IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bb blues

Bb Blues, Lap can clean up your womb and many people do concieve after the surgery. Dr Loh is skillful in surgery and recovery time is quite fast. No worries insurance can claim. I PM you.
Hi jumbo girl how did u get the insurance claim ya ? Did u stay in hospital after lap ?

Vivine, yes my co can allow me to claim so I managed to claim all. I stayed one night. I feel it is better cos you will feel weak and some may puke so let the nurses take care of you. I seldom post here, anything u can pm me and I will be happy to reply you.
You can choose her at The Private suite but she is not there everyday. Call up the appointment line to change the date. Wait is not too bad less than an hour.
Hi Jumbo girl, I called the appointment line to make the appointment and I ask if I can see Dr Sadhana at The Private Suite, but the lady told me no and say Dr Sadhana only see patient at clinic D. Maybe I should try call again and ask.. Thanks again!
Vivine, yes my co can allow me to claim so I managed to claim all. I stayed one night. I feel it is better cos you will feel weak and some may puke so let the nurses take care of you. I seldom post here, anything u can pm me and I will be happy to reply you.

Hi jumbo girl thank you for ur reply .
Mag08, thanks for the response. My case is similar to urs. My lap is also quite painful. Gynae found lotsa adhesions inside me frm the endo & previous laparotomy. Organs stuck together. Quite bad. No wonder my menses very crampy Was so sad to hear all tat. Even my tubes both affected. Duno whether the stimulations during ivf might aggravate my endo back. Coz my first AF after both failed cycle was v crampy.

I also went for laparotomy in 2006 coz my endo was quite big. Left 7cm, right i think abt 4-5cm. Same like u, i also brush the period pain as norm. But when it gets worse with time, i suspect something is wrong. None in my family has endo as well.

Bb_blues, my lap cost abt 9k+ for clearing pelvic adhesion for endo, unblocking tubes & clipping tubes. Did mine in nuh. Hope tat helps.

Hi Syrian
I am sorry to hear that you also have severe endo. Actually, while I think highly of Dr Loh's skills, I never understood why he assumed that for cases of endo, the IVF bypasses the endo and so it isn't necessary to do lap. Logically, when I think about it, in my case when the organs are all stuck together, the tubes, the uterus and the intestines, I am not sure how it would be possible for implantation to take place.

The decision to go for a lap or not is a hard one. I only did it finally cos' with all the failed IVF cycles, I had nothing more to lose from the lap. But I should add that when I found out that I had endo in 2000, I slowly changed my diet. While no one knows what really causes endo as there are multiple theories out there, diet does make a difference. I became a vegetarian (though that was primarily because of my belief system and not so much due to endo), and I stopped high sugar stuff. But every day, I took fish oil. Fish oil is primarily known for its DHA as a brain food. But for endo sufferers, its the EPA in fish oil that is important. EPA tends to calm the system and reduce inflammation and so if you consume fish oil, try to get one with a good amt of EPA esp if you are suffering from endo.

I truly hope that all of you get BFPs. Good luck
Hi Jumbo girl, I called the appointment line to make the appointment and I ask if I can see Dr Sadhana at The Private Suite, but the lady told me no and say Dr Sadhana only see patient at clinic D. Maybe I should try call again and ask.. Thanks again!
Hi hopeful, I'm seeing Dr Sadhana at the private suite. I think if u r seeing her as a subsidized patient, then maybe that's why it's clinic D. Maybe u can check if that's the reason.
Hi may i know if any of you experienced mid cycle spotting after a failed ivf? I am experiencing some light spotting on day 14 of my cycle. Usually I ovulate ard day 20. Quite scared now, is it something wrong?
Hi hopeful, I'm seeing Dr Sadhana at the private suite. I think if u r seeing her as a subsidized patient, then maybe that's why it's clinic D. Maybe u can check if that's the reason.

Hi redlingsinc, I am seeing her as private patient. When I call the appointment line, they told me that the cost for first consultation is $110+ and I say I want to see her at TPS but the lady keep saying Dr Sadhana only see patient at clinic D. I ask her clinic D is for subsidised patient right, she say private patient also at clinic D. The rate I told you is private rate. Arrgghh.. I will call again on Monday to check my appointment. Luckily I check with you ladies, that lady on the line was not very friendly too.. :(
Hi mag08, my thoughts abt endo is also similar as yours. Maybe with all those adhesions, scarring, endo & stuck organs, all these make my insides not a gd environment for my embryos. Mayb tats why my embryos in both failed cycles just failed to implant. Haiz. Really hope to do something to make sure implantation can occur next round. Did u try endo scrapping before? Any ladies here who have a successful inplantation after endo scrapping?

Btw thanks for ur recommendation abt diet change. I also read there are many food out there tat may aggravate endo. Eg wheat, dairy products, meat (red meat & chic) & high sugar stuff. Pple like us shd consume more fruits & vegs. I think im gonna slowly switch my diet. But gonna be hard as i love food..
Hi all,

I started TTC 3 years ago, failed 1 IVF cycle at KKH with only 1 egg fertilized. According to fertility doc, my case is considered quite impossible to get pregnant naturally. After my failed cycle I went to healing session with Lao Shi (Mdm Tan) , to give myself a break. I got to know Mdm Tan’s healing session through this forum, some sisters shared their experience and I thought no harm giving a try. Mdm Tan always encouraged me to TTC naturally and think positively, after few healing sessions, I felt that my body warmer and am not afraid of coldness, more importantly, I learnt to take things easily and stay positive, leave it to the God. Even though during my TTC naturally I did not succeed, I was never like in the past—that last time I would cry or thought negatively. Instead, I continued to see Mdm Tan, to prep my body for the TTC journey and I believed that I could get pregnant naturally. This year, while waiting to arrange my new IVF appointment, I also went and prayed to God of Baby and Mary the Mother of Jesus with Mdm Tan. I lived life as usual and went for a trip, miraculously, I got pregnant after the trip and in my second trimester now. I would not say there is one sole factor anyone of us can refer to for successful TTC. But I really appreciate Mdm Tan for what she has helped and listened to me along this journey, she is not just a healer but also a friend to accompany us through this journey. I am sharing this because I can understand the feeling of TTC, knowing that besides medical help, we also need help in other ways. Just hope that my little story can motivate everyone to strive on and miracles can happen! No matter how hard it is, don’t lose heart and explore a way that you feel most comfortable with to carry on this TTC journey. Give yourself the chance when you are ready.
Hi all,

I started TTC 3 years ago, failed 1 IVF cycle at KKH with only 1 egg fertilized. According to fertility doc, my case is considered quite impossible to get pregnant naturally. After my failed cycle I went to healing session with Lao Shi (Mdm Tan) , to give myself a break. I got to know Mdm Tan’s healing session through this forum, some sisters shared their experience and I thought no harm giving a try. Mdm Tan always encouraged me to TTC naturally and think positively, after few healing sessions, I felt that my body warmer and am not afraid of coldness, more importantly, I learnt to take things easily and stay positive, leave it to the God. Even though during my TTC naturally I did not succeed, I was never like in the past—that last time I would cry or thought negatively. Instead, I continued to see Mdm Tan, to prep my body for the TTC journey and I believed that I could get pregnant naturally. This year, while waiting to arrange my new IVF appointment, I also went and prayed to God of Baby and Mary the Mother of Jesus with Mdm Tan. I lived life as usual and went for a trip, miraculously, I got pregnant after the trip and in my second trimester now. I would not say there is one sole factor anyone of us can refer to for successful TTC. But I really appreciate Mdm Tan for what she has helped and listened to me along this journey, she is not just a healer but also a friend to accompany us through this journey. I am sharing this because I can understand the feeling of TTC, knowing that besides medical help, we also need help in other ways. Just hope that my little story can motivate everyone to strive on and miracles can happen! No matter how hard it is, don’t lose heart and explore a way that you feel most comfortable with to carry on this TTC journey. Give yourself the chance when you are ready.

Hi Babyjoy03,

Thank you so much for sharing your joy with us.. Really appreciate a lot.. Meanwhile, do take good care and await for your "product" to be delievered!
Hi all, jus want to ask, for those who have done HSG tests before, r u given antibiotics to take after that???

Hi tsf,

Done HSG like 5 years back, wasnt given any antibiotics. After the test, given mi pantyliner to wear as there will be some spotting after it..
Get ready ur bags, containers, trucks to catch my bb dusts. Sorry cant be too explicit cos I m those pandang type.

Loads of Bb dusts to all of u.
Congrats babycomecome!! So happy that u succeeded!

Vivine, i am doing fresh cycle, didnt have any frozen embryos this round.
Hi hi mei, still remember me? Hows your mid cycle spotting? Is it gone already? I am also doing fresh cycle too as no frozen from last fresh. Not really looking forward on all those injections. Doc sadhana prescripe 1 more injection for better quality for my eggs and also increase the dosage for the hormone injection. So not looking forward. So sad.
Get ready ur bags, containers, trucks to catch my bb dusts. Sorry cant be too explicit cos I m those pandang type.

Loads of Bb dusts to all of u.

babycomecome, you did the acupuncture right ? how long did it last ? did the chinese doctor do the acupuncture on you tummy as well ?
my chinese doctor only do on my legs , he said after ET, still need to continue to do acupuncture leh... so confuse ya.....
any sister can help ?
Hi all, thanks for all the wishes.

I ate 3 brazil nuts everyday, drink Ensure Milk everyday, eat 3-4 seeds of durians, chicken essence everyday.
I had acupuncture twice a week for this cycle and upgraded to acupuncture daily from day 7 onwards to day b4 ER, ER & ET day rest, acupuncture again after ER day and on 1DP2DT, 3DP2DT & 4DP2DT only, eat chinese medicine twice a day. Acupuncture on tummy and back, but back acupuncture was done by lying on my side.
Hi all, thanks for all the wishes.

I ate 3 brazil nuts everyday, drink Ensure Milk everyday, eat 3-4 seeds of durians, chicken essence everyday.
I had acupuncture twice a week for this cycle and upgraded to acupuncture daily from day 7 onwards to day b4 ER, ER & ET day rest, acupuncture again after ER day and on 1DP2DT, 3DP2DT & 4DP2DT only, eat chinese medicine twice a day. Acupuncture on tummy and back, but back acupuncture was done by lying on my side.
Thank you for sharing . Did u continue for acupuncture after ET? Or the acupuncture just stop at the day before ?foe the chicken essences ? U start to drink for injection or after ET?
:D:D:D Oh babycomecome so happy for u and... For me ;) Cause you re one of the gals who was taking dhea no??? I remembered you told me earlier - i am on to now as well - please remind me what was your amh? How many eggs retrieved etc... Am on the nuh thread so missed your whole success story ! Enjoy rest and keep it secret till 12 weeks (am like you ;)) superstitious!
:D:D:D Oh babycomecome so happy for u and... For me ;) Cause you re one of the gals who was taking dhea no??? I remembered you told me earlier - i am on to now as well - please remind me what was your amh? How many eggs retrieved etc... Am on the nuh thread so missed your whole success story ! Enjoy rest and keep it secret till 12 weeks (am like you ;)) superstitious!

Gigi, we are on the same ship? congrats. yes keep it low peofile. Yes I was on DHEA. My Amh was so low 0.7. Retrieved 6 eggs, all matured. 2 commando embbies transferred and the rest sacrifice on the war field. Lol. No snowies.
Hi babycomecome no not now i mean when i had my first Bfp am trying number 2 now ;)
I forgot to ask you how much dhea you took ?
I ve been prescribed 3x25mg a day but apparently its too much for me so now am on 2x25mg
What about you?
babycomecome, thanks for sharing.. What is your reading??? high enough for twinnies?
All those that u wrote are your pre-preparation?? Ensure milk every day for 3 months? or all started in D1 of IVF?

Gigi, I was on 3x25mg dhea a day.

Wondersss, I am 1439. All those are after et. Before er n et took supplements folic acid, multi vits n dhea plus chinese med..
Gigi, I was on 3x25mg dhea a day.

Wondersss, I am 1439. All those are after et. Before er n et took supplements folic acid, multi vits n dhea plus chinese med..

May i know what is DHEA ya ? which kind of supplements folic acid are you taking ? where did you buy from ?
are you stiling continuing with chinese med ?
Gigi, I was on 3x25mg dhea a day.

Wondersss, I am 1439. All those are after et. Before er n et took supplements folic acid, multi vits n dhea plus chinese med..

how much protein is stated on the ensure milk u are taking? Also, how many cups are u taking a day?
how much protein is stated on the ensure milk u are taking? Also, how many cups are u taking a day?

Lynx, I dunno how much protein is in ensure. I drink 1 cup a day. Take food in moderations la.

May i know what is DHEA ya ? which kind of supplements folic acid are you taking ? where did you buy from ?
are you stiling continuing with chinese med ?

vivine, DHEA is a controlled drug that was said to improve egg quality but is not scientifically proven. DHEA needs to be prescriped by doctors. FA i buy from Unity. Its those generic type. Hospital also give the same thing, so I din take from there. Today take the last dosage of TCM med. have not decided whether to go take more med or not.
Dear all,

I am currently conducting a short survey for a new technology for IVF treatment, aimed to increase success of IVF treatment. This is a new concept developed by a Life Sciences company in the United States.

We are bounded by market research guidelines so kindly be assured that no confidential particulars will be divulged.
The interview will be face-to-face and will last approximately 35 minutes. You will receive $60 cash at the end of the interview.

Here are 3 criteria to qualify for this market research:
1. Currently seeing a fertility specialist or have seen one in the last one year
2. Has gone through at least one or more unsuccessful IVF cycle in the past year
3. Was recommended DONOR EGG by the fertility specialist

Should you have additional questions or wish to discuss your participation in this study, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you and kind regards,
Joanne Lim

Lynx, I dunno how much protein is in ensure. I drink 1 cup a day. Take food in moderations la.

vivine, DHEA is a controlled drug that was said to improve egg quality but is not scientifically proven. DHEA needs to be prescriped by doctors. FA i buy from Unity. Its those generic type. Hospital also give the same thing, so I din take from there. Today take the last dosage of TCM med. have not decided whether to go take more med or not.

Thanks babycomecome....... i am just confuse that the way my chinese doctor doing acupuncutre is quite different from yours leh.....
