Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong


OOps.. Er.. My hubby find a confinement Diet from a catering services also.. but it's more healthier den normal catering service lor.. (my bb drink my nei nei den his face very red when crying abit .. haha..)

Now i dun take any of them liao.. trying to cook after moving new house lor.. Jus to cook for bb 1st. (Weaver cant take outside for his weaning ma.. Cook for him is healthier.. ) but I trying to take Albumin now la.. cos haven finish up.. still got a new bottle.. heez ='_'=

xueling, my gal 4th mth jab on 16th jan leh! heheee.. miss u by abit.. yup go to polyclinic... her cheapo father say polyclinic free one...hahahahaaa

actually she also see specialist at kk.. cos before she was born, already found something in her liver so now monitering. waste $$ one... everytime go ask got eat, got sleep, got shit, got play??? if everything got then dun need to worry.. duhz.. like this i also can be doc liao!

mumbb, julia okie on sunday liao. heehee.. thanks.

seems like alot of u staying at st65.. venus, poohies, jenie...
Hi everyone,

Me staying near the art park 666A. Anyone staying near me. Maybe we have met each other before but don't know each other.
Currently im taking care of my little girl myself with some assistance from my in-law if im going out or need to do other things.
My little girl is getting very naughty. Always need to be carried and your constant attention especially now she started to flip. Must always keep an eye on her. That's why i can only come online when she's sleeping or someone is helping me to keep an eye on her.
Currently im still breastfeeding my baby. Supply is also getting low especially now she started on solid. Have been drinking green papaya soup to build up supply too.
My baby next jab is on 20 Dec. I have been going to the polyclinic at bukit batok instead as the crowd is lesser compared to the one in jurong.
how old are you? From year 85??

sori for your lost msg.

no need to pm me, i finally saw it, so adorable..........
I try to attach my bb pic, but sys said the dimension 2 big, so cannot upload, maybe i will try to upload on yahoo, then let u all see, ok.

wan to match-make for julia izit?
wan to become MIL ha, so old u noe.
ya, i agree w/ u, those doc jus trying to earn easy $$$$, do u need to go every mth for monitoring? Does julia need to go for further chkup w/ specialist?

My bb 6mth jab will be on 28 dec, oso at jur polyclinic.

i live near JW pri school, jus across the street from your blk. I oso started givin semi-solid to my bb, sometime really run out of idea wat to give. Wat do u give to your girl, can share your recipes w/ me?
moulinmum.. haizz... thought anyone can pei mi go polyclinic together sia.. all so different date..
mi and you stay quite near ma.. you stay at which blk?? mine is at 825

Seriously.. Jurong Polyclinic services very bad leh.. That time my bb had fever.. den go there temp took by registra "no fever" - 36'C (cos she is using Ear thermometer!! and measuring the air temp.. nv hear the beep sound den release liao.. wah liew..) somemore give me a very big que number.. make me wait for 1 and the half hour there with bb running fever.. next time i go GP when my bb is sick.. so pek chek


ya.. i from the yr 85.. YOung for a mummy.. actually pregnant a week before married.. (my actual plan is married 1st, den a yr or 2 den have bb one.. but he came early.. so keep him lor..) Alot of ppl say me shot gun.. but dun bother abt them la.. Babies are all so cute.. abort them like very cruel leh..

Haha.. Weaver also flipping alot.. now midnight wake up cos he cldnt flip back.. today i dunno how he manage to roll from Pillow to Bed end.. must keep a watch on him liao.. haha.. your in laws often carry him ma? how old is she?
jenie, go to bb polyclinic is it far??? Actually if u go early early to the jurong polyclinic there is not so much pple..

mumbb, must intro julia to more boi bois mah... then next time got many bfs to help her do stuff! ahhahahaha!!
dun know if must go back every mth or not. so far since she born is every mth see the specialist. This coming thurs another appt, my hubby says if the stupid specialist still cannot say wat is the problem, he dun wan to go and see anymore. waste money...

xueling, i stay at st 91.. further inside.. i know lar.. u stay across the city harvest church there rite?

actually the market place there got many things to see in the morning rite? got those pple come and set up stalls.. every wk different things one..
aiyah, pple also think i shotgun (esp those kapo relatives) cos i already 3mth pregnant when i did my customary.. i rom 1yr ago before pregnant. actually we didn't want to do customary one.. but my granny and parents keep insisting that we do when they found out i was pregnant... so we kalang kabo anyhow do lor.. hahaha..
moulinmum, wah.. you so early plan for your gal gal's future already ar? power mummy.. Ger ger gd wor.. next time find bf got him to dote her.. (at least go out guys treats wor.. whahahaha)
You go see specialist like no pt le.. go there nth liao.. really waste $$.. think i wld rather buy her more toys.. haha..for me if nth i wun go for the appt one..

my blk is one bus stop before pioneer sec (when taking 243G la) so also need to walk a distance lor.. i seldom go your side after i deliever lor.. cos very difficult to bring this "xiao gui" go out.. later come back become cranky i die liao

those relative sometimes very ridiculous.. like they all very free like that.. go and gossip other's "xian hua" haizz .sad case ar
my girl is now 6mth old. actually must really keep an eye on your son. my girl had a fall from the bed last sat. really scared us out. I took her to the doctor to check. luckily nothing happened to her. if you really need to go somewhere else, must really put her in the cot. even put block to block the way also quite dangerous.
Don't worry about what your relatives said. Most importantly, must keep the baby. Baby is innocent.You did the right thing. I lost my 1st baby before so im quite upset if pple went for abortion.
Really frustrating in a case like this. Really worried about the baby now yet now the doctor cant even provide an answer about your baby. Must really force an answer from the doctor. Normally my hubby will drive me to bb polyclinic. Actually the distance wise is ok not really far away. During the 1st few mth, my baby has jaundice so need to go for bloodtest frequently so need to go somewhere with less people.At least with lesser people not so much germs spreading. Hopefully jurong west will open one soon.
I just fed her with cereal and fruits now. Havent really fed her with porridge yet. I bought a receipt book from the polyclinic but nothing much inside too. Anyway at least have some ideas. I try to see whether i can scan and email to you. What's your email address??
moulinmum & xueling,

Don bother all these "san gu liu po", they jus like to gossip n make life difficult for other pple. On the surface, they seems very nice n sincere, but behind our back they will backstab.Simply hypocrites!

That is the reason why my hb n I did not plan for the wedding ceremony, oni went for ROM. My hb n I would not wan to organise for such pple who oni noe how to gossip but not giving blessing to us. Cos my hb is a non-chinese, those old-fashioned pple jus cannot accept.
For me, i don judge a person by race, religion or language, most impt is their character n sincerity that appease me more.

Most importantly, we live life for ourselves, not for these pple. We hav such wonderful kid n family that fill up our hearts with happiness n contentment. Why bother with wat other pple saying.

Don be sad, xueling, the journey of life is never been easy, that's why it is challenging.
I'm sure u r a strong woman, definitely able to go thru this challenge. Ya, u r rite, baby is a miracle n gift from GOD, it will be veri cruel to abort, we should shower lots of love n care to this wonderful being.

My bb girl pic:

Tell u a gd news, the polyclinic will be ready by april 2006 at JW central, huray.......

Extension of mrt fr BL will be completed by 2009, next time there will be a mrt station near my doorstep. yeah.....
Hi mumbb,
That will be great. Unfortunely my record is at bukit batok. Don't know whether can change coz that time i change from jurong to bukit batok. The staff said cannot change so often.

I will post my baby photo later when i edit the size.
your bb is so cute!!!! OMG.. cant help it but all babies are so adorable.. even they cranky also "xin luan" haha.. (my hubby dun have that patient leh.. sobz sobz..)

moulinmum & mumbb
hhaha.. i agreed with you also.. My hubby also dun wan the customary one.. but cos of my relative (who is my grandaunt keep nagging to my dad (my dad actually respect my decision at 1st) so bo bian) but in the end majority inviting frens instead.. only 2 tables were for family (both) & relative.. LOLz!! Actually alot of ppl wondering how come i married such a young age.. (some of my frens married cos is really shotgun la.. even married to a guy whom she only know for few days only.. jus hope that she will have a blessing marriage lor..) if i find a gd guy why wait for so long leh.. he's financially stable & caring mahz.. somemore very dote me.. hehez..

Re: Polyclinic

is it the building is ready anytime that one?? with the library ar? so gd.. like that i trapped between the 2 polyclinics liao (when i moved house).. all 4 bus stops away.. haizzz think maybe transfer my record from JE better.. there very crowded even i went there on weekday mornings..

Jenie, how to transfer record?
dun mind can send it to me also?? cos i need to plan wad to give him for weaning.. another 2 more wks to 4th months.. time really flies sia.. my email is [email protected]

My Weaver also have jaundice.. went 2x before hospitalized and every week till 2 mths after discharged.. so "leh chey" (cos we dislike driving mahz..) den drew alot of bld.. that time my bao bei's legs were all bruises.. "xim tia" .. some more that time in hospital, when he 1st under phototherapy, keep crying and crying and no nurses bother him (want to get him well so bo bian also.. can understand la..).. i eventually cried..


wah.. when's your mum's place?? is it very far??

Re: meet up
majority prefer weekdays or weekend?? recently busy with moving house so maybe wun be so fast meet up ba.. but can try lor.. hehez.. my boy is very lonely at home.. face his mummy everyday sia.. haha
Gerald oldest har.... keke

well... me stay the other end of Jurong west st65... near the new mrt station...

paying 500 per month... will need to pay additional 50 starting new year as my boy starting on solid...

i'm okie with the meet up... weekday --> night only .... weekend... need to check with hubby... u all inviting just mummmy with bb or with hubby?

my mum place in pasir ris..far hor..

me opposite..this mummy itching backside..wan to go out but no one to take care of boi boi
ya, u rite, that's the building.

can ask mil to take care for u, is she living w/ u? Then can go out n jalan jalan.

moulinmum & venus:
still hav not see your bb pic, if dun mind, can put it on the forum?
MIL haven't start taking care of my boi..she need practice..going to her place last week of dec.. PILs staying in jurong too but heng not with me or else i buay tahan liao.. as u knoe woman nags a lot..
eee.. you bb so ke ai.. stick tongue out one.. haha
wahhaha.. ya.. women do nag alot.. hope we dun become one of them sia.. otherwise hubby will have "mistress" (choy* touchwood touchwood.. Jus kidding onli ar..)


wah.. so gd.. last time actually wanna pick the flat from your side one.. but the agent really pissed us off.. so in the end use another agent.. haizz... 664D/664B.. haiz.. sad arrrrr.. you staying with your own nuclear family or with PILs?


so gd you find a nanny worth a penny.. last time try to search one.. but she quoted me $1700 (excluding buying food..) OMG.. so i literally gave up the idea liao.. haiz
my gal pic..

but now botak cos i brought her to shave her hair this afternoon. Anytime can come to my place.. weekday or weekend. hubby can come... no prob.

morning mummies...

hi xueling,
how come so ex.... if you r working... u send ur bb to blk 671 - infant care only need to pay $650 lah..... 5 and 1/2 day per week one lah.... from 7am - 7pm and on sat 7 - 12 noon lah...

so i think the nanny charging too much..... know there is a naany near by my place providing the same service but she will be taking care of 4 bb at 1 time.... so i don feel good in the end.... employ my currently nanny which is my confinement lady... plus my mother's friend....

the bb is so cute!!!
Hi mommies,

like to chk w/ u all, is the baby blisscard only can be used in the participating stores, or can be used in other purposes. tot of using this blisscard to buy diaper fr NTUC, pls advice.

venus & moulinmum,

your bb so adorable......

i'm staying my own w/ bb n hb. So that can hav more privacy , u noe wat i mean?
Thanks everyone!

hi mumbb, wan to ask when u recieved the babybliss card?? I sent the application to them thru email but until now no response.
i got some ntuc discount coupons to give away. Anyone interested?

1. Promil Gold Follow-on with iron 900g - $2 off
2. NAN2 Follow-up with BL Bifidus / HA 900g - $2 off
3. Mamil Nite Step2 750g - $3 off
4. Fairprice Baby Shampoo 1L - $2 off
5. Fairprice Baby Talc (twin pack) 500g - $1 off
6. Nuby pdts - $3 off for above $20 purchase
7. Benedictine Dom 750ml - $5 off
8. Yomeishu 1L - $1.50 off
9. Equal - $1 off any pdt
10. 3M Filtrete Air Con Filter - $2 off
Hi all
All your babies are so cute. My baby is the second oldiest here. Heheehee. Me fine with weekday/weekend too since now not working.
u can use the cash in the cashcard to buy diaper from NTUC but discount only applicable to the participating stores. That's mean you can use the cashcard to pay for your purchases. I passed the card to my hubby as he used the cashcard often for carpark.
I think the polyclinics are not linked. That's why when i first go to bukit batok polyclinic, the staff there asked me for the 1st jaundice reading and asked me not to go different polyclinic each time as they do not have the previous record. So that's y if the new polyclinic open, not sure whether it good to go there

my baby's photo.
poshies.. haha.. i also dunno why so ex.. actually wanna find a confinement lady in the 1st place but all too ex.. in the end we order confinement diet form catering service instead.. but still cost abt $1200 (the food really big share and no msg, less oil.. the person who deliver the food also have a very gd service.. haha

too bad i giving my Weaver S-26 Gold.. *sighz*

mumbb & moulinmum:

how to get blisscard?? got discount in wad thing one?


understand that the polyclinics are not linked.. but we can request but the record to be transferred to the other polyclinic? (hehe.. if can, i can go walk walk at JP after appt liao..

babies are jus so cute.. haha.. so we have 2 gals 3 boy boys? hmmm ??

i tink i rec'd it few mths ago, u better call them up n chk w/ them, it shld be ready by a mth after applied.

thx for your advice, will tell my hb abt it.

chk this website for the blisscard, but your bb olredi going to be 4mth, don noe still applicable or not?

How much is mamil gold, wat is the offer?
u know there is a mum n baby store in blk 960. u can use the card to buy something for your baby like clothing(i dont know whether still applicable to that shop since i got mine few mth ago). There is a 10% discount. Do you know where is the new polyclinic near to. Guess all of us cant wait for it to be opened.
You should go and apply the blisscard. There is $38 store value in this baby blisscard.
We can go to the newly open polyclinic but record may not be transfered.Maybe can try asking when the polyclinic is opened. I also want to go somewhere near my home instead.
hi jenie,

your bb so adorable.....the polyclinic is near the bus interchange, i wonder u realise that there is a new building under construction...., shld be that 1, if i'm not wrong.
hi hi

can i join this thread too? Me working mum, now on maternity leave and returning to work next month. My gal born in Nov and me also stay at St 65...

Venus, world so small, we stay at same street and also from Nov MTB thread... ;)
Welcome to our thread.
Yap i saw that building.It's good that they are making jurong west a much desirable place to stay in with new buildings.
hi mumbb,
well the mamil gold offer is the same as market price... just that i think the current offer is buy 4 get 1 free... so if u take mamil 1 (26.50 x 4 )/5 = 21.20 so it is much cheaper if u need let me know... btw they do free house delivery... but only offer once for each step (step1, 2 ,3) for each bb... but if we have bb not using mamil can borrow their particule for order if u need to order more than once...

btw I will be ordering step 2 soon... if any want let me know...
hi blur

welcome to this thread..

yup world so small..whick blk u stay?

my blk has infant care centre..shld be a obvious hint liao :p
hi poshies,

how long will their offer last? i hav requested for mamil 2 n mamil nite sample but still hav not rec'd till now. Jus gave them a call tis morning n they claim that will send it to me soon. I hav to chk if my girl likes it or not before ordering for more. Btw, hav u tried mamil nite?


. Welcome on board.
How is your gal? Is tis your 1st bb?

moulinmum & jenie,

ya, agree with u all, hope they build more shopping center so can jalan jalan.

hey mommies,
like to seek your advice regarding playmat. Wanted to buy a playmat for my girl, but don't noe which one to choose? tot of buying ABC playmat, but heard that it is toxic n unsafe, izit true? oso heard abt the other type of playmat that is non-toxic, but it is rather xx!
I'm jus confused, pls clarify my doubts.
hi mumbb,
the offer changes from time to time... so when u need just let me know lor... but i know they are cheaper than outside... i'm not earning anything hor... just Gerald is on Mamil Gold want to share the offer to the rest...

Yup Gerald is also on Mamil Nite at nite... i find no difference lah... but as I have a couple of free tin... so will continue to give him till run out then decided whether to continue a not... i remember the Mamil Nite offer is buy 1 get 1.

Gerald is playing on the bumper playmat from smallsmallworld. which is from LG Korea, suppose to be an ex playmat but i love the design n it can used for very very long... can go to to view....

btw i got my mat on the older version so it is cheaper than the new one.... mine is only 150++
hi mommies,

like to give way 1 box of Milna rusk (green bean flavour) n 1 pkt of brown rice flavour as well,
interested, pls let me noe.
We all live around the same area.
I think there is a report from taiwan that the ABC playmat is toxic. I also heard from others that it is not safe. That's why i bought a bumper playmat for her. I think it quite useful especially my baby is now flipping and learning to crawl. I have tried to put her on mattress but she kept sliding down from it.I think there is a bulk purchase now. Maybe if you are interested to get one for your baby, you can go to the market place thread to look for it.
Thank for asking. Im not feeding baby formula yet. Hopefully there is another offer next time.
Hi mummies..
I am new in this thread.
I am living in JW also.. 654B.. currently am 36wks pregnant already =)
Hi mommies,
When did this thread become alive again? How could i miss it?!

Me also staying at St65, blk 673b. wat abt u??

Looks like we can start a monthly gathering since we are staying so close huh?

Hi mommies,

I need a favour from u all to cast your votes for my baby, Sherilyn, for the Cutest Baby Contest. Best if you can help to get your frens, col & relatives to vote for her as well (super KS hor?!). Here is the website for the photo contest:

Look for the cutest gal, <font color="aa00aa">SHERIYLN</font>, and click on her picture and an outlook express will pop out and just click send.. Really appreaciate if you could help to vote and ask more ppl to vote too.. Really need alot of votes for this contest..

Kindly note that one vote per e-mail address (per child) is allowed. So please do vote as many as possible if u have more than one email account. Just send to email: [email protected] with subject: Sherilyn.

Thanks in advance for your votes!!
