Mummies in Australia?

yup applied already n made the waiting for emmail 2 du medical n character chec`k up` if sucessful...

so how's the meet up....
hi mummies!!!

sorry i MIA also....

so how was the meetup? hope at least some of u got together!

Ryatie! how r u? by the way i cancel my Sgp mobile line..the one u call me on. my Oz mobile is +61422243752. of 'cos it's now easier if u email me

we're relaxing alright! my son is doing well except for some eczema on the face lor

Hidora! i managed to get a 500ml Dermaveen (with pump) from Subi-Centro pharmacy! finally...everywhere out of stock! u'r right it's very good! but ex wor.....excellent investment i must say.


the stock market's been pretty volatile huh.with fears of recession in US, and if ongoing, it'll definitely affect exports from Oz. the ASX has been tumbling too. may mean cheaper AUD soon for those waiting to buy!
<font face="tahoma"> Hi ladies,
how's the meetup? so sorry, i cant make it. having bad cramps.. took MC to rest.

if AUD really, all of us sure rush to buy! hope this will come true

i bought the 500ml one for $19.99 AUD. was desperate liao. can't be bothered to go find the cheapest...anyway everywhere out of stock. it's the white bottle with light blue cap...Thanks to Hidora. she told me which one to buy. there's another range from Dermaveen which is purplish pink cap.
i using for face only lah. 'cos so ex...body can use other brands.....
Hi mummies

The meetup was nice. We had a good time yakking away ..

ozzie: ya..this year going to be a tough year for the world economies lor. Cash is king. I am still watching the AUD like a hawk. haha...

Hidora: no worries, hopefully things better for you now. I lost my phone few days back irritating lor. oh goes on
When are you going back to Perth?

Mspiggy: nvm, we can always meet up next time again.

Exp rite? But can last a long time! I like how it drys up and turns somehow powdery after applying. Like velvet like that.

I think only Wizard pharmacy selling it at $14+. But after staying there for 6mths, I nv see it in stock anyway..


I still busy busy running errands. Sigh.. My phone is still not fixed. So it's back at the service centre for another week.

I'm going back on 1st Mar. Like what ozziemummie said, life seems much busier here. At least in Perth, I got hb to help me with son. But over here, I'm doing everything myself cos my mom is not free.

Ok. Gotta go attend to my son liao.. Will check back in a few days time.. Not much internet access here.
i saw the white wif light blue cap at guardian in sg. 250ml at abt more than 20 sgd.
left 2 on shelf only!

thanks for the website! only the dermaveen was worth buying. really cheap!
but think will finish my current bottle first-- which will last quite a while!

Wah guardian so ex?!!!

AUD fell to 1.24 today leh. u bought any?

not yet. I still watching carefully, the stock market is madness and next few days will be volotile. The USD shot up alot suddently too. R you still buying AUD?

heard the property mkt in perth has softened abit..maybe by end of the year, the property prices may become more bearable. Good for those relocating then
<font face="tahoma"> morning ladies,
hope AUD will drop more too... waiting to buy some.

glad to know ppty mkt has soften. </font>

the AUD was low for a short moment only. then it bounced back up! it's so tiring to watch it! grrrr....we're not buying any at the moment. my hubby is hoping it'll drop to 1.2!!!!

yes, property market has softened...we may consider buying sometime next yr...prices expected to plunge by 10%.
Hello mummies,

I happen to chanced upon this thread and I am wondering if you are staying in Perth, would you help me to buy things from Myer store if you are coming back to S'pore or if you would like to take over my A$100 Myer card (at discounted price of course)?

We had a family vacation in Perth but the agent, Quantas Holidays here gave us a expired gift voucher and we can't spend it during our stay. The agent has gave me a replacement and valid for 2 years but I don't forsee myself visiting Perth so soon again.

Anyone keen? Pls contact me at [email protected] as I am not sure if I can come back to this thread.

Yo, aft the meet up the other day, got busy cos bb became cranky. Cried a lot whenever she's awake. For 2 days, I never really sleep liao, going berzurk!!

Drop drop drop, thats what I hope the AUD n property market will do. Time running out for me, I have to move by this year, so hope all these will be in favor for me
Hi Ladies,
I have a question about Medicare. Does anyone remember if you have to apply for membership? Or are we automatically eligible for Medicare when we get our PR?

It's been really frustrating to deal with them coz i need to get a letter of eligibility to apply for health insurance. And to avoid paying extra on the premium, i need to show them that I had only taken up residency in June last year.

Can anyone please help advise?

i am not sure wat u meant by membership.
wat we did was to go to medicare centre and apply for the card.
hi Mngo,
What I mean is do we have to apply to join Medicare? The people at Medicare at telling me that we are automatically eligible for Medicare when we get our PR.... is this true?

Tho' u'r automatically eligible for medicare when u get PR, u still need to apply @ medicare in order to get your medicare number.
Hi ryatie,

Ya, I agree that certain items in Myer are more expensive than in Singapore, but we were there in late Oct and there was a toy sale fair going on but, alas we are not able to use the voucher to buy; so my son was upset that he only ended up with 1 toy as we only realised the voucher had expired at the cashier!
Hi OZziemummie
Sigh... that's what I thot. and it's really infuriating to deal with them coz they put me down as eligible since Mar 2003 when I first entered Aus to 'activate' the PR! And we actually went to the Office last year to be 'added on' to my husband's card.

And another thing is, strangely, my husband's eligibility date is different fr mine although we both made the trip in 2003. His is registered as 2006 when he finally took up residency here.

How does that figure out?
U must felt very frustrated,,,why dun u get u ask the agency 2 compensate ...anyway it's their fault....

anybody watching NZ$ seems tat the rate had went down too right

Does it means that you still do not have any medicare number?

I got my medicare number even before I became a PR. I only need to show them a letter that says that my PR application is in process, then they gave me and my son the medicare card already. It's valid for 1 yr, and will be extended after I got the actual PR. I also got a letter from them that allows us to apply for private health insurances.

Or am I on the different topic? >_<
Hi Hidora,
I do have a medicare number and card now. Basically, I just need to show them that I was added to my husband's card in Jun 2007 to avoid paying extra on the premium. However, Medicare has me in their system since Mar 2003...

So I need to know how that came to be. Confusing isn't it?

When I summited the PR application, I got a letter from the office to let me apply for medicare.


Oh! Hmm... I wonder is my name added to my husband's card...
<font face="tahoma"> Andrea, did you apply while you're studying there?

not sure if we are talking abt the same thing... how come need to pay premium for the medicare? i've gotten my card for abt 2 yrs now. i just went to the medicare center in city to apply. just need to fill in details and a local mailing address. 2 weeks later they will send the cards to us. is this what you're talking about?</font>

so your medicare thing sorted out yet?

i'm confused too!!! most of the time u add your spouse and kids to the same medicare card and hence u have the same medicare number.
all i did was to go medicare centre @ subiaco (was my nearest branch) with my passport lor....

andrea wants to buy private insurance. apparently medicare doesn't cover EVERY single thing per se....esp if u go dentist, or need prescription glasses...stuff like that.


how's the PR appli? have they given u instructions to get medical checkup and police certs yet? Saw u on the Ergo carrier thread...hahah!! i'm also interested to get one! my son grew out of the COMBI, then i got an infantino ;cos he can face out and see in front....but it's not very tight leh...the strap keeps slipping downwards with my boy's weight.and shoulders still ache!!!!

by the way mummies, i'm pregnant!!! but still very very very early stage lah. abt 3 weeks (calculating from ovulation). made in Oz!!!hahahah!

was telling Hidora i'll be planning for a short trip back to Sgp to get my maternity stuff plus my son's used newborn stuff....also to see my folks....then i won't be back in Sgp till CNY 2009.
Congrats congrats heppi 4 u...ur boy gonna be KO wonder u MIA...hahhaha

abt the PR still waiting....if PR approved will go there by AUG 08 4 1st entry..need 2 plan ahead cos hubby new job is very hectic...

regarding ergo..personally i think it's good worth the money..had bought the hippy chick...also back far tis one good investment...

LIFE here is so bz with sending Qistina to sourching for childcare 4 Qasdina who's turning 18mths end of the month as her sis sch only takes in 2005 children...
Congrats OZziemummie

Really MIA :D If you need help, just holler, yeah?

Anyway, the medicare thingy isn't sorted out yet. Will probably go to the Rockingham branch and 'bang table'!! Irritating...

BTW, how did you spend Aus Day? Did you watch Skyworks?
<font face="tahoma"> ozziemummie,
i see.

CONGRATULATIONS! Please beep us when you return.. really hope to meet up with all of you this time round.</font>
hi Raytie,
Do you know when they determine first entry date? Becos, I was asked to do medical etc last oct. In Dec, they asked my hub to extend passport date. But they told us if approve, we have to make our first entry by Nov 08. Was wondering how come your first entry date seem to be much earlier but asked to do medical etc later?
<font face="tahoma"> hopeac,
usually they will advise the 1st entry date after you've received your PR</font>
for tis procedure, i not so sure cos arrangement all my hubby take care...i follow only..we'r under skilled bout u? Not sure whether it depends on wat skill of job u have..both of us r in engineering...hubby study tooks us 12 weeks from our submission of PR to get a reply form aus bout ur was it? did u du urself or by agent?

if ur here buzz us, if u want my help to take 4 u the ergo juz PM me ok....
hi mummies!

thanks. but like i said still very early stage. a bit nervous!

watch skyworks from Maltida Bay. but same old thing as last yr. not the most enjoyable as there were quite a few drunk teenagers...and they were breaking beer bottles on purpose...quite dangerous i must say. we left before the fireworks finished to avoid the crowd. Aussie day is one day u realise how ugly the young generation has turned out to be....very sad.

Ryatie, i'll take my time to source first. if have i shouldn't have a problme picking it up. thanks for your offer to help

I think different case officers handle applis a little differently. but if they can tell u to make your 1st entry by a certain month, it sounds like good news. means u probably got approval! i think they usually give u abt 9-10 months grace period to make your 1st entry. i remembered my hubby and i got approval in Feb2006. we had to make our 1st entry Dec2006. so we came down to Oz in April 2006 for a holiday and get our passports "stamped"...'cos we weren't planning to move over so soon then....
Du they give grace time to enter? So u got ur PR stamp on APR 06 i rite? How long was ur process to ur first entry date? TIA

have been 2 their Olympic events where they were fire works in Brisbane...the teenagers were rowdy but i think same goes with singapore when last time when i hang out at SUNSET bay beach during all this special events...not only teenagers ..adults also rowdy...

Heh, I tot it will be a while before you announced the good news to the mummies here. ;p

Btw hor, I'm a loyal user of ergo! Anything about it, ask me man. I was using it for the longest time. Carrying my then 12 kg son to shopping almost everyday. But I'm better with using it in front rather than carrying it behind.

Tell you what, my ergo is lying around in Perth now. Why don't you give Jon a call and take the ergo for a trial? See if you like it before buying one for yourself. I even bought a pouch and backpack to go along with it. I will say that the ergo backpack is really useful. Can put quite a lot of barang barang. :D
I must agree the teenage crowds were rather rowdy. In fact, there were a few fights not too far from us... really dampens the mood. It was also quite horrifying to see the brawls that broke out on the news...

Anyway Ladies, those who are already in Perth or arriving soon, my friend will be leaving soon and is selling her car. If you plan to buy a 2nd hand car, or would like to check out her car, just let me know
Hi Ladies,
I can't promise anything, but my department is constantly on the lookout for people and if anyone is interested, I could check with the Manager if they are employing...
Hi Andrea,

What kind of position is avail in your department? Not sure if I can fit in anywhere. I graduated wz IT degree but worked in the travel industry, responsibilities ranging frm admin, sales n marketing, IT support, project management to product support.

I'm planning to move over by 4Q this year or when I can secure a job, whichever earlier.
Hi Mngo,
I can check with them if there's a current opening... but if they offer, you will have to commence work quite soon. How soon will you be able to relocate?
