Apr 18</TD><TD>WM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Melody05 </TD><TD>6 Dover Rise</TD><TD>22mo boy</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>gecko</TD><TD>8 dover rise</TD><TD>2yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>angelsky</TD><TD>10 dover rise</TD><TD>1mo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaime</TD><TD>Blk 348, Clementi Ave 5</TD><TD>7mo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jolyan </TD><TD>Blk 436, Clementi Ave 3</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleek</TD><TD>clementi</TD><TD>8mo boy</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Flower</TD><TD>Clementi, regent park</TD><TD>4yo, 18m &amp; 3mo kids</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cecilia </TD><TD>Blk 358 Clementi Avenue 2</TD><TD>2yo girl</TD><TD>WM</TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>myfairlady</TD><TD>clementi ave 4</TD><TD>girl &amp; boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>2pregnant</TD><TD>Clementi Ave 6</TD><TD>7yo &amp; 8mo boys</TD><TD></TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>darling</TD><TD>clementi ave 2</TD><TD>EDD Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adelineyl</TD><TD>Blk 364 Clementi ave 2</TD><TD>7mo</TD><TD>WM</TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>CSI fan</TD><TD>Blk 356 Clementi Ave 2</TD><TD>2mo girl</TD><TD>WM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>dingdong</TD><TD>Blk 334 Clementi Ave 2.</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>kidzskidz </TD><TD>Blk 413 Commonwealth Ave West</TD><TD>1yo girl</TD><TD>WM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>angel</TD><TD>Blk 413 Commonwealth Ave West</TD><TD>waiting to adopt a lovely girl
</TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elvis</TD><TD>commonwealth drive</TD><TD>3+yo girl &amp; 1+yo boy</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shauna</TD><TD>west coast</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Grace</TD><TD>West Coast</TD><TD>19mo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>bernice</TD><TD>Holland</TD><TD>4yo &amp; 14mo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>??? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Petrina </TD><TD>blk 10 holland ave</TD><TD>boy born on 10mar, congrats!</TD><TD>WM</TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hapi Melodius</TD><TD>Blk 73A Redhill Road</TD><TD>5yo boy and pair of 2yo twins</TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD>CharmMama</TD><TD>Sengkang, honorary member
</TD><TD>8mo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>active </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
i got e pigeon diaper bag. messenger sling type.
got thermal compartment. suits u, angel. go n find, metro/taka sells. ard $50.
sleek- as time passes, we just try to cut out the things rite? haha. i din use to drive so i had to lug so much junk n carry bb n take bus. now i just dump the 'extras' in the car. so how's ur boy?
Hi mummies,
Shirley posted a apology letter to all mummies,
the letter as below:

Dear Phoebe,

Please accept my most sincere apology for my behavior. I have thought long and hard about what happened and I realize how very upset/angry all mummies must have been. Words cannot express how truly sorry I am for the anxiety, frustration and inconvenience that I have caused.

I am really sorry for creating the situation. I admit that I was in the wrong and can only say how sorry I am. I can promise you that this will never happen again and hope that you will give me the opportunity to prove this to you. As I look back now, I don't really understand what my motivation was. Being mudded was definitely wasn't part of my plans.

I hurt a lot of people during that time period. Many of whom I could have called 'friends'. At that time, at the very least, I did everything possible to avoid contact with 'those' people. I look back on what I was doing and reflect on how shameful and hurtful I was to a group of people that only wanted to help me.

My life was moving forward as planned or at least I thought it was. I was very arrogant and thought I was invincible. I was beginning to make critical errors of judgment however. I was even pushing both my friends and family away. I thought I didn't need them. What was actually happening is that I was isolating myself.

I understand that it might be difficult for all mummies to accept my apology but hope that this letter will help. I need help to get the contacts of all the owner of the money I have owe asap [Hopefully by this week] to apologies in person and hope that they will be able to give me another chance. So I need someone to help me as mummy “Emily” is not willing to help me anymore.

This is my confession. This is my apology. I'm not looking for forgiveness as I haven't forgiven myself and I believe there is none I deserve. There isn't a day I do not reflect on my past and how much of a shit I was. If I could go back in time, so much would be different. I know I can't.

Please kindly help me post this apology letter to the thread. At least I can apologies to some mummy which intend to help.

Yours Sincerely,

We still dunno how true her current story is and how sincere she may be but will be awaiting for her reply in the thread. She have yet to come clean over certain issues so do keep in view in the thread. Thanks
i realised y ryan so cranky liao...too forceful letdown...

* Gag, choke, strangle, gulp, gasp, cough while nursing as though the milk is coming too fast
* Pull off the breast often while nursing
* Clamp down on the nipple at let-down to slow the flow of milk
* Make a clicking sound when nursing
* Spit up very often and/or tend to be very gassy

There r 2 ways to go about remedying a forceful let-down: (1) help baby deal with the fast flow and (2) take measures to adjust your milk supply down to baby's needs.

Since forceful let-down is generally a byproduct of oversupply, we will have to work on both of these things. It may take a couple of weeks to see results from interventions for oversupply, so try to be patient and keep working on it.

my boy is developing eyebags?
shauna: hee, I started bringing along minimal items when out with my son a long time ago since have to take public transport. He's doing well, got over the cold by himself with me using a seawater nasal spray to cleanse his stuffy nose and an antihistamine, Adezio that we already had at home from the doc. Luckily didnt have to bring him to the doc yet again. Thank for asking
u all can come over liao... i m rather bored at home.. other than feeding like a cow n insufficient slping...

juz let me noe early b4 hand.
Hi mummies,

Just realized my status has become ???.

Thought I'd let you guys know that sometimes I still read this thread, though not every posting.

Would love to join if there's any gathering.

Take good care in the meantime.
bernice: nice to know u're still ard... i think wat sleek is trying to do is to consolidate the active chatting ones.. tats all. in case anyone wans to ask qns... cause if u too long nv post, we may tot u MIA...
no offense..
petrina- sidney is a little under the weather lately too so i cant take him anywhere. esp not to ur place where a newborn is. he's gonna sneeze in ryan's face, given his eagerness with fella children.

sleek- good to hear he's gotten over a cold. horrid when the little ones are not in their best form. sidney would lie on the floor, bang his fists n kick ard outta blue. terribly cranky. but thank goodness,eating n sleeping well.
shauna: no probs.. u can come when sidney is fine...
hehs. i'll be worried also if he's sick n sneeze in ryan's face..
if cannot make it, then we shall meet at ryan's full mth celebration.

location: hillside condo
date: 6th apr
time: 12noon - 3pm

bernice, thank you for speaking up. petrina has explained the reason for what I have done with the table, pls dont get offended or stop coming to this thread. If you have the time, do join in our chit chat, dont be shy

shauna: oh poor sidney, hope he gets over his cold soon. mine behaves like normal when he has a cold; eating (esp his own mucus!), sleeping, being active, just that his nose gets blocked up... dont know if it's good or bad. hee
'ALLO!!! First, next week if anyone got time, come for some free lunchtime talks @ City Hall-Tanjong Pagar. See for details under 'Family Festival'. I'll be the emcee for Day 3... super stressed!

Second, Petrina my friend told me in the olden days mommies keep an empty Brand Chicken Essence glass bottle handy to "cup" over boys when changing them -- to ensure no showers of blessings lah. But don't think that's in practise now, anyway I won't know as mine's princess.

I also use Mustela -- it's about $12 per big tube but I bought from Taka 6M back when happen to be there and saw a Buy 2, 1 Free offer -- very worthwhile. I started off using the small tube of sample in the hospital goody bag and it made a small pimple of a rash disappear on princess within hours. But after that sample was used up, I didn't apply anything on her as I was changing her diaper so often to be on the safe side. Last Dec, she kenna lau sai and within one afternoon her bum turned red. It got worst and I started to apply California Baby's Organic Calendula cream to help the wet blistered skin heal + put on Mustela diaper rash cream. Both worked well.

My gynae gave me a spray + refill to use for the cut he had to make. But he very good and I didn't feel pain just when I sat up, can feel sitting on a bump like that. In fact after the pain-killer suppository he gave me at delivery, I just took one more as a precaution 8hrs later and after that no need anymore. He's really quite incredible, didn't realise he was that skilled. Then again when he took out my ovarian cyst some years back, the 3 keyhole wounds healed so beautifully - stitches dissolved and then the line went off after 1yr. Now then I realise he's a "gao-shou" (highly skilled master)

Angel, I'll pass some stuff: one set of cot bumper, brand new diaper bag (subscription gift from Mother &amp; Baby mag). Let you take a look to see what will be useful. Will call you sometime this coming week to arrange.

Elvis - thanks for tips. Princess' 13M so I guess I still got a few months to go before potty headache. Will look out for the 6-layered oens. For the ones you can give away, if any other mommy needs first can give them since I have to KIV till about Aug. If no takers by then I'll get from you. Thanks! And I also thought of getting the No. 1 but I copied pics of a few cakes and showed my princess and she just pointed at butterfly one coz she's been watching Pocoyo where one episode had him befriending butterfly. Heehee.

Phoebe, thanks for update about Shirley's situation. Guess we just have to continue to be vigilant about her and any other who's like her. She definitely has not contacted me regarding referral for family violence thus am not sure if her story of an abusive hubsand is true. In her apology, she says "Emily" is no longer helping her. I wonder then if she's looking for other monetary help the way that "Emily" extended her -- understand she gave Shirley $500 for delivery costs? Sigh, just have to be vigilant but not become vigilantes!

Okay mommie, I gotta get back to work. Will be very busy this coming week so minimal posting then. You all keep well and enjoy your week.
kidz: so i already kenna 3x frm ryan. but not on me. cause it usually happens after bath. i'll have towel over him to keep him warm. so when he pees, he pee into the towel. then i'll rebathe him.
i seldom leave him exposed. if diaper change, i'll ensure i keep his buttocks up so tat if he pees, he'll kenna my hands n his legs.

i'm having rashes. saw doc juz now... hormonal change. sianz... darn itchy leh...

Hi sleek, thanks for making me a Honorary member. Btw, I'm a WAHM (work at home mum). ;)

Petrina, I think little Ryan might be a little colic, though BF babies do not get colic too much. But if he is too gassy, u can try giving him the colic drop (rid wind) into his mouth before u BF him.. Dat would reduce the wind in his stomach and maybe keep the milk in. But boys tend to 'throw-up' more, dats wat my sis said, as Mizuki 'throw-up' at almost every feed at one stage.

Poor gal, got rashes, dun scratch lah... apply more cream and keep yrself cool. When we feel warm, our skin also tend to get more itchy (esp. so with mosqito bites, dun u think so?). hee hee!! Stay in the air-con room lor, anything just get yr MIL to do or get for u. Use the intercom phone... Heehee!!

Lately I think some haze is coming.. My younger sis said her student complains of chest pain liao. I think we all must take extra care, keep our little ones indoors as much as possible. Like Shauna says 'horrid when the little ones are not in their best form' is really true! Lucky the rain has cleared the air a bit.

As for Shirley's case, lets hope she's really repentant. God bless her!
