IVF/ICSI Support Group

U mean the last FET cycle u had an etopic? Thank God your tubes are still intact. I can't imagine what u been through.

I was in gonal f ( cos the clinic ran out of puregon) at 150 for 4 days. Then reduced to 75 cos I am quite stimulated from the blood test. E2 was abt 7000++ then 25 of purgeon for 2 days cos my E2 shot up to 21000++ after the 2 days of 75 gonal f. That's all I had then I cont suprefactcand had my ovidrial last night. Tdy will be nthg and tmr for ER.
I'm starting to get sick and very nauseated after the ovidrial injection. I was given 500mg. I think I'll listen to the dr's advice but hopefully just rest 1 mth will do.

Hi hazelsarah, glad u have reconsidered carefully. The ectopic resulted fr our own try after the failed ivf.

I was on 450iu menopur & 10iu saizen during that ivf cycle which saw the ohss symptoms.

Good luck on ur ER tmr! Enjoy your jab-free day today!
Thanks every body for ur advices.

For those who had done ivf before, may I ask when will the bloateness actually go away or less bloated? I'm in my 5th day of 2WW. My tummy look like as though I'm really pregnant. (How I wish is real). Some time feel hard to breath and walk far. Beside bloatedness, I also have very bad craving for food espacially hot and spicy. Do u all actually experienced something like me or something new to share.
Hey hope,

You can try ginger drink to decrease bloatedness. I think accupuncture helped me too. Drink lots of water to help wash out the hormones from stim stage. U shld feel better by 2nd week. Im on 12th day but still feel bloated, just that the body is used to it so can control it better. Oh i know what u mean about spicy food. but try to decrease. made a mistake of eating spicy food on 3rd day and i couldnt sleep cos the bloatedness was quite bad. Had to sit up half the night.

But enjoy ur HL away from work!
Thanks Nur.
When are u going for ur BT? Must be feeling very excited now. Did u actually do a urine test for pregnancy? My BT is on 31 May, think I can't wait till then and when can actually do the urine test?
Gg fr bt on 23rd. Actually i did do a hpt today (i just couldnt resist!) but it could be inaccurate as my lp support was 1000iu hcg jabs every 3 days. My last jab was on friday so it could still be traces of the jab.

I think u can start testing 10 days after ur trigger jab? But it could still give a false positive due to different metabolism rates. But a positive keeps us positive and sane ;)
ya la.. long time no see/hear from u. So May oredi. u starting this cycle?
I am likely to go for the end july/early august cycle
Ladies, just now when I wiped, there are some mucus like discharge. I worry even though the lucrin jab is to stop natural ovulation, but ovulation still occurs leh. Will it? Sorry me 1st time doing a lot if dumb questions.
Sunstillshines- the dr haven't prescribed me any thing to kick start the period. Mayb tmr after the ER I'll ask. Usually do u take that immediately after the ER?

Do u all know what kind of freezing method they use cos I read that there's a new method that actually cld preserve most of the embroyos from the thawing process.
lynx, i also stop le.. might be starting in late june/ july liao.. my menses are still super irregular.. haiz...

Want to be my cycle buddies.. need to re-do blood test... cham,,
thanks sunstillshines and hazelsarah

not not my 1st time, my 3rd time now with puregon in fact. Cos 1st time was 250iu then 2nd and 3rd now they ask me to take 225iu. Im just trying to establish the link between higher dosage = more embryos retrieved? BTW, did your doc do any blood test prior to deciding the amount of puregon for you before you starting your cycle? Cos mine nothing was done and if you gals here do hv such bloodtest, im going to feedback to my clinic.

I'll start on my suppression this wed
im on long cycle as well.

just curious how much does you gals pay for the suppression medication? Do anyone here use suppression in the form of nasal spray?
Hi Magical,
How was your first Lucrin jab?

I just finished my 2 weeks of lucrin jab.
Starting my Stimulation today.
Is your hubby gonna be the designated person giving you the injection? Mine is. LOL

Btw, I'm with Dr Sadhana, KKH and on long protocol as well

Good luck ya. JY together
Hi Energeticsnake,

I read from some posts previously that during stimulation, there will be lotsa mucus cos of the meds. So dont worry kaay

Btw, i'm starting my stimulation today. i'm on Puregon 250iu, different from your pergoveris.
My lining only 3.5mm and they could only see small follicles on my scan.

Also, i keep having spotting even though it's like CD8. The nurse says it's cos of the Lucrin. Did you encounter the same thing?

Good luck for your 2nd scan ya!! JY
HI ChrisL,

I'm using Lucrin for suppression. We paid about S$100 for one vial at KKH.

Nope, for me. We used the syringes provided.
My poor tummy.

Hope this helps!
thanks! for that one vial, is it for the whole suppression duration? If it is then it's cheap!
Hi lilcookiedough, I had to do the jab in front of the nurse. It was quite ok. My dh was not with me today.

But he already had done jabs for me before for iui, so I guessed he will do it for me now too.

Good I'm looking fwd to my stm too!
ChrisL, mine is $100 plus inclusive of additional syringes to last up to stim stage. 1 vial is suppose to last till the end of the stim stage.

Lilcookiedough, thanks. I dun have the spotting. Mine only occur after the v scan on cd8, mayb the sonographer probed too hard inside there.
U dun need to continur with Lucrin during stim stage?
Hi ChrisL,

The vial contain 2.8ml of Lucrin. I'm using 0.1ml (or 10units) per day so rightfully can used for 28 days! More than enough to cover one cycle

I thought it's was super expensive till i realised how much Puregon cost!! *faint*
Hi Magical,

Wow! You very brave leh!
Everytime I see the needle, i wanna faint le
The 2 weeks will pass very fast one!
Before you know it, you will start the stimulation stage.

Yupz, first day on Puregon! My cycle quite short, just 27days. AF came and gone le.

Unfortunately, have to still continue with the Lucrin jab
HI energeticsnake,

It was brown spotting but after the U/S, became red spotting. Oh well.
The U/S went quite fast though. I was in and out of the room like 2mins.

Still have to continue with the Lucrin. Sighzz.
Nurse told me to jab both the Lucrin and Puregon in the morning. One on each side of the tummy.
I'm running out of place to jab le.

You still on Lucrin too right? Did they reduce the lucrin amount for you?
ChrisL: I see.. Actually on 3rd cycle now, doc usually based on the previous cycles and how you respond to the drug. You might also have an idea what works for u too. As for number of eggs retrieved, the influencing factor is the antral follicle count (the number on scan before u start stimming jabs). BT prior to cycle is basically to check on hormonal levels and ovarian reserve, it won't tell you how many eggs will be retrieved.
Hi lynx_sea,

Sorry to butt in.

But just wanna tell you that i quit my job last dec to concentrate on our baby plan.
I definitely feel more relax and happy since. Even my hubby can sense a change in me.

It's a tough decision to make, both financially and emotionally. Just follow your heart.

All the best ya!! *fighting*
hehe i kaypoh how much you paid for puregon?

ok then..hmm just hv to trust the doc on his opinion then. I'll be getting royal jelly this round too, so crossing my fingers that eggs retrieved will be good
You taking any royal jelly this time round? hmm i got my instructions le..i'll start jabbing on the 5th june then ultrasound 14th, think ER around a few days later.
Hi LCD, I always feel ppl who quit job n concentrate on bb plan are brave. Its a big sacrifice. Hope we will succeed soon ^_^
Hi ChrisL,

We collected 2 boxes of Puregon 900iu. Suppose to last for 8days. Total cost about S$1300.

It's covered under medisave so don't have to pay cash upfront. Hengz arh!! We paid cash for the Lucrin though.

Are you with NUH this time round?
Before my last ivf cycle, I took goji berry, red dates & dried longan brew everyday. Result: improvement of antral follicle count from 8 in the first cycle to 15 in the second. Ladies, you might want to try. I'm still drinking it faithfully now. It promotes blood circulation.
Lynx: I have also quit my job for this cycle but have found a new one.

ChrisL: how have u responded previously? No, not taking royal jelly as I don't think it's suitable for me. I m on short so I will start when AF reports. Dose likely 300iu n for abt 12days.
Hi morning ladies,

Anyone felt AF like symptoms during 2ww? Im 13dp2dt, been having AF like cramps for 2 days, feel more wet for past 2 days like pre-AF (sorry tmi) and even had diarrhoea when i woke up today. No spotting yet but it feels like there is so i end up checking whether theres anything on my liner every hour.
Called KK, they said its normal and i dont need extra support!
BT is in 2 days but it feels like forever...
Argh! Going nuts here....
Chris: huh quit your job for this cycle and so fast you found a new one already.. Hope U dun have to start work too soon as you might want to get enough rest
SSS and Chris: Actually, the SA was done after 2 weeks of abstinence becos' DH was overseas for two weeks. Probably that's why the result is not good. He knows that he has to go and do SA again.... but still waiting and see how...

I went to endocrinologist. He suggested me doing radioactive iodine bcos' it's easier to manage if I want to have kids. Otherwise, have to wait for 2 years of medication for hyper to be "cured" or.. at least wait for few months to know whether or not I will be allergic to carbimzl like I did to PTU. I rejected the radioactive iodine. No way Im gonna do that... at least not at the moment.
Dollygal & Maomi, Actually DH had tried tribestan and acupuncture… but somehow his count became worst. While we don’t know what caused it, but he is now apprehensive in eating tribestan, acupuncture etc. Dr did prescribed CoQ10 and selenium to him but he stopped eating them because they made his lips/tongue (cant recall) swollen. Again, he stopped eating. He’s not on any medication.

Nervous babe, The only thing that DH eats now is Vit C, E and B Complex.

The only thing I can do now is to wait… wait to see if I have no allergy to cabimzl… wait till DH manage to freeze his troops.

Lynx: I am v thankful abt it indeed. I will do the cycle and after BT then start work.

Cheeka: usually there will be instructions on the number of days of abstain for SA. I think a repeat is almost necessary. I know of a friend who was hyper and after radio became hypo. The other thing he could take is vigorace which u can buy from pharmacy counter at KKH. It was vit A, E, zinc and selenium. Antioxidants is good too. Again, no guarantee. Of cos stress-free too.
