IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi everyone..
I did my BT this mrng and its BFP. They had to speed up my results cz I made an urgent appt to meet Dr Sadhana due to my ongoing rashes.
Dr suspected im allergic to the utrogestan. She gve me oral med to try this two days.. will see her on thurs to check if this med works for me.

Congratz Sue Dazey!! So happy for you!!!

I will be doing my ER on thursday with Dr Sadhana.. Hope to get a BFP like u.. :D

Congrats Sue Dazey.. did u have any symptoms before BT?

happy parents: I think if don't have too many good quality eggs / embryos, they go for 2DT, so won't risk waiting until 5Day nothing left. Also cuz it's believed that the uterus is a better environment for embryos than petri dish. If have a lot of eggs /good embryos they may wait until day 5 cuz day 5 embryos r stronger so higher survival rate.

taregal: today also very smooth bowels.. lol.. less bloated already, but still cannot zip my dress / shorts etc
Congrats Sue Dazey.. did u have any symptoms before BT?

happy parents: I think if don't have too many good quality eggs / embryos, they go for 2DT, so won't risk waiting until 5Day nothing left. Also cuz it's believed that the uterus is a better environment for embryos than petri dish. If have a lot of eggs /good embryos they may wait until day 5 cuz day 5 embryos r stronger so higher survival rate.

taregal: today also very smooth bowels.. lol.. less bloated already, but still cannot zip my dress / shorts etc

Hi pinkbunny,

Didnt really pay attention to the symptoms. .. just occasionally feeling tired and cramps... and sore boobs. Thats all....
grab grab 3baby dusts!!! can only trf 2 as 3 is not allowed. I trf 2 not so good grade embbies. the rest lousier grades cant use.

taregal : did u walk a fair bit?

twins 2014 : was ok. abt 20min one side only and they piereced the ear head tummy. find dr jin jin hua. nice lady. better book aptm if u gg as her apptm is quite full. im seeing her wed am too.
mrs_tann: yah i got walk but when i reach home i sit on sofa or lie down a bit..
got walk around to go toilet or take water...

but my legs pain, body ache kind.. dun know why, backpain also.. see maybe tmr need to call sgh to ask the nurses anything wrong or not...
hmm.. not sure. for ke I feel bloated difficult to bend. legs also tired from walking at hm cooking simple lunch. when r u on mc until?
oh abt the acpuncture she has more needles than dr zou. :) I use her after my et as I dont wan to go so far.
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Hi ladies, what is triple stripe lining? Does it affect implantation? How to have triple stripe lining? Those with BFP do you have triple stripe lining?
Mrs tann, I google b4 the grading does not make much diff. For my prev FET the better grade 1 didn't survive the thaw & the lower grade was growing more cells in the lab.Bt endup didnt get implanted :(
Thanks pinkbunny21, u feel ok after the ET day itself? Can go out?cos got a event that day night! :eek:
Your ET is 2 days after ER ah? Sorry, do u know How they determine?
Thank you and baby dust to all!!!:)

In theory docs say you can go about normal life. For me, I feel I should give my body & embryo best chance to implant. Esp since after spending all that money. I would stay home & minimize movement, self imposed bed rest. But of course, it's your choice.
Thanks pinkbunny21, u feel ok after the ET day itself? Can go out?cos got a event that day night! :eek:
Your ET is 2 days after ER ah? Sorry, do u know How they determine?
Thank you and baby dust to all!!!:)

I had acupuncture that day so no choice had to go out. I heard it's important to get acupuncture either before or after the ET, so mine was after anyway.

Had the session about 1h, stayed at the mall about 30-35 min then went home to rest all day.

Now no symptoms leh.. just very very bloated all my clothes don't fit! When I used to read about other pple doing ivf I was like, "ha, I'll never get that bloated!" since I'm quite tiny and small. Now closet nothing to wear but night gown.
Hi Rashal
My reading was 184 for my first pregnancy. I also didn't have extra jabs. I just continued my progesterone inserts and re-do a bloodtest 2 weeks later. My daughter is now 4 years old!
So I think you are absolutely pregnant! Just take good care of yourself now! :)
Hi Rashal
My reading was 184 for my first pregnancy. I also didn't have extra jabs. I just continued my progesterone inserts and re-do a bloodtest 2 weeks later. My daughter is now 4 years old!
So I think you are absolutely pregnant! Just take good care of yourself now! :)

Hi Away...thanks for the encouragement...I do hope it will double coz the exact reading was 187.9...and KKH prescribed me with dydrogesterone and some folic acid to help my pregnancy....and wow ur daughter is 4 yrs old already...u certainly lift my hopes up...yesterday I had some light brown discharge so I hope it is nothing to worry abt....pray for my blood test tomorrow...
Congratz Sue Dazey!! So happy for you!!!

I will be doing my ER on thursday with Dr Sadhana.. Hope to get a BFP like u.. :D

Hi Santhiya, u are with Dr Sadhana too...same here for me...she is a nice Dr....hope all goes well for ur ER...remember to eat a lot of proteins for gd quality eggs..
Hi Santhiya, u are with Dr Sadhana too...same here for me...she is a nice Dr....hope all goes well for ur ER...remember to eat a lot of proteins for gd quality eggs..
Hi Rashal..

Thanks for ur wishes...Hope to have good quality of eggs too...All the best for your second BT.dun worry...HCG level increases daily...you do sound pregnant to me...Everything will work out well for you...Keep us updated on ur BT k.. anyway, wen will u b going KKH again for BT?
Hi Away...thanks for the encouragement...I do hope it will double coz the exact reading was 187.9...and KKH prescribed me with dydrogesterone and some folic acid to help my pregnancy....and wow ur daughter is 4 yrs old already...u certainly lift my hopes up...yesterday I had some light brown discharge so I hope it is nothing to worry abt....pray for my blood test tomorrow...

my BT 3 yrs ago was 146 & 3 days later repeat BT went up to 500+. so dun worry & my girl is already 2 yrs old
my BT 3 yrs ago was 146 & 3 days later repeat BT went up to 500+. so dun worry & my girl is already 2 yrs old

Thanks audreysu...i guess this bloodwork is a little bit worrying but after ur posts, somehow I am less worried...and u have a girl too...heard ur preggo again...congrats...may u n baby are healthy and hv a smooth pregnancy ahead...
Hi Rashal..

Thanks for ur wishes...Hope to have good quality of eggs too...All the best for your second BT.dun worry...HCG level increases daily...you do sound pregnant to me...Everything will work out well for you...Keep us updated on ur BT k.. anyway, wen will u b going KKH again for BT?

I am gg for BT on 19 Sept which is tomorrow...now taking Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Gold to help baby grow and double the numbers...
Maybe I will see u tomorrow who knows..heehee...I will b at KKH ard 8am..hw abt u?
gosh I see blood n a small clot when I try to poo (am constipated)! thats not my embroyo come out right?

I wiped my v there no blood. only ah there got blood. so I shld be safe..m so worry...
gosh I see blood n a small clot when I try to poo (am constipated)! thats not my embroyo come out right?

I wiped my v there no blood. only ah there got blood. so I shld be safe..m so worry...

Maybe u r constipated mrs_tann....need to up ur fruits intake such as bananas and papayas to help u...dun think itz ur embryos...
I am gg for BT on 19 Sept which is tomorrow...now taking Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Gold to help baby grow and double the numbers...
Maybe I will see u tomorrow who knows..heehee...I will b at KKH ard 8am..hw abt u?

I am going there at 8am too..Will be there with hubby...Guess we will knock into each other..Do approach me if u see me ;)
Thanks audreysu...i guess this bloodwork is a little bit worrying but after ur posts, somehow I am less worried...and u have a girl too...heard ur preggo again...congrats...may u n baby are healthy and hv a smooth pregnancy ahead...

I'm preggy with #2! hope to have a smooth pregnancy
omg. I forgot to take my cabergoline ohss medication last night. can take now? supoosed to take at night. call kkh line but no answer... if take now the tonight cant take?

btw with embroyo inside can go temple a not? I dont see preggy pple in temple. pkus I look like 5mth pregnant due to bloatedness.
Hi Ladies, Im in other thread doing IVF with Prof Wong. May I know if any of you drink immunocal? I tried this morning but... it's not mixing well with water. It's foamy and I couldnt drink it. Any tips?

Congrats Sue Dazey! Grab your baby dusts also.... :)
I am going there at 8am too..Will be there with hubby...Guess we will knock into each other..Do approach me if u see me ;)

Heehee..sure I will...u are the one in ur avatar right...juz to make sure that's you..yup I will be there with hubby too...all the best to us...;)
Hi Ladies, Im in other thread doing IVF with Prof Wong. May I know if any of you drink immunocal? I tried this morning but... it's not mixing well with water. It's foamy and I couldnt drink it. Any tips?

Congrats Sue Dazey! Grab your baby dusts also.... :)

Hi cheeka...if immunocal cannot work for u, I suggest u hv at least 5-6 egg whites per day..u may half boil the eggs and juz take the egg whites..this will help ur eggs to be better quality...
Audreysu, are u in ur 4th or 5th week? U with KKH? Any nauseous feeling?

should be in my 5th week today. I'm not with KKH. I dun have any nausea feeling this round (Praise God!), no backache. only slightly sore boobs, cannot eat too much for 1 week so I get hungry every 3 hours. to keep my mind sane that I'm pregnant, I bought a hpt on mon & test and its a very clear positive line! hahahaha.... my previous pregnancy was horrible, so bad till I almost dare not attempt to have #2
Thanks Rashal. I bought immunocal... so expensive. If possible, I want to eat it... Heheheheh.... plus I will feel nauseated if I eat 6 egg whites everyday. Phew....
Heehee..sure I will...u are the one in ur avatar right...juz to make sure that's you..yup I will be there with hubby too...all the best to us...;)

yeah..its me and hubby in the avatar... see ya there.. and once again, all the best to you tomorrow!!!!
Hi Ladies, Im in other thread doing IVF with Prof Wong. May I know if any of you drink immunocal? I tried this morning but... it's not mixing well with water. It's foamy and I couldnt drink it. Any tips?

Congrats Sue Dazey! Grab your baby dusts also.... :)

Thanks Cheeka,

Sprinkling lots n lots of baby dust to u too... :D
tks rashal.

cheeka : I tied immunocal before... it taste horrid..... u can mix with yakult as I did previously. u shake it. shld make it taste better.. I decide to just go for ew this time as I really dislike it.

went tcm and told her abt it. she says acpunture point she is doing will help me not to be constipated. true enough kater this pm I felt like gg to toiley and its smoother than yesterday.

those who believe in divine, im feeling so hot fr the divine energy n healing I went. hopefully its an extra boost to the little embbies.
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happyparents - yes that is 3 day transfer

I'm now 4DP2DT and I do not feel anything at all!!! Bloating has gone done slightly that's all.

Hi pinkbunny, I did my transfer on 13th Sept, shd be 6dp2dt or 5dp2dt, i have no symptoms too. no cramps, no spot, no bloat. hmm..
cheeka : did u get the immunocal cup? or u get any of those tupperware kind.of cup with a lid. then u shake it with yakult. it willl become forthy with bubbles.
hldrops: Hey we did it on the same date exactly! We are 5dp2dt now.

I thought my bloating went down after ET but when I tried on my clothes, all cannot zip.. Means still bloating but I feel it less. I got cramping this morning but it can be due to the progesterone suppositories too. Really hope auntie you-know-who is not coming. No spotting at all.
Hi Ladies,

I have a spare box of Blackmores Conceive Well Gold to let go @ $25 expiry on Sept 2014. Please pm me if interested.

Thanks and Best of luck to all of u.
should be in my 5th week today. I'm not with KKH. I dun have any nausea feeling this round (Praise God!), no backache. only slightly sore boobs, cannot eat too much for 1 week so I get hungry every 3 hours. to keep my mind sane that I'm pregnant, I bought a hpt on mon & test and its a very clear positive line! hahahaha.... my previous pregnancy was horrible, so bad till I almost dare not attempt to have #2

Heehee...yup I tested too on a HPT and clearblue digital...definitely positive....but right now I hv slight brown discharge yesterday and today...but when i wiped my v with a tissue after the discharge, itz not there anymore...u experienced this too? sorry a bit TMI(too much info)...
Thanks Mrs_tann. I will try shaking the powder. This morning, I kinda stir it.

I mix my immunocol with sunkist orange juice. Didn't taste that bad this way, though its quite hard to dissolve all of it. But immunocol really help my discomfort after ER and ET so I have no choice but to take it. I still have half a box left and trying to finish them cos its very costly.

Mrs Tann and Makino88, this morning I tried shaking the cup and there are too much bubbles. So what I did after shaking, I strained away the bubbles. I tried drinking the bubbles, but felt nauseated and like vomiting. So I strained the bubbles and mix with my juice. Cannot mix all the powder, cos there were some lumps... I find them disgusting. When I was young, I also didn't like the "oil layer" from those fresh cow milk. Disgusting....
