MMI @ katong shopping centre

bb ethan,

where r u? the kor kor and jie jie in school told me that my gal's best friends is ethan....go playground etc my gal will hold ethan's hand...kekeke so cute
so quiet here recently...

i'm around... haha... that's what the teachers told me too. he'll want to sit beside chloe too during lesson time. sometimes really wish i'm there to see all these little actions. that day when i dropped in off in the morning, caught him holding one of the ang moh girl's hand!!! dun know why he does that. so funny. cute...ya I wish I can see those cute action too
actually i know of 1 cc that has webcam in their classroom. and each parent has an account to log in from their pc to see what their children r doing from home. how nice if every cc has such service.
Yah lor... i was surprised too. not sure if they charge extra for that. but i remembered the sch fees there r cheaper than our cc.
hi bbethan,
oic.... when i walk past during weekend i saw security guards too.... but i guess during wkend they are open for enrichment or some church stuff. But never know they got webcam.
hi elaine,
thanks for your sms. I think i should deliver anytime soon.
Only have some labour pain but no dilation yet. So far everything prepared, friends pass me the girl stuff as well. Thanks for asking.

hi babyethan,
good idea to have webcam at cc and we will know who are the kids not focusing.
Hi mummies,
check if anyone encounter nose bleeding in children? Patrick had only a single incident 2 weeks ago, sleeping halfway then woke up crying with full of blood on nose. He was not having any cough, flu or heaty body during that time. And also no violent play or injury to nose. But lucky the bleed stop after few minutes, still scary to watch it.
hi smallbell,
glad to know you are alright
Do sms me after you deliver
BTW which hospital will u be delivering??
regarding nose bleeding, Zhaohui do have nose bleeding few months ago.... also woke up rubbing his nose then we realise becos there are blood ozzing out from his nose... very scary too but after a while it stopped and he went back to sleep. once in a while during daytime he had this problem too but so far i never bring him see PD la...
hi babyethan,
oh yes, i am now 37 weeks, so counting down. Thanks alot.

hi elaine,
will deliver at kk. ZH also got nose bleed. I read that as long as not longer than 15 mins is ok, quite common in children and they will outgrow it. When told the school teachers, scare the hell out of them, hahahah...they panic and asked what is wrong. They thought was due to heaty body. But i warn them just in case happens in school. For ZH nose bleed during daytime, did it occur in school before?
hi smallbell,
so fast 37wks liao....

ya Zhaohui even got nose bleeding in sch before, think was middle of this yr.
nowadays Zhaohui dont want to go school every morning.... keep crying when we r leaving home then stop..... then once reach sch cries again... hai dont know wat happen...
then he started to say want to go meimei's new school.... dont know whether is this a good sign or not.
Hi elaine,
that should be a good sign and i am sure the transition to the new school will be fairly easy for ZH. Does SZ shows any fear of entering school?

Hi jamie,
yes, so fast time flies.
hi jamie n smallbell,
hopefully they will be happy going sch together.
So far SiZhen is quite alright, she can even let strangers carry her and says byebye to me :p so i hope she can adapt to sch faster, cos to leave her there with stranger for whole day i really dont know will she be alrite.
hi elaine,

i might hv to sign up for the infant care at cheerie heart next yr after maternity leave bt I found that it's too exp mom might not be able to help me look after as she has too many to handle liao...

hi bbethan,

wow think my gal and E well known in school....Tina told me they are best best buddies!!! My gal always wanna hold his hand and take care of him....hehehehe
u having #2 now? Congrats!!! when's yr EDD?
haha.... ya...they shd be very well known by all the teachers. yest when i picked him up, Ms Maria was telling me he likes to play with her very much. Tina always tell me in the N1 class, there r 2 boys always after 1 girl. Now she got another "couple" to tell other parents liao.
congrats on your #2!! since u may put your #2 at cherie heart, then the more u should put chloe there. more convenient to pick both after school.
hi nuahcouple,

Congrats to you

which cherie hearts do u want to put ur baby??
i've sign up e one at starhub green. now they are having promotion 1st 6mths 20% off sch fees then 50% off registration fees.(this is OCT/NOV promotion)
If 2 child there will get another 10% off sch fees for e 2nd one
Infant care is abit more expensive but as compared to elsewhere i think the cc is still quite reasonable.
join my children there la... since u r working there rite?? I heard e branch director says starhub staff will get a bit more discount

thank you....

EDD mid of May 2010...

wow N1 class so happening? wahahahah...

when this morning Tina told me they are like buddies etc i was like wow...everyone in the school knows abt it as the kor kor or jie jie will tell me if I pick my gal up from school...kekekkee


either I will transfer the 2nd one out of cherrie heart once he or she reach 18mths or I transfer my gal over bt should be the 1st option as not sure how long more will I be working for GREEN....things are not that good now for GREEN....

hi elaine,

yes Starhub staff get I think 10% discount ... must double check again when it's time for me to place 2nd one in the CC..the infant care think after discount hv to pay ard $1k leh....not exp meh?
oh.. after discount still must pay $1K... faint
i didnt know is so so expensive cos i thought government subsidy $600.... if still must pay $1K then u may as well get a maid.
having baby is really expensive nowadays...

govt subsidy only $300 lah where got $600!!!!

both hb and me dun like to hv maid in the hse....also even if hv maid...still must bring the maid to my parent's hse..cannot leave the maid and the bb alone at my mom will still be bz and still hv to cook for maid....3 to 4 times a wk my bro's maid already come to my parent's hse liao plus my parents also hv maid gathering..cannot lah...also i dun like bb to be too close with maid ;)
infant care subsidy is $600. not $300.
otherwise, can consider any other cc around katong/mountbatten rd wif infant care service since yr father is staying nearby, right?

i just realised that most of the parents there seems to work very short hours... can drop off children late and pick up early. sometimes i reached there at 6.15pm, only left a few kids. on days when i drop him off at 8.15am, also only a few kids. where got such lobang to work gd hrs? feel my boy like quite pitiful to go there early n be the last few to go home... hehe
hi nuahcouple,
congrats! will be safer to put baby in infantcare rather than a maid alone. If $850 per mth, still can consider. I will be sending infant to full time babysitter, price is $800 so also around there.
hi babyethan,
some cc even have dinner provided for the kids and extended opening hours. So there are really some parents that work very late.
hi small bell
babysitter also ard $800? quite ex leh... incl meals too? think those around town area will provide dinner n extend hours. so far i observed that those along mountbatten rd already closed at 7pm. actually if got extended hours, the kid also poor thing... stay out so late. sometimes i just pity E. Got to leave the house early n come back late wif us. sometimes if i picked him up late, we only reached home ard 8pm.

wow infant care subsidy is $600..then can consider infant care service....i thot was just $300...great great

my dad already a full time driver liao to my niece and nephew plus my thot if still working for GREEN then I will register the bb in cheerie hearts loh...easier for me and my dad

non of my nieces nor nephews are in full day CC..they are i 3 hrs classes etc and some hv extra classes which my dad has to i dun wanna tired them further.

ethan consider good liao..think heard that An An most of the time is the 1st to reach and last to go...kekeke

small bell,

babysitter aka nanny $800 exp leh..think my friend only pay $ u hv to buy ur own food if possible lah like fish etc...
my boy also 1st few to reach n last few to go home cos most children in MMI are there 1/2 day only.

so after $600 subsidy still must pay $850?? tat's expensive...

have u found a suitable nanny??
hi babyethan and nuahcouple,
day time babysitter is $500-$600 but i am taking the day and night care, so baby will only be home during weekends. Yes, food provided too.

Hi babyethan,
If Ethan takes dinner after 8pm might be too late. Maybe you can ask teacher to feed him some snacks at around 6 plus or put some biscuit in his bag so that he can eat.

hi elaine,
i kiasu, searched for a nanny a few months ago, she's staying at kaki bukit. Distance wise still ok but will not be able to pick up daily so i still choose to put in day and night care. I told teacher Mei that i have been waiting for mmi to open infant care but still don't have. Then she recommend me shaw mountbatten. However my mom will not be able to handle both if i work late so infantcare is still not an option.
ya... i noticed a lot of children at MMI go home early. That's my concern when i was cc shopping the other time. they told me only a couple stayed until 7pm only.

small bell
oh i see... then $800 is quite reasonable. shaw mountbatten has infant care? do u know how much it cost? i'm thinking of infant care/ nanny ard that area as a backup plan for my girl.

Yes...Ethan's having his dinner in sch now until we move next mth. I'll cook in the morning n ask the teachers to feed him around 6pm. If not, by the time he reach home, he will be very grumpy n doesn't want to eat his dinner.
hi babyethan,
not sure the cost for shaw. But i just checked the mcys cc link, there is no infantcare at shaw, they could have removed it. Oh that's a great idea to prepare dinner for school. But will you need to wake up very early to prepare the dinner?
small bell
Yes. Have to wake up early to cook porridge, n keep in a food jar to keep warm until this evening. sometimes feel a bit paiseh that they hv do extra work to feed him dinner.

btw working mummies, do u all pick up yr child n go back to cook dinner for them? or what arrangement do u all hv? wonder if i bring him home then cook dinner, end up will be late too.
hi smallbell,
i agreed is not easy for your mum to handle 2...

hi babyethan,
currently my maid cooks for e 2 kids so reach home i just have to bath for both of them then they can have their dinner... BUT my maid leaving in end dec so i dont have such luxury anymore
Most likely I'll ask my school canteen auntie to leave some simple food for my kids everyday.

anybody heard of KUMON?? yesterday i went to enquire and e teacher says minimum age is 3yrs old... n she try to show ZH e books n do a little bit with him n she mention that he is ready to it.... Am i too KS :p
hi small bell,

do u feel safe to leave ur kids with the nanny for nite care also and only bring home during wkends? for me I dun feel good and also u will not hv the bonding with ur kids..wkends is not enough for bonding....


currently my mom will cook dinner for C and on wkends either we cook or we eat out or in law's hse...if parents bz on wkdays...will fetch her and makan outside as no time and tiring to cook at home for wkdays after work..unless hb is home early then he will cook...all depends...

hi elaine,

yes heard of KUMOM and my colleague told me KUMOM is just making the kids do lots of homework that's abt all bt she told me is good as both her kids are attending...I only bought those age 2 + kumon books for C to do such as cutting, coloring and she is writing on her wipe and clean books ;) not KS lah as parents wants the kids to do well..anyway, next yr I will enrol C in Berries and am thinking abt abascus heard absacus not very good now for the kids as the math syllabus or way of doing has change compare to last time......

actually I dun wanna burn C's wkends...hence, her berries class will be wkday as wkends she is already taking swimming lesson ;)
hi nuahcouple,

my niece is attending too... everyday must do 1 booklet of homework, is always repenting but she is now 5yrs old very good in maths(addition) and also can recognise and pronociate lots of words.
i see a great change in her therefore I wanted to let ZH try but there is really LOTS n LOTS of parent's involvement... hai.... dont know i got all these time n patience or not.

Anyway I'm going to withdraw him out from his piano lesson as i find tat he got no interest in the lesson.... he is distracting e whole class... and i'm so so angry with him. Sometimes i wonder whether it is becos i'm around in e class with him.... arggghhhhhhh
hi babyethan,
is ok to let them feed him. And the cc is good for helping out. Sometimes if i return home late, will have to get pack dinner, rice and soup or porridge. If cook dinner will be too late.

hi elaine,
ZH don't like piano? maybe temporary lost of interest. Perhaps just stop a term and continue again, he might like it again. i intend to do kumon at K2 stage, heard that it is more like tuition centre so no need to start so early. As for kumon materials, there are many bulk purchase in the forum so do keep a look out. Kumon materials are rather ex too.

hi nuahcouple,
i did consider the point but as working mom, really no choice. Tried searching for nearby babysitter but cannot find. And kids can be cranky in early morning, imagine toddler plus infant having problem, then for sure will be late for work. And if fall sick especially infant, that is another headache. But one plus point is that this nanny allow me to visit her house during weekdays. So if i happen to finish work on time or manage to take leave, then can also bond with baby. If hire a maid, i will be even more worried as nobody to check on maid during day time.

Berries is the chinese language school? my boy's chinese quite terrible, trying to find if any chinese enrichment center.

hi small bell,

kids will grow up and if u worry so much then u will get very fustrated and annoying....they will get used it when everyday they hv to wake up early to go school etc....i feel that every time u visit ur kids at the nanny hse and after that u hv to say good bye to them...i found that it's not too good for the kids...they will be thinking why can't I go home with my parents etc....anyway this is my opinion ;)

yes, berries is the chinese language school....there is one at mountbatten CC...most likely i will enrol her in Tampines branch..

My gal keen in learning piano bt hb said no ... where and how old can the kid learn piano? and how much also? that time we said that swimming lesson is a Must and ballet a NO NO...piano we are still debating...kekekeke...

ltr on will coach her tennis ;) my gal more of the outdoor person
