IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi vivine :) as for the uht milk I drink the pink packet farmhouse uht milk n another blue packet wth a family face on it..I can't remember name..I used to drink 1 to 2 glass per day during inj..ok will share wth u my menu :) when inj started B4 brkfst I drink 3 eggwhite halfboiled..and a glass of milk..brkfast I eat Multigrain Bread 1slice wth 1 slice vegetarian cheese+ layer it wth scrambled creamy egg(I pour uht milk n mke it creamy wth less salt)..I alternate days by adding seaweed to my scrambled eggs or layer it on bread..1 full avocado+4 grapes+2-3 strawberries :)..I dunt eat scrambled egg daily..3 to 4 a wk other times I jus put peanutbutter on multigrain or plain cheese n munch it..but the fruits r a must..I alternate grapes wth green apples...thats brkfast...brunch I munch on more a few grapes or 1-2strawberries:)..Lunch I eat very minimum rice..like half bowl n 2 to 3servings of green leafy veggy n carrots etc+1 meat..I chose my veggies daily..we indians have many variety of green leafy veggies (u can see them wen u go tekka) so I rotate wth, chyesim, spinach, , brocolli, cabbage, saawi kurma (it can only b found in tekka-I ate it most of time cuz lots of nutrients in it) for iron strength I ate another indian greeny..we grind it n its sour but yummy..hve 2 ask mum its name...meat I eat lots of skinless chickn breast tossed wth carrot n light turmeric, corriander, bit garam masala or cinnamon powder, ginger garlic, tomatos well mashd while cookin..wth dash of vry little black pepper..Cinnamon n turmeric r good 4 fertility n egg growth..avoid tuna, mackerel, shark n sting ray..jus avoid fish wth red inner flesh..eat white flesh fish..steamed or grilled or fried in olive oil.All my food was cookd in olive oil..my whole family practice tis habit 4 years..avoid nuggets..burger patties etc..they got soya in it..Teabreak another cup of milk wth fruit munching. .dinner same 2-3veggy+1meat n 1quarter bowl rice or lesser..if u notice I cut dwn bread n rice during injections...Proteins will coat ur egg n mke beautiful healthy follicles instead of carbo...inbetween I drink 1 can of pure wheatgrass juice daily..wheatgrass gives gd follicles. .basically I becamee a giraffe la :D eat greens greens greens..3days once I eat beetroot..for blood circulation 2 my womb n eggs...these are my injection diet..less carbo..fruits cheese milk lots of water to regulate circulation...dun't walk too much or exercise but moderate walkin is ok..best is rest more..the more rest gives more eggs..u must keep in mind to bhave like pregnant the min u start inj...remember. .ur eggs r in u..whatever vibrations n thots u give they grow wth u..n wen they r developed n cum bck into you..they recognise its Home♥..so our mind n positive thinkin starts from injections...tell urself u r pregnant n handle ur body gently wth care :) later I tel u diet 4 my 2ww :) be happy girl.

Hi Anita, thank your for your sharing. you are so kind and patient to tell me so much info. i m so touching....millions and millions of thanks to you. hope all the best to you as well. how is you BT result ? hope everythings go well with you i kept the above info. for reference already.

Hi Gals,

just wonder how long the acupuncture take during ivf cycle ? how come my chinese doctor told me that the acupuncture will last till i get pregnant deh ? so confuse leh..... means i still need to continue for acpuncture after ET ?
Hi Ladies... I got my BT result..!! Its bfp with hcg 1008..!! Almost cried out in the public just now..

These are what I did after the ET.. And i guess it helps a little.. So sharing with all of u here..

1) no shower for 2-3days after ET done
2) lie on the bed for min 48hrs except to toilets
3) eat plenty of protein food esprcially egg white because of the OHSS after ER
4) drink only warm water
5) eat moderate carbo as it might cause constipation..
6) Eat plenty of vegetables but only certain types like broccoli, kailan, xiaobai cai and cabbage..
7) stay away from cooling food
8) dont squat, bend ur waist, or exert any pressure on ur tummy..
9) when get out of bed, use hands to support and push urself up..
10) try to eat good fish like cooked salmon, threadfin..
11) eat light.. Avoild oily, spicy, sour food

Okay... Hope these helps u guys...
Spreading my bb dust!!!

congratulation to you. i am so happy for you :) pls share more with us. hope to hear more and more new soon here......
Hi all, I am new here. Being trying to conceive for 4 years. Seen TCM for 2 years and failed 1 IUI in sep. Just did a lap to remove all my fibroids and am on hospitalisation leave. But i have made appt at KK to see Dr Sadhana who was recommended by my gynae who did the lap for me. But my appt is almost 3 weeks later and am seeing her at clinic D. I can't choose to see her at The Private Suite? Any idea how long the wait usually is at clinic D?
Hi Ladies... I got my BT result..!! Its bfp with hcg 1008..!! Almost cried out in the public just now..

These are what I did after the ET.. And i guess it helps a little.. So sharing with all of u here..

1) no shower for 2-3days after ET done
2) lie on the bed for min 48hrs except to toilets
3) eat plenty of protein food esprcially egg white because of the OHSS after ER
4) drink only warm water
5) eat moderate carbo as it might cause constipation..
6) Eat plenty of vegetables but only certain types like broccoli, kailan, xiaobai cai and cabbage..
7) stay away from cooling food
8) dont squat, bend ur waist, or exert any pressure on ur tummy..
9) when get out of bed, use hands to support and push urself up..
10) try to eat good fish like cooked salmon, threadfin..
11) eat light.. Avoild oily, spicy, sour food

Okay... Hope these helps u guys...
Spreading my bb dust!!!
Congrats hopeful!! The good news is just so important in this forum to keep the rest of us going! :)
Hi Ladies... I got my BT result..!! Its bfp with hcg 1008..!! Almost cried out in the public just now..

These are what I did after the ET.. And i guess it helps a little.. So sharing with all of u here..

1) no shower for 2-3days after ET done
2) lie on the bed for min 48hrs except to toilets
3) eat plenty of protein food esprcially egg white because of the OHSS after ER
4) drink only warm water
5) eat moderate carbo as it might cause constipation..
6) Eat plenty of vegetables but only certain types like broccoli, kailan, xiaobai cai and cabbage..
7) stay away from cooling food
8) dont squat, bend ur waist, or exert any pressure on ur tummy..
9) when get out of bed, use hands to support and push urself up..
10) try to eat good fish like cooked salmon, threadfin..
11) eat light.. Avoild oily, spicy, sour food

Okay... Hope these helps u guys...
Spreading my bb dust!!!

COngrats Hopeful! :D
Congrats hopeful :)♥ Vivine n babycomecome my bt is Friday... (today in few hrs time 2 cum) will update u guys k stay positive girls!
Congrats hopeful :)♥ Vivine n babycomecome my bt is Friday... (today in few hrs time 2 cum) will update u guys k stay positive girls!

Good luck and all the best to you today..... hope to hear good news from you soon...... i have a dream last night, BFP always appear in my dream. so, there will be good news soon......
Hi Ladies... I got my BT result..!! Its bfp with hcg 1008..!! Almost cried out in the public just now..

These are what I did after the ET.. And i guess it helps a little.. So sharing with all of u here..

1) no shower for 2-3days after ET done
2) lie on the bed for min 48hrs except to toilets
3) eat plenty of protein food esprcially egg white because of the OHSS after ER
4) drink only warm water
5) eat moderate carbo as it might cause constipation..
6) Eat plenty of vegetables but only certain types like broccoli, kailan, xiaobai cai and cabbage..
7) stay away from cooling food
8) dont squat, bend ur waist, or exert any pressure on ur tummy..
9) when get out of bed, use hands to support and push urself up..
10) try to eat good fish like cooked salmon, threadfin..
11) eat light.. Avoild oily, spicy, sour food

Okay... Hope these helps u guys...
Spreading my bb dust!!!
Congrats hopeful!!! That's awesome news!
Hi ladies,

I seldom post here. After hearing Mag08's story, it triggers me into thinking if I should do a lap too. I did 3 fresh cycles without success, no implantation at all. I have retroverted uterus and I once asked Dr SF Loh if retroverted uterus causes endo. He said it is possible but endo will only affect natural conception and not IVF and since I am doing IVF, there is no need to remove the endo. The thing is I do not even know if I have endo as I do not have the symptoms but after failing so many IVF without implantation, it makes me wonder if I should do a lap to check what are the obstacles that is causing the implantation failure.

Just want to check if any ladies here did lap and discover any abnormalies even if you do not have any symptoms (endo or fibroids..etc). Do you think I should just go for a lap to check? Is it painful and the recovery is slow?

Hi , bb_blue, you may consider to do a lap, bcos you can find out what the problems exactly are, then doctor can find a way to solve it deh...
i got a friend, after lap and removed the fibroids, she conceived liao after that.... of course it will be pain. have anyone undergone lap recently ? can it be claim under insurance since it is a surgery?
Hi ladies,

I seldom post here. After hearing Mag08's story, it triggers me into thinking if I should do a lap too. I did 3 fresh cycles without success, no implantation at all. I have retroverted uterus and I once asked Dr SF Loh if retroverted uterus causes endo. He said it is possible but endo will only affect natural conception and not IVF and since I am doing IVF, there is no need to remove the endo. The thing is I do not even know if I have endo as I do not have the symptoms but after failing so many IVF without implantation, it makes me wonder if I should do a lap to check what are the obstacles that is causing the implantation failure.

Just want to check if any ladies here did lap and discover any abnormalies even if you do not have any symptoms (endo or fibroids..etc). Do you think I should just go for a lap to check? Is it painful and the recovery is slow?

Hi bb blues, mayeb you ask your gynae for advice? As lap is still an operation, not sure if you want to do it unless really have a need to. I read some of them said scrapping of the womb to increase implantation chances. Will that help? I just did lap to remove multiple fibroids. Initially was apprehensive about doing it but went to 2 gynae and both gynae suggested me to remove the fibroids as the 2nd gynae i went to also found a small fibroid in the womb which could potentially hinder implantation if i am pregnant. And if you intend to do a lap, need to find a good doc as lap procedure requires specialised skills as the procedure is done through looking at screen only. As for the pain, i will say its manageable and mostly its the gas inside you (they pump air inside you before doing lap to be able to see your organs properly) that is causing discomfort. I am feeling fine 1 week after the lap considering that i removed 9-10 fibroids.
Hi ladies,

I have some extra/leftover medicines to let go. Please pm if keen

1) Dostinex/Cabergoline 0.5mg - 4 & 1/2 tablets Exp: 04/2014

2) Metformin 500mg - 25tablets Exp 07/2014

3) Progynova 2mg - 16tablets Exp: 06/2017

4) Estradem MX 50 - 1pc Exp 05/2014

5) Conceive Well Gold - for 11days Exp Nov/2013

6) Red Raspberry Leaves 450mg x 100capsules ( 1 unopened bottle & 1 about 85% left over ) Exp: 04/2018 & 03/2018

7) BD Ultra Fine II 1cc Insulin Syringe - 8 pcs

8) Organic Raspberry Leaf - 12 wrapped tea bags Exp 10/2015

9) Immunocal - 22 pouches Exp 02/2015

10) Crinone - 5 sticks Exp 07/10/2015 for 3, 20/02/2014 for 2
Hi , bb_blue, you may consider to do a lap, bcos you can find out what the problems exactly are, then doctor can find a way to solve it deh...
i got a friend, after lap and removed the fibroids, she conceived liao after that.... of course it will be pain. have anyone undergone lap recently ? can it be claim under insurance since it is a surgery?

Hi Vivine Lee, that's what I am thinking also, try to find out the problem. Thanks for sharing. :)
Are you thinking going for Lap too? You have any issue with your uterus? I think this procedure can be claim under insurance, provided you stayed at least a night at the hospital. Maybe other ladies can better advise.
Hi , bb_blue, you may consider to do a lap, bcos you can find out what the problems exactly are, then doctor can find a way to solve it deh...
i got a friend, after lap and removed the fibroids, she conceived liao after that.... of course it will be pain. have anyone undergone lap recently ? can it be claim under insurance since it is a surgery?
Hmmm if its to check the womb not sure if its claimable under insurance. Have to check individual policy terms and condition. My company policy does not allow claims if its related to fertility issues. So when i give my gynae the form to fill up for insurance, i told her not to indicate its fertility related otherwise i cant claim. But since i have multiple fibroids, my gynae say they wont indicate as fertility reason.
Hmmm if its to check the womb not sure if its claimable under insurance. Have to check individual policy terms and condition. My company policy does not allow claims if its related to fertility issues. So when i give my gynae the form to fill up for insurance, i told her not to indicate its fertility related otherwise i cant claim. But since i have multiple fibroids, my gynae say they wont indicate as fertility reason.

Hi Hopeful13, when I failed my first fresh with Dr SF Loh, I did ask him if I should go for Lap, he said is my choice and I have been procrastinating since then. And I agreed that you need a very skillful dr to do the lap as if not done properly, there may be damage to the ovaries or lining. Hence, thats why I will only approach Dr SF Loh.
May I know where you did your Lap? How many days of HL was given?

I didn't know that you cannot claim insurance if is fertility reason. Maybe I should check my policy. Roughly how much is the procedure? Thanks.
Hi Hopeful13, when I failed my first fresh with Dr SF Loh, I did ask him if I should go for Lap, he said is my choice and I have been procrastinating since then. And I agreed that you need a very skillful dr to do the lap as if not done properly, there may be damage to the ovaries or lining. Hence, thats why I will only approach Dr SF Loh.
May I know where you did your Lap? How many days of HL was given?

I didn't know that you cannot claim insurance if is fertility reason. Maybe I should check my policy. Roughly how much is the procedure? Thanks.

Hi bb blues, i went to Dr Irene Chua who used to head the minimally invasive dept at KK. She is now at gleneagles but i saw that her name is still at KK minimally invasive dept but as a part timer. She is a trainer for lap so skills wise is good despite she looks very young.

Dr Irene Chua did the lap for me at gleneagles and she gave me 30 days HL as she say remove fibroid is major op. But i can decide to go back to work earlier if i feel ok. Depends on the condition, maybe to check the womb is not that ex. But if found anything that they need to resolve during the lap, the cost will add up. As i removed multiple fibroids, doctor fees alone was already almost 10k. I did 2 procedure, 1 lap and another transcervical (through vagina) as i had the fibroid inside womb too. During the lap, she check my tube, ovary and also check if i have endo too. My total bill was shocking as it came up to 23k!! But luckily i can claim from co insurance and medishield.

For company insurance, usually dont include cover for fertility related issues unless the cover is the really high end range. Medishield maybe can claim, not much mention on exclusion, maybe like you say got stay 1 night can claim already. Play safe to just check with insurer and HR for company insurance. :)
Bb_blues, do u wanna try endo scrapping. Me too failed 2 fresh already w/o any implantation. Wondering wats the reason why cant implant when i already did acu & eat supplements. But i think if u dun have any problems, dun go for lap. Lap is surgery & chances of adhesions formation is great. Recovery post lap is quite fast sine once its key hole.
Hi Vivine Lee, that's what I am thinking also, try to find out the problem. Thanks for sharing. :)
Are you thinking going for Lap too? You have any issue with your uterus? I think this procedure can be claim under insurance, provided you stayed at least a night at the hospital. Maybe other ladies can better advise.

hi bb_blues, will go for ivf directly ..... but it is a day surgery as i heard, does the hospital allows you to stay one night at hospital ?
Bb blue, are you still seeing SF Loh? I hope Dr Sadhana is good at IVF. My procrastination cost me 3 years of my time until when I want to do IVF, SF Loh has left KK.
Hopeful13, 23k is alot! Lucky you can claim from your insurance. I was with Dr SF Loh when he just switched to TFC. After my first cycle, I switched to CARE@Novena for my 2nd cycle then switched to NUH for my 3rd. Now, I am going back to Dr SF Loh for advice. Haven't consult him yet though. Have heard of Dr Sadhana, don't worry, she is good. If not wrong, she is the head of the IVF. So you starting your cycle soon? Your first? Hope you can strike on your first try! :)

Vivine, Dr Loh told me that I need to stay in the hospital for one night if I were to claim insurance. Will ask him again when I consult him. Have you started your IVF? With which clinic?

Syrian, waves...! I also in dilemma. Don't know want to do Lap anot, that's why ask the ladies for advice. Will ask Dr about the endo scrapping too and see what he suggest. Are you seeking 2nd opinion with other doctors?
Dear all

I have posted my story here before to give some hope and inspiration to you. I can totally relate to what you are all going through. I had stage 4 endometriosis and diminished ovarian reserve. After all the usual HSG, IUIs, ovulation kits, checking body temp, nothing worked and in 2008 I moved on to IVF. My 1st IVF did not get the expected results, and ET was cancelled and converted to IUI. I had 3 more fresh cycles and all failed. I didn't even have enough eggs for FET. I was so mentally drained. I decided to leave it in God's hand and decided not to proceed with anymore IVFs. Dr SF loh told me that that was nothing more that he could do. I could either adopt or go with donor egg.

I requested Dr Loh to do a lap for me to clear up my endo. It was causing me a lot of pain esp during bowel movements (sorry tmi!). Dr Loh is a skilled surgeon and I was confident that he will go a good job. You see, when I was first diagnosed with endo in 2000, they did a laparotomy(something similar to a C-section) and I think that surgery created a lot of adhesions and caused a lot of pain each day. So after suffering with the pain for 8 years, I decided to get a lap when my IVF failed. The lap recovery was quite painful and Dr Loh told me that there were lots of tissues sticking together and he undid as much as he could.

Shortly thereafter, I conceived my baby boy naturally in 2009. 10 months later, I got pregnant again but miscarried and then I delivered my baby girl in 2011. So, please do not feel discouraged. Even if IVF fails, miracles do happen. When I conceived, Dr Loh was so happy because he considered me to be a really challenging case. He told me that it was all in God's hands finally, and I told him while that was true, Dr Loh did play an important part as well cos' it was only after the lap that I conceived. So, stay strong but be informed as well. I did take royal jelly with bee pollen and bee propolis for that month before I conceived. Bee propolis is supposed to reduce the inflammation for endo and studies had shown its effect. In my case, since the problem was on my side, and my husband was all clear, I read up a lot what can be done in cases with severe endo. Even with the lap, Dr Loh had told me that the lap will probably not help much. Since IVF had failed, he felt that the lap won't probably do much good for getting pregnant. But I insisted and he said okay he will do it.

So, even if IVF fails, there is still light at the end of the tunnel.
Hi mag
Thanks for sharing this gréât story please tell me am confused what is the difference between lap and laparotomy? This is the same nô? You had twice? Also how did they diagnose endo, what are the symptoms?
Thanks for your help
Hopeful13, 23k is alot! Lucky you can claim from your insurance. I was with Dr SF Loh when he just switched to TFC. After my first cycle, I switched to CARE@Novena for my 2nd cycle then switched to NUH for my 3rd. Now, I am going back to Dr SF Loh for advice. Haven't consult him yet though. Have heard of Dr Sadhana, don't worry, she is good. If not wrong, she is the head of the IVF. So you starting your cycle soon? Your first? Hope you can strike on your first try! :)

Vivine, Dr Loh told me that I need to stay in the hospital for one night if I were to claim insurance. Will ask him again when I consult him. Have you started your IVF? With which clinic?

Syrian, waves...! I also in dilemma. Don't know want to do Lap anot, that's why ask the ladies for advice. Will ask Dr about the endo scrapping too and see what he suggest. Are you seeking 2nd opinion with other doctors?

i will start begin of Nov, will start soon, i am with Tan H.H in KK
Hopeful13, 23k is alot! Lucky you can claim from your insurance. I was with Dr SF Loh when he just switched to TFC. After my first cycle, I switched to CARE@Novena for my 2nd cycle then switched to NUH for my 3rd. Now, I am going back to Dr SF Loh for advice. Haven't consult him yet though. Have heard of Dr Sadhana, don't worry, she is good. If not wrong, she is the head of the IVF. So you starting your cycle soon? Your first? Hope you can strike on your first try! :)

Vivine, Dr Loh told me that I need to stay in the hospital for one night if I were to claim insurance. Will ask him again when I consult him. Have you started your IVF? With which clinic?

Syrian, waves...! I also in dilemma. Don't know want to do Lap anot, that's why ask the ladies for advice. Will ask Dr about the endo scrapping too and see what he suggest. Are you seeking 2nd opinion with other doctors?

bb blues, initially I was thinking of doing IVF at CARE but I read that the cost is much much higher than the other private clinics. The IUI i did with the first gynae, my hubby had his sperm specimen collected and washed at CARE and I really like the place there. I am seeing Dr Sadhana on 19 Nov for first consultation for IVF. Yes will be my first try. As I need to rest my womb for 3-4 mths after removing fibroid, I cant do it immediately yet. But Dr Irene Chua suggested that i meet up with Dr Sadhana first and go through all the counselling etc so that i dont waste more time. The stress part is my hubby has psychological issue about collecting sperms in public toilets.. At CARE, he felt more at ease at least cos got room for men to collect their specimen. Sometimes i worry, if on day of ER, hubby cant produce the sperm, then how? If collect at home, the quality of the sperm will deteriorate further right?

I am also not sure if my IVF will be successful as my hubby has low sperm count, poor morphology and poor motility. I wonder if its govt protocol, if IVF doesnt fertilise the egg, they will go straight for ICSI?

Like what Syrian waves said about the adhesion, good to check with Dr Loh on the risk of the adhesion when doing lap. I did ask Dr Irene Chew on the adhesion and she told me that she will put a dissolvable guaze over the womb area where she remove fibroids to prevent adhesion.
Hi ladies,

I seldom post here. After hearing Mag08's story, it triggers me into thinking if I should do a lap too. I did 3 fresh cycles without success, no implantation at all. I have retroverted uterus and I once asked Dr SF Loh if retroverted uterus causes endo. He said it is possible but endo will only affect natural conception and not IVF and since I am doing IVF, there is no need to remove the endo. The thing is I do not even know if I have endo as I do not have the symptoms but after failing so many IVF without implantation, it makes me wonder if I should do a lap to check what are the obstacles that is causing the implantation failure.

Just want to check if any ladies here did lap and discover any abnormalies even if you do not have any symptoms (endo or fibroids..etc). Do you think I should just go for a lap to check? Is it painful and the recovery is slow?


Hi bb blues, I did lap to clear my supposedly blocked tube (showed up in HSG) last yr. Its a day surgery, my gynae stated it as pelvic adhesions (you cannot claim insurance for any fertility issues) so I can claim insurance (my insurance covers day surgery as well so you can check ur policy coverage). It cost me 8k but fully covered (medisave and insurance). Its a key hole surgery and I recovered next day and I was out and about. My previous gynae said I had endo (mild case) but my current gynae said I have no endo. So all very confusing. Good thing I did not spend cash on the lap.
Hi mag
Thanks for sharing this gréât story please tell me am confused what is the difference between lap and laparotomy? This is the same nô? You had twice? Also how did they diagnose endo, what are the symptoms?
Thanks for your help

Hi gigi
Laparotomy is different from laparascopy. The former is a major surgery which requires you to be hospitalized for several days. They do a cut that is similar to a c-section and so the recovery is a bit longer and you have to be more careful about potential infection and all that. Laparascopy is a more common day surgery that usually does not require overnite stay and it requires only small incisions. In 2000, I had the laparatomy because i had a cyst around 10cm on my right ovary, and they felt it was necessary to laparatomy. They only diagnosed it as endo after the surgery was done when they sent the cyst for biopsy. I always had painful periods but I thought that it was usual as most women complain about periods. In my family, none of my sisters nor my mom had endo so I never even gave it a second thought at that time until the laparatomy. But the problem with endo is that it tends to come again over the years. So, in early 2009, i did a laparascopy, but I did stay overnite cos' my lap was quite intensive.

For those of you who are worried about the pain of laparascopy, I just want to add that lap is usually not painful. A few of my friends have had this procedure. It was only painful for me because of the extent of the damage in my system. Hope that clarifies.
Hi bb blues, I did lap to clear my supposedly blocked tube (showed up in HSG) last yr. Its a day surgery, my gynae stated it as pelvic adhesions (you cannot claim insurance for any fertility issues) so I can claim insurance (my insurance covers day surgery as well so you can check ur policy coverage). It cost me 8k but fully covered (medisave and insurance). Its a key hole surgery and I recovered next day and I was out and about. My previous gynae said I had endo (mild case) but my current gynae said I have no endo. So all very confusing. Good thing I did not spend cash on the lap.

hi Oceangal, which insurance co. are u with ? you are right ,i heard that the insurance is not covering fertility issues deh.....
hi Oceangal, which insurance co. are u with ? you are right ,i heard that the insurance is not covering fertility issues deh.....

Hi vivine,
I bought the NTUC Income hospitalisation policy. The premium one. So you have get your gynae to state reasons other than fertility issues.
Hi gigi
Laparotomy is different from laparascopy. The former is a major surgery which requires you to be hospitalized for several days. They do a cut that is similar to a c-section and so the recovery is a bit longer and you have to be more careful about potential infection and all that. Laparascopy is a more common day surgery that usually does not require overnite stay and it requires only small incisions. In 2000, I had the laparatomy because i had a cyst around 10cm on my right ovary, and they felt it was necessary to laparatomy. They only diagnosed it as endo after the surgery was done when they sent the cyst for biopsy. I always had painful periods but I thought that it was usual as most women complain about periods. In my family, none of my sisters nor my mom had endo so I never even gave it a second thought at that time until the laparatomy. But the problem with endo is that it tends to come again over the years. So, in early 2009, i did a laparascopy, but I did stay overnite cos' my lap was quite intensive.

For those of you who are worried about the pain of laparascopy, I just want to add that lap is usually not painful. A few of my friends have had this procedure. It was only painful for me because of the extent of the damage in my system. Hope that clarifies.

Hi mag, your story is really very encouraging.. :) Thanks for sharing! :)
bb blues, initially I was thinking of doing IVF at CARE but I read that the cost is much much higher than the other private clinics. The IUI i did with the first gynae, my hubby had his sperm specimen collected and washed at CARE and I really like the place there. I am seeing Dr Sadhana on 19 Nov for first consultation for IVF. Yes will be my first try. As I need to rest my womb for 3-4 mths after removing fibroid, I cant do it immediately yet. But Dr Irene Chua suggested that i meet up with Dr Sadhana first and go through all the counselling etc so that i dont waste more time. The stress part is my hubby has psychological issue about collecting sperms in public toilets.. At CARE, he felt more at ease at least cos got room for men to collect their specimen. Sometimes i worry, if on day of ER, hubby cant produce the sperm, then how? If collect at home, the quality of the sperm will deteriorate further right?

I am also not sure if my IVF will be successful as my hubby has low sperm count, poor morphology and poor motility. I wonder if its govt protocol, if IVF doesnt fertilise the egg, they will go straight for ICSI?

Like what Syrian waves said about the adhesion, good to check with Dr Loh on the risk of the adhesion when doing lap. I did ask Dr Irene Chew on the adhesion and she told me that she will put a dissolvable guaze over the womb area where she remove fibroids to prevent adhesion.

Your HB need to collect sperm at the public toilet at KKH?! My hb did his SA at KKH before and he produced his sperm in a room at the sperm bank. It should be the same for ER day. Maybe can check with those ladies who did ER in KKH. He can produce at home also but have to submit to the hosp within 1 hour.

I think ICSI is the more preferred method now. I did ask Dr Loh before if is possible to try conventional fertilisation first then if cannot then try ICSI. He said they won't know if the eggs are fertilized unless they are monitored for a day. Hence, if they do conventional plus ICSI, you will get a monster because is 2 sperms into an egg. Funny Loh.
Please don't feel that your IVF will fail, have to think positively. The ICSI is there to address men's issue too. We don't need alot of sperms to fertilise. My HB has poor motility and poor morphology too but his motility improves after taking L Carnitine, GNC Mega Mens, vitamin e. You can ask you HB to take supplements, in fact now is a good time to start.
Thanks for the tips on the dissolvable gauze, will ask my doc.

btw, syrian is not syrian waves..hehe..i am actually waving at syrian ...:p
Lucky i asked you gals on the insurance thingy. Will ask my doc not to put fertility issues as the reason. Thanks so much for the info!
Hi bb blues, I did lap to clear my supposedly blocked tube (showed up in HSG) last yr. Its a day surgery, my gynae stated it as pelvic adhesions (you cannot claim insurance for any fertility issues) so I can claim insurance (my insurance covers day surgery as well so you can check ur policy coverage). It cost me 8k but fully covered (medisave and insurance). Its a key hole surgery and I recovered next day and I was out and about. My previous gynae said I had endo (mild case) but my current gynae said I have no endo. So all very confusing. Good thing I did not spend cash on the lap.

oceangal, how your gynae know if you have endo anot? I thought they will only know during the Lap? Where did you do your Lap? Did you stay overnight? How many days of HL was given?
Your HB need to collect sperm at the public toilet at KKH?! My hb did his SA at KKH before and he produced his sperm in a room at the sperm bank. It should be the same for ER day. Maybe can check with those ladies who did ER in KKH. He can produce at home also but have to submit to the hosp within 1 hour.

I think ICSI is the more preferred method now. I did ask Dr Loh before if is possible to try conventional fertilisation first then if cannot then try ICSI. He said they won't know if the eggs are fertilized unless they are monitored for a day. Hence, if they do conventional plus ICSI, you will get a monster because is 2 sperms into an egg. Funny Loh.
Please don't feel that your IVF will fail, have to think positively. The ICSI is there to address men's issue too. We don't need alot of sperms to fertilise. My HB has poor motility and poor morphology too but his motility improves after taking L Carnitine, GNC Mega Mens, vitamin e. You can ask you HB to take supplements, in fact now is a good time to start.
Thanks for the tips on the dissolvable gauze, will ask my doc.

btw, syrian is not syrian waves..hehe..i am actually waving at syrian ...:p

Some private clinics will just ask you to collect sperm at toilet or if collect at home have to submit within 1 hour but the nurse at the clinic say sperm collected at home will deteriorate faster. Am abit worried about ICSI cos if a sperm is not strong enough to fertilise the egg, forcing the sperm into the egg, is the embryo healthy? that is just my main worry. Going by my hubby sperm quality, likely will be ICSI.

Yup, am getting him to eat health supplements. Unfortunately he cant take GNC Mega Men, keeps him awake whole night!! cos of the green tea essence or ginseng in it.

Oops.. sorry about syrian! hahah Just blindly type without double check.. ;)
oceangal, how your gynae know if you have endo anot? I thought they will only know during the Lap? Where did you do your Lap? Did you stay overnight? How many days of HL was given?


Yup after lap, Gynae told me I have endo and plus my ca125 marker quite high. After lap ca125 marker went down. I did at Mt E. I did not take HL as I'm self employed. I did not stay overnight. It was a day surgery. I even went home alone. It was not painful. I only felt nauseous and groggy.
bb blues, initially I was thinking of doing IVF at CARE but I read that the cost is much much higher than the other private clinics. The IUI i did with the first gynae, my hubby had his sperm specimen collected and washed at CARE and I really like the place there. I am seeing Dr Sadhana on 19 Nov for first consultation for IVF. Yes will be my first try. As I need to rest my womb for 3-4 mths after removing fibroid, I cant do it immediately yet. But Dr Irene Chua suggested that i meet up with Dr Sadhana first and go through all the counselling etc so that i dont waste more time. The stress part is my hubby has psychological issue about collecting sperms in public toilets.. At CARE, he felt more at ease at least cos got room for men to collect their specimen. Sometimes i worry, if on day of ER, hubby cant produce the sperm, then how? If collect at home, the quality of the sperm will deteriorate further right?

I am also not sure if my IVF will be successful as my hubby has low sperm count, poor morphology and poor motility. I wonder if its govt protocol, if IVF doesnt fertilise the egg, they will go straight for ICSI?

Like what Syrian waves said about the adhesion, good to check with Dr Loh on the risk of the adhesion when doing lap. I did ask Dr Irene Chew on the adhesion and she told me that she will put a dissolvable guaze over the womb area where she remove fibroids to prevent adhesion.

Hi hopeful, I did icsi as my hubby binding ability is very low after we did a binding test for his sperms. Icsi is recommended when this happens. No wonder we ttc for 4yrs and still no news. I think Gynae will advise accordingly. I think low count, motility and morph depending on severity still can do conventional IVF.

And for sperm collection, we were told to collect one for storage and a fresh one on day of ER. So like back up to avoid giving up the ET chance.

In the lab, the best quality sperm will be selected to be fused with the egg and if not healthy, it will not be fertilized and grow into cells to be transferred anyway. So when sperm and egg fertilized and grow into cells means its healthy enough for transfer. Of cos conventional ivf is best as its by natural selection as only fittest will 'survive' the process but with poor binding ability the chance of fertilization is naught, at least with icsi it allows some chance.
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Hi hopeful, I did icsi as my hubby binding ability is very low after we did a binding test for his sperms. Icsi is recommended when this happens. No wonder we ttc for 4yrs and still no news. I think Gynae will advise accordingly. I think low count, motility and morph depending on severity still can do conventional IVF.

And for sperm collection, we were told to collect one for storage and a fresh one on day of ER. So like back up to avoid giving up the ET chance.

In the lab, the best quality sperm will be selected to be fused with the egg and if not healthy, it will not be fertilized and grow into cells to be transferred anyway. So when sperm and egg fertilized and grow into cells means its healthy enough for transfer. Of cos conventional ivf is best as its by natural selection as only fittest will 'survive' the process but with poor binding ability the chance of fertilization is naught, at least with icsi it allows some chance.

Thank oceangal for the enlightenment. :) So your gynae suggested you do the binding test? May i know where you did your IVF (sorry if i ask again.. )?
Lucky i asked you gals on the insurance thingy. Will ask my doc not to put fertility issues as the reason. Thanks so much for the info!

but that is a a fertility issues obiviously ya. i think you'd better request to stay hospital for 1 night, then, it can consider to be hospitalisation. the claim will be different....
Thank oceangal for therereally ightenment. :) So your gynae suggested you do the binding test? May i know where you did your IVF (sorry if i ask again.. )?
Im with Dr Yu at SGH Care. Yes right away she ordered the test for hb during first consultation.
Mu hb has quite a few SA reports and results fluctuates. So i reckon its not really the vol motility or morph that affects our conception.

I think day or stay overnight wont make a difference if relating to fertility issue cannot claim in any case.
Hi gigi
Laparotomy is different from laparascopy. The former is a major surgery which requires you to be hospitalized for several days. They do a cut that is similar to a c-section and so the recovery is a bit longer and you have to be more careful about potential infection and all that. Laparascopy is a more common day surgery that usually does not require overnite stay and it requires only small incisions. In 2000, I had the laparatomy because i had a cyst around 10cm on my right ovary, and they felt it was necessary to laparatomy. They only diagnosed it as endo after the surgery was done when they sent the cyst for biopsy. I always had painful periods but I thought that it was usual as most women complain about periods. In my family, none of my sisters nor my mom had endo so I never even gave it a second thought at that time until the laparatomy. But the problem with endo is that it tends to come again over the years. So, in early 2009, i did a laparascopy, but I did stay overnite cos' my lap was quite intensive.

For those of you who are worried about the pain of laparascopy, I just want to add that lap is usually not painful. A few of my friends have had this procedure. It was only painful for me because of the extent of the damage in my system. Hope that clarifies.
Oooh thanks now i understand!
Bb_blues, *waves back* im seeking 2nd opinion but im still looking out for a suitable gynae. My first choice is sf loh. Any ideas of how expensive he is? If i were to do my next fresh, is he under private, i.e cant claim via govt grant? My post ivf review wif prof is in early dec, which is like a month frm now. So most prob, will be going for 2nd opinion before tat. Wat abt u? Have u gone for 2nd opinion? Im kinda interested in the endo scrapping. Will try anything tat can aid in implantation..:)

Oh yar, abt wat hopeful13 said abt the dissolvable gauze. My gynae also put tat in me during my lap. He said tat will prevent the adhesion frm forming immediately & will help to prevent frm sticking the organs together. But effect only temporary. Once gauze dissolve internally, the adhesions will still form. So lap got pros & cons. Pros to clear ur insides of any obstacles & cons is the adhesions tat may affect ttc..
Mag08, thanks for the response. My case is similar to urs. My lap is also quite painful. Gynae found lotsa adhesions inside me frm the endo & previous laparotomy. Organs stuck together. Quite bad. No wonder my menses very crampy Was so sad to hear all tat. Even my tubes both affected. Duno whether the stimulations during ivf might aggravate my endo back. Coz my first AF after both failed cycle was v crampy.

I also went for laparotomy in 2006 coz my endo was quite big. Left 7cm, right i think abt 4-5cm. Same like u, i also brush the period pain as norm. But when it gets worse with time, i suspect something is wrong. None in my family has endo as well.

Bb_blues, my lap cost abt 9k+ for clearing pelvic adhesion for endo, unblocking tubes & clipping tubes. Did mine in nuh. Hope tat helps.
Bb blues
Hi ladies,

I seldom post here. After hearing Mag08's story, it triggers me into thinking if I should do a lap too. I did 3 fresh cycles without success, no implantation at all. I have retroverted uterus and I once asked Dr SF Loh if retroverted uterus causes endo. He said it is possible but endo will only affect natural conception and not IVF and since I am doing IVF, there is no need to remove the endo. The thing is I do not even know if I have endo as I do not have the symptoms but after failing so many IVF without implantation, it makes me wonder if I should do a lap to check what are the obstacles that is causing the implantation failure.

Just want to check if any ladies here did lap and discover any abnormalies even if you do not have any symptoms (endo or fibroids..etc). Do you think I should just go for a lap to check? Is it painful and the recovery is slow?


Bb Blues, Lap can clean up your womb and many people do concieve after the surgery. Dr Loh is skillful in surgery and recovery time is quite fast. No worries insurance can claim. I PM you.
Hi all, I am new here. Being trying to conceive for 4 years. Seen TCM for 2 years and failed 1 IUI in sep. Just did a lap to remove all my fibroids and am on hospitalisation leave. But i have made appt at KK to see Dr Sadhana who was recommended by my gynae who did the lap for me. But my appt is almost 3 weeks later and am seeing her at clinic D. I can't choose to see her at The Private Suite? Any idea how long the wait usually is at clinic D?

You can choose her at The Private suite but she is not there everyday. Call up the appointment line to change the date. Wait is not too bad less than an hour.
