IVF/ICSI Support Group

redlingsinc: pour bbdust over you :D
Syrian: I dont know if I had implantation problems but i was onto my 3rd cycle and so there was not harm to try out a simple procedure. It was suggested by my gynae. I also went accupucture and has assisted hatching done. These are things I didnt do for previous cycle. But its really a matter of trying it out and I cant say which works. Stay relaxed, sleep well and pray alot helps. At end of day, a life is given by God, no-one can make it. I say that it was my best cycle on 3rd try. I hope you get there earlier.
hi-mei: I did the scrap a cycle before the month i am cycling. Yes, its a fresh cycle.

sorry for late reply as I dont come here often.
hi, may i ask if anyone drinks 'wu zi yan zong wan'?

i was given in sachet forms - 5 sachets - to drink 1 sachet per day after meal. saw dr zhao frm raffles chinese medicine yesterday for 1st time acupuncture..
Hi Vivine..durin injections I drank UHT milk, ate vegetarian cheese, avocados, egg whites, seaweed n drink wheatgrass juice...wheatgrass helps wth beautiful follicles :) u need lots of

greens n protein a wk or 2 b4 inj..up to end of inj..I saw sum ladies drinking immunocal, mayb try tat...I culdnt afford that n settled 4 natural nutrients from foods n fruits :) Drink Ensure After E.T..start from time you come home from your E.R...if u notice Ensure has soya products in it..so not advisable b4 E.R. k :) Good luck girl!

Noted with thanks Anita. i have ideas what i m going to eat more during injection. i will follow yours.....Can you provide more info on the diet after E.T ? sorry to trouble you ...... so stressful.... going to start my cycle soon.....
Noted with thanks Anita. i have ideas what i m going to eat more during injection. i will follow yours.....Can you provide more info on the diet after E.T ? sorry to trouble you ...... so stressful.... going to start my cycle soon.....
Hi vivine. ..thank u 4 the wishes :) Hey please relax..no stress k...if u don't mind wats ur age girl? And wen injections starting? Will u be restin at home or going work n how is ur workload at home? Well handled after ur et n during ur 2ww?..seriously pls relax..whenever u feel tensed or stress grab pokka green tea n have half a few sips..it calms ur nerves but stop it few days b4 inj starts k..have the habit of drinking 1.5 to 2l water daily from now...water is an important component that assists in good follicle production..as water helps wth good blood flow..but please boil that water overnight n store in flask..our tap waters r overloaded wth chlorine n meds! Tats 1 reason our hairs drop so much too! I hve a filtration system at home..bought it for $150+..I only drink tat water but hve 2 refill it daily.pls STOP all coffee n caffeine n soft drinks.Buy a bottle of Ribena cordial (u know the 1 in glass bottles we mke 4 kids)...drink abit of tat wth warm water after E.R..it has Vit C n prevents u frm havin any flu bugs during tis cold Xmas season :) how is ur daily normal meals like usually??? R u a soup or mee or rice or salad..bread person?? Chinese, Malay or Indian cuisines u eat mostly?? Cuz each different culture foods hve different nutrients n properties :) so now normally what's ur food intake like? Example..I was a spicy..sambal n indian malay n thai food fanatic! I can't survive wthout spice n chilli..hehehe. .n I eat lots of rice instead of soups..so naturally my body became heaty...1 to 2wk b4 inj I cut dwn my spice habits n ate more chinese cuisines. .steamed fish..soups. .etc...cuz I wantd my body 2 becum neutral temperature from injections time to ET...so daily during injections n aftr E.R. I mentally timetable wat I am to eat n not :)
Hi vivine. ..thank u 4 the wishes :) Hey please relax..no stress k...if u don't mind wats ur age girl? And wen injections starting? Will u be restin at home or going work n how is ur workload at home? Well handled after ur et n during ur 2ww?..seriously pls relax..whenever u feel tensed or stress grab pokka green tea n have half a few sips..it calms ur nerves but stop it few days b4 inj starts k..have the habit of drinking 1.5 to 2l water daily from now...water is an important component that assists in good follicle production..as water helps wth good blood flow..but please boil that water overnight n store in flask..our tap waters r overloaded wth chlorine n meds! Tats 1 reason our hairs drop so much too! I hve a filtration system at home..bought it for $150+..I only drink tat water but hve 2 refill it daily.pls STOP all coffee n caffeine n soft drinks.Buy a bottle of Ribena cordial (u know the 1 in glass bottles we mke 4 kids)...drink abit of tat wth warm water after E.R..it has Vit C n prevents u frm havin any flu bugs during tis cold Xmas season :) how is ur daily normal meals like usually??? R u a soup or mee or rice or salad..bread person?? Chinese, Malay or Indian cuisines u eat mostly?? Cuz each different culture foods hve different nutrients n properties :) so now normally what's ur food intake like? Example..I was a spicy..sambal n indian malay n thai food fanatic! I can't survive wthout spice n chilli..hehehe. .n I eat lots of rice instead of soups..so naturally my body became heaty...1 to 2wk b4 inj I cut dwn my spice habits n ate more chinese cuisines. .steamed fish..soups. .etc...cuz I wantd my body 2 becum neutral temperature from injections time to ET...so daily during injections n aftr E.R. I mentally timetable wat I am to eat n not :)

thank you Anita, how are you so far ? i will rest at home for 2wks after ET deh... what i eat most is chinese food ,mee and soups.... i am not spicy lover, so avoid spicy is not a issue for me. i have tried to eat simple healthy diet, but need to be more cautious on some food which need to be avoid , i will need more advices from you. you did provide me a lot of information, i did learn a lot from you.i just want to do all my best within my control. like we can control our diet... again, thank you very much, Anita.
thank you Anita, how are you so far ? i will rest at home for 2wks after ET deh... what i eat most is chinese food ,mee and soups.... i am not spicy lover, so avoid spicy is not a issue for me. i have tried to eat simple healthy diet, but need to be more cautious on some food which need to be avoid , i will need more advices from you. you did provide me a lot of information, i did learn a lot from you.i just want to do all my best within my control. like we can control our diet... again, thank you very much, Anita.
When u startin jabs?? Cut down on kuay teow mee..yellow mee..if want eat beehoon its healthier n less carbo..eat lots of green veggy but NO SNOWPEAS.NO PEAS..b4 inj its ok to eat minimum french n long beans.1wk b4 inj stop them too..eat lots of chyesim..spinach brocoli..carrots..what meats u eat often? N wat seafood too??
Thanks babycomecome... Keeping fingers crossed for the graduation...

Hazelnut, i guess different lady has different responsiveness... So dont worry too much.. I guess the test might be too early..
My bt is on coming Thursday.. Nowadays i get alot of twitching kinda feeling in my tummy and feeling nauseous.. All these feelings are my AF symptoms.. Hmmm.. Whats poas?

Hi Hopeful, how are you? Still have twitching and nauseous feel? Probably its the work of the little one, implanting deep, deep into your womb. Good luck for ur BT tml. Blur me, mixed up you and Anita's BT date. Lol.

I had chest tightness and a bit quesiness since this morning. Called KKH and they said its normal. Unless, it gets too serious, need to go down to KKH O&G 24Hr clinic for doctor review. Hope its nothing too serious. Haiz.
Hi Hopeful, how are you? Still have twitching and nauseous feel? Probably its the work of the little one, implanting deep, deep into your womb. Good luck for ur BT tml. Blur me, mixed up you and Anita's BT date. Lol.

I had chest tightness and a bit quesiness since this morning. Called KKH and they said its normal. Unless, it gets too serious, need to go down to KKH O&G 24Hr clinic for doctor review. Hope its nothing too serious. Haiz.

Hey babycomecome.. My nauseous got worst since ytd and vomited. Feeling giddy whenever hungry but no appetite.. My lower left abdomen got cramps feel.. And sometimes those "pop pop" feel... Lower back very aching but today feeling better... Sigh.. In conclusion, im not feeling well..

So nervous for my BT tml...
hi hi.

can I know how fet works. like to eat some pills daily n to go for scans almosy daily?

and fet can claims subsidy is it? will not affect the fresh subsidy?
I been feeling breathless frm 2days ago..heavy breathing. .wonder if cuz of cold weather? ?kkh nvr giv us any antibiotics after E.T?? Wat if flu bug cums??? Is tis breathlessness norm?? I feel tired too :( Hi hopeful..be strong n happy you have come tis far :) relax..n rest well 4 tomorrow..be positive..all will be well.
I been feeling breathless frm 2days ago..heavy breathing. .wonder if cuz of cold weather? ?kkh nvr giv us any antibiotics after E.T?? Wat if flu bug cums??? Is tis breathlessness norm?? I feel tired too :( Hi hopeful..be strong n happy you have come tis far :) relax..n rest well 4 tomorrow..be positive..all will be well.

Thanks Anita... Hope I can spread baby dust here..
I've been feeling breathless as well.. And i got slight nose block since my ET.. Until now, I still have abit..
I cant walk too long like more than 1hr.. Otherwise my body fee like giving way..
This kind of feeling is like the body doesnt belong to me anymore... Haiz..
hi hi.

can I know how fet works. like to eat some pills daily n to go for scans almosy daily?

and fet can claims subsidy is it? will not affect the fresh subsidy?
Hi mrs tann, high five! I'm waiting to do my FET too (AF just sneaked in on me this morning). Called KK this morning and was told to go down to collect some pills to eat daily for about a week. Thereafter, I'll be scheduled for a scan and if lining is thick enough, FET will be done in the next 3 days from the scan. Second scan may be needed only if lining is not thick enough. FET can claim subsidy, and it's separate from fresh cycle ie. 3 times claim for fresh cycle and 3 times claim for FET. :)
oh. so fast ah. so just take medication n then scan once or twice then put in? ok can consider then.
all the best! I've read somewhere that chances of conceiving from FET can be even higher than fresh cycles. That's if the frozen embbies can survive the freezing and thawing process in the first place.

Me too! I've one and only single embbie too! And I'm not going to let it go to waste cos every embbie is precious! :)
Dear all

I have posted my story here before to give some hope and inspiration to you. I can totally relate to what you are all going through. I had stage 4 endometriosis and diminished ovarian reserve. After all the usual HSG, IUIs, ovulation kits, checking body temp, nothing worked and in 2008 I moved on to IVF. My 1st IVF did not get the expected results, and ET was cancelled and converted to IUI. I had 3 more fresh cycles and all failed. I didn't even have enough eggs for FET. I was so mentally drained. I decided to leave it in God's hand and decided not to proceed with anymore IVFs. Dr SF loh told me that that was nothing more that he could do. I could either adopt or go with donor egg.

I requested Dr Loh to do a lap for me to clear up my endo. It was causing me a lot of pain esp during bowel movements (sorry tmi!). Dr Loh is a skilled surgeon and I was confident that he will go a good job. You see, when I was first diagnosed with endo in 2000, they did a laparotomy(something similar to a C-section) and I think that surgery created a lot of adhesions and caused a lot of pain each day. So after suffering with the pain for 8 years, I decided to get a lap when my IVF failed. The lap recovery was quite painful and Dr Loh told me that there were lots of tissues sticking together and he undid as much as he could.

Shortly thereafter, I conceived my baby boy naturally in 2009. 10 months later, I got pregnant again but miscarried and then I delivered my baby girl in 2011. So, please do not feel discouraged. Even if IVF fails, miracles do happen. When I conceived, Dr Loh was so happy because he considered me to be a really challenging case. He told me that it was all in God's hands finally, and I told him while that was true, Dr Loh did play an important part as well cos' it was only after the lap that I conceived. So, stay strong but be informed as well. I did take royal jelly with bee pollen and bee propolis for that month before I conceived. Bee propolis is supposed to reduce the inflammation for endo and studies had shown its effect. In my case, since the problem was on my side, and my husband was all clear, I read up a lot what can be done in cases with severe endo. Even with the lap, Dr Loh had told me that the lap will probably not help much. Since IVF had failed, he felt that the lap won't probably do much good for getting pregnant. But I insisted and he said okay he will do it.

So, even if IVF fails, there is still light at the end of the tunnel.
tks for sharing. I also sadly did not hv good fertilisation. managed to freeze one grade 3 and I hope this one will survive to do wonders!
Dear all

I have posted my story here before to give some hope and inspiration to you. I can totally relate to what you are all going through. I had stage 4 endometriosis and diminished ovarian reserve. After all the usual HSG, IUIs, ovulation kits, checking body temp, nothing worked and in 2008 I moved on to IVF. My 1st IVF did not get the expected results, and ET was cancelled and converted to IUI. I had 3 more fresh cycles and all failed. I didn't even have enough eggs for FET. I was so mentally drained. I decided to leave it in God's hand and decided not to proceed with anymore IVFs. Dr SF loh told me that that was nothing more that he could do. I could either adopt or go with donor egg.

I requested Dr Loh to do a lap for me to clear up my endo. It was causing me a lot of pain esp during bowel movements (sorry tmi!). Dr Loh is a skilled surgeon and I was confident that he will go a good job. You see, when I was first diagnosed with endo in 2000, they did a laparotomy(something similar to a C-section) and I think that surgery created a lot of adhesions and caused a lot of pain each day. So after suffering with the pain for 8 years, I decided to get a lap when my IVF failed. The lap recovery was quite painful and Dr Loh told me that there were lots of tissues sticking together and he undid as much as he could.

Shortly thereafter, I conceived my baby boy naturally in 2009. 10 months later, I got pregnant again but miscarried and then I delivered my baby girl in 2011. So, please do not feel discouraged. Even if IVF fails, miracles do happen. When I conceived, Dr Loh was so happy because he considered me to be a really challenging case. He told me that it was all in God's hands finally, and I told him while that was true, Dr Loh did play an important part as well cos' it was only after the lap that I conceived. So, stay strong but be informed as well. I did take royal jelly with bee pollen and bee propolis for that month before I conceived. Bee propolis is supposed to reduce the inflammation for endo and studies had shown its effect. In my case, since the problem was on my side, and my husband was all clear, I read up a lot what can be done in cases with severe endo. Even with the lap, Dr Loh had told me that the lap will probably not help much. Since IVF had failed, he felt that the lap won't probably do much good for getting pregnant. But I insisted and he said okay he will do it.

So, even if IVF fails, there is still light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks for sharing. What brand of royal jelly did u take n for how long?
When u startin jabs?? Cut down on kuay teow mee..yellow mee..if want eat beehoon its healthier n less carbo..eat lots of green veggy but NO SNOWPEAS.NO PEAS..b4 inj its ok to eat minimum french n long beans.1wk b4 inj stop them too..eat lots of chyesim..spinach brocoli..carrots..what meats u eat often? N wat seafood too??

thank you Anita, i will take note and follow. thank you for you kind advices.i am currently drinking the Mei ji fresh milk which i bought from NTUC , i found there is no UHT inside leh.... which brand of milk were you taking during injection ya ? how about the diet on 2ww after ET ? what do you normally to eat ?
Lynx_sea, KKH will prescribe antibiotics after ET? They didn't prescribe me any for this cycle and last cycle. Is that a standard protocol to have antibiotics after ET?
Lynx_sea, KKH will prescribe antibiotics after ET? They didn't prescribe me any for this cycle and last cycle. Is that a standard protocol to have antibiotics after ET?
Yes BBcome come, they shd prescribe antibiotics for consumption after ET to prevent any infection.
Dear mag08, thanks for sharing ur story. I also have severe endo. Did laparotomy and laparoscopy before. Now having problems to conceive. Failed 2 fresh ivf already. I thought royal jelly and bee pollen will aggravate endo? I heard bee propolis is gd for endo inflammation. Btw is sf loh good in doing ivf for endo sufferers? I also have low amh. Only gotten 2 eggs frm both fresh. No snow babies frm both fresh either. Still looking around for gynaes to do my next fresh. Any suggestions?
lynx, i just PM-ed you..

OMG!!! how can they make these silly mistakes!!
So when is your BT? this time lining good??

Wondersss: I pm-ed u too. my BT will fall on 18 Nov. Lining at 9.1mm 2 days ago, abt the same as previous which was 9mm triple. Not much confidence in the 2 thawed embryos since they deterioriate. And if I intend to do fresh nxt time, she advises scrapping of uterine.
BBcomecome: duno leh.. the previous after ER got antibiotics.. after ET oso got antibiotics.
I juz called KKH to re-confirm. The nurse said yes, antibiotics for both after ER and ET. :)
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thank you Anita, i will take note and follow. thank you for you kind advices.i am currently drinking the Mei ji fresh milk which i bought from NTUC , i found there is no UHT inside leh.... which brand of milk were you taking during injection ya ? how about the diet on 2ww after ET ? what do you normally to eat ?
Hi vivine :) as for the uht milk I drink the pink packet farmhouse uht milk n another blue packet wth a family face on it..I can't remember name..I used to drink 1 to 2 glass per day during inj..ok will share wth u my menu :) when inj started B4 brkfst I drink 3 eggwhite halfboiled..and a glass of milk..brkfast I eat Multigrain Bread 1slice wth 1 slice vegetarian cheese+ layer it wth scrambled creamy egg(I pour uht milk n mke it creamy wth less salt)..I alternate days by adding seaweed to my scrambled eggs or layer it on bread..1 full avocado+4 grapes+2-3 strawberries :)..I dunt eat scrambled egg daily..3 to 4 a wk other times I jus put peanutbutter on multigrain or plain cheese n munch it..but the fruits r a must..I alternate grapes wth green apples...thats brkfast...brunch I munch on more a few grapes or 1-2strawberries:)..Lunch I eat very minimum rice..like half bowl n 2 to 3servings of green leafy veggy n carrots etc+1 meat..I chose my veggies daily..we indians have many variety of green leafy veggies (u can see them wen u go tekka) so I rotate wth, chyesim, spinach, , brocolli, cabbage, saawi kurma (it can only b found in tekka-I ate it most of time cuz lots of nutrients in it) for iron strength I ate another indian greeny..we grind it n its sour but yummy..hve 2 ask mum its name...meat I eat lots of skinless chickn breast tossed wth carrot n light turmeric, corriander, bit garam masala or cinnamon powder, ginger garlic, tomatos well mashd while cookin..wth dash of vry little black pepper..Cinnamon n turmeric r good 4 fertility n egg growth..avoid tuna, mackerel, shark n sting ray..jus avoid fish wth red inner flesh..eat white flesh fish..steamed or grilled or fried in olive oil.All my food was cookd in olive oil..my whole family practice tis habit 4 years..avoid nuggets..burger patties etc..they got soya in it..Teabreak another cup of milk wth fruit munching. .dinner same 2-3veggy+1meat n 1quarter bowl rice or lesser..if u notice I cut dwn bread n rice during injections...Proteins will coat ur egg n mke beautiful healthy follicles instead of carbo...inbetween I drink 1 can of pure wheatgrass juice daily..wheatgrass gives gd follicles. .basically I becamee a giraffe la :D eat greens greens greens..3days once I eat beetroot..for blood circulation 2 my womb n eggs...these are my injection diet..less carbo..fruits cheese milk lots of water to regulate circulation...dun't walk too much or exercise but moderate walkin is ok..best is rest more..the more rest gives more eggs..u must keep in mind to bhave like pregnant the min u start inj...remember. .ur eggs r in u..whatever vibrations n thots u give they grow wth u..n wen they r developed n cum bck into you..they recognise its Home♥..so our mind n positive thinkin starts from injections...tell urself u r pregnant n handle ur body gently wth care :) later I tel u diet 4 my 2ww :) be happy girl.
BBcomecome: duno leh.. the previous after ER got antibiotics.. after ET oso got antibiotics.
I juz called KKH to re-confirm. The nurse said yes, antibiotics for both after ER and ET. :)
eh..kkh nvr give me antibiotics after E.T leh!..only inserts....how ah??
Hi ladies..do watch tis video on positive thinking n how words..thots..feelings affect our body :) So keep thinking positive k n beautiful follicles..embryos all shall be blessed wth ♥Watch "Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto" on YouTube -
Me too. How wor? Too late le la, last round din know got antibiotics too, oso dun have. Haiz.....
Babycome..my fren who did et same day got antibiotics green color..but I no..n my other fren 1wk ago ivf also no antibiotics. .is it diff docs different treatment??? I m wth handsome Dr Tan HH ;)
bbcomecome & Anita18: both of u from KKH? I am oso confused abt the antibiotics.
Aren't antibiotics in pink? Btw, I am now on pessary inserts (Cyclogest) and oral medication - progynova (think its estrogen).
Previous fresh cycle I was only on Inserts. And I am with Dr Sadhana.
Babycome..my fren who did et same day got antibiotics green color..but I no..n my other fren 1wk ago ivf also no antibiotics. .is it diff docs different treatment??? I m wth handsome Dr Tan HH ;)

Anita, Yup, I am under Dr Tan HH too. Did you do any hpt yet? Good luck for ur BT tml.

bbcomecome & Anita18: both of u from KKH? I am oso confused abt the antibiotics.
Aren't antibiotics in pink? Btw, I am now on pessary inserts (Cyclogest) and oral medication - progynova (think its estrogen).
Previous fresh cycle I was only on Inserts. And I am with Dr Sadhana.

Lynx_sea, probably different docs different protocols. I only got the Utrogestan inserts only.
Dear mag08, thanks for sharing ur story. I also have severe endo. Did laparotomy and laparoscopy before. Now having problems to conceive. Failed 2 fresh ivf already. I thought royal jelly and bee pollen will aggravate endo? I heard bee propolis is gd for endo inflammation. Btw is sf loh good in doing ivf for endo sufferers? I also have low amh. Only gotten 2 eggs frm both fresh. No snow babies frm both fresh either. Still looking around for gynaes to do my next fresh. Any suggestions?

Hi syrian
I took the Y S Organic Royal Jelly in Honey and Bee Pollen to actually improve the egg quality. I didn't know that they might aggravate endo. I took it for several months for both times before I conceived my 2 kids, together with the propolis. At that point, I wanted to do something to improve egg quality. And in 2008, when I talked about DHEA to Dr Loh, he wasn't keen on that. I think DHEA was still considered to be unfamiliar grounds for the doctors in Singapore but over time now, they are more receptive to the idea. Dr Loh is a no-nonsense guy and gives you the facts as it is. And that is why when he couldn't do any more to help me, he told me that the only advise that he could give me was to go for donor egg or adopt. My 4th cycle was so bad that I didn't have any eggs for ET. It was heartbreaking to hear that.

But frankly, I don't think the doctors here differentiate the treatment for those who have endo and those who don't. The treatment is usually standard- short or long protocol and they fine-tune the type of medication and dosage after each cycle fails. But Dr Loh is very experienced. And that was reassuring to me. But of course, even with all his experience alas, he couldn't help me to be successful with the multiple rounds of IVF. But it was his experience that helped with the lap. After the lap was done, he came to see me and showed me the pictures of the adhesions and scarring and how everything was really stuck together. I was shocked. He told me it was quite bad and he tried to clear up as much as he could. That was probably why the lap was painful for me since there was so much of correction that he had to do. That is where his skill was important. If it was some other less experienced doctor, maybe he might not have done as well a job as Dr Loh. I knew he did it well not just because I was able to conceive after that but because my 8 years of daily bowel movement suffering was gone.
Sorry i couldn't be of more help on it on the IVF front for choosing new gynaes.

Hi Ladies... I got my BT result..!! Its bfp with hcg 1008..!! Almost cried out in the public just now..

These are what I did after the ET.. And i guess it helps a little.. So sharing with all of u here..

1) no shower for 2-3days after ET done
2) lie on the bed for min 48hrs except to toilets
3) eat plenty of protein food esprcially egg white because of the OHSS after ER
4) drink only warm water
5) eat moderate carbo as it might cause constipation..
6) Eat plenty of vegetables but only certain types like broccoli, kailan, xiaobai cai and cabbage..
7) stay away from cooling food
8) dont squat, bend ur waist, or exert any pressure on ur tummy..
9) when get out of bed, use hands to support and push urself up..
10) try to eat good fish like cooked salmon, threadfin..
11) eat light.. Avoild oily, spicy, sour food

Okay... Hope these helps u guys...
Spreading my bb dust!!!
