IVF/ICSI Support Group

if that one word- name of the supplement, is too much details for you in the forum, then obviously u r not sincere in helping .u didnt cause confusion. u caused anger, for me at least. pardon me, im a sensitive old aunty. to me, being more open will create less suspicion

Haha, i only take during the ovulation period for certain months, and anyhow plot my temp for other days.

I must say that TSB has been friendly and encouraging during every visits. I've not overheard her scolding anyone (her consultation room door is opened all the time, people waiting outside can hear no p&c).

When her patients get pregnant, she will be very happy.
I should have follow your pattern on e charting... lol
Haha, i only take during the ovulation period for certain months, and anyhow plot my temp for other days.

I must say that TSB has been friendly and encouraging during every visits. I've not overheard her scolding anyone (her consultation room door is opened all the time, people waiting outside can hear no p&c).

When her patients get pregnant, she will be very happy.

Actually, I prefer tcm room door to be closed during consultation, as there are some of our private issues that we only would like our tcm to know, but not outsider to hear. Imagine lots of people queuing outside, and they all hear what your tcm sinseh told you and/or your hubby.
Hi all, just started on the journey for IVF/CISI. I'm started on birth control pill as prescribed by doc and will be starting on the remaining procedure by early Sep. Just need some advise for before and after implantation, is there any special care or diet to look out for? During the 2 weeks bed rest, any food to improve implantation?
Hi all, just started on the journey for IVF/CISI. I'm started on birth control pill as prescribed by doc and will be starting on the remaining procedure by early Sep. Just need some advise for before and after implantation, is there any special care or diet to look out for? During the 2 weeks bed rest, any food to improve implantation?

Hi Schua1019,

I have read somewhere before in this forum that a girl said read somewhere that drinking Ensure milk powder can improve the lining of the uterus and can help with implantation. Try to eat more nutritious food and protein after embryo retrieval such as more egg whites, brazil nuts and also red bean soup, longan tea etc. After embryo transfer, try to rest as much as possible and do not carry heavy stuff, those heavier than 5kg. Also no exercise not even mild walking allowed after the embryo transfer.

Try to get home leave after the transfer, until you know for sure that you are not pregnant, then resume work, to be on the safe side.
Hi Schua1019,

I have read somewhere before in this forum that a girl said read somewhere that drinking Ensure milk powder can improve the lining of the uterus and can help with implantation. Try to eat more nutritious food and protein after embryo retrieval such as more egg whites, brazil nuts and also red bean soup, longan tea etc. After embryo transfer, try to rest as much as possible and do not carry heavy stuff, those heavier than 5kg. Also no exercise not even mild walking allowed after the embryo transfer.

Try to get home leave after the transfer, until you know for sure that you are not pregnant, then resume work, to be on the safe side.

Watch out for brown spotting (can be moderate, heavy or light) and that is a sign of successful implantation.
Hi there.. I guess different people posts info in a forum via different ways?as for me,I'm not a very vocal person and so dun really like to post too much details in a forum ..hmm in a way,it's up to people if they want to pm me for more details..easier to chat also via pm.

Anyway, my Sincere Apologies if I caused any confusion in you ladies! :p I'm only here to share with people that there is a solution out there to buy a hope as I went through the pains of trying to conceive trying all kinds of methods:)
So what's the supplement?
Hi there.. I guess different people posts info in a forum via different ways?as for me,I'm not a very vocal person and so dun really like to post too much details in a forum ..hmm in a way,it's up to people if they want to pm me for more details..easier to chat also via pm.

Anyway, my Sincere Apologies if I caused any confusion in you ladies! :p I'm only here to share with people that there is a solution out there to buy a hope as I went through the pains of trying to conceive trying all kinds of methods:)

You can say your dr recommend something to help your husband's sperm count but you cannot tell the name of the supplement here - if you don't want to post so much details, then why talk about helping husband's sperm count. That's strange.

And I see you only joined this forum 01/08/2015 and you have 3 posts. If you are sincerely trying to help, then tell us the name of the supplement. I'm sorry, but all of us here have spent thousands trying to have a baby and have gone through emotional rollercoasters and all sorts of pain. To take advantage of our vulnerability is really not nice. If you are sincere about helping, then you can tell all of us here in this thread so that it will benefit all of us.
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You can say your dr recommend something to help your husband's sperm count but you cannot tell the name of the supplement here - if you don't want to post so much details, then why talk about helping husband's sperm count. That's strange.

And I see you only joined this forum 01/08/2015 and you have 3 posts. If you are sincerely trying to help, then tell us the name of the supplement. I'm sorry, but all of us here have spent thousands trying to have a baby and have gone through emotional rollercoasters and all sorts of pain. To take advantage of our vulnerability is really not nice. If you are sincere about helping, then you can tell all of us here in this thread so that it will benefit all of us.
Don't bother la... obviously just a troll here trying to take advantage and sell some mlm products probably. Please go away ur not welcomed here.

Me too, tempt to visit other Tcm but scared their med will crash, so many things to eat already, later stomach inside mix like Rojak
Imagine western med, after 2hrs got Tcm then Brazil nuts, red bean soups blah blah blah
Yah. Me too scared that all the medication will fight in my tummy. So I have stopped my tcm the night v4 my D1 jab. But I will go for my acupuncture tmr morning, abt 12hrs after my evening jab. & also about 12 hrs before my tmr evening jab. Hopefully by doing so, everything will be fine...
Dear all, can check - for ladies who have jab puregon before - there's more quantity than what's stated on the tube is it? Cos I have jabbed 250+250+100 but there's still leftover...


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Dear all, can check - for ladies who have jab puregon before - there's more quantity than what's stated on the tube is it? Cos I have jabbed 250+250+100 but there's still leftover...
@cherylng, for me I ask the nurse the exact left over how much, she will advise if the balance still can use for next jab combined together to finish it or it will be discard if left Abit only or no longer in use for next round.
Yup there will be more than what is stated in e tube. you can pass the balance to you and thry can help you combine into a smaller syringe.
@cherylng, for me I ask the nurse the exact left over how much, she will advise if the balance still can use for next jab combined together to finish it or it will be discard if left Abit only or no longer in use for next round.
Thanks @ connie_hopeful & @ Eggscatcher as it's my 1st cycle & the nurse didn't say anything about the balance, I panicked cos was wondering did I jab wrongly or what lor...
Hi sisters, just had my baseline scan tdy at day 2 of menses at KKH. Heard the sonographer say lining 5. Right 4 and left 3 with a question mark? Sad... Does that mean only 1 visible follicle since the other one is a question mark? They need to send my case note to my doc to see whether allow to start the cycle. Although the verdict from my doc says ok to proceed but I feel demoralised le. Anyone has any similar or positive stories to share? I read that baseline scan kinda determine the no of follicles during ER.
Me too. 2WW seems so so longggg.....
I m currently in the D6 jab stage nia. Still got a long way to go. If u still have some time, maybe can consider to get 'secret garden' - adult colouring book. Supposedly it's said to release stress. So i have 1 @ home on standby liao. Heee
When's your BT?
Hi sisters, just had my baseline scan tdy at day 2 of menses at KKH. Heard the sonographer say lining 5. Right 4 and left 3 with a question mark? Sad... Does that mean only 1 visible follicle since the other one is a question mark? They need to send my case note to my doc to see whether allow to start the cycle. Although the verdict from my doc says ok to proceed but I feel demoralised le. Anyone has any similar or positive stories to share? I read that baseline scan kinda determine the no of follicles during ER.
Hi you're right to certain extend.. 4 and 3 is the no. of AFC (not sure of the long form but it's the potential no. of follicles you might have). But the dr will probably give u higher dose of jabs to simulate more follicles. As what it's says, "baseline scan".. It's something nobody can control.
Hi you're right to certain extend.. 4 and 3 is the no. of AFC (not sure of the long form but it's the potential no. of follicles you might have). But the dr will probably give u higher dose of jabs to simulate more follicles. As what it's says, "baseline scan".. It's something nobody can control.

Is that the no. Of follicles? I get the impression it's the size of follicles, meaning 1 on right 4mm maybe and the other 3mm but with question mark. My first fresh. Any sisters with KKH who have been through this can cfm?
for SGH, they tell u the lining thickness and the size of your left and right dominant egg. meaning the biggest egg on the left is how big and the biggest egg on the right is how big. only when one reaches 17.5-18mm together with the right amt of LH E2 and progetrone then they can track your ovulation for FET or get ready for ER. but 4 and 3 sounds bit small for size of follicles for day2 baseline scans. , so maybe they are telling u how many follicles in total u have, better ask them . good luck!
for SGH, they tell u the lining thickness and the size of your left and right dominant egg. meaning the biggest egg on the left is how big and the biggest egg on the right is how big. only when one reaches 17.5-18mm together with the right amt of LH E2 and progetrone then they can track your ovulation for FET or get ready for ER. but 4 and 3 sounds bit small for size of follicles for day2 baseline scans. , so maybe they are telling u how many follicles in total u have, better ask them . good luck!

I tried asking but the sonographer only smile and say the no. Of follicles is not a concern at this stage. The concern shd be whether able to start so I thought only 1 visible follicles that's why so ominous sounding
Hi sisters, just had my baseline scan tdy at day 2 of menses at KKH. Heard the sonographer say lining 5. Right 4 and left 3 with a question mark? Sad... Does that mean only 1 visible follicle since the other one is a question mark? They need to send my case note to my doc to see whether allow to start the cycle. Although the verdict from my doc says ok to proceed but I feel demoralised le. Anyone has any similar or positive stories to share? I read that baseline scan kinda determine the no of follicles during ER.
Heh, I would think it's u got 4 follicles on the right and 3 on the left. Usually they will perform baseline scan to know how many follicles reserves u hv before stimulation. So don't worry too much on the number, it might grow more depending how u react to the medicine.
I m currently in the D6 jab stage nia. Still got a long way to go. If u still have some time, maybe can consider to get 'secret garden' - adult colouring book. Supposedly it's said to release stress. So i have 1 @ home on standby liao. Heee
When's your BT?
Im collecting my jab on mon. My first cycle. Can anyone share with me how many days to i have to jab myself?
