Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong


i'm a working mum staying near gek poh. just went jurong east polyclinic and asked about transferring records to the new polyclinic at jurong west when it's ready. was told that the clinic doesn't offer outpatient services. it's a specialised clinic.

hi serrich,
Sherilyn is so cute.... voted...
gald to see u here hor... think there is more mummies staying at your side lah.....

Hi may,
enjoy ur preggie hor...

hi jh,
is the true.... so it a specialised clinic for what?

hi jenie,
is okie.... since i'm might be ordering my fm... just ask anyone interested.... it is not a one time offer.... their offer is continuous one... only the offer might change from time to time....
hey mummies,

can i join your thread... we stay in JW too! blk 684B...st64, quite near to the jurong pt. Anyone stay in same zone as me ?

my boy is Samuel turning 9 months next wednesday.. and my 2nd is abt 15-16 weeks now

nice to know so many mummies in the forum staying in jw too
btw, me not sahm... i am ftwm... so hope still elligible to join the thread
Wah! We'r so near to each other... U can hear my gal crying at nite??? Hee..hee...

no need to b nervous, enjoy the rest of yr 4 wks of peace & quiet & most important SLEEP!!! U can read the previous MTB threads to get more tips, extremely helpful for me

Welcome poohy! Yr 2nd child 15-16wks, that makes u a Nov mum too? U fm Nov thread too?

Me also FTWM

hehee no lah... my 2nd bb is still in my tummy gestation age is 15-16 weeks
I am in the apr-jun05 and june 06 thread too...


agreed with the rest... i think sherilyn looks so sweet and cute leh... hope if mine is gal hor... will look like dat
may,jh, serrich, poohy,
welcome on board.

thx for the advice, duly noted.

don worry 2 much, try to relax by doing some light exercise, hav u buy all the bb stuff olredi?

ya i oso like to noe wat type of speciality they involved in.

Sherilyn is so chubby n adorable, olredi cast 4 time for her......hope she win...yeah......

sure, welcome to join our thread, u live so close to JP, so convenient. I live at Blk 605, st62, near to JW pri. It takes abt 10 mins walk to JP, sometimes if I'm lazy, i will jus take a bus down.Btw, congrats on your pregnancy!
wah! welcome blurblur, poohy, may and jh!

serrich, i voted for sherilyn liao.

hey, i propose we meet up monthly? can rotate at each other's house or at my place if u all dun mind. let's start in jan 06.

can think of stuff to do like those playgroup like that.

mumbb, can i have the rusk if nobody wans it? thanks!
moulinmum, sure, u can hav it, where n when u wan to collect? Prefer to come to my house or Boon lay mrt station.
mumbb, hehe.. can go and visit u if u dun mind... hubby can come along?? maybe during the weekend but this wkend is xmas... and the next one is new year.. so u at home??

hey, wanna exchange msn if u all have one? mine is [email protected]
Hi May,JH, Serrich, Poohy
Welcome to our thread
Seem like a long time never heard from xueling85. Guess she is busy moving house.
Have already cast my votes to your baby. She is very adorable.
May and Poohy,
Do take care of yourself.
JH ,
too bad we cant transfer our record. We are all looking forward to this new polyclinic.
You live so near to my mum's place. She just live at 606.
My msn is [email protected]. I will add you in.

sure, hubby can come, but must bring julia along ok. So my jannah can play w/ her. If u confirm wan the rusk, then I don give away to other pple.

email:[email protected]

wat a small world, so your mum n i r neighbours...keke..., when u free, can oso visit me at the same time when visiting your mum.
Hi jh,
My pils stay very near Gek Poh too!! They are helping me to take care of Sherilyn during the day when i'm at work.. But i stay at st 65 lah..

Hi venus,
Oh, we are so close! I am staying opp ur blk then..

poshies, blurblur, mumbb, moulinmum, jenie_1979:
Thanks for voting for Sherilyn!! Have some photos of her to share:

First swim at CDANs 2 weeks ago:

Let me show my tongue twisting skills:
woah.. u must be happi to have boy & gal.. I also hope to have a boy for no.2 then can stop production leow thou i wish to have 4! Kekeke...

My msn is [email protected].

Y nt u gals send me ur info so tt i can compile a contact list n send out?? But i wont be free until end Dec to compile the list. Email or pm me the following details:
Name, Nickname, DOB, Address, Contact No., Email address, Bb Name (if any).

I support the idea of a monthly gathering. We can rotate the location since we all staying nearby! :)
hi serrich,
u don free... i compile for u 1st lah....

anyway i have urs and poohy one already... so only the rest.... btw u know abt the rest of mummies which we used to chat for JW mummies... think can ask them to join us too....

send the info to my email - [email protected]

my msn - [email protected]

actually i had wanted to have another boy this round before finally ending with a gal... that would be most perfect cos having a boy last will make me retire 2 years late
hehee... i too wish for 4 but i think its not possible if we wanna provide better resources for them. If its a gal, I may also stop at 2 liao... but maybe in 1 year i will wanna have another one liao who knows hehee... afterall.. I really think 3 is the right number for me. Besides, it will help justify our mpv purchase more lah...
How old is Sherilyn?? She so cute in her float.
So sorry my house can't be used as i have a very naughty dog at home and his bark is really loud and may frighten the children.
I always visit my mum during weekday morning as she is working in the afternoon. Haha maybe you have seen me before pushing a pram. I will try to visit you next time.
So you haven't know the gender yet.

doc only say likely a gal ... so not confirmed yet
what dog do u have at home ? I used to have a shihtzu and maltese at home... they now live separately with my MIL and my SIL ... we still see them often
didn't ask about what this new specialist clinic will offer. will try to probe further during my next visit next month.

hope it's a specialised clinic for kids cos don't think there are any good pds in jw right? the one in jurong point cost a bomb and i'm not surprised there are no crowds the last time i went some time back. in fact there was no other patients beside us. which doctor do you all bring your kids to see when they are ill? in jw?
jh, I stay near Jurong Pt and I always bring my gal to see the PD at Jurong Pt. I find her ok lah cos there's no other PD ard liao.
welcome giggler,
how old your gal? i oso bring jannah to see the PD at JP, quite nice lady, but i tink quite xx, tat why not many pple ard.

jh, my gal normally has her jab at jur polyclinic, if she ill, i will bring her to JP. I will try to ask the nurse on my coming visit next wk, will let u all noe.

sherilyn is so lovely wearing bikini....
, how old is she? Olredi start swimming? tot of brining jannah for swimming too, but hb said tat hav chlorine in the swimming pool, so cannot. *sigh*
i heard bad comment on Dr Agnes (PD at JP) so din change Gerald's PD.... not choice need to bring him all the way to united square...

okie gal kindly send your contact information to my email
Name with Surname
BB name with Surname
Mummy's DOB
Email Add

I already had Poohy (except your address) and Serrich inform so do not need to send me....
I also have just received Jenie and blurblur one..
mumbb, let me know when convenient to vist u.. dun worry, will bring the whole ging gang to visit u and mess up ur place.. hahaa..

i dun bring my dotter to a pd leh.. just a normal gp... must bring to see pd ah?? wat's the diff ah??
i also heard that the one at jurong pt abit see face one.. if she like u then will be nice, if not abit boh chup boh chup like that.
oh dear... i miss out the HP no...

okie we have most of the contact info..
now only left with Venus and xueling, so I can send out...

Hi Poohy,
you want to join in the contact list... but I need your address...
I have a maltese at home. Quite a big sized for a maltese. Maybe we feed him too much when he was a puppy. Luckily my girl is used to his barking(maybe hear too much in my stomach). Hahaha
Re: PD
I brought my daughter to a pd at jurong east. Anne Baby and Children Clinic. So far not bad.
Not sure what the difference but guess they are more specialized. My auntie told me their medicine are better.

my bb boy also used to my maltese and shihtzu screaming liao... cos he even laugh out loud when they bark!?! hehee... but they are quite scared of him crying.. and run in all direction away from him all the time
hehee... they are v timid dogs.


i will pm u my address.
jenie, where is this Anne Baby clinic?? i heard it not too bad. is it 24hrs?

mumbb, i free anytime haha... but i dun know if i can bring bb out alone... that's why wait for hubby to come home mah.. if wkday, by the time he come back abit late liao cos my dotter is early sleeper... abt 7plus, 8 she wan to find her bed liao... so if go ur place in the evening i scared she cranky leh...
hi all.. welcome to those new mummies!!

OMG.. i MIA for a week den this thread started to get active man.. haiz.. went back to my niang jia last week.. den yesterday my Weaver had a fall from bed.. I'm so guilty!!!!

3.5mth already start falling.. cant imagine if he really start crawling (hoping to move house soon... cos one room will be full of matress on the floor for him to crawl.. haha)

jus take note when your bb started to flip.. cos he/she might fall off from bed any time!!

My bb jus started to flip.. now finally know how to flip back.. and knwo how to "crawl" abit la.. (the legs damn strong.. ) *sighz*

i understand tat u can't take julia out alone, then nevermind lah, wait till wkend. I'm free most of the time, jus let me noe when the ideal time for u to come, ok.

finally reply, did u rec'd my email?
is weaver alrite? maybe shld let him sleep on the floor w/ mattress or a cot.
wow, your bb can start flipping n crawling olredi, my jannah still cannot flip yet.
Don't know y dogs are scared of babies like that. Mine is the same. He don't dare to go near my girl. He slowly getting used to her presence and started to play with her but we dont allow him to go too near to my girl too.
Anne's Baby and Child Clinic is at Blk 214 Jurong East St 21 #01-433 Tel: 65667216. I'm not very sure of the opening hour because i have misplaced the card. It is not open 24 hour and the opening hour is like those normal clinic.
Welcome back.My girl fell off the bed too. We nearly had a heartattack. So now whereever i go, i will try to put her on the cot first.
Harlow everyone
Merry Christmas! May Love, Peace & Joy be wf ur family!

Thanks for helping to compile the list then. Do u still have the JW contact list? Otherwise I can forward to u.

Yah since u have mpv, can have more kids.. Hahaha..

jenie & mumbb,
Sherilyn gg to be 6 months old coming 30th Dec. My mom keep nagging me nt to bring her to pool cos of chlorine also but i simply bochap lor.. Just ensure that I bathe her after the swim will do lah..

hi moulinmum,
Julia look so cute in her reindeer headgear.. U bought it specially for her?? My fren told me tt ToysRUs selling the pink angel wings at abt $6.. It was all sold out when i went down to get it yest.. Sob sob..
wow..... merry chrsitmas all... though it is a bit late...

hi serrich i still have the list.... so not worry....

hi bubbleling ....
welcome..... just happen to know u r jellytots friend rite... saw ur pic on her wedding photo.....

i think the list should be ready soon.... i had it in my office.... so be able to send out soon... i will check if i had any missing info...

hi all..

Jenie.. so did you bring your baby to see doc after that? I very kiasu.. bring him to see doc straightaway.. lucky nth happened, only got a bruise on his left cheek and left side of the nose.... i also dunno how he managed to "crawl".. cos normally he only know how to move forward.. so i placed him a corner of our bed (which got wall and head board..) a only leave him less den 5 mins he piak on the floor liao.. sad sad..

My bb always dun want to slp when his daddy is at home.. normally with me he can slp quite alot leh.. haha

moulinmum.. you gal wearing the headgear so cute.. wish i got one too.. but it's too late for now ya?? your gal gal got some hair liao wor.. grow very fast ... mine like abit no hair.. 4 mths liao.. wanna cut botak but he's already almost like no hair~~!

poshies.. really thanks for your afforts for compiling the list..

btw.. when can bb sit on it's own ar?
Erm.. Anyone can recomand a gd PD in Jurong west area?? I went to the Everhealth Family & surgery clinic @ Gek Poh.. not bad though..
& is it compulsory to go for pap smear??
