IVF with KKH (Dr Matthew Lau)

Happy blossom, cheer up, some women do encounter af, but when tested result is positive.... I am going down today as well for my blood test, my er is wed n et is fri....jia you, u can do it......have a positive mindset :) everything will be in good hands of The Lord, rest assure he will take care of all of us here......the rest jia you jia you.....

thanks dear. still cant get over my beanies left me.

seriously i lost faint in god.....
Hi blossom dun give up. Go for the bt n be strong. Tiao ur body n start on the next cycle.

thanks dear. dunno y v sad this time thou i failed for past 5yrs of ttc. maybe ivf is my last hope so i tot if fail then gone case, no baby luck. my heart breaks especially when dh seems to be cool his round n ask me not to be sad n try again.

in the end when he mentioned adoption....my mind gone blank n i break down.

im really stressed up with surrounding news of relatives/frds getting preggie....
thanks dear. dunno y v sad this time thou i failed for past 5yrs of ttc. maybe ivf is my last hope so i tot if fail then gone case, no baby luck. my heart breaks especially when dh seems to be cool his round n ask me not to be sad n try again.

in the end when he mentioned adoption....my mind gone blank n i break down.

im really stressed up with surrounding news of relatives/frds getting preggie....
Happy blossom, dun give up. Do u still have frozen embryo? Check with ur dr when u can transfer the frozen ones again.
I heard from one of the nurse there sometimes fresh cycle not successful but frozen cycle successful. Frozen cycle no injection. Maybe u will be less stress up. Jia you ok. Dun give up
Hi happyblossom, don't loss faith in God and your hope. What u shld do now is to settle down your feelings and thoughts. U r still upset and feeling devastated now, that's why all the negative thoughts remain in u. Have a few months rest and get back to healthy lifestyle, preparing your body for the next round. Some ladies tried tcm.
Your hubby could have seen the emotional and physical stress tt u hv gone through during this period. Maybe tts y he bring up that idea of adoption. Don't be upset over this. He cares for u.
Yes I would envy my colleagues and frenz who are able to get preggy naturally. I would b v upset and feel y I have to go through all these. That's life. At the end of the day, also must get back on track. Tune our emotions back. Feel happy for them and congrats them.
Dun be discouraged for the failure this time. Try again n discuss with dr if it was implantation issue. Ask for advise on what to do next.
Ur dh is very encouraging I believe he feels more painful to see u suffering through the pain n disappointment. Couple support towards one another is very important at this period.
Dun give up. Give urself sometime n be positive when u embark on the next cycle.
Happy blossom, dun give up. Do u still have frozen embryo? Check with ur dr when u can transfer the frozen ones again.
I heard from one of the nurse there sometimes fresh cycle not successful but frozen cycle successful. Frozen cycle no injection. Maybe u will be less stress up. Jia you ok. Dun give up

not yet do BT (gng today) so not sure abt my frozen. Seriously not keen to do BT cos of my bfn but no choice need to collect report too.
Hi happyblossom, don't loss faith in God and your hope. What u shld do now is to settle down your feelings and thoughts. U r still upset and feeling devastated now, that's why all the negative thoughts remain in u. Have a few months rest and get back to healthy lifestyle, preparing your body for the next round. Some ladies tried tcm.
Your hubby could have seen the emotional and physical stress tt u hv gone through during this period. Maybe tts y he bring up that idea of adoption. Don't be upset over this. He cares for u.
Yes I would envy my colleagues and frenz who are able to get preggy naturally. I would b v upset and feel y I have to go through all these. That's life. At the end of the day, also must get back on track. Tune our emotions back. Feel happy for them and congrats them.

thx dear. actually i quitted my job, pray n done whatever tcm i can in these 5 yrs....mentally physically drained. dunno wat else to do anymore.

maybe i put too much hope in this fresh liao
Happyblosom, same here I also left my job n gave my body 1 yr to recuperate before starting on this journey. Did what I can do to keep myself strong through my diet. Did try tcm while working but stopped after tt. Ttc for 7 yrs b4 embark on ivf.
Happyblosom, dun think in tt manner. Life is always full of challenges with ups n downs. There are many paths to achieve one's goals. Dun be waver by the down part. It will be part of the experience to make one person stronger n wiser.
Yap. Stay happy n positive is very crucial. Dun give urself unnecessary stress k. That's good u have 5 frozen. Go for it when ur body is ready in the coming fet.
Cheer up happyblossom. You still have 5 frozen. Meanwhile concentrate doing on things that will makes you happy. And also to tiao back your body for next round.

1st time failure doesn't mean that's the end. God will see your determination and grant your wish.

Good luck and all the best to you.
Happy blossom, stay positive, am sure it will succeed the next round, I had a failed IUI with my private gyne and was very disappointed too, but I still try to pull myself together, in life, there is full of up and down, I am sure God Above is watching over us, do not lose hope n faith, once u lose both of these, no matter what u do, it will hardly succeed, believe in yourself and The Lord will be able to see from above, seriously I do get jealous too when I c my colleagues preggy, worst of all, both my sis in law just gave birth recently, I am more stress n blame the whole world, y me, y do I have to go through all these pain n stressful period, but I did not give up, I hope God Above will have some sympathy on me and all the ladies here to be blessed with a child......jia you jia you, u r not alone, all of us here will give u moral support here, let us go through all these painful period together and when time comes, eventually u will c the positive results. ;)
thanks ladies for the suppport n gd words. really need it alot these period.

will see dr this sat to decide.

another pressure news...
mum informed my cousin given birth...i din dare to tell mum i bpn.
Hi everybody, my er is today, wish everyone here jia you jia you ;), kind of anxious, hopefully everything in good hands of The Lord.....
All the best, doraemon21. Don't gan cheong. After er, can get some biscuits and milo from the nurses. Do go home and have good rest after the procedure. Jiayou!! Everything will gg to be fine. :)
Hi all, er is very painful after the procedure, head giddy, tummy pain, keep want vomit, is it normal??? B4 anaestatic doc put me to zzz, doc Lau came n said u looked very worried, tears rolled down my cheek n I knocked out lo, whole procedure only 20mins, I woke up like 10 mins later, saw other ladies still sound asleep when I left home at about 12pm, Friday is my et, isit painful???doc Lau didn't ask me how many eggs I intend to implant, is it Friday than he will ask me??
Doraemon21, yap it's normal. Did the nurse tell u how many eggs retrieved? Et is not painful very quick process. It's the holding of bladder before et that will let u feel uncomfortable.
Dr lau will let u know tmr the progress of ur embryos n advise u how many will be xfer ;) ur dh gg with u tmr?
Hi cherrywalnut,
Ya dh will b goin with me, now my vaginal like itch itch, it is normal? Antibiotics given by kkh I already taken, y still itch? Aiyooooo, I got 17 eggs retrieved, u r now preggy with twins right??? Congrats to u lei, very happy for u.......
Hi all,
Today is my et, have only 5 good quality embryo out of 17, hoping my beanies will stay with me......everyone here, jia you, jia you, my embryo is of grade 4 n doc lau said high chance will have twins, hope everything is in the good hands of The Lord....... ;)
Cherry walnuts, yup, what diet to look out for from now? Best to bed rest?? Tummy still crampy so have some difficulty in walking too. ....
During my tww, I stopped the fully cooked egg whites cos unable to take it anymore. Did dr clear u of ohss or prescribe any meds tt will reduce ohss?
I took 5 brazil nuts, 2 seeds of durian seeds on alternate days, drink lots of water/ isotonic drinks, chicken essence daily, high protein food, red bean soup once a wk.
Best to stay happy n laugh more often. I sleep when tired, watch comedies. It's normal to be crampy. I suffered from ohss body bloated up 1 wk after et n gained 6kg in 1 wk.. Took 2-3 wks to fully recover back from tt.
Hi cherry walnut, nope I was not prescribed any meds for ohss, how many eggs did u retrieved and eventually how many survived? Did u walked n go out as normal? Or bed rest for the whole of 20 days?
Retrieved 29 n 5 survived. Din really go out cos after 1st wk ohss worsen n difficult to walk. Bed rest during the last wk of tww.
Hi niece,
Grade 4 is the best grade? What is the % of my embroyo chances of sticking with me be? Thanks niece, me too told my embryo b good, will love u, buy u toy n stay big house, dh saw me doing, also came n rub rub my tummy asked my embryo b good, will buy Lego for them lol......

Cherry walnuts,
Your eggs retrieved was of grade 4 too? Thus the success of twins?
Cherry walnuts,
Did Doc Lau told you how thick was your lining b4 et? Aiya I only know mine was 8 triple the last ultrasound scan b4 my er, o my 5 embryo are all of grade 4, 2 tf, 3 frozen, but frozen need to go back only on the day of the preggy blood test which is the 14 july for me, I m like kind of anxious, keep wanting that date to come faster.....yup u know, my 2 sil recently just given birth n I was like happy for them n sad for me, that feeling is really no good n I yield I would b preggy soon too.........
Hi doraemon21, I also had concern on my lining thickness too. Can't rmb what was mine during et. But during the ultrasound, doc told me not to worry too much coz after menses stops and after er, the thickness will shoot up. I also had some red bean soup and Brazil nuts. Don't take cold drinks now. Relax yourself too.
We all have and had tt kind of envious feeling before.. happy for others yet wanting to have our own bb so much. All the best to u. Continue to pray and have faith with whichever religion u r in. Jiayou! ! ;)
Hi Sumiko 83,
Oic thanks for the information, u preggy with twins too right?? Congrats to u....yup now I only stayed home watch comedy and drink red bean soup regularly.

Thanks for the encouragement too, hope I am in the good hands of The Lord, let's all jia you together :)
Doraemon21, my dr was dr jerry chan. I was not told of my lining thickness too. Dun think too much of the date. Time will pass faster when u keep urself occupied with other things :D
Congrats to ur sils next will be ur turn too!
Cherry walnut,
When is your edd? Did u continue to c doc jerry chan as your gyne? I was told from my gf, if choose to give birth in kkh, c - section half body or full body dh can't go in n c lo.....
17 dec. Nope I am with clinic C under subsidy no fixed gynae. Oh really I dunno haven chk on it hope I can give birth naturally. :)

Cherry walnuts,
Wow a lot lei 50%, my dh is working under government job thus my 1st visit in Clinic D n subsequent visit all fully subsidy by government n I only paid $20 for my paps smear, the rest of the visits are all foc......
