IVF/ICSI Support Group

Just had ER today. Whoever said not painful is lying. Blood on the sheets after I woke up, still spotting lightly also. Abdomen feels so bloated like there's an internal wound.. then the nurse described how doc had to poke my ovaries x number of times to get x number of eggs out. Of cuz there's blood.

Well ok, most of you are prob not allergic to painkillers but I am. I only had anesthesia for sedation and that's it. When I woke up they also dowan to give me more anesthesia also.

Quite unfair that as the woman we have to endure this ungodly pain just to try and have kids.

Oh dear, so means u didnt get the butt jab of painkilers?
I was okay to walk around, till the next day when i wokeup from afternoon nap n felt like got kick frm horse, even going toilet was high ouch factor for the next few days.
Drink more water i was told can flush out.

Hang in there Gal !

Just had ER today. Whoever said not painful is lying. Blood on the sheets after I woke up, still spotting lightly also. Abdomen feels so bloated like there's an internal wound.. then the nurse described how doc had to poke my ovaries x number of times to get x number of eggs out. Of cuz there's blood.

Well ok, most of you are prob not allergic to painkillers but I am. I only had anesthesia for sedation and that's it. When I woke up they also dowan to give me more anesthesia also.

Quite unfair that as the woman we have to endure this ungodly pain just to try and have kids.
Drink plenty of water and rest well for your ET. The battle has not end yet. That's why Mother's Day alway merrier than Father's Day.
Hi guys,

Thank you so much for your responses, so touched. I did not have any jab on butt or any oral painkillers cuz allergic to everything except anesthesia.. Really feel like period cramps but a little heavier and like got a kick in my lower back etc. On top of that my cold is not gone. Feeling really depressed about having this stupid runny nose.

Nurse said I got 14 eggs that are usable, the rest did not have egg. And she said more might become unusable by Friday. Seeing Sadhana on Friday and then she will review with me whether to do 3 day or 5 day transfer.

I can't even think about twins or anything like that man.. I just want one healthy one, one that will not break my health into pieces!

Goodluck to all you girls, I think I'm going to have an early nite tonite..

my egg retrieval is on fri.. getting ready for it.. hopefully not painful..now i already felt abit crampy at the left side when i urine..not sure is it cos of the follicles growth,,.

nervous abt it...
Pinkbunny21, u have good number of eggs.
U wanna try warm ginger tea for ur cold, take a few pieces of gingers, added 2 bowels of water & cook for 15-30minutes...
Thanks twins, will get my ginger tea in abit.. been sleeping on and off after ER and gonna sleep more soon.

Actually I've been quite a strong supporter of public health systems.. now skeptical. Yes, sure, happy for the grants but really there's a lot of things wrong I noted:

- Not being told / explained what drug is for what, what tests to be expected ahead of time (nevermind, I check wif other pple online)
- Having to wait 3 hr 45 min at the hospital for a follicle scan + consultation + drug pickup (nevermind, I tahan)
- Not seeing my doc until only on procedure day, cannot ask her questions etc, she prob don't remember who I am also (nevermind, tahan)
- Right before ER nurse screwed up my IV drip needle and blood went spurting everywhere (not acceptable), since she freaked out also and the other nurses also freak out upon seeing blood everywhere. I already mild fever and then.. great, I freak out also right?
- One nurse taking care of 6 girls post ER (not acceptable). Everyone also in pain, everyone also got needs, she just took off my drip and disappeared for 20 min.. I'm SO dehydrated, no painkillers somemore, and she never replaced the drip man, just dumped me with a cup of milo 30 min later. Worse still I got the bed right beside the tap and the dustbin, absolutely zero rest.. nurses keep coming to dump their scrubs or wash hands.. how to sleep after ER??
I went to read my ivf journey blog (for my past cycle) and recalled I got 102 at 2dpt and on 287 on 14dpt. :)

pink bunny : my past experience is quite good at kkh. I guess its really a badf experience for u. I be traumatised if blood is everywhere too. hope u get over it and itss all worthwhile for a bfp.
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Thanks twins, will get my ginger tea in abit.. been sleeping on and off after ER and gonna sleep more soon.

Actually I've been quite a strong supporter of public health systems.. now skeptical. Yes, sure, happy for the grants but really there's a lot of things wrong I noted:

- Not being told / explained what drug is for what, what tests to be expected ahead of time (nevermind, I check wif other pple online)
- Having to wait 3 hr 45 min at the hospital for a follicle scan + consultation + drug pickup (nevermind, I tahan)
- Not seeing my doc until only on procedure day, cannot ask her questions etc, she prob don't remember who I am also (nevermind, tahan)
- Right before ER nurse screwed up my IV drip needle and blood went spurting everywhere (not acceptable), since she freaked out also and the other nurses also freak out upon seeing blood everywhere. I already mild fever and then.. great, I freak out also right?
- One nurse taking care of 6 girls post ER (not acceptable). Everyone also in pain, everyone also got needs, she just took off my drip and disappeared for 20 min.. I'm SO dehydrated, no painkillers somemore, and she never replaced the drip man, just dumped me with a cup of milo 30 min later. Worse still I got the bed right beside the tap and the dustbin, absolutely zero rest.. nurses keep coming to dump their scrubs or wash hands.. how to sleep after ER??
Hi pinkbunny, that's quite bad.. I remember the nurse told me they have rang my hubby to pick me up after ER. But my hubby said no leh. That's why I couldn't find him when I was outside. Need to seat down and wait for him. You may want to give feedback to doc sadhana when you seeing her next round.
Thanks twins, will get my ginger tea in abit.. been sleeping on and off after ER and gonna sleep more soon.

Actually I've been quite a strong supporter of public health systems.. now skeptical. Yes, sure, happy for the grants but really there's a lot of things wrong I noted:

- Not being told / explained what drug is for what, what tests to be expected ahead of time (nevermind, I check wif other pple online)
- Having to wait 3 hr 45 min at the hospital for a follicle scan + consultation + drug pickup (nevermind, I tahan)
- Not seeing my doc until only on procedure day, cannot ask her questions etc, she prob don't remember who I am also (nevermind, tahan)
- Right before ER nurse screwed up my IV drip needle and blood went spurting everywhere (not acceptable), since she freaked out also and the other nurses also freak out upon seeing blood everywhere. I already mild fever and then.. great, I freak out also right?
- One nurse taking care of 6 girls post ER (not acceptable). Everyone also in pain, everyone also got needs, she just took off my drip and disappeared for 20 min.. I'm SO dehydrated, no painkillers somemore, and she never replaced the drip man, just dumped me with a cup of milo 30 min later. Worse still I got the bed right beside the tap and the dustbin, absolutely zero rest.. nurses keep coming to dump their scrubs or wash hands.. how to sleep after ER??
actually its true lor you pay more $ n you get good service. I done my 1st IVF at thomson fertitily centre and their service is good..
just hope that it will success but when you found out it is not...all $ drained.. hehehee
hi all , congrats to all with BFP!!! * GRABS baby dust*
i am new here ,I am on my IVF journey like may of u and have some qs I hope you all can share with me. after reading, i think i am on the long protocol treatment.
1) what's is the difference btw long/short protocol? how do they determine ?
2) lining higher the better?
3) the doctor will determine after ER that the ET to be on 2 days later or 4 days later, am i right? which is better then?
4)is abdomen slight cramp normal during the STIM jabs?
5)how does acupuncture helps in the ER/ET? Before or after?
6) read that brazil nuts good?

Thank you so much, i am very confused and hope someone could help me :)
lets have a smooth journey and graduate!! :D
hi all , congrats to all with BFP!!! * GRABS baby dust*
i am new here ,I am on my IVF journey like may of u and have some qs I hope you all can share with me. after reading, i think i am on the long protocol treatment.
1) what's is the difference btw long/short protocol? how do they determine ?

Long protocol can have more even egg size. First timer usually dr prefer long but not
suitable for those with low reserve cos u don't want to suppress the ovary too long n
they cannot wake up.

2) lining higher the better?
Lining best at 8mm to 13mm. Too thick not good.

3) the doctor will determine after ER that the ET to be on 2 days later or 4 days later, am i right? which is better then?
Yes dr will determine. If you have many n of good quality they may want to try day 5 transfer. However there are theory
that say womb is a better environment than the lab.

4)is abdomen slight cramp normal during the STIM jabs?

5)how does acupuncture helps in the ER/ET? Before or after?
Acu best to do 3 mths before. It improves circulation. After ET it depends on your comfort level.
some girls do it and succeed.

6) read that brazil nuts good?
Good for implantation. Don't eat too much cos heaty.

Thank you so much, i am very confused and hope someone could help me :)
lets have a smooth journey and graduate!! :D

My reply. Hope it helps
Thanks twins, will get my ginger tea in abit.. been sleeping on and off after ER and gonna sleep more soon.

Actually I've been quite a strong supporter of public health systems.. now skeptical. Yes, sure, happy for the grants but really there's a lot of things wrong I noted:

- Not being told / explained what drug is for what, what tests to be expected ahead of time (nevermind, I check wif other pple online)
- Having to wait 3 hr 45 min at the hospital for a follicle scan + consultation + drug pickup (nevermind, I tahan)
- Not seeing my doc until only on procedure day, cannot ask her questions etc, she prob don't remember who I am also (nevermind, tahan)
- Right before ER nurse screwed up my IV drip needle and blood went spurting everywhere (not acceptable), since she freaked out also and the other nurses also freak out upon seeing blood everywhere. I already mild fever and then.. great, I freak out also right?
- One nurse taking care of 6 girls post ER (not acceptable). Everyone also in pain, everyone also got needs, she just took off my drip and disappeared for 20 min.. I'm SO dehydrated, no painkillers somemore, and she never replaced the drip man, just dumped me with a cup of milo 30 min later. Worse still I got the bed right beside the tap and the dustbin, absolutely zero rest.. nurses keep coming to dump their scrubs or wash hands.. how to sleep after ER??

Pinkbunny, there are many sistas here who has the similar experience with you in the biggest women hospital. Public Hospital is also a learning ground for fresh grads and so, there are many areas that are not right for patients. Add on, with the govt grant, the procedure in public hospital is very crowded. However, I do know that there is a public hospital which give good services.

Now the procedure is over, just rest your mind at home for your 2ww. :)
just had my er this am. I regained conscious abt 930am and lay in bed till abt 1045am. nurse brought milo to me and she is nice and ask if im ok etc. at 11am I got changed and left for pharmacy to get my medication for prevention of ohss as I hv 20 eggs retrieved. I felt okay no pain no blood on the bedsheet. just some dried blood below when I wiped and some soreness down there. yes. I agree with that part as in can't see doc to ask questions and the nurses can't tell us more. Like a production line? Maybe this is my second time so I knew what to expect. I have not been to private as affordability is my concern. I felt nurses were more caring and aesthetician is more friendly this time round. u will not know the fertilisation rate etc until the etc day. mine will be on monday and they will tell u then how many is matured, how many is fertilised, etc.
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You're very lucky Mrs Tan, no bleeding at all! It's time for you to sleeeeep! Rest up and drink lots of gatorade / isotonic waters cuz it can decrease chances of OHSS.
oh got to buy some of this drink. I actually went acpuncture almost every day last week and had a healing session for my eggs to catch up. hoped they did.

wah.. so tired and i slept fr after lunch till now...

taregal : how is yr er?

pinkbunny : when is yr et? wld it be same as me on mon?
hihi mrs_tann,

my er was this morning around 9 plus too.. was too scared and nervous that i cried on the table :)

after sedation, i felt pain when doc was retrieving the eggs, but a while later, it was over after i fell asleep... total of 20 eggs retrieved ..

not sure when is my transfer, nurse was saying maybe sun or monday depending on the process.. keeping fingers crossed.. everything happened so fast and now on the last lap..

felt some pain now like menstrual cramp but after urination there is a numbing pain.. not sure is it uti or not.. later monitoring again ;)

u feeling better now?
ya ya.its normal to feel.sore and some numbling. dont worry. I felt the same and when go pee cannot exert right? feel a bit sore. its ok. will go off in one day. no worries unless u feel v pain or bleeding a lot. no need to cry its very fast and.et is even faster. u got to be strong and we have come a long way now. which hosp r u at? wr are cycle mates! my bt is on 2 sep. so exciting. r u on hosp leave for the 2ww? I dunno what to do. maybe watch dvd or starhub tv. maybe I shld go bcak to work after a week cos the wait is too hard for me to bear.. how to keep my mind off it.
just to share on what I did during this cycle :
-take folic acid, and some vits
- red date drink daily
- red bean soup 3x a week
- acpuncture 2x a week until one week before et then I go daily
- healing sessions

after et will continue
- with acpuncture for a few times
- healings
- red date drink and red bean soup
- take brazil nuts and avocado! I heard durian too helps in implantation.

hey tann, any sharing on increase the no. of eggs? wat to eat and do ?
hihi mrs_tann,

thanks thanks :) will drink more water too.. i am with sgh care.. the nurses were quite nice so far... quite encouraging..
yah, i will be on hospital leave...will try not to think of work as my work nature is quite stressful. thinking just relax watch dvds and catch up the drama serials during these period...

hopefully we all succeed this cycle.. this is my first ivf... when i was waiting for my turn, so freaked out.. told hubby only try once hahaha...

Mrs Tan u mean your BT is 2 october right? Because my BT is 30 Sept.

Good news is, Dr Sadhana surprised me with ET today. I thought it was going to be Monday or something so pretty unprepared. I transferred 2 Grade 4 embryos, Grade 5 being the best. They even gave me a picture and one embryo looked pretty perfect and fat! The other was really cute also.

Bad news is, I still have a lingering cough that mostly happens when I sleep, and low grade fever of 37.6. :(

Another bad news is, I am majorly constipated. I drank 1 glass of prune juice, a spoon of mineral oil, 3 teaspoons of lactolose (all at different times), and nothing works. I am SO STUCK.
taregal : oh at care! any govt grant or subsidy there?

blessedzn : I dunno abt this. sorry. think the doc has to strike a balance betw tisk of ohss and yielding enough eggs. and soemyimes different patient respond differently to different types of medication. its almost like trial and error for the first ivf from what I learnt here. if no good response, doc may change the medication the next round.

pinkbunny : oh yes 2 oct is BT! congrats!!!! u are pregnant now unless proven otherwise... hehhehe.... I still rem dr loh words...我很丑可是我很温柔。 hahaha... so those not so good looking embroyos (lower grade) will do their job well too!
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mrs_tann: yah :) we are taking the govt grant as we both singaporeans.. i did my lapa at sgh then subsequently referred to care... so far seems ok, only paid for medication, total bill not received yet..
now nervous and scared of the et procedure also... i am quite scared of such stuff even scanning also makes me nervous..

pinkbunny21: hihi, we are in the same cycle too :) your embryos grade are good :) cant wait to hear my results also on how many good and bad eggs retrieved... try drink more water or take some fruits like apple? for me it helps my constipation problem...
Haha Mrs Tan.. u're at KK also rite?

taregal.. I'm sending the hubby out to buy Apples in an hour.. LOL! ET is not bad, quite painless and easy. ER was bad for me, not so bad for some.
Gigi, i m on dhea as prescribed by kkh, dr tan hh. Dhea was said to improved egg quality, thats why I tot no harm trying. But a note to it, dhea is a form steriod and is not good to take for long term.
taregal :: oh din knkw care also got grant. cos care is really near my hm. tot kk was most afforable and I went there cos of dr loh.

pinkbunny bunny : ya im with kkh.
mrs_tann: yah :) chose sgh also cos is near my hse... i am staying at tiong bahru area.... so less travelling time..

hospital haven;t call me yet for ET, think is likely next week liao... excited and nervous about it.. heard eating durian will help, went to buy some just now to eat... haha...
I am just craving junk food. Lots and lots of junk food :(

Also the progesterone suppositories gives ms cramps, like AF type cramps! Researched online that it is normal..
I am just craving junk food. Lots and lots of junk food :(

Also the progesterone suppositories gives ms cramps, like AF type cramps! Researched online that it is normal..

The progesterone makes me tired. I also had cramps. You can try to up your protein intake, like taking hard boiled egg whites (i had 3 to 4 a day) or immunocol. The latter helped me rid my cramps faster.
Hi ladies, sorry went missing as having quite bad cramp. My re take bt was no good. My af flow yesterday. Having quite bad cramp and blood clot. Makes me feel like my body is trying to push out everything... Feeling down but manage to bring myself up on the frets again. Have to wait for my review with doc sadhana on 24th this month to check what goes wrong. Is my case consider early mc? Anyway, will need to bu my body back as this cramp is painful.

To the rest of the ladies, jia you and be good gal. Always remember that you are already pregnant once ET. Walk slowly and behave like a pregnant lady. No stretching after waking up from bed. All this small small action must also take note. Don't drink cold water.

I guess will not try for next cycle. Need to let my body rest a while. Plus the emotional roller coaster is terrible for my case. Hpt is positive on the day for my re test bt.
Hey bearge, really sorry to hear that. It sounds like you may have had an early mc but I'm not sure. Don't stop believing though, God is always there for you, and even if it doesn't happen know, trust that it's his will and it will happen further along the road. Take lots of vitamins and tune your body back to shape!
mrs_tann: yah :) chose sgh also cos is near my hse... i am staying at tiong bahru area.... so less travelling time..

hospital haven;t call me yet for ET, think is likely next week liao... excited and nervous about it.. heard eating durian will help, went to buy some just now to eat... haha...

I took some durians during the first week after ET, not sure if it helps since hubby buy I just eat but in moderation
Hi ladies, sorry went missing as having quite bad cramp. My re take bt was no good. My af flow yesterday. Having quite bad cramp and blood clot. Makes me feel like my body is trying to push out everything... Feeling down but manage to bring myself up on the frets again. Have to wait for my review with doc sadhana on 24th this month to check what goes wrong. Is my case consider early mc? Anyway, will need to bu my body back as this cramp is painful.

To the rest of the ladies, jia you and be good gal. Always remember that you are already pregnant once ET. Walk slowly and behave like a pregnant lady. No stretching after waking up from bed. All this small small action must also take note. Don't drink cold water.

I guess will not try for next cycle. Need to let my body rest a while. Plus the emotional roller coaster is terrible for my case. Hpt is positive on the day for my re test bt.

*hugs* I abstain from all the liang food & fruits 3 mths prior to my FET, not sure if it helps but I tell myself if I can BFP I'll do anything. After ET I bed rest a lot & hubby has been doing most of the caretaking job of my toddler during my bed rest. since now I'm more mobile I take over partially but my little girl dun wan me anymore :(
*hugs* I abstain from all the liang food & fruits 3 mths prior to my FET, not sure if it helps but I tell myself if I can BFP I'll do anything. After ET I bed rest a lot & hubby has been doing most of the caretaking job of my toddler during my bed rest. since now I'm more mobile I take over partially but my little girl dun wan me anymore :(
Hi audreysu, I don't take liang food. I don't think bird nest is cooling. I took bird nest and chicken essence everyday after my laposcopy. Only stop the bird nest when I started ivf injections.

Your little girl will still look for you, don't worry. No one can take over the mother position de.

I don't have any frozen embryo. So I will need to restart everything. Need to built my health back first.
hi all, I will be going for ER on Tuesday! so scared!
jus to check with u babes, as the hubby needs to produce the fresh semen sample on the same day, do they need to clear away the old ones before the day itself like SOIUI procedure?
million thankx. :) BABY DUST TO ALLLL!!!! :)
hi all, I will be going for ER on Tuesday! so scared!
jus to check with u babes, as the hubby needs to produce the fresh semen sample on the same day, do they need to clear away the old ones before the day itself like SOIUI procedure?
million thankx. :) BABY DUST TO ALLLL!!!! :)

Yes, my er this coming tues, dr instructed hubby to clear d old one by yesterday.
Hi sisters, looking for some help. I jus had my first jab yesterday but now I am down with a cold. Can I eat cold medicine? Those drowsy types.
taregal: ya me too stay at tiong bahru. what medication and how much dosage are u on? I wonder whats the cost difference betw kk and care. if u dont mind we compare when u get yr bills. and whos yr doc? heard got a dr ng su ling there? let me dig out my old bills when free.. heard care service is quite good not like kkh.

so siannzz. need to reach kk early for et today. before that need to do a full blood.count and now I barely sleep less than 4 hrs.. just feeling cant sleep like will miss the time..

et is fast.. my bladder was sooo full the last time that doc ask me to pee half then he can do ( think wad cos I hv retroverted uterus). I was told inside is like a maze and only he can do it.after he finish, he say ok found it. I dunno he find what... maybe the good spot to lay the embroyos.too bad I cant afford doc loh at tmc but need to go for the grant so I hope doc sad.can do.magic for me like dt loh hands. but the actual thing is quite fast like 2mmin.

all the best to us for our et! what time is yrs? mine is 8am. anf do u know how many embroyos is fertilised by now? kkh nvr tell us until the day of et. think care.will call u to let u knoe right?

bearage : sorry to hear this...hope u are feel alright now. let yr body rest and discharge all the chemicals n such first. actually the fresh cycle is v taxing on our body. just think its good for the body to discharge now than discovering it or it happening later.the body is v smart. if its not sustainable, it will auto discharge.....one person I know even hear the heart beat and it just go off later.... those are even tougher case to g et theough. bless u! take a good break before trying... u r a strong lady remember. all of us are strong n brave to go thru this ivf journey.
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Hey Mrs Tan, I also got retroverted uterus.. sometimes I wonder if that's the reason so hard to get pregnant! KK really do things at ungodly hours man... no choice loh, go home after and sleep! I think CARE is at least 2x KK though.

so if my er is fri, et is mon. means mine is a day 3 cell right?

budian13: u got to find out for yr last fresh, its day 2 or 3 cell..

day 5? fithjy : which hosp r u fr? r u fr private hosp?

Hi Mrs Tann, yes done my ET on 12 sept...is a d2 embbies.....now in my 2ww ......... back to work today...kkh gave me 2 days MC.... :)
