Mummies in Australia?

if offer, i start work immediately lor!! or rather, march. when i m back from sarawak.
Hi Hidora,
I will email you the info my friend prepared. It's a Toyota Corolla Ascent... VERY LOW kms (6500kms). She hardly drove it, coz she lives near her workplace...

yeah i got my 1st stamp on my passport as a PR when i entered april 2006. i dun get wat u mean by time to process till 1st entry leh.

basically in feb2006 the case officer emailed my hubby the pdf file for approval of our application. then say we need to make our 1st entry by Dec2006. and visa expires Feb2011 but can stay indefinitely in australia upon expiry.

all u need to do is print out the approval letter and bring your passports to Oz high commission to get your visas. think it took 3 days...can't remember liao. after that, u'r all set to be Oz-bound!
hello mummies..

am new to this thread! wow so many mummies here..heehee

just an intro..our family of 3 has just applied for a oz PR last dec, now waiting for the officer to call us for our medi check..

would like to know roughly how long do we have to wait before the officer call us up for check up and how long will it take before we can get our PR?

in addition, any mommies or daddies managed to get a job (especially in engineering)before getting PR? is it difficult to get a job in aus if u dun have a PR yet? we plan to go queensland or otherwise melbourne..

sorry for the many Q .. ;)

oops and happy CNY!!

which month n yr u apply for visa? basically i want 2 calculate how many mths u took to get PR approval till feb06? cos' heards tat some ppl got PR even after 2 yrs...

welcome on board...san
for me, i sent my application end of sept and received an email early jan...roughly abt 12 weeks...n the email stated that i need another 12 weeks for their reply with regards to medic n character checkup...
engineering jobs in OZ is in great demand....cos my cousin is in it n he get a job quite easily...but guess u cannot be fussy...he enjoys his werk....he starts at 6.30am till 2.30pm...cos he told the management tat he needs 2 fetch his kids...for friday werk only half day....
from my hubby experience, yup he said it's difficult to fing job without PR.....hope tis helps



may U have a PROsperous year ahead......

for me trying 2 enjoy the long awaited weekend.....
hi ryatie...

tks for ur reply..!
i c..which means we still have some time (prob only in march) before we got their first reply..

ya me too..heard some ppl took up to 2 yrs before they rcd their pretty long..

oz is really family-pro..which is why many are turning there..

my hubby is hoping that he could at least get a job there b4 getting the PR(he hope we could go over there first while waiting for the PR)..but think the probability of getting a job w/o PR is very slim... .

sorry but have ur hubby start to hunt for any job or prob will wait till u guys get the PR?



we submitted in late aug 2005 - the month before we got married. and got our PR approved early Feb 2006. and had to do first entry by dec 2006.
i must say we got our PR really fast! also under skilled migration.


welcome! it's true that it's not easy to get job without PR. most pple wouldn't wanna do the paperwork for u.
so far my hub n me r just looking at the job quite a demand NOW...
did u du ur PR urself or thru agent?

wow..yours really 6mths....super fast...
so how r u? any morning sickness??? :-;
<font face="tahoma"> good morning mummies.

wow.. you gals really got it very fast! for my case, we also under skilled migration. we applied in mid 2001 and got the PR in oct 2002, took us 18 mths! and we have to make first entry by oct 2003.</font>
Hi, this morning just spent an hour of overseas call talking to bank staff in AU. Really heart pain. But no choice, got to get the banking stuff settled. What is even more heart pain is to realise that my money has not been earning interest over there for the past 2 yrs due to revised interest rates. I have been so busy to check on my account that I didn't realised it till recently.
was juz considering to open n account there...but with ur comments...i guess i'll defer n juz du a foreign deposit in sg...currently maybank is offering a good rate...

urs really long....actually i considering to migrate abt 4-5 yrs time....but after further thinking will go the earliest 2009 or 2010 latest....hope i can keep much money then cos' i'm not going to work there...
<font face="tahoma"> ryatie, during that time this time frame is normal. didnt know now they processed it soooooo fast!

if you're getting your PR soon, then 4-5 yrs time might be risky coz you need to stay 24 mths to extend your PR else you need to apply special visa to leave Australia. </font>
ok noted abt the time am i rite to say that if i have my 1st entry in aug 2008 by 2011 i must move there to complete the 2 yrs(2011-2013)?correct??

wah lagi crazy...cos i tot of taking unpaid for a year..then c the market there..if not good, i'll come now planning...planning ...planning...
<font face="tahoma"> raytie,
yes that's right. in fact i thought of taking unpaid also but dont think my coy is generous enough to keep my position for 1 yr.

i also worry abt not able to find jobs coz it's so competitive and costs are so high now. unlike last time</font>
Hello Mummies

CNY just few days busy preparing. Just celebrated my girl's 1st birthday too.
Well, we have finally set a date for the move.My HB will be starting work in Perth in Mar, so we will be going then. Been so busy organising my new house there through the phone.

Engineers , esp those from Oil &amp; Gas backgrounds are in huge demand.
For those who have PR, may be faster and more efficient for you to go there and search for job.
Thanks for the info regarding the OIL &amp; GAS market...but i wanna know wat's the working hours like...cos in singapore my hubby working hours is SO long....need to werk extra 50 hours almost evry round the clock for more than no family time....i hope it's not like tat in ozzy.....r u going 2 werk there?

Working hours will depend on the job and how much u want to earn. Those who do Fly in Fly out or work in the bush (Karratha , Sale etc) can earn alot (6 figure salary a year) easily , but they work in tough conditions .

Those who work office/factory job , have more normal hours and are stationed in the cities lor. I think would definately way better then here. Those I know work normal hours from 8-4pm type, 5 day week.
in sg, my hubby doesn't even have a half day for gazeted holidays only CNY go back 1pm...salary wise also not much...cos mentally STRESS...I know 6 digit pay SURE tough tot of telling him 2 work abt 3 yrs then settle on 5day work later...thanks so much for the info
Hi Ladies,
Those who are here already and looking for a washing machine, let me know. My colleague's friend is selling a less-than-one-year-old front loader machine
The banking products over in AU r kinda different frm SIN. Those normal daily banking accounts do not earn interest, but if u park your money in savings account or term deposit, u do get better returns. I have just moved my funds to term deposits n the interest is up to 7%pa. Better than here.
Yup, Hentang is right. I forgot they had a range of products, and was shocked to learn that my account was earning 1% interest (like in Singapore). Then when I researched a little more, banks like Bank West have several savings accounts ... some earning as much as 8% interest (if you do not withdraw from the account at all). And children's accounts earn 10% interest.
Hi Ryatie...

we did our own application ar..not worth getting agent..too ex liao..must save as much $$ as possible..;) guess we will incurred huge expense over there when we really get to go over..

not real morning sickness...just fatigue and sensitive to smell...used to love mushrooms...someore the mushrooms here to so fresh and yummy!!! suddenly i feel repulsive towards them

Any big bank ads/promotions u see on the newspapers in Sgp is always a con-job. remember, the bank ALWAYS WINS.....there's no way they'll give u excellent rates without some terms and conditions....we had bad experience with the maybank income tax rebates.... in the end we forewent the rebates, cancelled the giro deductions and paid lump sum to IRA. then took our money out to invest elsewhere. that was the silliest thing we did to be sucked in by the newspaper ad Maybank put up.
so be careful what products u'r looking at.

Andrea is right. Bankwest offers very good rates. i'm also on the telenet saver. we dunk AUD 20K in the telenet saver since last yr....every month the interest is hundred over bucks!
they have a new on which is 8% but think u need to have a constant input of $2000 a month to enjoy the rate. currently, we're just relaxing and enjoying parenthood
my son can walk liao!!!! exactly 1 yr old!
Dear all mummies in OZ,
Finally settled down in Perth. Had been so bz since i moved here mid Jan. Gonna be a mth soon. Everything here is so super slow work. Started w the application for medicare card, looking for used car (Andrea, missed te thread u posted earlier), applyg for taxfile num, opening of bank acc, going for pre-natal checkup, and so on, and was shocked w the service standard here. Took at least 2 wks for most of the processing. Is it always like that or r we juz lucky to get such service.

Now, looking at renting a hse. Andrea, ur colleague is selling a washing machine? What's the brand, how many kg? I m interested. Can help mecheck up? Thks

CNY here is so quiet, don't even feel it. Heard there is a bazzar 2morow at burswood to celebrate CNY, may go there to experience.
Hi Evelyn,
Glad to know that you have arrived and more or less settled! We'll be gg to the CNY Hawkers' Bazaar tomorrow too! :D

Are you still looking for a used car? I don't think my friend has sold her car yet... And I will give you details of the washing machine when I get back to work on Monday. I only remember that it's a front loader. It's not a popular brand name but I'm sure it's reliable. Almost brand-new (less than a year old).

Also let me know what you are looking for. I can help you scout around on campus! Students not back yet, and there are LOTS of things on sale (particularly cars). My colleague did mention that my friend's car is a good buy though

By the way, where are you staying?
the product that u took is the rebates that they give u when u pay ur income tax rite....for me..i took the iSavvy savings far had got all my dividends in hand n had not much prob cos' i'm doing my ibanking putting my foreign far good returns....u'll earn more interest if u open cildren's account..i guess evrywhere the same but not as much int like 10% in oz..
Wow, din know that children's account earn so much interest over there. Gonna trsf my daughters' fund over there then.

Btw, those over there, if u know of any good rental or job opportunities, hope u can inform me. We r currently making arrangements for our move but I hardly hv time to source for info. The 2 kids r keeping my hands very full.
Hi Hen,

u need to source for mover to help u with shipment? I had one to recommend as we found his service is good. Our shipment took 2 weeks to arrive but stuck at the Fremantle port for quarantine check and just cleared 2 days ago. If u need the contact, let me know.

Hi Andrea,

I am currently staying at my bro-in-law's hse at Ruth ave, canning vale. But have found a villa to rent at Gosnells starting next wk, but need to make arrangements to shift my things over, and to buy all the neccessities b4 we can shift in. Probably in another one or 2 wks time. I am looking for a couple of things to buy cos the place is non-furnished. So I m looking for basic things like washing machine, fridge, freezer, dinning set, sofa, beds (new)etc. We r on a budget cos my hubby is currently looking for a job, and we r now living on our savings. As for the car, we have bought one, but will get 2nd car when my hubby has found a job. If u hv any good recommendation, let me know. Thks!

Hi Ozziemummie,
Congrats on ur No.2. It must be tiring for u to run ard with ur son while expecting. My son turned 1 2 wks ago but has yet to walk. He is always holding on to my hand and dare not let go even i want to leave him to walk alone. BTW, I am going to Swan District Hospital to deliver my No. 3. I went to Kings Edward Memorial Hospital to take a look, jus the outside but found that it is in the city and not so easy to get there, especially with the single lane streets and all the turns to make. My GP recommended either Swan or Kings, so finally I decided on Swan tho slightly further. He said there are Gynaes there to assist in delivery, whereas Kings is delivered by midwife. So far I went for check up by Midwife and Gynae, the service is good.
which liine is your hb in?
i am like hen... prepare for our move BUT no time to start anything yet.

hopefully we can settle in perth if job mkt is good. otherwise we'll land in melbourne
Hi Evelyn,
Just got into the office and checked up on the washing machine for you. It's a less-than-one-year-old Haier front loader. Has 4 more years warranty. Features 9 wash programs, LCD, large 30-cm door opening, auto water level adjustment, stainless steel innder drum and delicate wash program. The price is $550... Will see if there are other things on sale when I go for lunch later

Hi mngo,

my hubby specialised in optical storage media (CDs, DVD, writers, thumbdrive etc) pre-sales support, secondary role is IT technical suppt. Apparently there are only 2 companies here dealing w optical storage. Mainly in Melbourne &amp; Sydney, but I heard racism there is bad. Howver, IT tech suppt has quite a no. of openings, some contract some FT, but remuneration may not b very good.

Hi Andrea,
Thks for the great info. I will discuss with my hubby n let u know. BTW, where is the place to pick up if we r interested?
so far, my frens working in melbourne told me racism is not tat bad there. there are also lots of asians living in melbourne.
Sydney wise. i have heard stories, but i have not been to sydney so cant relly comment.

all my experiences in aussie has been good
hi mommies in australia,

need to seek your expert advise. DH will be posted to Melborne for 2 yrs for work and we will be going along. what happens to the newborn citzenship if NB is born in OZ land? do we need to come to Singapore to give birth?
sorry for this silly question cos we are wondering if baby is born in australia and is an australian, does it mean when she is bigger, she has better access to the schools in australia, or she is regarded as a foreigner?


I've got friends in SYD, MEL &amp; PER. Whenever I asked if racism is an issue to them, they all said no. I guess if u don't go find trouble wz them, they also won't bother wz u. Like mngo, all my experiences in AU has been good.

BTW, for those who moved, can u share what r the stuff u brought/ship over? I can't decide what to bring/ship over n therefore not sure if I need a mover at this point or whether just sending stuff via DHL is sufficient.
Hi Hentang,
I think you have to decide if you intend to spend on furniture and white goods when you are here, or would you want to bring those over as well.

For us, the boys' items were mandatory. I had their beds and clothes and all their toys shipped over, as I didn't want them to feel homesick. That proved to be a good decision, coz they fit right in and felt comfortable when they saw all their toys and beds.

We also brought all our furniture over coz when we calculated the costs, it was too costly for us to buy new stuff. The only things we bought here were the fridge, washing machine and microwave oven. And we also bought gas heaters coz we came in the winter months.

Hi Harriet,
I'm not entirely sure about citizenship matters for newborn babies. I'm sure the mummies who have given birth here will be able to better advise
However, if baby is born here, you will be entitled to baby bonus if you are PR or Citizen. Not sure again if baby bonus will be given for non-PR status...

Sorry, wasn't much help there ...
For your bb to be australian citizen, either one of the parent must be a PR, else she must be still residing in Australia on his/her 10th birthday then she gets her citizenship on her/his 10th birthday.

Extracted from the dima website.
People born in Australia on or after 20 August 1986 become Australian citizens by birth if at least one parent is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident at the time of the person’s birth.
A child born in Australia to parents who are not permanent residents or Australian citizens acquires Australian citizenship automatically on his or her 10th birthday provided the child is ordinarily resident in Australia. Children born in Australia to foreign diplomats do not acquire Australian citizenship.
I think as long as one of the parents are Singaporean...the child will still be singaporean althou they r born elsewhere but u must register for sg birth cert. I dun think ur entitle for the baby bonus.

How much it cost to bring all those items...cos my hubby think is 2 ex....cos i feel its better 2 bring the children stuff over.
Hen :
I have been busy arranging my move. Spoke to my Forwarder and he advised that we bring branded Electronics and Furniture as it is cheaper here. I did some research online such as and realised that Korean brands are ok priced, but problem is exchange rate lor. So may be more worth it to buy here esp if you already having a container.

I will be shipping prac everything except washing machine, fridge and small items such as iron etc..coz we will need those urgently. The container will take about 3-4 weeks to reach and clear customs.
Hi Ryatie
I engaged a mover who quoted an entire 20ft container. Including taxes and insurance, I think we paid abt $8500. And since this mover's HQ is in Perth, and they are familiar with the rules and regulations here, he assured me that our wood furniture would be safe to go through. Our stuff were not quarantined and they arrived a week earlier than expected. It was a pleasant hassle-free experience
Thanks for the info..i think the price they quoted consider reasonable as it is for thw whole container...ur family r sure happy with all the stuff that u'd brought them....if intend to move maybe ask u 4 advice regarding the MOVER...

dunno whether it's true cousin just return to perth bought lots of bedsheet from she said the quality n the price is cheaper here....
Hmmm... I must say that Aussino sheets are really cheap :D

I can't find cheap and cute sheets for my boys' beds coz it's usually quilt sets, which we don't need
So, I'd recommend getting from Aussino! haah
Hmmm... I must say that Aussino sheets are really cheap :D

I can't find cheap and cute sheets for my boys' beds coz it's usually quilt sets, which we don't need
So, I'd recommend getting from Aussino! haah
r u moving to Perth ah?

My hb just mentioned we will be moving in 4 months.

Now busy contacting recruitment agents.

Seems like we will end up in melbourne

I guess toys.. i will ship.
Mattress also i think.

However i have some wood stuffs which i want to bring over. and it's small items. but not sure will it be quarantine?
