IVF/ICSI Support Group

Greentealatte, pls share how many eggs drs managed to retrieve. I'll likely be on menopur thruout too for my next cycle, and wanna noe how e results are. Thanks!

Hi everyone, I've been on luprene since 31st July and on puregon since last Friday. Having bad cramps and back pain today, like period cramps. Anyone experienced this and is it normal? Also, is it ok to take painkillers?
Hi Greentealatte, jus sleep as much as possible, eat more soup base food, eggs whites and high protein foods eg chicken/red beans soup

I napped for 2 hours plus just now, now so worried I will be counting Sheeps tonight. Have been drinking ginger longan tea and isotonic drinks, will heed your advice to take more high protein food. Thanks babe!!
I am also in a dilemma with my tcm & acupuncture now that I have started the jabs. have asked the nurses yesterday. They said that if I m to ask my Dr abt it, the answer would be to stop the tcm & acupuncture. But from the nurses point of view, she said that I can continue with my weekly acupuncture but not the tcm. I will continue with my 'a tablet a day' per-natal supplements lor...

Hi, I'm with TSB for TCM. TSB says she will stop my TCM meds during my stimulation. I had quite a lot of follicles for my past 2 fresh, she says she doesn't want me to over stimulate. But I'm not sure whether she will let me take after ET or not.

I'm also in a dilemma whether to take after ET or not (if she prescribe for me). I guess I probably will, since there are ladies who take her meds for their natural attempts and succeed.

Who are you seeing for TCM?
Greentealatte, wow! Very gd results! Did u say tis is ur 1st cycle?

Thanks for e well wishes. I'm likely to cycle only next yr. I hope ur ET proceeds smoothly too!
Maybe the number of follicle was just an estimation. The nurse told me it's 21 eggs.

I'm with Dr Loh.

Day 1 to 4 - menopur
Day 5 to 10 - menopur + orgalutran
Day 11 - pregnyl

Scan shows certain number of follicles and dr will retrieved same number or more on actual day cos scan he don't record the smaller follies size. Dr Loh usually will try to retrieve everything including smaller ones during ER. Tomorrow they will inform you how many mature n Fertilised.
Scan shows certain number of follicles and dr will retrieved same number or more on actual day cos scan he don't record the smaller follies size. Dr Loh usually will try to retrieve everything including smaller ones during ER. Tomorrow they will inform you how many mature n Fertilised.

Thanks jumbo girl for the clarification. :)
Hi, I'm with TSB for TCM. TSB says she will stop my TCM meds during my stimulation. I had quite a lot of follicles for my past 2 fresh, she says she doesn't want me to over stimulate. But I'm not sure whether she will let me take after ET or not.

I'm also in a dilemma whether to take after ET or not (if she prescribe for me). I guess I probably will, since there are ladies who take her meds for their natural attempts and succeed.

Who are you seeing for TCM?
I m with eu yan seng. My Chinese physician said it's up to me & my hb whether we want to continue with his tcm before ER. But he suggested that I continue with my weekly acupuncture till ER. So my last dosage of tcm was on Sunday night. Actually I need to go for my acupuncture tmr. But in view that I will have 2 jabs tmr, think I will postpone it to Thurs or Fri.
There's no right or wrong. Think we just use our gut feeling to guide us along this process lor...
I was super bloated also. 5 inch gain around the waist. Couldn't move, entire abdomen was super sensitive, like going to explode heh

The feeling went away abt 3 days after ET for me. And mine was D4 transfer. Hopefully faster for u :)

D4 + 3 means it's about 7 days later. Omg..

I also feel I'm exploding real soon. I'm walking like a pregger (slow steps) bcos every step will cause abdomen pain.

Was it a concern for you back then when you gained 5 inch? I think the nurse told me to call them if I notice any increase.
@mesara, finish the embryos first in KKH, after tat then decide whether to go Nuh if really necessary, got tried Tcm?
@Eggscatcher yes I will do fet in kkh. Worried abt transfer. Already tensed n stressed. With transfer will only worsen the stress level unnecessarily.

@purpledragon don't knw why he cud not remove so o went to raffles to remove. Ya seeing tcm and will do fet. Waiting for menses now...no sign man.
D4 + 3 means it's about 7 days later. Omg..

I also feel I'm exploding real soon. I'm walking like a pregger (slow steps) bcos every step will cause abdomen pain.

Was it a concern for you back then when you gained 5 inch? I think the nurse told me to call them if I notice any increase.
your symptoms sounds bad, similar to another sister in another thread. She called the ivf ctr and was admitted to hospital. No harm calling your clinic to check if it's really affecting you. Take care.
On positive note, that sister managed to bfp to hv a successful clinical pregnancy now.
How does DHEA sulphate affect hairy limbs and pregnancy?
How much does all the above tests cost?

Hi Dreamscometrue,

Do you mean how much does all the tests that Prof Mahesh ordered me cost? It cost a total of approx. $3,700.

If just DHEA sulphate alone, it cost only $90.

Well, as to correlation between DHEA sulphate and hairy limbs, I cannot really answer you. From what I did from research on the Internet, only men seem to have this problem; but if women have a abnormally high level of androgen, they can develop this problem as well. It runs in my family, on my dad's side, so I suppose that it is hereditary.

I do not know how this DHEA sulphate affects pregnancy, but according to Dr Mahesh, if I have congenital adrenal hyperplasia (think there is a correlation between it and androgen), can also lead to multiple and repeated miscarriages, if left untreated.
Hi char-mee,

If you want to go through the subsidised route, you can highlight to the polyclinic nurses making the appointment of your age. Not sure how old are you. But the clinic nurses and NUH nurses were both very sympathetic of my condition during that time and noted my advanced maternal age. They managed to set up an appointment for me with Prof Manesh within 2 weeks. Anyway the series of tests can only be done after the next AF if I remember correctly.

Although no major problem detected for my case, Prof gave instructions on certain medications for future pregnancies. This may be what works for my current pregnancy which I pray will deliver my rainbow baby to me ultimately. At least for now, it's the longest pregnancy I had been able to carry. It has not been a easy pregnancy but I'm just happy to have progress that far.

Just emphasis to the polyclinic doctor that you want to be referred to NUH recurrent loss clinic. Jiayou and persevere!

Hi Maybebb,

Actually, 2 of the tests, the antibodies one and also the fasting glucose test can be done anytime, as long as we are not having AF.

Congrats on your pregnancy. How many weeks along are you now?
I have 15 follicles and retrieved 21 eggs. Is this possible? As in more eggs than follicles? I hope I din hear wrongly just now.

All the best for your next cycle.

Hi GreenTeaLatte,

Yes, this is definitely possible, as last time I did fresh cycle of IVF (back in Sept 2011), my gynae. also told me that extracted about 10 eggs, but only 4 follicles; as some of the eggs were empty inside, meaning no follicle at all. :(
Hi gals,

Another thing to note is that if you are currently working, please take leave after the ET. Last time, in 2011, I went back; I could have got my BFP by then, if not for one morning when I was in a rush, and 2 persons bumped into my tummy; and on that same day, the managing director threw my whole piles of files in front of me, with another work colleague in his room; and that afternoon my AF came. That was day 40 of my cycle, and usually my cycle not longer than 35 days.
I m with eu yan seng. My Chinese physician said it's up to me & my hb whether we want to continue with his tcm before ER. But he suggested that I continue with my weekly acupuncture till ER. So my last dosage of tcm was on Sunday night. Actually I need to go for my acupuncture tmr. But in view that I will have 2 jabs tmr, think I will postpone it to Thurs or Fri.
There's no right or wrong. Think we just use our gut feeling to guide us along this process lor...

I remembered reading somewhere that the acupuncture can help with implantation after ER.
D4 + 3 means it's about 7 days later. Omg..

I also feel I'm exploding real soon. I'm walking like a pregger (slow steps) bcos every step will cause abdomen pain.

Was it a concern for you back then when you gained 5 inch? I think the nurse told me to call them if I notice any increase.

I was also walking like a pregnant woman a few days before ER and a few days after ER. And I gained weight too. But after ER there should be a follow up visit a few days later where they will measure and take your weight again to ensure you are not as bloated. I think I lost 2 kg a few days after ER .
Hi gals,

Another thing to note is that if you are currently working, please take leave after the ET. Last time, in 2011, I went back; I could have got my BFP by then, if not for one morning when I was in a rush, and 2 persons bumped into my tummy; and on that same day, the managing director threw my whole piles of files in front of me, with another work colleague in his room; and that afternoon my AF came. That was day 40 of my cycle, and usually my cycle not longer than 35 days.

Did you get MC after ET? I forgot to ask my gynae. My FET should be next week and I'm thinking of taking about a week off to relax.
your symptoms sounds bad, similar to another sister in another thread. She called the ivf ctr and was admitted to hospital. No harm calling your clinic to check if it's really affecting you. Take care.
On positive note, that sister managed to bfp to hv a successful clinical pregnancy now.
I felt bloated for almost a week. Do take the egg whites and more protein plus drink plenty of water. And have plenty of rest.
I was also walking like a pregnant woman a few days before ER and a few days after ER. And I gained weight too. But after ER there should be a follow up visit a few days later where they will measure and take your weight again to ensure you are not as bloated. I think I lost 2 kg a few days after ER .

Hi ladies, I drank lots of water, ginger-longan and H20, applied a bit of essential oil on tummy yesterday. This morning expelled gas before I got off the bed. Had 5 egg whites as breakfast. Felt much better now. Hope this continues.
Hi GreenTeaLatte,

Yes, this is definitely possible, as last time I did fresh cycle of IVF (back in Sept 2011), my gynae. also told me that extracted about 10 eggs, but only 4 follicles; as some of the eggs were empty inside, meaning no follicle at all. :(

Hi tryingtoconceive, pardon me, eggs are inside follicles or it's the other way round? I'm still trying to learn the terms. From what the nurse explained, I thought it's follicles -> eggs -> embryos.
Did you get MC after ET? I forgot to ask my gynae. My FET should be next week and I'm thinking of taking about a week off to relax.
Yeap, supportive of u taking mc to purely rest at home after the ET..i jus finished my ET ytd n resting at home now

Can ask for hospitalisation leave instead of mc. The nurse told me I will be given 18 days of hospitalisation leave starting from ER. Will take BT on the 17th day.
I know I won't be able to concentrate on my work till my BT, but at the same time Im afraid I will think too much during the 2ww. *dilemma*
@Faith-bb Hi may i know where u went for your acupuncture? And at which stage of the ivf shld we do it? Im waiting for my menses to come shld be these two days..

Did my accu @ Dr Zou.

Had accu for 2 days aft ER (17 may, 18 may)

Had accu on day of ET (19 may), as well as 21 may and 23 may.

In all 5 sessions

Can check with Dr Zou.. She will let u know when to come for accu.
Did my accu @ Dr Zou.

Had accu for 2 days aft ER (17 may, 18 may)

Had accu on day of ET (19 may), as well as 21 may and 23 may.

In all 5 sessions

Can check with Dr Zou.. She will let u know when to come for accu.

Hi Faith-bb, did you follow Dr zou through-out or you went to her during your stimulations as well?
Can ask for hospitalisation leave instead of mc. The nurse told me I will be given 18 days of hospitalisation leave starting from ER. Will take BT on the 17th day.
I know I won't be able to concentrate on my work till my BT, but at the same time Im afraid I will think too much during the 2ww. *dilemma*
Mus admit its tough during the 2ww. Im also finding it a struggle to just purely resting at home doing nothing...
Can ask for hospitalisation leave instead of mc. The nurse told me I will be given 18 days of hospitalisation leave starting from ER. Will take BT on the 17th day.
I know I won't be able to concentrate on my work till my BT, but at the same time Im afraid I will think too much during the 2ww. *dilemma*

I know if after ER they will give HL. But I'm doing FET so not sure if will get any HL at all. :-/ If not then maybe I'll have to take about a week's leave.
Hi tryingtoconceive, pardon me, eggs are inside follicles or it's the other way round? I'm still trying to learn the terms. From what the nurse explained, I thought it's follicles -> eggs -> embryos.

What the nurses told during the ER even there a lot of Follicles does not mean all follicles have egg inside some are only water. Those follicles which have egg inside will have chance to form into embryos
D4 + 3 means it's about 7 days later. Omg..

I also feel I'm exploding real soon. I'm walking like a pregger (slow steps) bcos every step will cause abdomen pain.

Was it a concern for you back then when you gained 5 inch? I think the nurse told me to call them if I notice any increase.
Nope, no worries.. Cos I expanded even before ER took place.. So definitely not because of OHSS and that's usually the main worry.

But if the weight gain takes place after ET, especially after HCG shot, then got to be careful of OHSS.

I didn't do HCG shot, so was on daily progesterone jabs for the subsequent 2 weeks.

Heh so I can only say we belong to the unfortunate group who balloons up fr all the jabs.. But will go away!
Hi tryingtoconceive, pardon me, eggs are inside follicles or it's the other way round? I'm still trying to learn the terms. From what the nurse explained, I thought it's follicles -> eggs -> embryos.
Eggs are inside follicles. So during OR, dr will poke through the follicles to get eggs. But not all follicles will have eggs. And not all eggs will be matured or get fertilized with sperm. Only Fertilized eggs are called embryos.
