MMI @ katong shopping centre

hi nuahcouple,
i should only put infant with nanny for a short term so lucky can avoid the issue of thinking why cannot go home. At least the recognization parents part is put to minimal, if older child might be more difficult to explain the reason to them. Heard of the terrible stories of maid, so really no faith in them. Infant care is out as hubby and i work late on some days. Our workplace is too far to rush back before 7pm closing time.

Do let me know your feedback after trying berries. Now several chinese language schools, "i can read", "tien xia", etc. Not sure which one to choose. Errr, why cannot learn ballet? is it worried about the bones development?

hi smallbell,
i also dont know whether ZH like piano or not... is just tat every sunday i'm e one who will accompany him to his class whereas hubby/maid accompany SZ to another class. Then e NAUGHTY ZH will behave very weird... must sit on my lap, then teacher ask him to do things he will purposely anyhow do. when e sing n dance he wont want to do it too... just sit there holding e instrument but never follow e teacher instruction unlike e rest of e children. hai~~~ i'm so "xin hui yi rei" liao.... last sunday I bring him out of e class twice cos he is not concentrating n messy up teacher's stuff- e 1st time i scolded him outside n he says he wants to continue his lesson then i bring him in again but when it happen a 2nd time I walk out of e class straight away n ask hubby to exchange with me. Then e worst part is SZ also behave e same way.. once she sees me cring to me like nothing then dont want to do wat teacher ask her to do liao.... HAIIIIiiiiiii

this is why i really cant stand them... nowadays i start wondering whether is Zh concentrating in e class or he also walk around during e lessoon in mmi....
hi ladies

wow so many postings this morning

personally i feel KUMON is just a tuition centre, dont hv to start early lah.

sometimes kids also hv mood, maybe its just mood swing, u see how for the next few lessons then decide if should withdraw
Hi small bel,

berries shld be good as my niece and nephew has been attending....ok will let u know...

as for ballet yes, bone development is one thing bt another thing waste of $$ as wat can u do next parents also refuse to let my gal one of my niece is learning..anyway , my bro and sil insist their kids learn as much as she can!! siao lah
hi elaine,
when your hubby accompany either kids, they are ok? as last time during shichida class, if i accompany, patrick also similar to ZH, anyhow do the things on certain days. But when hubby go in with him, he behaves well. So i thought is the person accompany that makes the difference and not the problem with the lesson, classmates or teachers.

hi nuahcouple,
yeah, some people feel that let kids try everything and see where their interest lies. Therefore ended up with lots of enrichment class.
small bell
Patrick attended shicida class before? how do u find the programme? is the fees ex? I called the other day to find out how their fees r like. they just ask me to go down to their centre and enquire. don't want to entertain me thru the phone
hi smallbell,
e 2 kids always behaves well with maid or hubby!!!
once they see me they are like ""CRaZY"" sorry to use this phrase but is really true!! sometimes i take leave n stay at home... they will always stick to me, stay in e room with me, where ever i go they follow until i'm so pissed off.
when i'm not ard e maid says they very independent can watch tv or do things themselves.
Can even lie on e bed n pat each other to sleep on their own but when i'm at home ZH will ask me to pat him to sleep then SZ die die must latch to sleep.

When hubby go fetch Zh from sch he can behaves very well on e way home but every day i go fetch he can cry for me to carry him till home
hi bbethan,

not sure if she can concentrate as she can only sign up next yr...shld be ok lah as in the afternoon they dun do much in school ;) as anyway, by the time we go back from my parents 's hse to our hse already 8+ and when she reads her books etc allready think ok bah ;)

I also called up shichida regarding jap class bt they only tecch 4 or 6 yrs above...kekeke so we will hv to the mean time and teaching C some japanese as I studied b4 ;)

Small bel,

nope my bro and sil is not to see what interest her kid bt forced to learn and take up weather she likes it or not...they pressure their kids especially the elder she is 4 yrs old but she can already read 6 yrs above books by herself etc....since bb my bro and sil has been reading to her and forced her when she gets older........also she has ezcemes and cannot swim as her skins gets irriated etc bt bro still forced her to learn swimming till my parents give up!!!!!
hi babyethan,
he attend for about 2 yrs plus. The program is good but need lots of work, got to prepare flashcards to show daily. When was sahm could still afford the time, then back to work, cannot keep up with the tough practice at home. The fees are $60 plus per lesson and cost more on weekends. Would be good that you attend the preview talk and if interested then you join. The materials are also very ex.

hi elaine,
ahhh, then is the person who accompany them. So how about just let hubby bring them for piano but will need to put separate timing.

hi nuahcouple,
shichida got jap class taught by the natives. But heard that attending are jap kids, will there be a problem with translation if they speak in total japanese? for normal class, they do incorporate some japanese songs, words, games into the lesson. Not totally japanese but might be easier to follow, at least teacher will explain in english on what the words mean.
hi nuahcouple,
y u choose japanese language from other language?

patrick CL not good meh... as e teacher to teach him more la... me n paul still scared ZH expose to too much CL in school cos now he can speak a lot more CL.
hi elaine,
he still speaks chinese with the english tone and even if we speak chinese, he will answer back in english. Most of the simple chinese words that we speak, he also don't understand. For instance, ask him to say different colour in chinese, he need to think very hard or totally don't know. And speaking in a full sentence without mixing some english is impossible to him.
Hi elaine,

hv said either French or Jap bt I prefer jap as I studied b4 hence can teach her...if learn french then who is gonna converse with my gal ;)
hi smallbell,
ZH last time also dont really know how to speak but with Yu lao shi now better liao

good la... at least u know how to speak jap. start them early is better n faster for them to learn
Hi elaine,
patrick is with Gao lao shi, she said he still try to reply back in english but he knows what she is talking about. And when he goes the K1, K2 class, guess will need more focus on knowing the characters. So i might need to seek enrichment center help.

I told patrick that ZH will be leaving mmi, he asked me why. Then kept asking which of his classmates will also be leaving school.

hi nuahcouple,
i learn jap before too, so quite easy to teach. You may like to start with the table of sounds 'a', 'i', 'u', 'e' 'o'. And there are quite a lot of useful materials that you can get from daiso children's section, including foam puzzles, hiragana charts, japanese map, etc. Do check out daiso.
small bell,

been to daiso bt nvr get to see all the materials leh
shld go again...


Tina told me this morning ur ah boy loves to stick close to my gal..yesterday after bath...Tina saw them too close...separate ur ah boy and he cried which Tina said Ethan dun cry in school and keep pointing to my gal...wahahahaha..this morning also, when ethan saw chloe...he so happy and keep pointing at her......Tina said chloe is taking care of ethan and they youngest kids..she is doting them like jie cute
small bell
i didn't know daiso have children section too. think i will go n check out again. want to get materials to do hair clips for my girl too...

aiyo... this naughty boy. funny thing is whenever i mention Chloe's name to him, he has no reaction leh. He seems to like to mingle with the older children than those in his own class, except Chloe. Nowadays i dun send him to sch liao. if not Tina sure update me. But when I pick him up, the teachers said another older bro n sis like to play with him n he likes them too. Even cried once when they are leaving. hahaha... now u got no worries when yr #2 comes along. she sure takes care of her/him very well.

do yr kids go thru this phase? My boy now learns to scream and cries out loud when he doesn't get the things he want. Sometimes out of no reason, he will throw tantrums n start throwing things on hand/ kick/ knock his head. don't know how to handle him. N worse, he does it in public too. So worried if it will become a habit or gets out of hand as he grows.

yes Chloe went thru the stage's called Terror 2....;) dun worry just hv to be patience bt dun give in to him all the time leh...
hi nuahcouple,
do try the IMM daiso children toys section, the other branches quite limited.

hi babyethan,
i saw that they sell ready made small clips for children and ribbon at daiso but not sure if they sell the metal clips. But i read from forum that if you want to do DIY hair clips, can get material from spotlight.

i been through the phase of crying and screaming at the terrible two stage. Very embarassing outside, he will cry so loud when someone ride on those coin operated rides at shopping mall. If go toy shop, will also cry when i refuse to buy the toy. Then i just give in (all the time). I know some parents just ignore and let kid cry out loud in public. But not to worry, this phase will outgrow. I am too giving, should be like nuahcouple mentioned, not give him all the time.
how long will this last?
every evening when i fetch him back, must bribe him with food while on the bus. if not, he monkey in the bus. sometimes food just doesn't last thru the whole journey. then he gets restless and do all sorts of annoying acts. think others on the bus must be thinking how come this mother so bochap and doesn't know how to discipline her child.

dun worry abt others lah..just ignore them...hv u try talking to him abt the scenery and what is outside when on the bus etc...or tell him if he cry uncle and auntie or bus driver will scold etc just to scare him...;)

depends on each child lah....once in a while C will still do that bt scold her loh or tell her do u want cane!!! long as dun give in all the time if not they will not be afraid of you and even demand more from u.

every child is different. my chloe's terror 2 wasnt tat bad, she only misbehave & throw tantrums at home. BUT my boy is really a terror!! both outside & at home. i guess maybe boys are more mischievous??
hi babyethan,
at public, i had to use food, small toys to distract him. Also had to use dvd player to show him cartoon if travel distance is long. I tried nuahcouple method to scare him with auntie scolding him but that only works a few times and became useless as he knows is only a threat. Back at home if this happens, i use the naughty corner method. This phase lasted around a year plus for me. Even now at 4 yrs old, my boy on and off will occur such misbehaviour but much in control as he could understand reasoning.
hope it really is a passing phase... he's not afraid of the scaring method leh. end up i always have to scold him. today when i picked him up from sch, teacher told me the real Ethan is showing up. i asked her what did he do n she said, he's starting to push others.... oh no, i hope he don't become a bully.
got to bear with this, will take longer for some kids. The embarassment is difficult, complain from teachers and stare from passer-by. He will understand when he gets older.

My boy used to vomit easily at the terrible two stage. When he cries, cough too hard or eat alot, he will vomit. So cleverly he also made used of this to take advantage of us. Whenever we see him like going to puke outside, we will just give in.

dun worry lah it's growing up phrase...

This morning when the teacher saw Chloe and told ethan see who is here and ethan so so happy leh
so cute.....
think childcare should organize parents and children get together, so that we can meet each other. I know some cc has this during festive season or anniversary gathering, mmi does not have this.
we only get to see other parents during year end concert.
dun think nurture cottage hv gal has been attending nurture cottage since she is 18tmhs till now dun hv this kind of session...kekekeke


saw ur hb today with ethan ;)
ya lor... it'll be good if have such sessions. after u transfer yr boy to the other cc, no one else here in MMI liao?

oh is it? this morning, this boy lazy... woke up and wanted to go back to sleep. quickly pop him his milk before i leave, then leave him to disturb my hb after his milk to wake him up... hiak hiak... if not, if i leave them to sleep, ethan doesn't need to go to sch liao.

Can anyone share your experience on MMI phonics?

I intend to send my son to MMI phonics weekend class at Upper East Coast Road.

Appreciate a lot.
Hi Small Bell,

Nope. This is kindergarten and does provide enrichment.

This is the link.

I brought my son there last weekend. He didn't like it when arrived. After an hour there, he started to like the school.

It is 2 bus stop away from Siglap Centre.

Initially i was thinking to enrol my son to I Can Read. He liked it too. The fee was about $160 p.m, the ratio is 1:5-8 students. Not native thought.

Therefore i continue searching till i find MMI @ Upper East Coast Road.

The ratio is 1:1 or 2 for weekend phonics class. $125 per month.

The administror is very patient explain all my doubts. Overall is i have very good impression on this MMI.

Its math is very advance too. Kumon was in my mind prior searching for Montessori.

Its kindergaten gather to most Indian expatriates. Thus, Chinese is a bit weak. But its Math & English is quite advance.

I would like to have more insight about its weekend phonics and math programs.
hi smallbell,

do u know abt e HFMD outbreak in e cc?? u mustbe more careful cos u r preg. I have ask teacher Amy abt it n she says all 4 are from nursery class and those 4 cases are reported last wk. So far this wk no new cases. Hopefully all will be well soon. Do keep a closer look out of patrick health and dont share food/drink with him.
hi elaine,
so many cases, but how come they never put up a board? last time they wrote in communication book and put up a board at school saying the number of kids who got HFMD. Thanks, i will be careful. Seems like although H1N1 is ok, this hfmd still on all the time.

I can't go to the rehearsal this sat, only hubby will go. It is a long wait of 2 hours there, will you be waiting?
hi smallbell,
they got put a very BIG white board at the waiting area. And also yesterday communication book got a information sheet on the outbreak of HFMD in e sch.
hi smallbell,
never mind la.... usually i wont check e book everyday too is my maid who check heeeheee... when she take e dirty clothes out she saw a paper attached to e book so she pass to me...
hi elaine,
still no paper, maybe drop out of the book. What clothes ZH wearing for the concert? Patrick is just shirt and pants, need to get black shoes for him.
hi smallbell,
oh.. then maybe they only give to the affected students cos yesterday i ask again those 4 children are from N1. some ZH's classmates then some e next class.
i also dont know wat he wears, nobody tell me anythg abt e costume.
hi elaine,
oic, could be only the N1. For concert, the teacher indicate on the paper that we need to get our own black shoes and white socks. Probably ZH no need if the costume is something else or no need to wear special shoes. Last time concert, the younger kids get to wear those cute costumes, eg. ants, caterpiller, hawaii etc. You should be able to see what he is wearing this sat. But one thing i know is the kids are told to wear make up, powder and lipstick etc. Not sure if patrick will freak out as he thinks is very girly putting anything on the face and sure hope he does not cry.

Hi mummies,
what type of water bottle do you use for childcare? i get those plastic with straw kind and is easily broken, leaking bottles or the straw gets bitten up. I have been changing bottles so often, headache. Wonder if there is any other kind of bottles that we can use?

small bell
i bought the thomas & friends one from Kiddy Palace. No prob so far. Can consider rubbermaid bottles too? Cheap n durable.

do u all celebrate yr kids' birthday in cc? normallly how to do it?
