Mummies in Australia?

I guess it all depends, Mngo... it's like a game of chance with their quarantine procedure... we were just lucky that ours weren't quarantined...

So your husband is writing to jobs in Melb?

he has not been doing.
I'm doing the job search and contacts.

I guess chances of getting a job will be higher after we meet up with the consultants and get the skills matching
I'm sure there are more opportunities there... By the way which recruitment agencies are you using? Do you contact them or is this an online uploading of CV?

Thanx :D
Yup Ryatie
I'd recommend stocking up on that ... hahah... Now I only have 2 sets for each bed
Must go and buy more when I go back to Sg at the end of the year :D
Hi Mngo,
my experience is that if there is any wood stuff that u want to ship, clearly label on the box and try putting all the wooden stuff together in the box, huge items like bedframes cannot help it but they can clearly see it fr outside. So wht happened to my shipment was that they randomly open some of the boxes, including the ones that we labelled wooden stuff. I think they spray some chemical in the boxes containing the wooden stuff cos we found a cover (something like for insecticide). But as for the bedframe (baby cot), they didn't open to do anything cos we wrapped it w transparent plastic wrapper. I was told that they spent abt 45mins to an hr to check, so it was quite fast.

Abt racism in Mel and Syn, i guess it is v subjective. I jus heard stories abt them, but like those mummies already here, i do agree w them tat so far my experience here is positive.

It wld be good if ur hubby secure a job 1st b4 the whole family moved over.
Hi andrea,

Sorry to trouble u again, but can u check with ur colleague how many kg is the washing machine? Is she willing to let go at $500? Thks!

Hi mummies in Oz,

My msn acc is [email protected]. Kindly add me into ur contacts so tat we can start msnsing. bUt usually i can msn during the nite when the kids are off to bed.
Hi tattybear
yup it's possible to get an agent but make sure u check their reliability. N of course u need to pay more la....
my cousins use an agent in oz...she recommended me but find it leceh cos got to go there n pass all the we ended doing ourselves..
hi tattybear,
If your case is those very straight forward one, it is better to do yourself. But however, some cases where the points are borderline or more complicated, then it is better to get an agent. In those cases, the agent will try to maximise your chances.
Hi to all mummies!

came across this thread and saw that many of you went to oz after getting a PR here in Singapore. May I know which agency you girls went to?
Hi Diana,
Welcome to the group :D I think most of the ladies here submitted their applications themselves. It'll probably take a little more time, but you'll save some $

But should you need agents, there are agents in Singapore who also manage the migration process. My agent is in Perth when I was applying for mine from Singapore. She helped to process a few for my friends and sister as well
hi ryatie22,
wow. tats a long wait if its 2 years!
thanks for sharing!

how about the rest of the mummies whom have successfully gotten your PR? is the wait as long?
Hi Tattybear,
I think it used to be really long years ago. I applied for mine in mid 2000 and got our PR in abt 18 months. But these days, the process seems to be much faster

I think that if you lodge the application yourself, and have all the paperwork submitted, it can be quite fast
<font face="tahoma"> Hi tattybear, I've applied in mid 2001 and got the PR in oct 2002, took us abt 18 mths too.

But like Andrea mentioned, the process seems much faster. I think some of the ladies here got it within 12 mths.</font>
Hi tattybear,

I can't really remember how long mine took, but I believe its less than a year, I think its about 6-8mths for me.
hi mummies,
with the info, I'm able to better plan when i should make the application. thanks a lot!

i believe most of you have already settled down in Perth !
anyone can share with me what is it like when you first moved there?
The search for house, the search for jobs, the search for schools for your kids etc...
I hope to be able to hear from your experiences and better prepare myself! :p

Thanks in advance!!!
hi mummies,
i've been researching on perth suburbs...for those whom have already settled down, can you share which suburb are you in?
why you select the area? do you rent first before you decide to purchase a house?

pls PM me if you feel that its sensitive...
Thanks in advance.
hi there, i need to be in perth by this month to meet my initial entry date.... now panicking coz my hubby cant make it and i need to handle my 2yr old son alone.... is there anyone there in perth that i can contact for help?? Or anyone of u willing to rent out a room for a week will be great. thanks much.
Hello mummies,

Just got back to Perth.. Phew, so much things to tidy up!! I never know I will be so happy to be back here. Singapore is great, but Perth seems even better. Mist be the quality family life.
r u the primary applicant?
If your hubby is the primary applicant, i think the initial entry has to be made together with yr hubby , if not later.
U know... that's wat my church frens in perth told me! They told me Perth is now their home. They had never felt so good!
To them, singapore is only for a short 1 week holiday.
I'm the main applicant.. i rang immi and they said no way to extend the initial entry date unless i'm giving birth on that day... sigh... so now i'm panicking coz hv not booked my flight and done any planning...
Hi Eileen,
Don't panick. Simply book a holiday for 3 - 5 days... you just need to make an initial entry.

Or try to get family or friends to come for a short holiday with you

I like Singapore too. More freedom to roam around, more shoppings to do. And I can leave my son with my mom and spend couple time with dh. Not to mention the convenience of everything! Transportation, food, shopping, everything is so convenient. I don't feel so handicapped as compared to being in Perth since I can't drive.

But when I'm back in Perth, I can't help feeling like I'm back home. The air smells so good and fresh, not like the polluted air in Sg. I still can't find as many good pts in Perth as compared to being in Sg but I love it here.. Can't explain the feeling.. Lol. Even my h feels the same. He said maybe we should just stay here forever. :D

I think if we stay here longer, we will behave like your friends in church.
hi Eileen,
For first entry, you can go any state right. If you are really tight for time and only has the weekend to spare. You can try fly in to darwin on Friday night and fly out Sunday morning on tiger.
Understand how u felt. The two cities are just so different.
U cant drive? Meaning u dont hv license or it's not convenient for u to drive?
Wah, I just casually mentioned its so quiet here n suddenly all the conversation went on n on. I got to find time to catch up...

Just got my baby's passport this morning. Going to submit her application soon. Will make a trip to Down Under to look for job once hers get approved.
Hello Mommy..

its San here again.
looks like majority of the mommy here are staying in perth right? anyone in brisbane or melb?

right now, still waiting for an officer to review our application. has submitted last mid dec. just wondering how long it will take (estimated) before they got a chance to review it. was hoping could get an approval b4 yr end than at least we can go over b4 next CNY..any kind mummies can advise. tks!!

in addition, how long did your hubby took before finding a job? did any one of you try finding one b4 even u got the approval? higher chance in getting a job after we go the approval right? FYI, my hubby in roads construction line..

oh.. one more thing..what do you mummies think of racism in aussie? is it still very bad? but hor again..think its might depend from state to state..scare brisbane might still be as hubby is hoping we can go there...

sorry for the many n long question!
nite nite!

Hi San,

Can't help you much in other questions, but racism isn't that bad in Perth.
It's like the percentage of whites to other races is lesser.. Everywhere I go, I see Chinese, Muslims and other races.. The shops, the attendances are mostly of other races and not white.

And even if I do meet ang mohs, they are mostly very nice people. Willing to go out of their way to help me with my stroller and such.
hi San,
You may want to look for this lady cutiechar in this forum. Her hub is in construction, they migrated to brisbane last year.
i'm opp of hidora..i drive in oz but not in sg..i find tat the drivers here has no patient....or may be i drive 2 careful n slow....hahhahaha

Same here
I got my licence from Aus when I was studying here 10 ten years ago. Went back to Sg and never converted it... and NEVER drove coz I was deathly afraid of traffic in Sg.

Before I came over here in Jun last year, I took some lessons in Sg (sort of as a refresher) and took SOME MORE refresher lessons here (abt 6 lessons) and took to the roads! Got a car and driving around now -- loving every moment of it! :D
