IVF/ICSI Support Group

Oh... Then how come doc din allow ET? From blood test he diagnose the ohss? Sorry for asking so many qns.. Cos I quite worried abt ohss...

Maybe I should rephrase my statement. I didn't get diagnosed with OHSS. But based on the fact that I have grown too many eggs, I think more than 30. He feels that I have high risk of OHSS if i continue with ET. Rather than risking it, he feels that it's better to rest then do FET.

Don't worry so much. Relax and go with the flow.
Oh.. U have 30 follicles with only 75... Wow... U dun feel bloated at all? How many did u retrieve?

Have one bad ohss experience so was quite worried....
Miraclez, prof started it for June cycle however according to prof, in USA, they have been using this method since the 90s.

Cheeka, L-caritine is an amino acid that helps with the sperm quantity. May I ask is he taking any medication? If he is, he needs to check with his doc on whether it affects his sperm count.

Since prof thinks its ok, then don't worry too much. When r u seeing your endo?
Lakigal, Maomi, lucrin is used to regulate the size of the folicles. Is Nor-e use in patient with long protocol? If no, then long protocol patient still use lucrin to regulate the size of follicles?
Sss, Sorry for late reply. Busy day today. I read that fertility drugs r a cause for ectopic pregnancy. How it does, I'm not sure. Forgot to ask Doc after the shock of hearing the news yesterday.

As for blocked fallopian tube, the last I scanned was in 2009 when we started ttc. Then, was all clear and only condition diagnosed was retroverted uterus. 4 years on, I may ask doc to scan again to be sure.

I guess the test is not needed for ivf since the tube status is of no concern to ivf procedure. Hope it's clear. *Cross fingers*

As for how the sperm met the egg, I guess the blockage was one way? The other lane was still open for swimmers. Just that they met at the wrong venue.
Babybun: the no. really decrease by a lot.. So It's good to start with more... But so maotun cos more will have ohss.. Did u use pregnyl as trigger? Cos prof say for me cannot use pregnyl must use another to prevent ohss...

Maomi , does that mean we are like his guniea pig trying on such protocol?? Hmmmm....

Did doc mentioned is due to block tube? As I understand this condition is not cos of blocked tube. Is just happened when the egg n sperm implanted at the tube, or something like that.
Babydusty and nur, which doc r u seeing ?

Ladies got a question on soldiers. Dh initially had v low count n morph. After taking spemen n vit e supplement count is v good but morph is v bad. According to kreguer measurement less than 1. Does coq10 improve morph?? What supplement improve morph? Does prof look at morph value for ivf?
Hi nervous babe, doc didn't mention & I was too distraught to ask. Will do when I have the chance to. At least for FET, I don't have to worry about that.

Nevertheless, we will continue to try ourselves no matter what. Some friends said, it's still a gd thing as it shows dh's armies are doing well. Lol. Now I have to build my body to grow better eggs on my own w/o stims too. Egg whites are gd for that right, I read? Am taking prenatal vits too so there's a gd dose of selenium amongst other things. Can't really stomach Brazil nuts.
jedai: i had ectopic in 2011 and it was natural back then. Did not take any medicine. So i dont think its really because of fertility drugs.
Hey babydusty i think i remember u from the other forum. Congrats on ur pregnancy! I think i started slightly later than u but im with kk. Im still at 10dp2dt, and boy, my sanity is sure tested. Google has been my bff the last 10 days. I did poas a few times (actually a lot) but my LP support is 1000iu HCG jabs every 3 days so it could all just b from the jabs.

Today feeling alot of pre-AF symptoms, telling my lining to stay Inside!!! Grabbing ur babydusts! Have a smooth 9 months ahead!
Nur: oh dats gd u remember me. Thanks but still hoping for the best. Still worry about things.

how come u still so many hcg jabs? when the last they jap hcg? They didnt give u support pills such as progesterone instead?

Yah talk alot to yr embryos. Google is always notty for us to search for stuff to worry. haha
B.dusty- dr changed it from the suppositories at the last min to the jabs. Kept asking them whats the diff cos i havent heard of it being used during 2ww but no one gave a clear answer. So i asked ny friend google and i found out that it is also an acceptable form of support as hcg changes to LH and Prog and assists to repel the body's immune system to help the embryos implant. But downside is higher chance of OHSS so thats why its not widely used. Its only 4 jabs so i did my last one yday.

A ques, when u were bleeding, was it spotting or red AF type?
Nur: hahahaha yr friend google! So i think by next week, Mon or Tues you can try POA again if you wish to. haha When yr blood test?

I dont know what is spotting coz its like my mensus clearing from the last two days. And panty liner use will be ok. Like one straight dark red and when i do my insert progesterone pills my finger stain abit with blood. Not that heavy. So each time i pee, just change new one. Last for 3 days.
Sss n miraclez, however, this method is widely used in USA n other countries. I just went to see dr zou, rather, I'm on the acu bed now, its a common method in china too... Only sgp is starting. Apparently she said dr sadhana is also starting to use this method.
Cheeka: Don't get too alarmed. It's common for Gynae to ask dh to do sperm freezing if the numbers is low. It's also common to do a few freezing until the numbers are enough in their view. Usually the Gynae will refer dh to do a ultrasound and then to see an andrologist. Like the sisters here mention, variococele is a cause and surgery might not help. In fact, if surgery is to proceed, the dh will be asked to produce enough sperms since surgery might cause no sperms too. Did your Gynae prescribe anything for your dh?

From what I know, if after taking the supplements for 3 months and results do not improve then nothing much can be done. However, IMHO if it don't help ok, as long as it don't get worse. Take more antioxidants, no cycling, boxers, no alcohol, oysters. All the basis.

Another thing, it's not necessary true that to abstain longer is good, my dh told me. 2 weeks is definitely out as the sperms get too old. Trial and error what works for your dh instead on storage.

It's also possible for doc to retrieve sperms from the testes but usually not practice here (it seems) as its invasive. Normally if there is still sperms that fulfil the criteria for ICSI, it's good enough since u only need that 1 sperm per egg.
B.dusty- BT on 23rd! Will poas on tues, if i can actually wait that long. Haha! lucky i have a stock of those online cheap tests on hand. I feel like such a nutcase right now.
I really think af is coming.

only thing i can do now is pray and keep on telling myself that its not gonna happen
if your hb loves to snack, you can let him try snacking on almonds and walnuts and peanuts..it's helpful for soldiers
babybun, if I am not wrong only dr cheng freeze embryos on day3 and only his protocol resulted in patients having so many folicles. I was with him for my first cycle which resulted in 61 folicles, 12 frozen. These were translated to 2x FET and resulted in none. Am I right that you are also on gonalF? If yes, I think his protocol is a one size fit all. One of his patients retrieved 100 follicles.
Cheeka, sperms staying too long inside the testi is "toxic" because old ones not moving anymore. As such it is recommanded to "retrieve" it out regularly... Once the older ones are retrieved, the new ones then can mature.
SSS.. No idea. I haven't read of any long protocol in nuh lately. According to dr zou, in china, they don't use long protocol. They use nor-e method cos its more effective. I'm not sure how true it is.
Sunstillshines, freezing of embryos were decided by the embroylogist, not Dr Cheng. And during that time, due to the ivf mixup, Dr Cheng can only practice at Mount E, so it was the embroylogist at Mount E who decided to freeze my embryos at day 3, even though Dr Cheng mentioned about keeping them till day 5. Anyway, all I know is that whatever he did worked for me and that's all that matters.
Hi everyone. Thanks for sharing ur experience and thoughts. This is my 1st time post here.
Hubby and i ttc for 4 years. I had my 2 cycles of unsuccessful iui. After that was resting and trying on ourselves for 2 years and still did not see any good news. Finally we decided to go for ivf. I have 2 embries transfered on 16 May. And today is my 4dp2dt. So I'm in my 2ww now. My bloods test will due last day of May.Starting to feel bored.
I'm wondering what are th DOs and DON'Ts during this 2ww. So far I'm only resting at home. SSevere constipation is driving me crazy. Hope to get some advice from u gals.
All the best and baby dust to all of us!
hi hope for baby, you can take prune juice for your constipation. just be patient..first week is usually implantation week. for me been taking brazilian nuts and chicken essence. more rest during the 1st week..
hi all, this is my first post here. i just started on my first ivf journey. planned for ER next tue. however, thru my blood work, the dr suddenly say i cant do ET this cycle. need to freeze and wait for 2 mths for the uterus and ovaries to rest.
i am very confused cos i am not experiencing any symptoms apart fr the high E2 level. i really dont want to waste this cycle and wait another 2 mths for transfer. moreover, i am afraid that the embbies might not survive the freezing ang thawing.
he thinks that he'll be able to retrieve 30+eggs but i understand that not all will fertilized or survive right?
any advice gals cos my dr seems very adament that he will not want me to do ET this round.
hazelsarah, high E2 is an indication of hyperstimulated, meaning risk of OHSS. E2 will continue to increase when a pregnancy occured. If it happened, the woman will become more bloated and nausea. This may endangered the woman and the fetus. This is the result why doctor aborted the ET and asked you to rest first. How high is your latest E2 reading?

I can sympathised with you. Because I am in the same situation as you. After my ER, the ET was changed to FET. I am wait for next af to report so that I can start FET.

You are right! The thawing process is a test that the embryos will need to go through before they are qualified to go back to the womb.

The embryologist will be contacting you the day after ER to inform you the fertilization rate.
Hope for Baby,

I did a day 4 transfer, my constipation started right after ER.. My ivf doc prescribed Lactulose which is a stool softener which is pregnancy safe.. I took it till 3-4 days after ET when my bowels were regular again.. If your constipation is really bad and prune juice and lotsa fruits are not helping, best to consult doc and take the med, don't let it drag..
Hi suntillshines,
My E2 level is over 26000. But the thing is in not bloated at all nor having any symptoms of ohss. However, my Dr has put me on this oral medicine to prevent/ alleviate the ohss symptoms.
I'm wondering if with the med, will it bring down my E2 level and still make it for ET next week? Tonight I'll be doing my trigger shot and tues scheduled for ER in the mrng.
So does your embbies get frozen immediately or do they wait a few days and cont to monitor u if u are fit for ET?
Sorry for so many questions cos I'm really confused as my Dr is so sure he doesn't want me to contact and I don't dare to ask to much.

For your next FET do I still have to wait for 2 mths or add long as AF arrive u can plan for transfer alr?
hazelsarah, your last E2 was 26000 and your ET will be tue. This means you E2 will double up again every 2 days. This means it is going to get higher and higher. Yes, you don't see the OHSS now. But you may see it after you got pregnant. If I am not wrong, E2 need to be up when you are pregnant.

My embryos were frozen on day2. This is to check that the cells are multiplying.

If you really want to do an immediate ET, you may like to check with your doc. Ultimately, you have a right to your body.

Some doc just let patient wait for one month, others 2 mths and some 3 mths.

Which doctor and hospital are you with? What trigger shot will you be using?
I'm seeing Dr foong in gleneagles. But im just wondering ir I hsve no symptoms at all now, even if I do get pregnant it shldnt be that bad right? I really dont waste this cycle and risk freezing the embroyos and what if all cannot make it after freezing? Im struggling with this thought now
I'll be taking ovidrial tonight for the trigger.
Is 26000 very high? How abt u? Whats makes u abort the ET and wait for FET? Do u have OHSS symptoms? Where are u doing your ivf ?
Hazelsarah, my E2 was 22400 at the last bt beore my ER. think it was D12? I went thru ER &ET as my doc gave me the choice. I was also prescribed with 8 days of cabergoline right after ET to bring E2 down drastically. lt was a really expensive drug!

On hindsight now, it may not have been the best decision as a high E2 environment isn't the best for implantation. As u have guessed by now, I ended with a BFN for that precious cycle.

My advice is to listen to your doc. I didn't feel sick from the high E2 then and thought 'I can do this', just like what u feel now. But, the number do tell you something and u shdn't let ur emotions and impatience cloud your judgement, and more so ur doc's. l really hope you will take your doc's advice this time. More haste, less pace.
Hi jedai, thanks for your advice. That's what i needed to know- if high E2 can affect the chances of success. If it doesn't and will only cause me symptomatic problems, I'd want to do a fresh ET instead of waiting.

And yes, the cabergoline the dr prescribed is so ex! I've got a 2 weeks supply. ..

So Jedai, how long do u need to wait before the next FET? Did u get a lot of eggs?
I had 19 eggs retrieved, 2 transferred & 6 frozen. My last ivf cycle ended when AF reported on 10 apr, 2 days before my BT. I just went thru an ectopic pregnancy for this cycle, and am warply glad my tubes remain intact despite the trauma. Hopefully what I saw on last Fri is a proper AF as I had been spotting/light bleeding since 27 apr.

So, need to get at least 2 regular cycles before I'm ready for FET.

ChrisL: are u on purgeon the first time? When I was in private, i was on 300iu then up to 400iu after 2nd scan. I will be on gonalF for next.
