Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong


New Member
Hi all,

I'm already a mum with a 5mth old girl, and I would love to know more mums out there living in Jurong, so we can share our experience n thoughts through this thread.


hi there.. my baby boy already 3mths +6 days.. Staying at Blk 825 Jurong West Street 81.. but moving out next yr to Boon Lay Place (Opp Boon Lay Shopping Centre) How abt you?
hi xueling,

Nice to know u, i live at jurong west st62, near to Jurong point.
Do u go to Jurong point often?
Do u take care of your boy yourself?
hey.. ya i do go to JP very often.. especially the kiddy palace, i often went there and shop.. haha.. i taking care on my own lor.. my MIL did not help mi at all.. haizz what abt you?? i so glad there's someone stay near me.. haha
hi xueling,

same 2, i go to JP v. often for the kiddy palace, but things there very xx! The only place that sell kid's stuff within new JW, so boring.

Do u knoe any where else within Jurong area that sell nice & CHEAP kid's stuff?
Tot of buying CNY cheongsum suit for my girl, 1 of the mum here r selling like hotcakes, the gd 1 olredi grab up, so no choice lah.

Wondering OG n kiddy palace got sell or not? Any idea?

Must be tough taking care by yourself huh. Furthermore, u FTM, how did u manage?
Luckily, my MIL come n helped me, otherwise i will be at a lost. Now i'm taking care of my bb myself, quite challenging, hav to multi-task.
Hello mumbb & xueling

I am staying at st 91.. near the City Harvest Church & the Dao Pei Gong Temple. I am also looking after my gal myself.. i agree with mumbb.. it's very tough and challenging to manage bb and housework.. and some pple say sahms have good life! I think only those tai tai with maids have good life! haha.

wah.. i envy u all leh.. can go out with bb alone... so far i have never attempt to do that... been cooped up at home for many months liao... always must wait till hubby free to go out together with bb....
mumbb & moulinmum

Actually my live consider quite gd liao lor.. cos i no need to cook, my boy sometimes will be very active during the day ma.. if got cook den i die liao. we order catering for the meals instead. Lunch for 1 (cos I am the only one at home) & Dinner for 2 (for me and my hubby). My MIL doesnt cook for us at all, even when she cook, she only cook one share for us only (where got enuff to eat man..!) so bo bian lor.. For Laundry, using washing machine la.. thank god got this technology.. otherwise i will like my mum wash like siao liao.. but i still handwash all my baby's clothes and some clothing lor.. cos no matter whath, handwash is still cleaner.. hehehe

Last time i used to be a nursing student before ma.. and i've also helped my fren to take care of bb b4, so taking care of my little one consider ok lor.. not much stress la, if sometime i got something on den i will let my hubby or my mum to take care.. (my niang jia is at bedok .. so unless reallly impt one den i'll go out... from here to bedok very farrr leh..)

actually i go out with bb quite a troublesome chores the most, if bb slp alot den ok la, but he always cry and cry den i very cham liao.. no mood to shop. you can bring bb out using bb carrier ma, will be easier for you. if Short trip, you can prepare the milk ready den go out, so like you no need to bring too many stuff liao lor..

Jurong POint only got kiddy palace.. den nth liao, really sian la.. the staff there also know mi liao.. haha
you can apply the membership there ma.. $10 for a yr, quite worth it lor.. other place, .. maybe Boon lay shopping centre la.. but the shop sells more limited things den kiddy palace. either den that, think the best lobang is here liao.. i mean the forum market place.. selling cheap also.. if possible i try to get the best for my bb.. my only son leh.. haha.. even ex i also buy la.. (must see worth the $$ or not also wor)

hi venus:

you so gd can work.. i wanna extra income leh.. somemore i still so young.. wanna earn more money to buy more clothes.. OOps :X den how you take care your kid? how many mths liao?
last time i saw some cheongsam ard central area.. i dunno where liao.. maybe at bugis?? can try at OG la.. otherwise can buy from her also?? sounds like very nice leh.. i wanna buy also.. but only wear for new yr like bery "bo hua" leh.. haha
Hi moilinmum,

Finally u reply, tot u mia. Very busy, izit.
Same w/ me, very bz, realise that being a SAHM is more bz than working-not mum. At least working can eat snake, at home eat roti hehehe.....

Ya, u rite, pple tot I tai tai, how i wish to hav 2 maids, 1 take care of household chores, the other 1 take care of bb, then I can qiao ka (cross leg). Understand dialect?

No need to envy we r at the same boat, i also never dare to bring out bb along, cos i very clumsy n forgetful, I scare that I may leave my bb outside n forget to bring back hahaha.....

I realise that becoming more muddlehead after pregnancy. Do u moms face the same problem?
hi venus,

nevermind, working mum also can join, as long as mum can join, oh nearly forgot, MTB also can join as well. *muddlehead again*

How many kids u hav, who help u to take care.
I think u must be superwoman to take care of your family & work at the same time. *salute u*
Hi xueling,

u so fortunate, got your mil to help u.
But everytime eat catering food also not gd for health in long term. U still young, so any rojak also can, but for me old woman, hav to b cautious on the food I eat. Most of the time, I hav to cook myself. Only once a while, devour myself with fast food.

Oops, jus eat KFC day!

For me, most of the time also only go to mil house at paya lebar, very far!! Gosh!
But wat to do, still hav to let her grandparents see rite.

Btw,how many kids u intend to hav?
haha.. my MIL did not helped me at all, is my own mum help me when i really need help. Currently i am staying with my MIL & FIL. We (me and my hubby & bb) are moving out cos of MIL also.. actually is my hubby cant stand her..

During my confinement, she still ask me "How come you are still doing housechores?? You not tired meh? Last time my MIL helped me taking care of bb but then i still very tired.. always slp one" Very funny lor.. She nv helped me at all & if i dun do my chores, den we all no clothes to wear also.. Think of that, like her question to me like very the sarcastic liao... Still find my own mother is the best.

Catering also bo bian.. I dunno how to cook, also cant cook also.. cos I cant use their utensils & ingredients.. use abit will nag nag nag.. so best .. dun cook lor..

My house at Bedok leh.. Miss my mummy liao.. so sad.. now become mummy den know mummy's hardship, now often contact my mum & family... haha.. too bad cant find a flat in Bedok area... to ex.. cant afford la.. see how the next 10 yrs ba..

I intend to have 2.. prefer the next one to have ger ger.. i thought that time I was having a ger but in the end came out to be boy boy.. ke la.. as long they are healthy den i contend liao.. cos I got Thalaseamia Minor & History of Cleft Palete ma.. scare my child will got it.. Haiz... It's not easy become mummy man..

See la.. i now becoming like an lao ah soh le.. sad sad sad :'(

i not mia lar... i forgot i posted something here..hahah... no brains liao. all go to baby!

I do most of the household chores.. i still cook and clean the house... if bb is v cranky that day and dun wan to sleep or did not sleep properly during the night, then i will ask my hubby tah bao after work for dinner... lunch usually i eat sandwich or cereals... poor mummy got to starve... ahhhahaa..

mumbb, i agree man! working still can eat snake.. walk ard, sleep in toilet, stare at pc... sahm cannot even rest man... bb cry must look after.. bb sleep must do housework... sigh..
my hubby always think stay home i very good life... i tell him.. u try to be 'stay at home daddy' see how lar.. sure die one!

i look after julia myself... cos she dun like anyone cept me... even my MIL who came to cook for me during confinement, she also dun really wan. Cos even during confinement, i look after bb myself.. even bathing for her!
xueling, me thinking of looking after my bb until she can go to nursery.. but maybe by then got no.2 liao! so still cannot go back to work! ahaha...

i tot of doing some home biz leh...
Hi all,

Warning! Warning! Be careful when dealing in the marketplace, encounter someone not trustworthy. Promise me something, in the end say another thing. Do u all encounter this type of incidence before?
Actually, all along hav been fine dealing business until encounter this person.
Terrible, never wan to deal with this person again!

Wah.. power.. you plan to have no 2 soon ar?? i planing to have her (i still prefer gal) in the yr of rabbit.. which means abt 6 yrs time?? jus bought a flat ma.. my hubby also not superman.. got to help him also.. what biz you are doing right now ar?? mind to share?


who is that person?? Promise you wad thing?? you paid the person already?
hi mumbb

me a new boi is born in oct and now i am still on maternity leave..

going back to work in MIL will help to take care of my bb boi when i return to work..
Haha xueling, aiyah.. maybe have no.2 abt 2- 3yrs later.. Maybe in the year of the rat or ox.

me not young liao wat.. cannot wait too long.. hahahaha... me 77 one. so me is jie jie to u.

u read wrongly lar.. i say tot of doing.. haven't start yet lar.. still dun know can do wat at home & earn money..

Yah mumbb.. u kanna cheated?
Moulinmum n xueling,

Lucky not cheated money, just verbally. Promise something then chg her word lah, Wanted to sell me cheaper first but raise up the price, so I not happy lah.
But i tink all this due to misunderstanding lah, next time hav to be careful.

i also 77, old olredi, how times fly, "qing cun bu liu reng". Hope to hav another bb soon, hopefully a boy so i can stop factory ma.


u said that u have cleft palete, is it hereditary? I also apply for bedok last time, but not successful, so bo bian, choose jurong west. Hopefully can move to the east by 5yrs time

Oops.. pai seh pai seh.. i become gong liao.. OOps :X haha.. actually sibling the age gap closer also not bad.. they all grow up together.. both at the same stage ma.. they "fly" also "fly" the same time .. then can rest liao.. you and your hubby can go for a trip or sth.. One of my fren born in 74 jus married only.. ask him to faster plan for one (cos he like kids alot) den say must do check up this and that.. his wife also wan a bb soon but must follow his will also.. sianz ar..


lucky no cheated $$.. you still buy the product?? if for me i must well dun buy liao.. not worth the person to earn money..

Re: cleft palete

I read books & ask doc before, they say is hereditary lor.. so far my paternal side dun have leh.. my mother side dunno liao.. I so suay.. den my father everytime use this to say me lor.. what say "last time gave birth to you den need to spend money on surgery and is not cheap & blah blah blah.." DUring pregnancy i so worry sick liao.. i still got this history.. *sighz* hope my next one will be lucky not to have this lor

Planing to move which part of east??

i din buy lah, completely lost the trust , very disappointing. I think u may noe this person. (think hard).Anyway,jus be careful out ther. I dislike pple "bu shou xin yong".

Dun mind me asking, u mean you stil hav cleft palete, did u go for plastic surgery? Your boy is ok, rite?

I plan to move to bedok 1st choice, tampinese 2nd choice, but like u said the house ther so ex, how to buy? Only my hb working, not enuf $$$.

I think I will be a SAHM for quite sometime if another child is on the way. Nobody can take care bb for me, so most probably cannnot go out n work.

Wat abt u, u still so young, don't u wan to go out n work?
haha.. i din go for plastic surgery.. my case only cleft palete .. dun have hare lips so only a normal surgery (jus to seal up the palete) when i was 18 months *heng arr* otherwise think i'm not gonna married so early liao.. my boy boy heng heng dun have.. if got den he will blame mummy liao.. *sighz*

being a cleft palete person also not easy.. cos i still got abit of hole in my hard palete (i nv go for 2nd one cos my father got retrenched at the same yr so cant afford) den your upper jaw set of teeth will grow not straight like normal ppl.. Now when i talk certain pronounciation not very clear.. have to repeat my sentence quite often.. thats the bad part lor.. (i everytime ganna teased when young la..) so i hope all my children wun get it..

Me jus tempory SAHM.. need to build up my CPF also.. cos now bb still so young .. at least must take care to the age where at least to meet the minimum age to go for childcare centre..

Your MIL nv help you at all?? any relative stay near you mah??

Venus: how are you coping with bb when you are working ar?
My MIL came n help me during confinement only, cos she lives in the east, very troublesome for her to come here.
Actually my MIL suggested to let bb being taken care by her on the wkday, n wkend I can bring back if I work. But my hb n I dun really like the idea cos we will not be with bb everyday.

No relatives stay near me 2, eventhough have, I think I will always worry how is my bb.

Do u noe everytime when I went out, I will think abt my bb, wonder wat she is doing, is she crying, is she sleeping, though I know that she is in good hand with my hb.

Last time can go out whole day, now cannot already, my only thought jus to come back home n see her.

Do u hav your boy's pic, can pm me ?
hi xueling

i haven't start work yet..still on maternity MIL will take care of my bb boi daytime when i go back to work.. come u chose to stay jurong since no relative stay near u?? have u consider getting a babysitter?
hi venus,

There is not much choice, either stay in Jurong West or Punggol, sengkang, all very far leh, so troublesome. If buy resale flat, also very expensive, budget very tight.
Actually, did think of buying near my in-law house at paya lebar, but flats there are expensive. So bo bian.

I never thought of letting my relatives or babysitter to take care, cos I don't trust. I do regret not staying near to MIL, otherwise she can take care bb for me n I can go out to work. *sign*

So your MIL live w/ u?

I think is gd to set up a home biz, otherwise always stay at home taking care of children, household chores can be too routine n bored.

Anyway, nowadays, a lot of mums also SAHM cum WAHM.

What type of biz u hav in mind?
though me not SAHM.... sometime I wish I can but hor..... after staying at home with Gerald on his 2nd month..... I think I'm better off as a working mummy..... me no patience.....

Me staying at St 65...

nice meet all...

sorry for late reply.. went back to bedok for this weekend.. cos hubby working ma.. dun wish to stay at home alone with MIL.. she will suddenly pop into my rm during my breastfeeding time.. (esp i latch directly to my bb..)

eh.. dun mind can i send you when i got home? cos the pics are all at my home pc.. hehe


haiz.. at least majority of you the MIL very helpful.. my MIL scare bb vomit & shit especially.. so only carry him to play with him only lor..


your hubby working office work ma?? den anyone else at home during the daytime??


welcome~ working mummy can earn $$$ especially after the little one is born.. expenses increase quite abit..

anyone hubby got help doing chores ma?? (but sometimes no patience to the kiddo... especially he/she cry alot one..)
, welcome.
How old is gerald? Who taking care of him if u r working?

It's Ok, enjoy your precious moment w/ your mum, I'm sure u miss your mum v. much. Hmmm..... also start thinking abt my mum.......
your hb oso work in wkend? How come, no need to rest?

haha.. ya lor.. miss her very much.. dunno why i "dun bother" abt family during my teenage years.. haha.. planning to go back to visit your mum too?

His assistant nv finish her work of her appointed dateline this week.. so have to buck up during weekends lor.. otherwise company will have to pay alot of $$$. *Haiz.. weekend no hubbby pei.. sad ar..

Planning to go out anywhere recently?
Hello everyone

sorry mia again... me got no help so when bb is fussy, very hard to log in and chat. Brought her to take her 3rd mth jab on fri... end up she got high fever on sat... 38.7.. very fussy and unhappy. So this mummy got to pei her all the time.... lucky now okie liao.

No, not visiting her tis wkend, cos hb need to work 2, no choice, hav to earn more $$$. sometimes really wish to help him to lessen his financial burden.

Actually, tot of buying shoe for bb, hav to chk at kiddy palace, most probably the coming wk. Sian, go kiddy palace again.


Kesian julia, poor thing, is she getting better? Did u bring her to doc n give her panadol? Last time when my girl hav the DPT jab, oso kanna slight fever, 37.7C. But subsequent jab do not hav any fever. So don worry 2 much.

Sure, no problem, CNY time, how abt it?

How abt the rest of u, wan to meet up?
Hi everyone,

I'm a SAHM to a 6mth baby girl staying at St 65. Happy to have a thread for SAHM living in Jurong to share our mothering experience.
hi mummies...
me back in singapore... straight go back to office though reach singapore this morning close to midnight.......

Gerald is 8.5 month going to 9th when christmas time...... i put him with a nanny at the other end of st 65.

Hi Jenie,
Which side of st 65 u r in... the one nearer to Boon Lay sec or Jurong west sec
hi poshies..which blk u stay?i stay near boon lay sec

hi jenie which blk u stay?

xueling,no one at home during day time except me and bb..but now i am at my mum place..

meet up..i can only do it on weekends cos i am back in jurong on weekends
welcome aboard, r u taking care of bb yourself, anyone helping u?

u jus went for holiday or business trip? How's your trip?

still hav not rec'd your boy's pic. if u r shy, then nevermind lah.
hi all..

sorry for being mia.. haha.. pc at home down until now jus manage to boot up.. pc at bedok is really slow.. seems alot of you staying at st 65 sia..

during the weekday also mi and bb,, haha.. recently my bb very cranky also.. dun wan to slp during the day.. nitetime still ok leh.. haizz.. jus now tried to feed her FM but he wan nei nei instead.. -_-"""

Here's my boi boi pic..



Hi Hi .... this is little Gerald...

Hi xueling,
nope me stay the other end of st 65... but my nanny stay that end... so everyday i travel from one end to another end of st 65.

hi mumbb...
well i went for bz... last min one... so only 1 day (sat in HK) tired...
Hi xueling n poshies,

so adorable......

xueling, u don wan to continue BF? why chg to FM? BM is the best milk for bb, don give up.
Till now, I'm still giving my bb BM, but ss running very low olredi. Maybe soon i oso will discontinue giving my bb.

no la.. i only PBF.. taking FM during evening and nighttime.. BF during daytime.. but i've already fall sick twice.. running high fever.. my ss starts dropping alot liao.. trying to build up lor.. i really scare he find my ss cant satisfy his hunger leh..
Do u eat more tonic or vitamins to build up your body, it may take a while for your body to recover aft delivery. i'm still taking tonic n essence n vits w/o fail. Ya, veri important, must eat well balance home cook food. If possible not to eat outside food, veri unhealthy leh.
Wow! suddenly got so many new mummies join in! welcomes welcomes!!

hehee.. the 2 boi bois so handsome... my gal got some kor kors to know already!

no prob.. we can fix a time convenient to everyone then can come over. but my place got no play area yet so maybe gerald will find it v boring since he is the oldest rite?
My today 1st msg went missing liao.. jsu now got error.. think becos i sent together with mumbb's msg ba.. haha

Think I'm the youngest mummy here.. "Qing Ke Wei Duo DUo Shi Jiao" haha

hey poshies:

how much you are paying for your nanny ar?


Erm.. you still want me to send you the pics directly?? if dun mind can post yours on the forum leh.. i wana see see your bb :p


It's great to her that your bb got well for fever.. bb with fever like very hard to take care.. mine got fever a week b4 3rd month jab and after the jab also
now he's still very cranky.. either slp alot or dun slp.. Haizz

Hey gals:

welcome to all new mummies... hee

My 4th month jab on 9 Jan 06.. Whats the rest of your bb appt for jab/screening ar?? all under jurong polyclinic right??
