IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello! I will be returning red eggs to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang at Shuang Lin Temple tomorrow noon (4 May). Please collect if you want :) Babydust!
Sisters I have been having diarrhea since discharge yest on top of abdomen pain. Its like after lap feeling. Anyone felt this way??
Ladies.. Can I check.. For briefing session.. Does it usually start on time or still hvta wait and wait type?

Usually wait a while as there will be a few couples together for briefing. Also may hv to wait for the doctor. U will also hv to do a blood test before the briefing.
Usually wait a while as there will be a few couples together for briefing. Also may hv to wait for the doctor. U will also hv to do a blood test before the briefing.
@MichNg.. Thanks for the info.. Ya.. I saw the form need bloodtest.. But the reception says don't need when I made the booking..
Sisters I have been having diarrhea since discharge yest on top of abdomen pain. Its like after lap feeling. Anyone felt this way??

It may be a reaction from the antibiotic u took. Observe and see if it persist.

I hv a similar reaction to a family of antibiotic too. Not a serious thing. Just irritating
Oh ya I forgot I took anti biotics yest.

Am still bloated n in pain la. Can take more than one immunocal a day? Wat elae can I take it ease this feeling. Have been drinking water n h2o
Oh ya I forgot I took anti biotics yest.

Am still bloated n in pain la. Can take more than one immunocal a day? Wat elae can I take it ease this feeling. Have been drinking water n h2o
Can take up to 3 pkt a day. Try eating loads of fish (i like bake salmon) or hardboil egg white with a little salt for taste. It will help with the gas bloating in stomach.
First post and hi ladies.
I have done my ER yesterday with 16 eggs retrieved. I'm pretty sure half of them were not exactly matured (based on scanned follicle sizes couple of days before trigger shot). Anyway i guess it's a good number to start with nevertheless.

Monday I will be having the ET. If Friday was the ER, Monday would be a day 3 embryo right? I'm keen on blasto culture and my doc shared that I should still return on Monday to either go ahead with the ET or discuss the possibility of blasto.

I'm at kkivf with Dr Sadhana. Good luck ladies.
Redvel yes yours is a day 3 transfer. Sounds exactly like mine. fri er 16 follies retrieved and mon et. But am with dr tan. I am at kk now as my bloatedness is quite bad and pain persist with abdomen like rock.
Hi... Sorry for the late notice. I will be dropping by Shuang Lin temple to return thanks with red eggs and Ang ku Kuehs today ard noon-2.
Redvel yes yours is a day 3 transfer. Sounds exactly like mine. fri er 16 follies retrieved and mon et. But am with dr tan. I am at kk now as my bloatedness is quite bad and pain persist with abdomen like rock.

U are having ohss. Hopefully that you can still proceed w ET Tomorrow
Redvel yes yours is a day 3 transfer. Sounds exactly like mine. fri er 16 follies retrieved and mon et. But am with dr tan. I am at kk now as my bloatedness is quite bad and pain persist with abdomen like rock.

You take care. It sounds like a really bad case of bloating to me... Hope it is not too serious.

Try not to eat food(including some veg like turnips) that will give u wind... cut down on carbo too and eat protein food instead. I ate more than 300grams of salmon and 3 egg white for lunch and dinner on the day of ER with no carbo. And top up with immunocal. The next day was fish soup and 3 egg white for breakfast and pollock fish fillet for lunch followed by baked threadfin fish fillet for dinner.

I will be eating at least a meal of fish with avocado and veg daily for either lunch or dinner from now on. Breakfast will be 3 egg white plus immunocal and ensure milk.
Hi mesara, are you the one I've chatted with at KKH on friday? Because I chatted with a nice lady who told me she is with Dr Tan.

Oh no hope you're feeling better soon. On Friday itself the bloat was super comfortable at night. I kept waking up because I was letting out a lot air (sorry tmi!). Today I feel very much better though still a little bit airy inside. Did you try to take egg whites and ginger beverage and isotonic drinsk past days? Do update what the doc says later.
Hi, I know some sisters here take CoQ10 and Royal Jelly.

May I know what are the brands to look out for, where I can get it and did you consult your doc on the dosage?
Hope to improve on egg quality.
Ohss is really no joke. Sisters who are feeling it, please take care. I took immunocal 3x a day and drank isotonic water in place of water. Take H20 cos 100plus is gassy and makes bloating worse.

It is diff but just keep drinking and peeing. It helps to wash out the ohss.

My bloating was so bad that the skin was painful and taut with every breath. I even had to use pregnancy stretch mark oil to help. Eventually I couldn't take it and went to 24hr clinic. The blood test cleared me of ohss after 7 days er. They then could give me antacid to clear the bloating and I was ok!
Redvel yes yours is a day 3 transfer. Sounds exactly like mine. fri er 16 follies retrieved and mon et. But am with dr tan. I am at kk now as my bloatedness is quite bad and pain persist with abdomen like rock.
@mesara.. Take care.. Pls keep us updated on your situation..
Hi, I know some sisters here take CoQ10 and Royal Jelly.

May I know what are the brands to look out for, where I can get it and did you consult your doc on the dosage?
Hope to improve on egg quality.

I took the honeyworld royal jelly with CQ10 from japan. It is 1000mg of freeze dried royal jelly with 30mg of CQ10 in 1 capsule. I just followed the dosage indicated in the bottle.

The CQ10 dosage is low but I wasn't concerned as i am also taking conceive well gold from Blackmores which contain 60 mg of CQ10.
Ohss is really no joke. Sisters who are feeling it, please take care. I took immunocal 3x a day and drank isotonic water in place of water. Take H20 cos 100plus is gassy and makes bloating worse.

It is diff but just keep drinking and peeing. It helps to wash out the ohss.

My bloating was so bad that the skin was painful and taut with every breath. I even had to use pregnancy stretch mark oil to help. Eventually I couldn't take it and went to 24hr clinic. The blood test cleared me of ohss after 7 days er. They then could give me antacid to clear the bloating and I was ok!

It sounds so terrible...

Doc gave me a medication after ER to prevent ohss too cos they retrieve 21 eggs from me. I am indeed very lucky that i din get it. But the counter nurse told me when i went back for ET yesterday that they are afraid that i may still suffer from ohss after ET....

So now, i am still eating lots of protein and taking immunocal twice a day. Come to thibk of it, i actually had worse bloating from my previous fresh cycle in Jan where they only retrieved 13 eggs....
After ET, if ohss sets it, good and bad. Goodis high chance of bfp. Bad is v risky and painful.

W ohss, pls take as much fluid as possible. I know is v tough to swallow the fluid due to the super bloatedness. But must try, takes a little each time. It will make u go toilet n will relieve the bloatedness

It sounds so terrible...

Doc gave me a medication after ER to prevent ohss too cos they retrieve 21 eggs from me. I am indeed very lucky that i din get it. But the counter nurse told me when i went back for ET yesterday that they are afraid that i may still suffer from ohss after ET....

So now, i am still eating lots of protein and taking immunocal twice a day. Come to thibk of it, i actually had worse bloating from my previous fresh cycle in Jan where they only retrieved 13 eggs....
They gave me the medicine too cos I retrieved 35 eggs. But still kanna ohss.
I know there's a lot of catch up here with the past posts...
May I know who is going for BT soon from the ET?
After ET, if ohss sets it, good and bad. Goodis high chance of bfp. Bad is v risky and painful.

W ohss, pls take as much fluid as possible. I know is v tough to swallow the fluid due to the super bloatedness. But must try, takes a little each time. It will make u go toilet n will relieve the bloatedness
I second what jklim4642 says. I set alarm and try to drink a bit of water every 45mins then measure pee output. Drink a bit, pee a bit. Drink a bit, pee a bit.

Both my cycles I had ohss. First cycle chemical pregnancy but at least beanie did implant a bit.

Second cycle bfp. But ohss may come back a bit. I rem doc was scanning me at week 6 and said my ovaries swollen again and got fluid in abdomen. but nothing serious. Possibly just a bit more uncomfy and nothing they can do. Not the full suite of ohss symptoms also. I did remember getting bloating back again very early in first trimester, like 4 days before my bt.
I really hope n pray et will not be postponed. Th3y did a bt n told me to wait 2 hrs. If ohss then admit else Take charcoal tab for diarrhea n some solution to pass wind. I just took the meds. Hope will be better. Will take ginger drink protein rich food as well. I did not really take care n its my fault. Just took ensure immunocal egg whites n h20. Not enough I guess. I just feel heany uncomfy pain when movement. Hope meds resolve.
I really hope n pray et will not be postponed. Th3y did a bt n told me to wait 2 hrs. If ohss then admit else Take charcoal tab for diarrhea n some solution to pass wind. I just took the meds. Hope will be better. Will take ginger drink protein rich food as well. I did not really take care n its my fault. Just took ensure immunocal egg whites n h20. Not enough I guess. I just feel heavy uncomfy pain when movement. Hope meds resolve.
After ET, if ohss sets it, good and bad. Goodis high chance of bfp. Bad is v risky and painful.

W ohss, pls take as much fluid as possible. I know is v tough to swallow the fluid due to the super bloatedness. But must try, takes a little each time. It will make u go toilet n will relieve the bloatedness
I heard about this as well... but i understand that if ohss is serious before ET, they may cancel thd procedure and resume in a few months as FET after the symptons recovers.

Of cos, the higher chance of bfp stands true if you get ohss after ET is done. Was told by the nurse that the second wave of ohss may strike on the 5th day after ET. Hence they gave the med to prevent ohss for 8 days after ER.
I second what jklim4642 says. I set alarm and try to drink a bit of water every 45mins then measure pee output. Drink a bit, pee a bit. Drink a bit, pee a bit.

Both my cycles I had ohss. First cycle chemical pregnancy but at least beanie did implant a bit.

Second cycle bfp. But ohss may come back a bit. I rem doc was scanning me at week 6 and said my ovaries swollen again and got fluid in abdomen. but nothing serious. Possibly just a bit more uncomfy and nothing they can do. Not the full suite of ohss symptoms also. I did remember getting bloating back again very early in first trimester, like 4 days before my bt.
I force myself to finish one whole jug within half a day....
I really hope n pray et will not be postponed. Th3y did a bt n told me to wait 2 hrs. If ohss then admit else Take charcoal tab for diarrhea n some solution to pass wind. I just took the meds. Hope will be better. Will take ginger drink protein rich food as well. I did not really take care n its my fault. Just took ensure immunocal egg whites n h20. Not enough I guess. I just feel heany uncomfy pain when movement. Hope meds resolve.


I hope u r cleared of serious ohss and can proceed tomorrow. But uf it is too serious, then no choice.

N9t trying to scare u, but I read from kk's leaflet that serious ohss can affect our organs and cause death if not treated well.
I force myself to finish one whole jug within half a day....
Go by small portions. Your body also cannot process a lot of water at one go. I have 650ml water bottle and I try to slowly drink slowly pee. Not good to drink a lot at one shot. And for now, just drink H20. U will poss get sick of it but just keep sipping on it.

Since bfp until now, i refused to drink a single drop of H20 and hate eggs!!!!
@mesara, ohss is no joke. I got admitted to hospital. My weight shot up by 7kg. The nurses had to measured all my urine output. My pee wouldn't even meet the min measurement. It was only after they did a procedure to drain out the fluid then everything turned better. Doc wanted to ensure I was drinking 2.5l of water. It was not easy cos doc said he also wldnt do a 1.5l.

Take care & all the best!

Btw, what's the link between ohss & higher chance of bfp?
Go by small portions. Your body also cannot process a lot of water at one go. I have 650ml water bottle and I try to slowly drink slowly pee. Not good to drink a lot at one shot. And for now, just drink H20. U will poss get sick of it but just keep sipping on it.

Since bfp until now, i refused to drink a single drop of H20 and hate eggs!!!!
Yap. Drinking one full cup every hour. I also take some red date tea in between to curb the bland water.

Tell me about getting sick of egg whites.... i hv been taking since stimulation. I dun think i will eat it if i hv a choice!
Mesara, don't worry about ET now. My friend had serious OHSS after ER. In the end, she decided to do FET after her OHSS cleared and she BFP and gave birth to a boy in Feb this year.

I took the honeyworld royal jelly with CQ10 from japan. It is 1000mg of freeze dried royal jelly with 30mg of CQ10 in 1 capsule. I just followed the dosage indicated in the bottle.

The CQ10 dosage is low but I wasn't concerned as i am also taking conceive well gold from Blackmores which contain 60 mg of CQ10.

hi portia3, thanks for the sharing. :)
Hey ladies thanks for concern sharing thoughts. Bt showed no ohss so I am just supposed to take charcoal tablets n antacid solution to pass wind. Thats it. At kkh I had 5 half boiled egg whites. Then 2 cans of h20. Feel slightly better. Burb alot.so think tomorrow on. Thanks once again sisters for yr supprt. Went vivo bought 330g salmon lamb chop n chicken breast to grill n up the protein. Alls well.

redvel I didnt speak to anyone after er hehe. Not me. Maybe monday we mite meet or et. Wat time yrs. Mine at 10
So glad to know you're better and ready for tomorrow mesara.

I'm feeling Ok and I'm gonna indulge on pizza tonight. Ha.

Ok I guess it was wrong identify :p Me tomorrow is 850am. I wish you all the best and hope to hear of your good news tomorrow.
Hey ladies thanks for concern sharing thoughts. Bt showed no ohss so I am just supposed to take charcoal tablets n antacid solution to pass wind. Thats it. At kkh I had 5 half boiled egg whites. Then 2 cans of h20. Feel slightly better. Burb alot.so think tomorrow on. Thanks once again sisters for yr supprt. Went vivo bought 330g salmon lamb chop n chicken breast to grill n up the protein. Alls well.

redvel I didnt speak to anyone after er hehe. Not me. Maybe monday we mite meet or et. Wat time yrs. Mine at 10
Hi mesara,

Glad to know you are better.

Try and eat more white meat instead of red meat. Fish is best. Reduce yr sugar intake as well as carbo if you ususlly take a lot of desserts or rice and noodles.

Update us tmr on yr ET and embbies status. I'll be going for acupuncture again tomorrow.
Hi ladies!

Finally, I'm going to start my cycle tomorrow! Any cycle buddies around this period?

Should I bring a cooler bag to contain the medicine tomorrow or not? I'll be going home right after kkh.

Also, what should I start loading up on? I know egg whites... How many should it take and what else? Very excited !
Hi sara,

I am currently in my 2ww. Mesara will be joining me tomorrow.

Kk will give an ice pack with the med. They say can last 4 hours. If u going home direct, shld not bd a prob.

I take immunocal with ensure milk and 2 egg white daily during stimulation.
Hihi, I m going to trigger tonite...... The nurses told me that this will b quite a painful injection..... Worried......
Bloating is very bad these 2 days........ :((
Hihi, I m going to trigger tonite...... The nurses told me that this will b quite a painful injection..... Worried......
Bloating is very bad these 2 days........ :((
Have faith,

Dun worry. It is not as painful as they say. I had a very experienced sister who did it for me on my butt. The pain is really like an ant bite!
Havefaith, nah...the jab on the butt is merely a little sting. Nothing much from the jabs you've been doing on your tummy.

Sarah, I was told the ice pack will last 4-5hrs. So if you're heading home thereafter, the medicine will be Ok by the time you're home.

During stimming, I have two soft boiled egg whites daily. Longan red dates tea few x a week. And also chix essence alternate days. Most importantly, rest well and relax :)
