MMI @ katong shopping centre

hi babyethan,
the thomas bottle is it the plastic kind? i got those before, also break easily or leak. Thanks, will check out rubbermaid (just that no cartoon design).

For birthday at cc, i get one cake (depending on the number of children). At mmi, birthday celebration is normally in the afternoon 3pm after the kids nap so not many kids left. About 1-2kg size cake will be sufficient. I will sometimes make jelly as extra and some balloon sculpture for the kids. You can also have some balloon on sticks. And goody bag is for all children including those in the morning session as well. When is ethan birthday?

small bell
ya... rubbermaid ones no cartoon.

his birthday still some time away. 20 Dec. Just came across my mind that he's 2yo bday coming. thought of just celebrate in sch. so u just spend the afternoon there wif him during the party n then bring him home earlier? do u hv the party just for his class or? cos at his cc, sometimes he receive goodie bags from the older classes.
hi smallbell,
yesterday i saw e handbook ya must get a YELLOW shoe for Zhaohui.... but they inform so last min. tonite must go get for him liao if not tomolo he will just put on normal shoes lor...

yesterday ur mum lost 1 side of her shoe did she manage to find it?? those ppl so bad to throw away ppl shoe!!! mmi should consider placing cctv outside e premise.
hi babyethan,
oh, you could start preparation early. So normally the party will take around 30mins, clear up the plates then give out goody bags and balloon. His school involve all the remaining kids left in the childcare (full day care). So i will ask teacher in advance the total number of kids in cc, then prepare the goody bags. Those who went home will get it the next day. Ethan school only have party for individual class? Some birthday kids dress up in their favourite cartoon shirt or outside clothes, so you may like to ask the teacher if ethan can wear his own clothes that day.
hi elaine,
oh, yellow shoes....then you need to rush to get it.

Yes, she was very piss off and she is only wearing slipper, much cheaper and not nice as compare to the other shoes outside the school. Wonder why they take her shoe instead of the others. She tried searching yesterday and this morning, cannot find it.

The teacher also know about this ongoing theft and joker but don't think can do much. For my mom still alright as she cycle and going home only. I cannot imagine those mom or dad rushing off to work and you have one missing high heels, how to go buy one? Don't think they will install cctv as cost involve. Next time must hold shoes in one hand then enter the cc.
small bell
oh i see... i think the school will involve everyone remaining in the childcare too as he always gets goodie bags from other classes too. haha... now i'm excited abt the preparation already.

Did C celebrate hers in sch?
hi babyethan,
happy preparation!!! any particular cartoon character that he likes? can get the same plates and goody bag as the cake.
small bel,

get those munchkin water bottle loh....durable...

Hi bbethan,

yes, c celebrated her bday in school...pls note that they will only start the celebration like cutting cake and giving out goodies after their lunch...ard 11.30pm or so....also most of the time the goodies bags are from his or her class...unless the mummies fr other class also pack goodies bag for the whole shcool...normally it's for their own class
as for cake, no need to buy so big enough for the class will do as the teachers are so sick of ckaes liao....they hv to start eating cakes from Jan onwards...whaahahahaha

yes, on his bday..he can wear his own favourite clothes to school

now their class expanded so hv to check with the teachers how many students are they in the class also good to chk with the teachers if any kids hv allerdy to cake etc just in case
hi nuahcouple,
oh thanks, will keep a look out for munchkin bottles. Good suggestion to check for allergy on cakes. Normally chocolate is the prefer cake flavour but might also be too heaty to the kids. Some parents gave cupcakes or agar agar cakes too.
hi small bell,

u r welcome..

I hv someone to make cupcakes for the kids...and i asked for less sugar and the kids love it
bt i shld hv order mini cupcakes instead of the normal size...kekekekeek as i ordered one each for the kids and too much for them since they hv just take lunch.... ;)
most likely elmo lor since he's so crazy over it.

ok thks. so usually is after lunch? then u bring her back after the celebration? think they practically eat cakes whole year round if everyone celebrate in sch... haha

wear his favourit clothes?? hahaha... he'll choose his home clothes... those cheapo n thin thin ones bought from the market. everyday after reaching home, sure drag out those t-shirts to change to. if change him out of those tops, he sure make noise. exception is his sch uniform. weekend when he sees us folding his uniform, he wants to wear!!! cries when we refused to let him take.... buay tahan!!!
hi smallbell,
heeheee good idea to hold our shoes n walk in to fetch e kids if not then wear e shoes in lor... :p if they steal my shoes then i also dont know how to go backhome
those ppl are just trying to be funny lor cos they only throw away 1 shoe not a pair....
hi babyethan,
your boy so cute, very loyal to school uniform.

hi elaine,
but wear the shoes inside not sure if will dirty the floor and other parents might follow as well. My hubby very lazy one, whenever he pick up, will just ring doorbell if nobody at the door.
haha... i was thinking of doing it leh. but like very ke lian... happy happy celebrate. then back to square one again. n i wonder if he'll let us go if we were to leave.

when I left that gal cried...kekeke bt dun care...hahahahaha anyway cried a while only lah as she also tired and it's napping time soon ;)
hi elaine,
opps, then i better remind him to hold his army boots in hand, imagine kenna stolen one boot, cannot even walk out...
hi ladies

thread has been pretty active these days

just came back from langkawi. trip could hv been better if chloe didnt fall sick

at shaws, only need to bring birthday cake. no goodies bag allowed so it save the hassle & $$ for me

we hv the celebration during their snack time in the morning.

i also use munchkin water bottles.
hi jamie,
no wonder no posting from you. hope Chloe recovers soon. How about your boy? did he enjoy the trip. You went by flight? BTW, rougly how much does munchkin water bottles cost? haven't had the chance to go shopping yet.
yup my boy enjoyed himself. as long as there's open space for him to run ard, he's happy
infact he enjoyed the water slide more than chloe.

we went by flight. took malaysia airlines, transit in penang though. its not peak season & the flights are not full so we had 6 seats to ourselves

i think the munchkin bottles abt $10, cant remember the exact coz bought it sometime ago & it last till today. its really durable & leakproof.
hi jamie,
sounds convenient to transit and glad your boy enjoy the trip. Thanks, if the bottle last, then is worth it.
hi elaine,
oh, now seems like bb refuse to come out, will be another overdue one, just like patrick. Most probably next week need to induce. I was hoping more excitement or something different in delivery method (c-sec, water bag discharge, etc), but still same thing.
hi smallbell,
patrick is delivered by?? natural or c-section?
ur baby is too comfortable inside la... must be very big liao...
how many kg is e baby now?
hi elaine,
oh, he was induce then natural deliver. Now this bb is 3kg, but will still be smaller size than patrick.

hi jamie,
ok sure, will you all of you posted.
hi jamie,
yeah, doing confinement now, engage a confinement malaysian lady to do confinement. Her name is Patrina.

hi babyethan,
thanks. Oh yes, she decide the date. I had show then contraction pain.

Hi elaine,
Thanks. Tomorrow asking patrick to bring red eggs and cakes to the cc for teabreak.
nice name, the 3 pats!

oh u engage a confinement lady, thought your mum will do for u. do rest well, so fast your days of being a SAHM is coming to an end. u starting work once your maternity leave ends?
hi nuahcouple,
thanks. the CL is $1.8k, she's good, recommended by friend. So far cooking no complaints and she does things super fast.

hi jamie,
thanks, purposely put the names close so easier to remember. My mom know how to cook confinement food but don't know how to take care small baby. So engage one, much easier. Then i no need stress at night to wake up. Oh yes, i starting work in Jan, only taking 2 months maternity leave. The balance will take later on.
actually its better to engage CL. i regret not getting one for my 2nd pregnancy as my mum simply cant cope with cooking & looking after chloe & my boy. so end up i take care my boy myself. really tough coz i had c-sec
agree... it's really good to engage CL if can afford. extra help very impt esp if it's not first baby. 1st preg din engage CL and inexperienced. had a hard time. #2 wanted to but find the cost so high as we r in the midst of renovating new hse too. Also couldn't get a good one that can trust. End up, i leave Ethan with my hb n MIL at home. I went to my mum's place wif baby. She helps me take care of bb while I catered confinement food. Had a much more relaxed n easier confinement this time round although both preg are c-sect.

do rest well n sleep all you can while CL is around.
hi small bell,

my mom helped me found one and cost $2k....the 1st one all of us had a very bad experience with the confinement lady that we sacked her bt she refuse to go so she chg role with my mom....she cooks and my mom take care of bb bt non of us can take her food and i was hving bad diahereao as her cooking too oily!!! finally we cannot take it and ask her to go...

she dun even know how to wear diapers or bath bb..can u imgaine...after this incident was so afraid liao and make sure my mom found someone better...the 1st one was intro by sil's my mom ok loh...sigh sigh
hi nuahcouple,
oh dear, what bad experience with the 1st CL. She don't even know the basic needs of bathing baby, really terrible.
small bell and jaime,

yes she is really bad and I had c-section...and she keeps napping..she zzz more than me!!! till the baby also scare...put put green color!! also bb dun like cired and she can zzz like a log till hb and me hv to wake up and see wat heppened....sigh sigh

anyway my mom already found one CL for me liao...her friend intro...
smallbell, elaine

does patrick & ZH take enrichment class in school since they on full day? what will the other students do if they dont take these enrichment class? i'm considering if shd let chloe take if we decide to put her in full day next year. or stay on half day but hv enrichment outside.
hi jamie,
he is still attending maths and language enrichment class. That is monthly additional of $120 for both type of classes. He used to take gym and music as well but due to cost as i was on no pay leave, so took him out of music and gym. I wanted to keep gym for him initially, then the teacher advise that gym is quite useless, might as well spend on maths that is more educational.

Oh, i didn't ask school what the other students are doing during the enrichment class time. But putting in school enrichment is more convenient, provided that the quality is good as well. What are the class choices that chloe has?

hi jamie,
I didnt let Zhaohui attend e gym n music class in school cos paul prefer something outside e sch which we can see. I also dont know wat he is doing when others having lesson maybe he is having other activities bah, but there is a poster with pics abt e gym class at e waiting area n Zhaohui used to point to me to tell me those are his classmates playing e gym then i feel bad not letting him attend but when i ask him whether he wants or not he says dont want. He even can tell e teacher who n who have gym class but he dont have. Sometimes i do feel bad tat if our child is interested in a particular program where other children are having but we dont let our child join then how will our child feels but Zhaohui says he dont want so i presume he really dont want lor...
maybe u can ask chloe if she wants to join e other kids with certain program but do let her trial for e 1st lesson then if she really likes then u enrol her lor...
