IVF/ICSI Support Group

Lakigal, dun tik too much abt ur frens pregnant or marry earlier than u n have kids now..focus on urself than tiking abt them.

I aso have gfs same as urs.

During my this difficult period, I still get lectured by one of them for not resting enough during pregnancy, still walk here n there n goes to work which may have result in my miscarriage. I disagree w her but upset on her comments, I m not like her whose hsb bring back lots of money n she can afford to lose her job n sit at home shake legs.
one thing for sure, frens who ttc natural n strike will not understand the IVF journey we are going thru..

Agree with dollygal. My friends have all definitely married off (of course later than me) and have kids. But we all have different paths to take in life. Nobody will have similar happiness or difficulties. Even though on the surface you think they have it all, you will never know the downside of their life...
Dollygal, that's extremely insensitive of your friend. I totally agree with the statement if frenz ttc naturally n strike will not understand the ivf journey. Although I haven't started on ivf yet but the route of battling infertility is painful. Seeing friends geting pregnant one by one, some friends, not once but twice is actually extremely painful.

LaKi, I feel you but really, don't think about it that much. I know its easier to say than done but you just need to keep telling yourself to be positive. Remember what Bianca said?
i started my blog last month before my stimulation jabs but have no time to update it anymore. haha

ok i started my jabs on 11/4/13 until 22/4/13. I started with 150 gonal-f for 4 days but due to slow growth doctor increase to 300 from day 5 till 12. On the last day 12 before trigger, there were 7 follicles on my left size 21, 18, 17.5, 17, 15, 14 and my E2 is 10,928. So my life depends only on my left ovary. My right ovary is absent due to removal since young.

So i went for ER on 23/4/13. Doctor retrieve 10 follicles, 9 eggs mature, 5 fertilized from icsi. Did a 3 day transfer on 27/4/13 with 2 embryos both in cell-7.

Den i started my 2WW. It was a long dreaded wait. I start to pee on stick on 4 May after 7 days transfer, it was negative. I pee again but this time on another brand 7 May after 10 days transfer and it turns out a faint positive. I try again on a cheaper hpt test but still negative. Den i start to bleed abit and having stomach cramps as if my mensus is coming.

The next day after 11 days transfer, i pee on stick again and still positive. I was not satisfied coz i am still bleeding abit. I went to go and buy the electronic clear blue test and it turns out Pregnant 1-2 weeks. I was so nervous due to the bleed and cramps Im having. I called the clinic and ask for early blood test the next day. This was already day 12 days after embryo transfer.

It was positive with beta 76. I feel it was very low. But nurse says its ok. So was given the oil jab and more vagina support and oral pills. The next day the bleed stop and my cramps stop too.

I go again for blood test on Monday and the beta has increase to 333. My next appt is on Mon for scan and see doctor. Really hope to see the sac.

I started dhea in January but stop a month before my ivf begins because i was having bad rashes allergy. I continue taking coq 10 and folic only before and during my ivf. Ate egg white and milk. During 2ww, i rested only for 3 days den i was doing normal household chores. Never did any acupuncture before. This is my first ivf. And out of 5, 2 transfer in me but only 1 frozen because the other 2 stop growing.

I really hope to see a sac on this coming Monday. And the beta will increase. I wish all the ladies going thru ivf all the best and be strong coz no one can understand what we go thru just to have a complete family. =)
yes, i was a bit panicky when I read the hcg levels on this forum and other forum.All seems so high. But the nurse say that not everyone is the same, as long as it continues doubling. Sometimes google too much also not good
It just makes you more anxious - at least that's how i am!yes I did the scan and i saw the sac and of course panic again coz some ladies here actually can see heartbeat and all.. all I can say is the worry never ends!
Now just waiting anxiously for 2nd scan on Tuesday.

I try to think positive and keep telling myself all babies grow different pace. I believe I have done my best, the rest is in god's hands.
nur: I am queen of google too. haha! yah after see the sac, u worry if there is heartbeat. after heartbeat, if it still continues having heartbeat. Then you worry if the baby is healthy. Then you worry if its born full term. Then worry again and again. OMG!!!!
yes babe i feel you. after the first scan i was actually nearing a nervous breakdown. I tot after BFP happy ever after smiling non-stop but not the case! Not the wisest move. All these unnecessary worry can't be good for the baby.
we must persevere and stop over-analysing!! Hahaha.. Even this time IVF I did not totally bed rest like the last time. Everything in moderation.
Miaomi, to add on , the gf who commented that has a beautiful gal but she cannot concieve anymore. Her uterus burst while she gave birth to her gal. U see everyone has their own fate. Dun want comment too much when she say that. Sometimes the person who said dun mean much but we as listener take it in different view perhaps bcos of our mood at that moment..
dollygal n miaomi, thks for listening to me early in d morning. Trying to b positive but then my frens all kep watapps in d grp chat bout wat to eat n wat not to eat during preg, so it all add up more to my feeling.

Agreed w u all tat no1 really can understand wat we went thru in this ttc journey include our family members. All of them dont seem to hve problem in dis journey, only u ladies here can fully understand me n know me. Sorry for bein emo here coz somehow feel beside here, i have no1 else to talk to bout how i feel.
That's very sad. I agree Dollygal. Its just like ppl ask me how am I cos I feel like shit. I really don't know how to answer but to them, they are just trying to show some concern.
Laki, don't be sorry. That's y we have this thread. We are all on the same boat. Perhaps we are just considered 'beginners' cos many of the sisters here have gone through alot more.

Let's jiayou together ok? hehehhe HUGZ
Yes I agree with you ladies that a lot of pple including our familly members are insensitive and don understand what we went through
Hi Maomi, I do not know if the crowd for Dr Zou has increased. But 3 weeks back when I just visited her for the first time on Thursday evening, my appointment with her was 7.30pm and I was there on time. However,I was advised to go for dinner first then return. I only get to see her at about 9pm and my session ended around 10 plus. Maybe other sisters who visit her on evenings can share more.
*Hugs* to everyone here.
I just joined this thread not long ago but I realise this forum acts like a support group for ladies who are journeying in this tough journey. It is a place to share about our fertility journey and also a comfortable place where we outpour our emotions.
For those sisters who have graduated from this thread, I also noted that they are very helpful to guide the 'juniors' here who have yet graduated... reminds me of the good old days in school. Many thanks to the 'seniors' who are always so supportive!
We will all graduate eventually... jia you!
Lakigal, can you choose to leave the chat group then? I HAD a bestie who told me I hv not right to tell her how to teach her son as I am not even a mother yet. She knew i was gog thro IVFs. I was totally disappointed, and she is my past now. No longer a BESTIE but just a normal friend. Sad that at my age I still have to elimate my friends list.
Lakigal, I was like you too, will feel upset and sad whenever a friend or colleague gets preg and they are either younger than me or married later than me. Sometimes, i get so emo that i cried at night. Then my hb woke me up, he says getting preg is a natural process if the couple do not have fertility issues. If I m to get upset every time someone is preg, then I will have to be upset very often as getting preg to them is a natural process. And when I get upset, I am not creating a conducive environment in the body for our future baby(ies).

So, is normal to feel emo but not too long. Have to be positive and tell yourself it will be my turn next time.
maomi, yup let jy tog n hope all of us here can graduate from this thread.

magical, yup sometime my dad will just ask me to stop ivf n acupuncture coz he feel tat all my $ r gone n i still no gd news for him. Haiz so sometime feel v pressurized by them. My mum even kep tellin me she wan a grandaughter. Hopefully i can grant her wish fast.

dreambear, d grp is created by me n they r my bestie. Now i oso reduce meeting them coz often i hve no common topic w them. Among all of us, im d only 1 still empty. Argh...

positive, i didnt rcv ur pm wor, sorry u mind to send me again?
Lakigal, i always feel tcm n accu is not immediate results, its more long term where we will have a stronger n better body..be patience..

My dad usually dun ask me directly, all info fed by my mum ...only nag must eat more healthy food tats all..
Dreambear dun bother by such frds...take it they din use their brain when they comment...one day if sonething happen to them then they will know how the feeling is..the world is round...
Lakigal, I know is easier said than done. Meanwhile, just look forward to your upcoming cycle. New cycle, new clinic, new hope!
yeah, just dont bother what they said. they wont understand what we been thru. if not a very good friend, i will told them off. those who are really friends, they wont comment so much!
Blizzbless: Mayb you can start eating brazil nuts to improve your lining. After transfer add durian to your daily dessert. hehe
Dear all... Im quite down right now. It's confirmed that my hyperthyroid is back. Will see endocrinologist tomorrow... most likely my IVF plan in June will be delayed. Also, my DH's sperm count is too low for freezing. Sigh... anyone here know what is the minimum count for freezing?
Cheeka, sorry to hear that. Maybe check with the endo on whether there are other options. I really can't find that alternative article already. Sorry about that.

I'm not sure about the freezing. Can your hubby abstain for 6 days? Maybe it helps?
Blizzbless: start eating once uve done your transfer coz it helps for implantation. eat moderately and drink lots of water. Even brazil nut is heaty.

I did not take Ensure milk coz I scared fat. Hahaha
Hi Cheeka - while you are stablising your hyperthyroid, maybe ask DH to eat more sperm-friendly productive food daily at the same time. Why are you looking at sperm freezing now may I ask?
Maomi: Sigh... I know what endo will say. Eat carbi.
DH abstained 2 weeks le... cos he has low count. Still no use... still very low... too low for freezing. Sigh...
Ecym: My DH only eats vitamins. The rest, he's not so disciplined. He doesnt believe in tcm or acu cos so far, the results are not very good. Last time we did so-iui and it had to be cancelled at the last minute on the day of IUI because there was no sperm in the ejaculate. Hence, for IVF, Prof suggested that we freeze two samples first so that on the day of ER, can have back up sperm. But even to freeze, it's too low. Sad...
Cheeka, has your hubby tried L-carnitine? You can get it from GNC. Another this is, has any of the gynes referred him to urology to check on whether he has varicoele (don't know how to spell), this is a common cause of low sperm count.
Hello everyone, I'm back here after almost 2 years.

Some introduction abt myself

I was a successful ivf mommy and delivered my baby about a year ago. We managed to get 8 embies which had to be frozen due to OHSS. After resting for a cycle, I went through FET and yes, we succeed. 1 baby out of 2 embies. Pregnancy was not that smooth sailing, had bleeding and was hospitalized a couple of times in the 1st trimester. Every time it happened, we thought we lost our baby. Thankfully, we went through it and my lovely boy was delivered safely last year. My menses came back about 8mths after delivery but we didn't manage to get pregnant again until now. My boy is about 14 months now. If we did not manage to conceive naturally these few months, we'll go for another cycle of FET. Hope my previous success story can be a morale booster for everyone here. And I hope u can be my companion for my next FET if I need to go through it again. Thank you!
Hi Babybun, your story is definitely encouraging. May I know if your OHSS is due to PCOS? or?

Maomi and Laki, I am also with Prof and will be starting nor-e on 25th May. Do you both have any idea was this protocol started quite sometime or Prof just started this protocol?
I also have PCOS. what was the dosage you used? Prof recommended that I use 112.5 but I do have mild PCOS with 100 already so a bit worried.
Maomi: Regarding varicole veins, shouldn't the gynae know? Cos the gynae has inspected him before... or need to go thru some scans? Prof knows that I have hyper. But he said no issue... as long as it is controlled, can still proceed with IVF. But now it is out of control... I think... What is L-Carnitine for? He hasn't tried that.

Lakigal: DH didnt eat CoQ10 despite being told by gynae as supplement. He also wears boxers since last year. But somehow it is now worse than last time. Maybe he's under stress... I dont know...

Any sisters here whose DH went for sperm freezing? May I know what is it like (minimum count, thawing etc)? Thanks.
If I remembered correctly, I only used 75. Even if u have OHSS, can just stop for a cycle and do FET. I think it works fine for me. Give my body time to rest after harvesting my eggs.
Cheeka, my dh soldiers were aso on the low side so dr did ask us to do sperm storage 2 times before er n one more on actual day...
Before that he asked dh to take tribestan as supplement which can be purchase at guardian over the pharmacist counter. Ard 90-92 bucks , cant rem exact amount..

I prepared all the pills daily morning when woke up for dh. Made sure he ate before he go out.
Usually he will eat them after his shower w a big glass of water the coffee..

Now mil is asking dh to take cordyceps mycelia capsules from eys daily to improve his soldiers...
Was your OHSS serious?

I was on 75 when doing SOIUI and only manage to achieve the most 3 follicles and sometime only 2. But with 100 I was down with OHSS and hospitalized. =(
