IVF with KKH (Dr Matthew Lau)

Meilingg, please cry it out. Give urself sometime to get over. Can fully understand ur feeling as I been thru mc in 2009. Really tough to accept. Time will heal everything. Be strong.

Meilingg I'm sorry to hear that. Watever it is wait until the scan then conclude. Dun scare urself ok.
Thanks ladies. I bleed quite alot since warded. And just now 8 plus i can feel clots coming out so asked for nurses. And bb also came out. Hubby refused to let me see the poor bb. After that still continue to bleed alot.

They allowed dh to stay with me, so change my ward from 5 bed to 1 bed w/o charges. Hubby just went home to get a shower and also to help me pack some things.

After i changed ward i vomitted and same time bleed alot again, this time placenta came out.

Now on drip, tml morning needs to go for a small op to clear the blood clots.

Sad that no fate with bb. Dh is very upset too but i guess he is not showing out as not to affect my emotions.

Guess we will take a break and after that try again. This will be a lesson to us. We been thinking it might be my diet or what. Next time will have to play safe.
Meiling, hope the bleeding will subside soon. Go through this difficult period together. I'm sure your hubby is v upset too. Both of u need to stay strong for each other ok. Request for more hospitalization leave to rest at home from Dr lau. Don't think too much on what could have been the causes and don't blame yourself.
Dr Lau is on leave so i ask for sub ward. So any covering doc can attend to me.

Yup after placenta is out bleeding should b lesser.

Ya, think should b resting for quite awhile since i lost so much blood and also needs to pu back my body.
Meilingg, don't think too much k. It happened too sudden. I believe u have been careful with ur food too. Dun blame urself k. Focus on recuperating back ur body. Be strong together n support one another.
Yup i will.

Anyway, hope im not effecting any mtb over here. Please dun be effected by me. Stay happy and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy.

My personal opinion, i think is good to be a more regular scan of the bb. Once a mth is not enough to monitor.
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Meilingg rest well n bu ur body. It has nothing to do with food n dun blame urself. Bb will come back to u soon. Remember to do a mini confinement. That's very impt to tune ur body back then u can try again.
Hi connie_hopeful, I guess u are not able to choose the doctor u want to see with polyclinic referral letter. Unless u r willingly to forgo the gov subsidy and pay as pte patient, then u can choose dr lau to see u. Not too sure about his schedule. But I think usually he'll be at subsidized clinic or clinic D in the morn and at the private suite in the aftn. I don't think it's everyday though..
Hello doraemon and sumiko 83, thanks for your reply.

@doraemon,My dh just been just changed job to govt 1 n when I go kkh he hasn't started work yet, so dunno I can get e govt subsidy or not. Think on tt day go kkh I will ask the counter staff.
@sumiko 83, I understand taking referred letter can't choose doc. I am trying my luck to see if I can 'heng heng' get Dr Matthew as the doc. Actually also feeling at a loss cos I went private for my 1st ivf try and Bfn at bloodtest, so 2nd ivf thinking of trying kkh n hope to have a change of luck n also $resources is running tight after the first failed cycle at private. E private Doc says our case, chances for bfp is low but I think I will still give a 2nd try, hope my prayers of having a bb will be heard by e god, hopefully.. :)
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Meilingg, I m shocked n sad to hear about ur mc. I think no words can describe ur pain now. Hope u recover well. Take care.. Hugs
Thanks ladies. Did the blood clots washing op this morning. Will be discharging at 5. Still no one get back to us on my bloodtest results and what causes this. Hubby quite affected and displeased with the service over here. Dr Lau on leave and Dr Jerry is covering but clinic d is packed n he can only see me maybe after 2.30. As the nurses told hubby that Dr Jerry agreed to see me but i have to go down to clinic d to see him, hubby is angry and i think he is asking kkh to release my case file when i discharge. Guess he wants to seek other opinion from private gynae.
Meilingg, can fully understand u n ur dh feelings. Is it possible to request for dr jerry to go n visit u at the ward mb b4 lunch? He is quite a soft spoken dr. Altho understand tt he is busy at the clinic d with the covering of duties, dr shld be more understanding on cases.
Did u try to email dr lau? Is he away for conference? If he in sg I believe he will rush over to see u. I think dr lau is the only dr tt attends to email n stay in touch with his patients.
Pls email Doc Lau, he is very prompt in replying like 15 mins when I emailed him, if he is in SGD, I think he will go down n take a look at you, Pls send him email now so he can reply to you before u r discharge, rest well during this period, hugzzz
I did emailed dr lau yesterday when i warded.

He just said he will be back 4th july and asked me not to worry as his colleague will take good care.

Hubby confirm not seeing dr jerry. Now waiting for blood tests results and to be discharge.
Yap agree. Better to see dr lau as he has always been handling ur case. So can fix appt to see dr lau this fri?
What blood test did u do?
I dunno. Hubby now quite affected and not sure if he still wants me to go back to dr lau. He now thinks is it dr lau never monitor closely cos only see him once a month.

Ytd they drew 3 tube of blood. Think they wanna test what happen. Maybe infection?
Oic.. not sure if it is standard protocol for review to be 4/5 wks apart during 2nd trimester. So far what I have heard usually monthly reviews in 2nd tri... only in 3rd trimester then biweekly or wkly when closer to labour mth.
My next review n detail scan is 4 wks apart. Abit worried too.
Niece, pls share ur reviews with us during ur 2nd tri.
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I dunno. Hubby now quite affected and not sure if he still wants me to go back to dr lau. He now thinks is it dr lau never monitor closely cos only see him once a month.

Ytd they drew 3 tube of blood. Think they wanna test what happen. Maybe infection?
Meilingg pls rest well ok. Usually only after 32 weeks then it's 2 weekly. Other then that if u wan to see him closer u can tell him. I saw him 3 weekly during my first trimester due to my previous mc. Once he told me I'm stable I just follow his instructions like monthly visit. If anything will email him.
I did ask him in the beginning but he said don't need, once a month is enough.

Think my next pregnancy we will ask for a review fortnightly.
Ya loh. I want to ask again cos someone same case as me got 3 weeks to rest at home. 7 days how i going to do confinement wor.
I got a shock when i saw 7 days. Is like next monday must go back work. My aunt told me im consider giving birth liao and cos lost so much blood i must really rest and pu back the blood also...

I think the doc issue the mc anyhow one. Not as if im sick or what.
Ask them to increase b4 u leave. Sure can be done. Change to hl instead of mc cos mc ur company may limit to 14 days. HL usually up to 60days for coy.
I got a shock when i saw 7 days. Is like next monday must go back work. My aunt told me im consider giving birth liao and cos lost so much blood i must really rest and pu back the blood also...

I think the doc issue the mc anyhow one. Not as if im sick or what.
Meilingg can ask for longer hl. Crazy to give only 7 days. That time I told the dr how long I wan.
Ask them to increase b4 u leave. Sure can be done. Change to hl instead of mc cos mc ur company may limit to 14 days. HL usually up to 60days for coy.

Ya hor! Im waiting for hubby to come back. He went to check if the insurance we bought during ivf can be claim for this situation.
Meilingg can ask for longer hl. Crazy to give only 7 days. That time I told the dr how long I wan.

Really ah. Later i go counter and ask them. Think i super woman meh. I also need to get myself mentally and physically stable before ready for work.
Meilingg, also check if u can claim from ur personal insurance too. I rem circlecircle claim from her insurance when she was admitted previously. Can chk w her too.
Now they told me max only 10 days. So i said i know someone who same case as me discharge last week and got 3 weeks leave. At least a proper confinement for me lah.
Yup yup. I will try to do as much as i can cos mil is working so maybe cant do a full one as no one cook confinement food for me
Check with ur insurance agent if can claim for hospitalisation. Shld be able to claim under medishield or if u purchase ur medishield cum rider with private insurance company.
hi meiling, i am sorry for your loss.
yes, plse do a mini confinement. it is very impt to rebuild your body and also to prepare for the next and more to come! you can always order confinement food. most cater for 2 wks.

do take care. glad you fight for more hl.i am shocked that they give only 7 days :mad:
Hi to all sisters here.. I'm with dr lau too... He is a nice guy... :D

My previous first fresh cycle in 2011 is with Dr Jerry.. Retrieved 8 eggs... 4 immature and left 4 fertilized but 2 cannot make it so left 2... and on BT day my AF report and BT show not pregnant... :(

This is my second fresh cycle with Dr Lau...
Done my ER on 18th june which is my BD and ER on 20th june... Retrieved 11 eggs... 8 fertilized but 1 cannot make it so left 7... Put 2 in and left 5 but don't know how many is frozen as I have not collect the report yet. Now I'm 13dp2dt and my BT is on 7th July... Now wondering whether my beanies is still with me or..... :confused:o_O Trying hard to think +ve +ve +ve and been talking to my beanies almost everyday... Sound like crazy woman.. :p
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Hi to all sisters here.. I'm with dr lau too... He is a nice guy... :D

My previous first fresh cycle in 2011 is with Dr Jerry.. Retrieved 8 eggs... 4 immature and left 4 fertilized but 2 cannot make it so left 2... and on BT day my AF report and BT show not pregnant... :(

This is my second fresh cycle with Dr Lau...
Done my ER on 18th june which is my BD and ER on 20th june... Retrieved 11 eggs... 8 fertilized but 1 cannot make it so left 7... Put 2 in and left 5 but don't know how many is frozen as I have not collect the report yet. Now I'm 13dp2dt and my BT is on 7th July... Now wondering whether my beanies is still with me or..... :confused:o_O Trying hard to think +ve +ve +ve and been talking to my beanies almost everyday... Sound like crazy woman.. :p
@pupnui, good luck!
