IVF/ICSI Support Group

my FET 2ww, I am doing nothing now. only taking my supplements and protein. No acupuncture or TCM for me this time round.

Resting quite broad leh. Lying down nthg to do Makes me stress. I juz continue to do hsewrk n groceries shopping then cook dinner.
Babycomecome, which gyane did u do ur ivf frm? I also in the same boat as u, having low amh. Thought of taking dhea for next round. Wah u got 6 matured eggs!! Tats a lot for ur amh level. I only gotten 2 eggs for both rounds. Hearing abt ur story make me hopeful of my condition...
Congratd babycome come. Did you do isci assisted hatching or endo scrapping? How many dpt were embbies. Your hcg is high like gonna be twins. Take care and have a safe pregnancy dear.
Congratd babycome come. Did you do isci assisted hatching or endo scrapping? How many dpt were embbies. Your hcg is high like gonna be twins. Take care and have a safe pregnancy dear.

Hi mesara, how you know with high HCG will have twins how high will it be.
Hi hi mei, still remember me? Hows your mid cycle spotting? Is it gone already? I am also doing fresh cycle too as no frozen from last fresh. Not really looking forward on all those injections. Doc sadhana prescripe 1 more injection for better quality for my eggs and also increase the dosage for the hormone injection. So not looking forward. So sad.
Hi Bearage all the best for ur cycle. Doc prescribe u more meds means she is trying to help u get more eggs and better quality. It is a good thing! Better than staying on the same protocol right? :) did u ask if you can mix the meds tog to inject? Then dont need to inject so many times!

I am still having spotting. It's v little and only comes at night. I am prob going to ask Doc to check for any polyps or scarring next round as I removed a polyp from uterus last year. Scared it grew back, causing the spotting.
~sob sob~ my cramp started even before the ET. That's why I think something is wrong.
Btw, Day 13 or 14 after ET still cramp, not b'cos AF coming meh? I usually cramp when my AF is visiting. :(
~sob sob~ my cramp started even before the ET. That's why I think something is wrong.
Btw, Day 13 or 14 after ET still cramp, not b'cos AF coming meh? I usually cramp when my AF is visiting. :(

That's what I thought so too initially but end up is preg symptoms haha
Hi everybody, I'm new here though I've been reading the posts once in a while. I just did my first cycle of IVF but no BFP. Followup with doc is in a few weeks' time. Anybody knows what should I do in the meantime to build up my body again? Also, when is it recommended to do the next cycle of IVF?

Btw, babycomecome, congrats! I have been reading your blog! My cycle was one week before yours.
Hi babycomecome, did you take the medication from DrZou?

Macho baby, yup I took.

Hi everybody, I'm new here though I've been reading the posts once in a while. I just did my first cycle of IVF but no BFP. Followup with doc is in a few weeks' time. Anybody knows what should I do in the meantime to build up my body again? Also, when is it recommended to do the next cycle of IVF?

Btw, babycomecome, congrats! I have been reading your blog! My cycle was one week before yours.

Thanks. U have the link to my blog?
Hi Bearage all the best for ur cycle. Doc prescribe u more meds means she is trying to help u get more eggs and better quality. It is a good thing! Better than staying on the same protocol right? :) did u ask if you can mix the meds tog to inject? Then dont need to inject so many times!

I am still having spotting. It's v little and only comes at night. I am prob going to ask Doc to check for any polyps or scarring next round as I removed a polyp from uterus last year. Scared it grew back, causing the spotting.
I didn't thought of that. You so smart. :) will check with the nurse when visit kk the next trip. I am hesitating whether to try another round as I really afraid of the emotional roller coaster and also timing issue plus so many injection too. Sigh... Don't know should I try natural?

Is better to check with doc on the spotting issue. In the meantime take care and bu back body.
Hi should I go down to kk directly or call them first ? Bcos tomo will be full flow of menses leh, tried to called kk ivf center many times today , even called the hp they gave , still can't reach them. Any sister can tell ?
Hi should I go down to kk directly or call them first ? Bcos tomo will be full flow of menses leh, tried to called kk ivf center many times today , even called the hp they gave , still can't reach them. Any sister can tell ?

Try to call them in the morning if still can't reach them then u try go down n see hw ba normally if tml is ur 1st full flow they will ask u to go down on the 2nd or 3rd day of ur menses
Try to call them in the morning if still can't reach them then u try go down n see hw ba normally if tml is ur 1st full flow they will ask u to go down on the 2nd or 3rd day of ur menses
Thank you for ur reply. I called them already. The funny thing is they told me I cant start on nov bcos mine is long protocol , they close lab from mid of next mth wat, but I did remember that last time during the briefing , they only brief the short protocol , and told no much difference between these two protocol deh wat..... How come they r so funny dh
What can I do now? Any advices fr sisters ?
Thank you for ur reply. I called them already. The funny thing is they told me I cant start on nov bcos mine is long protocol , they close lab from mid of next mth wat, but I did remember that last time during the briefing , they only brief the short protocol , and told no much difference between these two protocol deh wat..... How come they r so funny dh
What can I do now? Any advices fr sisters ?
Had not been thru long protocol. But when i did fresh in Nov last year, was advised not to do it in dec as Dr Sadhana went on year end leave. Also Jan not advisable cos of cny. Probably u need to chk on your AF & doctor schedule.
Ya lor . i am so disappointed on their arrangement.
Hi vivine, for long protocol you have to start on day 21 of your previous cycle to do lucrin (suppression) Then when your period comes, you inject the stimulation drugs for another 8-10 days, then do egg retrieval, etc. So if you start long protocol this cycle, very likely will clash with KKH lab closing (last 2 weeks of Dec). Just wait one more cycle lor, what to do? Use this time to bu your body so that your response will be super :)

I just went to see Tan HH, he asked me to switch to long protocol next cycle, and if so, I will prob start it in Dec and we might be cycle buddies :)

But I am still hesitant to switch to long cycle cuz I am alr such a bad responder, wouldn't the long cycle make my response worse? In fact Tan HH ask me to take DHEA alr.... He said mb improve next cycle response. But isn't DHEA for DOR? My AMH and FSH are good, and antral follicle count also very good; but for some unexplainable reason every stimulation response is very bad. I don't know whether to take it. Any of you take? Was the result good and did you have side effects (eg. changes in menstrual cycle)?
I didn't thought of that. You so smart. :) will check with the nurse when visit kk the next trip. I am hesitating whether to try another round as I really afraid of the emotional roller coaster and also timing issue plus so many injection too. Sigh... Don't know should I try natural?

Is better to check with doc on the spotting issue. In the meantime take care and bu back body.

Hi bearage I can't rem your history but u can try natural and concurrently IVF right? Cuz IVF a lot of waiting time anyway... :) There are no right or wrong answers here... Most important is that you have the support of your hubby in whatever you decide on. For me, I am even considering adoption at this stage if all else fails. Whatever you decide on I am sure you have the strength to follow through :)

Just went to see doc today. No cysts or polyps found on the scan. I am so relieved, but he has asked for a more detailed scan to make sure all is ok :)
Hi vivine, for long protocol you have to start on day 21 of your previous cycle to do lucrin (suppression) Then when your period comes, you inject the stimulation drugs for another 8-10 days, then do egg retrieval, etc. So if you start long protocol this cycle, very likely will clash with KKH lab closing (last 2 weeks of Dec). Just wait one more cycle lor, what to do? Use this time to bu your body so that your response will be super :)

I just went to see Tan HH, he asked me to switch to long protocol next cycle, and if so, I will prob start it in Dec and we might be cycle buddies :)

But I am still hesitant to switch to long cycle cuz I am alr such a bad responder, wouldn't the long cycle make my response worse? In fact Tan HH ask me to take DHEA alr.... He said mb improve next cycle response. But isn't DHEA for DOR? My AMH and FSH are good, and antral follicle count also very good; but for some unexplainable reason every stimulation response is very bad. I don't know whether to take it. Any of you take? Was the result good and did you have side effects (eg. changes in menstrual cycle)?

Does ur egg doesn response to the medicine given?
Hi vivine, for long protocol you have to start on day 21 of your previous cycle to do lucrin (suppression) Then when your period comes, you inject the stimulation drugs for another 8-10 days, then do egg retrieval, etc. So if you start long protocol this cycle, very likely will clash with KKH lab closing (last 2 weeks of Dec). Just wait one more cycle lor, what to do? Use this time to bu your body so that your response will be super :)

I just went to see Tan HH, he asked me to switch to long protocol next cycle, and if so, I will prob start it in Dec and we might be cycle buddies :)

But I am still hesitant to switch to long cycle cuz I am alr such a bad responder, wouldn't the long cycle make my response worse? In fact Tan HH ask me to take DHEA alr.... He said mb improve next cycle response. But isn't DHEA for DOR? My AMH and FSH are good, and antral follicle count also very good; but for some unexplainable reason every stimulation response is very bad. I don't know whether to take it. Any of you take? Was the result good and did you have side effects (eg. changes in menstrual cycle)?
hi_mei, I am taking DHEA now, 50mg per day. I have taken this for about 3 weeks and so far no side effects. If not wrong, babycomecome took dhea and strike. No harm taking since your Dr approve but if you develop side effects then better stop. Not sure if it will affect the menstrual cycle as this is only the first month I take dhea.
Hi vivine, for long protocol you have to start on day 21 of your previous cycle to do lucrin (suppression) Then when your period comes, you inject the stimulation drugs for another 8-10 days, then do egg retrieval, etc. So if you start long protocol this cycle, very likely will clash with KKH lab closing (last 2 weeks of Dec). Just wait one more cycle lor, what to do? Use this time to bu your body so that your response will be super :)

I just went to see Tan HH, he asked me to switch to long protocol next cycle, and if so, I will prob start it in Dec and we might be cycle buddies :)

But I am still hesitant to switch to long cycle cuz I am alr such a bad responder, wouldn't the long cycle make my response worse? In fact Tan HH ask me to take DHEA alr.... He said mb improve next cycle response. But isn't DHEA for DOR? My AMH and FSH are good, and antral follicle count also very good; but for some unexplainable reason every stimulation response is very bad. I don't know whether to take it. Any of you take? Was the result good and did you have side effects (eg. changes in menstrual cycle)?

hi_mei, but the nurse just now called , said that Dr Tan will be on leave on Jan leh.... if you go for Dec cycle with the long protocol, by the time of ER and ET, Dr Tan maybe around leh.... so you had better double check with the clinic first. i m also thinking whether i go to do on dec or jan leh......
Did Dr Tan said anything on your failure of last cycle except poor stimulation response? is it the implantation problems ?
My ears itchy, someone mentioning abt me?

Yup, i took 3x25mg of DHEA before the IVF cycle. Dr Tan recommend it to me as I have low AMH, he says it may improve egg quality but its not scientifically proven. No side effects while taking, except putting on weight cos its some kind of soya oil, i tink. The bad thing is that before i started the cycle, during the 1st scan before the stims, 2 cysts / fibroids were found in my ovaries, which i tink is due to the DHEA. But since the outcome is a good one, so i guess its fine.

That is why DHEA is a controlled drug and its a sex steriod. Lol. Increases sex drive.
Hi vivine, for long protocol you have to start on day 21 of your previous cycle to do lucrin (suppression) Then when your period comes, you inject the stimulation drugs for another 8-10 days, then do egg retrieval, etc. So if you start long protocol this cycle, very likely will clash with KKH lab closing (last 2 weeks of Dec). Just wait one more cycle lor, what to do? Use this time to bu your body so that your response will be super :)

I just went to see Tan HH, he asked me to switch to long protocol next cycle, and if so, I will prob start it in Dec and we might be cycle buddies :)

But I am still hesitant to switch to long cycle cuz I am alr such a bad responder, wouldn't the long cycle make my response worse? In fact Tan HH ask me to take DHEA alr.... He said mb improve next cycle response. But isn't DHEA for DOR? My AMH and FSH are good, and antral follicle count also very good; but for some unexplainable reason every stimulation response is very bad. I don't know whether to take it. Any of you take? Was the result good and did you have side effects (eg. changes in menstrual cycle)?

hi may do you still consider to go for Dec cycle ? i heard that Dr Law will cover Dr Tan's dutites when Dr Tan is on leave wat.......
dun know Dr Lau is experienced or not ? or else have to wait leh..... so confuse liao.....
Does ur egg doesn response to the medicine given?
Hi snow will have some response but v little. First time with 200iu puregon only 1 follicle! 2nd time with 300iu pergoveris only 7 follicles and got 5 eggs. Ya, for someone below 30, it is bad response according to doctor :( so guess I am now classified as poor responder, but doc can't explain why. He only said in his many years working he only encountered one other case like mine and the lady gave up after 2 tries... Hope I don't have that ending!! Snow, are u starting a cycle soon?
hi_mei, but the nurse just now called , said that Dr Tan will be on leave on Jan leh.... if you go for Dec cycle with the long protocol, by the time of ER and ET, Dr Tan maybe around leh.... so you had better double check with the clinic first. i m also thinking whether i go to do on dec or jan leh......
Did Dr Tan said anything on your failure of last cycle except poor stimulation response? is it the implantation problems ?
Yeah Tan HH himself say can review and start Dec if want Long protocol. He also mentioned he is on leave some days in jan (but oops cannot rem when, but it is like 1-2wks, definitely not the whole mth). But usu my cycle will start end mth, urs is beginning mth rite? Dr Lau I dunno how he is, but i saw his name mentioned in forum before, the ladies under him said he is ok.

Bb blues and babycomecome, thanks for the info on dhea. I think i will try, together with long protocol and see how. Dr Tan says long protocol may yield more eggs... I dunno if can but trust him lor :) haha the sex drive part good manz... I was also reading some info online said can help to lose weight too lol!
Hi snow will have some response but v little. First time with 200iu puregon only 1 follicle! 2nd time with 300iu pergoveris only 7 follicles and got 5 eggs. Ya, for someone below 30, it is bad response according to doctor :( so guess I am now classified as poor responder, but doc can't explain why. He only said in his many years working he only encountered one other case like mine and the lady gave up after 2 tries... Hope I don't have that ending!! Snow, are u starting a cycle soon?

Hi mel, I'm one of the poor responder as well haha... First try is short cycle only 1 egg grow so dr tan suggest IUI but is a failure of coz 2nd try long cycle only 2 eggs grow dr tan say abort the cycle n refer me to see hormone specialist to make sure my hormones are ok so after seeing the specialist everything is ok so went back to dr tan again this time round increase the dosage with 2 diff type of medicine up to 500 unit n I'm successfully preg. At least I manage to complete 1 whole cycle unlike the other 2 times haha
Hi mel, I'm one of the poor responder as well haha... First try is short cycle only 1 egg grow so dr tan suggest IUI but is a failure of coz 2nd try long cycle only 2 eggs grow dr tan say abort the cycle n refer me to see hormone specialist to make sure my hormones are ok so after seeing the specialist everything is ok so went back to dr tan again this time round increase the dosage with 2 diff type of medicine up to 500 unit n I'm successfully preg. At least I manage to complete 1 whole cycle unlike the other 2 times haha
woww..... you did it finally..... congratulation to you.......
Yeah Tan HH himself say can review and start Dec if want Long protocol. He also mentioned he is on leave some days in jan (but oops cannot rem when, but it is like 1-2wks, definitely not the whole mth). But usu my cycle will start end mth, urs is beginning mth rite? Dr Lau I dunno how he is, but i saw his name mentioned in forum before, the ladies under him said he is ok.

Bb blues and babycomecome, thanks for the info on dhea. I think i will try, together with long protocol and see how. Dr Tan says long protocol may yield more eggs... I dunno if can but trust him lor :) haha the sex drive part good manz... I was also reading some info online said can help to lose weight too lol!

ya ya ..... heard that he will be on leave for 2 weeks at the end of jan, my mense will fall on begining of Dec leh...... by the time of ER and ET, i think he is on leave leh..... i think for you is ok....... worrying......
Hi mag08, my thoughts abt endo is also similar as yours. Maybe with all those adhesions, scarring, endo & stuck organs, all these make my insides not a gd environment for my embryos. Mayb tats why my embryos in both failed cycles just failed to implant. Haiz. Really hope to do something to make sure implantation can occur next round. Did u try endo scrapping before? Any ladies here who have a successful inplantation after endo scrapping?

Btw thanks for ur recommendation abt diet change. I also read there are many food out there tat may aggravate endo. Eg wheat, dairy products, meat (red meat & chic) & high sugar stuff. Pple like us shd consume more fruits & vegs. I think im gonna slowly switch my diet. But gonna be hard as i love food..

syrian I have adenomyosis on top of endo that cause me severe pain till few times hospitalised. I did us sonogram for uterus and that pain killed me. Never hsg for tubes. I failed two iui n wonder if these adhesions are the cause if failure.
post: 648537 member: 103180 said:
Hi bearage I can't rem your history but u can try natural and concurrently IVF right of waiting time anyway... :) There are noright or wrong answers here... Most important is that you have the support of your hubby in whatever you decide on. For me, I am even considering adoption at this stage if all else fails. Whatever you decide on I am sure you have the strength to follow through :)

Just went to see doc today. No cysts or polyps found on the scan. I am so relieved, but he has asked for a more detailed scan to make sure all is ok :)
Glad that everything is fine for u. For my failed case, doc sadhana think is due to not so good embryo although i put in catergory 3 and 4 embryos. she said mine are single cell which she felt that this reason for the failure. Embryos should be in even number cells. I think i will wait till after new year if still no news for my natural try the try 2nd attempt. My af should be reporting anytime next week. Feeling crampy and those nimble nimble pain on the left and right side of the ovaries. Sigh...
syrian I have adenomyosis on top of endo that cause me severe pain till few times hospitalised. I did us sonogram for uterus and that pain killed me. Never hsg for tubes. I failed two iui n wonder if these adhesions are the cause if failure.
Mesara, im not sure too. Mayb adhesions & scarring do have some effect on implantation. But we cant be doing lap everytime to clear all these obstacles. But they say endo will not effect ivf. I did hsg before. The first one was not tat painful coz tubes not blocked. 2nd time hsg was super painful coz tubes blocked & they force the dye in. Such a bad experience.
Hi mel, I'm one of the poor responder as well haha... First try is short cycle only 1 egg grow so dr tan suggest IUI but is a failure of coz 2nd try long cycle only 2 eggs grow dr tan say abort the cycle n refer me to see hormone specialist to make sure my hormones are ok so after seeing the specialist everything is ok so went back to dr tan again this time round increase the dosage with 2 diff type of medicine up to 500 unit n I'm successfully preg. At least I manage to complete 1 whole cycle unlike the other 2 times haha

Hi snow I am so encouraged by you, thanks for sharing your success story! Congrats on your pregnancy? How many weeks r u? Feel at least there is hope :) yes Dr Tan said he will def increase dosage for me next round... At least 450 to 600iu to have better response. May I ask with the higher dosage how many eggs did u get?

Btw the first cycle in which I only had one follicle KKH wanted to proceed with egg retrieval and I told them NO, cuz don't want to waste $$ with such low chance of success.

ya ya ..... heard that he will be on leave for 2 weeks at the end of jan, my mense will fall on begining of Dec leh...... by the time of ER and ET, i think he is on leave leh..... i think for you is ok....... worrying......
Hi vivine, I think u consider carefully. Cuz the skill of the doctor in embryo transfer is one of the critical factors to success. I was checking out Dr Lau's profile, at least he seems to have experience (not those newbie doctor). U cannot ask for other consultants like Dr Sadhana to cover u? Cuz she seems qt popular w the ladies here too.

Hi bearage, jia you! Just rest your mind now and start again when u are ready :) Regarding egg quality, did Doc Sadhana tell u how to improve it? Actually if grade 3 and 4 shd be good ones. Mine also same grade but prob got some cock up, they grow v fast... Too fast also no good I guess. Currently I just eat supplements fish oil and royal jelly. Plus Dr Tan gave DHEA. Hopefully works. Holland and Barrett having half price sale now for supplements BTW.
