IVF with KKH (Dr Matthew Lau)

No he dropped in tps. The thought of my bb photo being thrown away, seated on or stepped makes me v upset. :( shldnt have ask him to hold on coz he's a blur f**k. :D
Dr lau asked me to stop duphaston once I complete it tmr and take one more week of folic acid. Then after tt take ganilia. It has to be taken before bkft and if taking milk, an hour before it.
Oic mb drop in the room? Mb the nurse pick it up for u :)

I'm starting multivits next wk too. The pharmacist told me tt too ;) Counting down hehe.

Oic mb drop in the room? Mb the nurse pick it up for u :)

I'm starting multivits next wk too. The pharmacist told me tt too ;) Counting down hehe.
Yep so excited. Hope once off with the duphaston, bb will continue to 乖乖。 :D will start to drink fresh milk and eat healthily after my cough is cleared. Must be determined. Lol :D
Yep so excited. Hope once off with the duphaston, bb will continue to 乖乖。 :D will start to drink fresh milk and eat healthily after my cough is cleared. Must be determined. Lol :D
I hv been drinking low fat fresh milk before sleep daily. Hv been feeling hungry more frequently recently. Munch nuts 3 hrs after main meal.
Still favour spicy n curry food so far. Yesterday saw an uncle having curry veggies n beef rendang craved for it since then. Satisfied after eating it for lunch today hehe
Ya loh. The last time i saw him was 17 apr. He forgot le lah. Nvm la. Next week then starts then. I still eat duphaston and folic acid.
I stopped duphaston more than 2 wks ago after completing the supply from ivf center. Now only folic acid. Wah 17 apr that's a long time! Did u do additional scan at pte gynae?
I stopped duphaston more than 2 wks ago after completing the supply from ivf center. Now only folic acid. Wah 17 apr that's a long time! Did u do additional scan at pte gynae?

Nope. I never. But other than oscar scan, i did saw beanie 2 other times, 1 is extra scan at amc and 1 is at o&g.
My oscar scan is scheduled on the 9 June. How about u, cheerywalnuts?
My hubby not able to take leave on that day. So mil gg with me. Meiling, u have gone for this scan right? Is only abdominal scan, got V scan? I scare paisey with my mil inside the room with me. :rolleyes:
My oscar scan is scheduled on the 9 June. How about u, cheerywalnuts?
My hubby not able to take leave on that day. So mil gg with me. Meiling, u have gone for this scan right? Is only abdominal scan, got V scan? I scare paisey with my mil inside the room with me. :rolleyes:

don't worry, only abdominal scan… can see beanie very long. depends if ur beanie is cooperative or not… got photo souvenir too~
My oscar scan is scheduled on the 9 June. How about u, cheerywalnuts?
My hubby not able to take leave on that day. So mil gg with me. Meiling, u have gone for this scan right? Is only abdominal scan, got V scan? I scare paisey with my mil inside the room with me. :rolleyes:
Wow urs earlier than mine. Me on 13 june for oscar. Done the oscar bt last fri :)
Came across this and thought of sharing...

Hi cheerywalnuts, just finished my appt at 4 plus. My bb is week 11 alrd, tot week 10. Bb is well, swimming inside and waving his little hand. Haha but can't see the features clearly. Gg to schedule for oscar scan in 2 weeks time and see doc lau again in 6 weeks time.
I haven't been too well for the past few days, was having sore throat. Now bad cough until vomit and headache. Seen western doc twice but didn't get better. Then ytd went eu yang seng see chi doc. Now better alrd.
How r u so far and the rest? Piggy1327, meiling and niece?
Sumiko83, hope that u are better now . Rest more. Wow u are completing ur first trimester soon. I just entered my third trimester. can feel bb movement more. Can't wait to see bb in Aug.

How are u meiling n cherrywalnut
Congrats u counting down already!

I felt nauseous after lunch these few days puke out everything else will feel terrible. Slept through the day after tt.
Me just started my 2nd trimester ytd~ finally week 14!

Still not much changes from 1st trimester... Maybe slowly. Hope i will feel normal again, no more nauseous... Appetite slightly better now.

Bump also rounder and bigger.

Now waiting for my next appointment with dr lau which is next wed.

Congrats to u~ finally 3rd trimester~ im looking forward to feel the little one inside me~
Still coughing but slightly better. Just went to see chi doc again. Congrats niece and meiling for moving forward to the next phase! :):):) so happy for the two of u.. cheerywalnuts and I couldn't wait to reach 2nd trimester. . :D
Cheerywalnuts, if want to puke then puke. Don't control. After tt maybe drink a hot milo..
Sumiko83, yap felt terrible usually cough until it auto puke everything out. Don't feel like eating after tt. Like no strength n sleepy.
Had tom yum kung n pandan chicken for dinner with dh. Then bought mac chicken back once reach home eat liao. In 1 hr diff 2 meals. Compensate my lunch back.
Sumiko83, yap felt terrible usually cough until it auto puke everything out. Don't feel like eating after tt. Like no strength n sleepy.
Had tom yum kung n pandan chicken for dinner with dh. Then bought mac chicken back once reach home eat liao. In 1 hr diff 2 meals. Compensate my lunch back.
Wah your appetite so good! I wanna eat those spicy food again. .
Wah your appetite so good! I wanna eat those spicy food again. .
Lol cos stomach emptied after puking in the afternoon. So replenish back else will wait up 4am plus feeling hungry n have to munch nuts n drink milk hehe
Only problem is lunch cos eat whole pack of rice then puke feel very wasteful but no choice
Sumiko83, how is ur oscar scan today? When will know the results?
Cheerywalnuts, tentatively risk is low from the scan but need to combine with bt result then it's final. Was told result will be out 2-3 days. If high risk, they'll call me. If low risk, they'll sms.
Saw bb sucking his fingers. Haha.. so funny. And also his thighs, heart, blood circulation, etc.
Poor me.. veins too small.. poke 2 times at the elbow there couldn't get blood. 3rd time at the back of my palm.
Cheerywalnuts, can't wait to see your twinnies yea? :D
That's great! Wait for their sms ;)
Oh dear must be very painful to take from there. Dun rub k else will bruise.
Ur beanie so cute! What's ur beanie length now? How long was ur scan?
Yap looking forward to fri!
7 cm plus.. can't rmb exact.. waiting time was abt an hr. There were few ladies in front of me. Scan was about 15 - 20 mins. Looking forward on your updates..
Received a sms from kkh this morn wrt my oscar scan result. Low risk but they didn't state ratio.
Cheerywalnuts, r u better now? Still bleeding or spotting?
I'm not sure if I'm recovering from my uti, gg to complete my antibiotics soon. But sometimes I find my urine still quite dark yellow. Does ganilia cause urine to be darker?
Mb next visit then dr lau will tell u the ratio ;) looking forward to my scan 1.5 days to go!
Feeling tired n drowsy the whole day. no bleeding after this morning case.
I taking obimin light yellowish urine so far. Did u drink alot of water? I place a bottle of water next to me to keep myself hydrated. Weather is so hot even the tap water is hot when shower.
I'm looking forward to your updates on your twinnies too! :) I'm drinking lots of water. Shall monitor few more days. Maybe can drop by any GP to get a urine test done. I feel so bad. Been taking medi since bfp. Duphaston then cough medicine then now antibiotics for uti. Hope all will be well after this.
Yap can go chk with gp :D more convenient
Now I can only take multivits cannot take duphaston, kkh dr also dun dare to give me. So talking to beanies daily tt they must be strong looking forward to see them during the scan.
Dun worry everything will be fine. Mb cos body adjusting to pregnancy the meds given are safe for bb too.
